Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch18- Graduation


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The ten jutsu required to graduate in this chapter were copied from another fanfiction. I liked the idea and had something similar in mind, so I implemented it. Sadly, that fanfic was dropped. Anyway, have fun.


"Let's see who is the best in class!" Naruto shouted as we were forced to battle against each other.

"Right, let's." I lazily said while reaching my hand out Naruto grabbed it for the Seal of Confrontation.

"Begin," Iruka shouted as Naruto dashed towards me. He was not anything like he appeared in the shows. He was wearing black pants and a gray T-shirt with the Uzumaki symbol on the back. He was smart and calculating. With his endless stamina and strong physique, he was a pain in my ass.

But I was not weak either. With my cheat, my body was much stronger than my peers. I grabbed Naruto's punch and swung my leg to his. He jumped to dodge by using my hand as support, and his two feet aimed at my face.

I released his hand to break his balance and crouched. While he was falling, I kicked him in the chest, but he grabbed it with one hand and used the other to stand straight. His two feet in the air swirled to hit me, fortunately, my hands were still free.

But with a sudden pull on the foot he was holding, he toppled me, and I was about to fall face-first.

I hopped on my one leg, with his two legs in my hands, while my one leg was in his. When I was in the air, I somersaulted and threw him to the edge of the ring. He regained his footing without falling down and smirked.

"Seems like we are still even."

"You wish."

I smiled and dashed at him also. When I stood before him, I punched his chest, but it was only a feint. He attempted to block it, but in the nick of time, I altered the direction of my strike and connected my fist with his chin. He did a loop in the air and landed on his leg as a red bruise appeared on his face.

"Why, you!" He shouted and dashed towards me. He was swift and he reached me within a second. I observed his legs to anticipate his next attack, but he was not easy to predict. With a feint double punch, he kicked my shin, then kneed my chest.

"You little!" I grabbed his arm and kicked his face too.

"Enough! Good job to both of you!" Iruka ended the match with a smile. "Seal of Reconciliation"

We both reached out our hands and left the stage. "You are getting better, Little Bro." I ruffled his head.

"Hehe! I will be Hokage, of course, I am!" He answered. "Still can't beat you though, the score is 12 to null, and of course hundreds of ties."

"That is normal. If I lose to my baby brother, how can I live?" I said jokingly.

"I am not a baby." He pouted while I laughed. Ino and Hinata walked to us.

"Congratulations to both of you." Hinata smiled as she went to Naruto.

"Good job, Kou, Naruto." Ino came to my side. Over time, our relationship progressed while I was helping her in Healing Classes, and we were officially darlings.

"Thank you pumpkin. Come, give me a kiss." I said while puckered my lips.

"Not in front of everyone." Ino ran away in shame. While we were fooling around the battles ended and the next class started.

"Alright class, tomorrow is the graduation exam. You already had the written exam and learned your scores. Congratulations Koushin, full score again." Iruka said and continued. "You probably will be the Rookie of the Year this year."

"Thanks, Sensei," I replied with a smile. Were Hiruzen or Danzo still in power, I would have concealed my power, but with Tsunade, there was no need.

Once class had ended, Naruto and I took our sweethearts to Ichiraku. Since I had been a part of his life since he was young, he had been eating healthy food, but occasionally, we would indulge in the heavenly ramen from this shop. Alright, I don't know the taste of the food in my previous life, but this ramen was the best food in all of Konoha. Even better than the food I cook with my over 70 mastery. How is that even possible?

The next day we arrived at the class for the Jutsu test. Now, ever since Tsunade became Hokage, a lot had changed. There were no longer just three jutsu to learn for graduation. There were alternative graduation exams, such as the Medical Exam and Fuinjutsu Exam.

Of course, anyone who could use Medical Jutsu or Fuinjutsu could also use the three jutsu required for previous graduation. However, things had changed even further. Now, each genin had to learn ten additional jutsu that any shinobi would need in the wilderness.

These included "Fuuton: Fresh Air," which could be used to prevent enemies or animals from locating you by preventing the dispersion of smells.

"Fuuton: Upper Wind" created an area of wind flowing upwards and could be used to remove all smells by sending them upwards.

"Suiton: Clean Water" was a simple jutsu that sourced clean water from the atmosphere.

"Suiton: Cleanse" filtered the water source to purify the water.

"Doton: Hole" opened a small hole for various reasons, while

"Doton: Close" closed small holes.

"Katon: Spark" could light a campfire with a small flame to start the fire, while

"Katon: Smoke" created smoke to prevent animals from approaching.

"Raiton: Static Charge" created a sphere of lightning to kill bugs in the air while camping, and

"Raiton: Taser" was not strong enough to tase, but could help those on night watch stay awake.

All of these jutsu were E-Rank and not hard to learn, but some people had no talent for them. Naruto, despite all my interference, still couldn't learn them except for Fuuton, thanks to his natural element. Luckily, he had a genius big brother who taught him jutsu.

Me? Well, being a gamer, all I had to do was touch the scrolls and they were recorded in my Skill List. This cheat was awesome, but just like in the game, the scroll would be destroyed. Luckily, the 10 Jutsu taught in the academy were copy scrolls so even if they were destroyed, it didn't cause me any problems.

"Koushin! The Rookie of the year!" Mizuki said with an exaggerated tone. "Come, show us your talent."

"Sure." I walked in and started forming hand seals. Oh, since I mentioned hand seals, there is an entire branch of them under the Chakra Skill Tree. Hand Seals have 4 perks. Over the years, I have either used points to acquire them or mastered them on my own.

The perks I have are; [Speedy Hands] increases the speed of my hands when forming seals. There are five levels to this perk, and I unlocked the first three by practicing. I used 16 points to unlock the last two. Let's say that my speed of seal cannot be matched.

The second perk was [Chakra and Hand], allowing me to understand the nature of hand seals - why a certain seal forms a certain Jutsu. 30 points well spent, as it allowed me to comprehend seals and create my own Jutsu.

Of course, I did not show off in front of my Sensei. I used moderate speed - faster than a Genin - to create three clones. One of them resembled Tsunade, one resembled Mizuki, and one resembled Iruka.

"Mizuki, Iruka! How many times must I tell you? Koushin is a genius. Why do you test him?"

Naturally, ordinary clones were illusory and unable to speak. I imitated Tsunade's voice by concealing myself behind the clone.

"Two jutsu combined. Good job Koushin! A bit smug, but you earned it," praised Iruka.

"Thank you, Sensei," I replied as I executed the following 10 jutsu and demonstrated them one by one. We omitted Kawarimi as it was bothersome, and I received my headband. I chose to wear it as an armband rather than on my forehead.

"Congratulations, Koushin. Return tomorrow to learn your Genin team," informed Iruka.

"Thank you for everything, Iruka Sensei, Mizuki Sensei. See you later." And with that, I vanished.

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