Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch194- Hinata vs Roshi


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"Yuki!" Hinata summoned. From a plume of smoke materialized a snow fox, six tails fluttering in the wind. Its fur gleamed like fallen snow, eyes as cold and sharp as icicles. This was Yuki. She was Hinata's loyal companion.

As the battlefield erupted into a cacophony of clashing powers, Hinata squared off against Roshi. She watched as Yuki leapt into action, a flurry of ice and snow swirling around him, hurling a barrage of icy attacks against Roshi's searing lava. Each frost-laden assault met the molten fury of Roshi's offensive, resulting in a storm of steam that veiled their dance of elements.

All the while, Hinata stood her ground, her chakra flowing with a serene rhythm as she began to gather natural energy around her. Her breath steadied, her heart pounding in sync with the life energy of the world around her. This was Senjutsu, a symbiosis with nature, a harmony achieved only by those who truly understood the rhythm of life and death. And as Hinata, the sage of the snow fox, tapped into this powerful flow, her transformation commenced.

Six ethereal fox tails sprouted from her lower back, a spectacle of her burgeoning sage power. They glowed with a heavenly aura, each tail waving independently, ready to serve her command. As the transformation continued, the icy-blue hue of her Byakugan intensified, mirroring the raw power coursing through her. Fur, as white as the winter's first snowfall, spread from her cheeks, coursing down to her neck. Her teeth sharpened subtly, giving her a semblance of the fox she had now become.

Meanwhile, Yuki, with a swift motion, morphed the surrounding moisture into a whirlwind of icy needles, hurling them towards Roshi. The Jinchuriki, his eyes gleaming with a hint of surprise, retaliated with a wall of molten lava. The ice needles evaporated upon contact, but not before cooling the lava into hardened rock, momentarily hindering Roshi's attack.

Having gathered enough natural energy, Hinata, now in her full Snow Fox Sage Mode, moved. Her speed, enhanced by her sage power, made her appear as a mere blur to the naked eye. She maneuvered through the steamy battleground, her six tails trailing behind her like comets in the winter sky.

The first engagement was abrupt. Hinata darted forward, one of her tails spiraling ahead to meet Roshi's Lava Release. It morphed into a shield of ice, protecting her as she advanced. The frosty barrier met the molten lava, its cold energy countering the scorching heat.

Roshi retaliated with a powerful sweep of his arm, molten rock spewing from his palm. With a nimble leap, Hinata vaulted over the attack, her tails swirling beneath her to form a platform of ice. It was then that Roshi felt the full might of her sage power. The icy blue of her eyes seared into him, her gaze filled with unyielding resolve.

Landing on her icy platform, Hinata seized the opportunity to retaliate. Molding her chakra, she thrust her palm forward, releasing a concentrated burst of icy energy towards Roshi. The force collided with the Jinchuriki, a plume of snow and ice enveloping him.

Roshi burst through the icy fog, a torrent of molten lava spewing from his mouth. Hinata swiftly countered, sending a wave of freezing energy through one of her tails. The frost met the molten stream, solidifying it mid-air.

Hinata wasn't done. Merging her Taijutsu with her Ice Release, she darted forward, her hands glowing with icy chakra. She struck Roshi with a barrage of Gentle Fist attacks, each hit aiming at his tenketsu to disrupt his chakra flow.

But Roshi was a formidable opponent. Even as Hinata's attacks hit, he retaliated, his hands radiating with the blistering heat of his Lava Release. Their clashing powers resulted in an explosion of steam, obscuring the field of view.

Suddenly, Hinata felt a surge of foreign chakra, a telltale sign of Genjutsu. But her enhanced senses, courtesy of her Sage Mode, were a step ahead. She released a pulse of her own chakra, disrupting Roshi's attempt to ensnare her mind.

"This ends now, Roshi," Hinata declared, her voice echoing through the field. Mustering her chakra, she forged an intricate Ice Release ninjutsu. Her six tails danced around her, each contributing to the forming sphere of concentrated cold energy.

Roshi, recovering from his failed Genjutsu, was taken aback by Hinata's overwhelming display. But the battle-hardened Jinchuriki was not one to back down. Raising his hands, he prepared to meet Hinata's assault with his own molten fury.

"You forget that I am a perfect Jinchuriki now!" Roshi shouted, his form morphing into the imposing figure of the Four-Tailed Beast, Son Goku. His chakra surged, emanating with a power that was a testament to his might. Yet, the newfound strength did not sway Hinata; she held her stance, her eyes reflecting a determined will.

Roshi, now bearing the fiery physique of his tailed beast, responded with a searing roar, the ground beneath him melting under the intense heat. The steam that had previously blanketed the battlefield was dispelled, replaced by an oppressive wave of heat that radiated from the towering beast. Roshi, now Son Goku, seemed to revel in the newfound might, his form appearing even more intimidating under the harsh sunlight.

In the face of such might, Hinata remained unfazed. Her Byakugan flared brightly, a telltale sign of her heightened sensory perception. She could see the swirling chakra within Roshi, now amplified by his transformation. She took a deep breath, the natural energy around her resonating with her own life force. Her senses were in overdrive; she could feel the shift in temperature, the pulsating chakra, even the minute tremors under her feet.

Jumping onto Yuki's back, Hinata rode her companion into battle, their combined icy powers merging into a formidable onslaught. Yuki's fur bristled with the concentrated natural energy, her six tails whipping around fiercely, each emanating a frigid aura that chilled the air around them. Their battlefield became a frozen wasteland as they unleashed their full