Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch183- Chimera and Raijin V2


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Koushin surveyed the battlefield, his gaze coolly taking in the eerie sight of resurrected corpses ensnared in silk cocoons. They looked back at him, helpless and confused, rendered immobile by Shino's formidable technique. An air of stillness seemed to cling to them, a stark contrast to the chaos that had just recently gripped the battlefield. Koushin couldn't help but marvel at the efficiency of his fellow shinobi.

Koushin's voice cut through the silence "You have things under control, why ask for backup? To show off?" He grinned, looking straight at Shino.

Shino turned towards him, "You know as much as I do that I am not one to show off, Koushin-san, why? Because I am humble." The unimpressed look on his face was a sharp counterpoint to his words.

"Bullshit, you are full of show off," Koushin returned, undeterred by Shino's denial.

"Well, the one responsible for communication got a little excited when I transformed and sent an SOS call," Shino explained, his voice steady, the corners of his mouth twitching upwards in what passed for laughter for the usually stoic shinobi.

Koushin's response was a hearty laugh, a rare, genuine sound that cut through the silence of the battlefield. "Well, seems like you're still scaring kids with your insects. Just like the good ol' days."

Shino nodded, a twinkle of amusement visible in his multifaceted eyes. "Seems like it."

With the brief moment of levity passing, Koushin raised his hand, purple lightning crackling around it. "Since I'm here, let me do the honors."

Shino inclined his head in agreement, stepping back to give Koushin space. "Please."

A wave of Koushin's hand and hundreds of chakra tendrils sprang forth, moving with a life of their own. They danced through the air, leaving trails of violet lightning in their wake. They swirled around the silken cocoons, tracing intricate seals on them, locking the trapped corpses in a more permanent state of inaction.

Shino watched in quiet admiration as Koushin performed his task, the fluid movement of the chakra tendrils reminding him of an artist painting a masterpiece. He then broke the silence, "Is this V2 of Raijin's Calligraphy?"

Koushin shook his head as the final tendril retracted into his hand, "No, this is my unique version. You should see Kakashi-sensei and Shin for V2."

Shino observed the seals, glowing with a faint violet hue, for a moment longer before responding. "Impressive, as always."

"Are you trying to make me blush, Shino? I gotta tell, it is working," Koushin joked, his tone light despite the situation.

"Buzz off," Shino responded, not missing a beat. He turned to his men, his demeanor instantly shifting to that of a Captain, giving them the look that signified they were to regroup and stand by for further instructions.

"Well, buzzing off should be your specialty. Considering the tail coming from your back." Koushin responded, nodding toward the menacing wasp stinger jutting out from Shino's lower back.

Shino turned back to look at Koushin, his multi-faceted eyes reflecting the dwindling light. A genuine chuckle left his lips, "That was a good one."

A victorious smile spread across Koushin's face at Shino's concession. "Since we are done here, I will be on my way. See you later!"

As Koushin prepared to leave, Kakashi's voice echoed in his mind. "Koushin, another wave of Edo Tensei is coming Shino's way. Are you there yet?"

Koushin responded internally, his thoughts carrying an air of confidence, "Yup, we wrapped this place up. Where are they?"

"We will intercept them two kilometers to your north," came Kakashi's mental reply.

Koushin's gaze swept northward. He could visualize the route, feel the pressure shifts in the air. "Be there in a sec," he assured Kakashi, feeling the familiar surge of anticipation.

Before leaving, Koushin turned back towards Shino. "Shino, take your men and fall back for now, await orders from Lady Tsunade."

Shino simply nodded in response.

With that, Koushin moved, his body becoming a blur of violet lightning as he streaked towards the northern battleground. The world rushed by in a blur, the wind screaming in his ears. But Koushin's mind was calm, centered on the impending clash.

Landing softly next to Kakashi, Koushin greeted him, a playful twinkle in his eyes. "Captain of the Third Division, Kakashi-sensei." He paused, looking pointedly at Kakashi's empty hands. "I must say, seeing you without that ero book in your hand puts me on edge." He let the silence hang for a moment, basking in the mild amusement radiating from Kakashi. "Are you doing it to maintain your respect in your division, or is it because of the war?"

Koushin gestured towards Shin, the young shinobi who had taken to mimicking Kakashi's every move, right down to the way he carried himself. "I mean, even your little protégé is reading his blank book," he continued, his voice colored with feigned surprise.

Kakashi merely chuckled in response, the hint of amusement in his voice barely perceptible. "Well, Koushin, it's nice to see you too. And to answer your question, it's a bit of both. Leading a division in war does demand a certain level of decorum, after all."

"And Shin," Kakashi continued, a faint glint of amusement in his eyes as he turned to the younger shinobi, "are you enjoying your book?"

Shin blinked, momentarily taken aback. He glanced down at the blank book in his hands before looking back at Kakashi, a faint blush creeping up his cheeks. "Well, it's an...interesting read."

A ripple of laughter coursed through Koushin at Shin's response, the lighthearted humor providing a much-needed break from the impending tension. "Ah, the power of imagination. Never underestimate it."

Shin nodded, a glimmer of amusement in his eyes. "I'll keep that in mind."

"Good," Koushin quipped back, clapping a friendly hand on Shin's shoulder before turning back to Kakashi. "Now that we're done with our book club meeting, how about we get back to business?"

Kakashi simply raised an eyebrow at Koushin's words, a faint smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. "You mean you didn't come here just for the book club?"

Koushin laughed at Kakashi's teasing remark. "I must admit, the book club was an added bonus. But I believe we have some undead folks heading our way that demand our attention."

Kakashi nodded in agreement, his humor giving way to his more serious persona. "You're right. There's another wave of Edo Tensei coming this way. Are you ready, Koushin?"

"Nah, I'm here to see what V2 of Raijin's Calligraphy can do." Koushin smirked, his eyes shining with a playful light as he settled into a ready stance. His tone may have been light, but his body language spoke of an unspoken readiness.

Just as he finished speaking, the unnerving quiet of the battlefield broke. The resurrected corpses of the Edo Tensei arrived in a flurry, filling the air with a palpable tension that draped over them like a gloomy shroud. The deceased shinobi moved with unnatural swiftness, their eyes glowing with an ominous energy that reflected their unyielding servitude to their summoner.

At the head of the undead army, there was Pakura, her distinct Scorch Release ability marking her as a formidable opponent. Her eyes, void of any emotions, were fixed on the shinobi trio, creating a silent and eerie challenge that reverberated through the air.

Koushin glanced at Kakashi and Shin. Wordlessly, they nodded and drew their swords, the metallic sound piercing the air as they prepared for battle.

"Here we go again," Koushin remarked with a dry chuckle, as he watched Kakashi and Shin take the front with swords at hand.

Koushin chuckled as he watched Kakashi and Shin spring into action, their movements coordinated and efficient.

From his position, he observed as Kakashi led the charge, his lightning-infused sword slicing through the air. The glow from his blade was stark against the gloomy backdrop, painting swift, precise strokes of shimmering calligraphy mid-air.

With each swing of Kakashi's sword, the space around the blade twisted and convulsed, as if it was a canvas being scored by an invisible quill. He swiftly traced out an intricate and complex array of symbols, a seemingly random whirl of slashes and twirls that, upon completion, formed an elaborate seal.

"It's like watching an artist at work," Koushin mused, eyeing the beautiful and deadly choreography with appreciation.

Simultaneously, Shin, acting as a mirror image to Kakashi, was not far behind. His own sword, similarly charged with lightning, danced through the air in an opposing rhythm. The strokes he carved into the air were distinct from Kakashi's, his unique script taking on a sharper, edgier form, yet just as potent.

Kakashi's and Shin's strikes converged onto the enemy's bodies, searing their skin with vivid, glowing characters that seemed to pulse with latent energy. With a final flourish, the characters embedded into their opponents flashed brightly before they erupted in a shower of light, effectively immobilizing the reanimated corpses.

"Chakra transmission, that's clever," Koushin admitted, noticing the visible disruption in the chakra flow of their opponents.

Yet, the fight was far from over. Pakura, the leader of the Edo Tensei, stood against them, her Scorch Release ability creating an aura of heated air around her.

Kakashi stepped forward, his gaze fixed on Pakura. "Shin, on my signal."

Shin nodded, his grip tightening around his sword as he prepared to follow Kakashi's lead.

Pakura launched herself towards them, her hand aflame with her Scorch Release. Kakashi swiftly moved, his blade dancing around her attacks, while Shin waited for Kakashi's signal, his blade at the ready.

With a swift nod from Kakashi, Shin lunged, his sword piercing the air with a speed that matched the thunderbolt. His blade struck Pakura, the lightning crackling from it tracing a complex seal on her body.

The air around them seemed to freeze for a moment as the seal settled onto Pakura, glowing brighter until it exploded, encasing Pakura in a dome of brilliant light. A muted roar of energy echoed through the battlefield as the light faded, revealing an immobilized Pakura, her Scorch Release ability extinguished.

Koushin let out a low whistle, impressed. "Well done, boys. Never a dull moment with you two."

Kakashi simply nodded, his focus still on Pakura. "We're not done yet, Koushin."

"Of course, the best part is yet to come, right?" Koushin replied, his tone light but his eyes focused on the immobilized Pakura.

Kakashi and Shin moved again, their swords drawn back as they began to draw new seals in the air. This time, the characters were sharper, more potent, pulsating with Yin-Yang chakra.

As the new seals embedded onto Pakura, the air around her began to vibrate, humming with suppressed energy. With a final, synchronized slash from Kakashi and Shin, the seals on Pakura exploded, releasing a wave of pure chakra that swept across the battlefield.

When the dust settled, Pakura was no more. Only an empty shell of her previous undead form remained, her eyes no longer glowing with the unnatural light of the Edo Tensei.

Koushin chuckled, dusting off his robe. "Guess that's the end of today's book club. Time to start cleaning up, I suppose."

Koushin's gaze shifted from the now immobilized form of Pakura to the battle-torn horizon. He had always admired how swiftly the tide of battle could turn - one moment an undead shinobi wreaking havoc, and the next a hollow shell, void of that menacing power.

"Koushin, Land of Frost, at the border of the Land of Lightning, the Second Division is about to intercept White Zetsu that are moving underground."

The sudden intrusion of Hinata's voice within his mind jerked him from his contemplations. Koushin shook his head, a bemused smile tugging at his lips.

Looking down at the communicator in his hand, Koushin quickly replied, "I am on it." His tone was a strange cocktail of amusement and seriousness.

Then he turned to face Kakashi and Shin, the playful gleam back in his eyes. "Gotta dash to another field, boys," he said, dusting off his robe and straightening his posture. "The frosty winds call for me."

Kakashi nodded, his serious expression softened by a faint smile. "Go ahead, Koushin. We've got things handled here."

Koushin's gaze landed on Shin, the young shinobi still holding onto the blank book. His smile broadened, the playful twinkle in his eyes resurfacing. "And Shin, do let me know about that book later, it seems like a wild read."

Shin, visibly startled by the sudden attention, blinked in surprise. His gaze dropped to the book in his hand before he replied, a sheepish smile playing on his lips. "I... I will, Koushin."

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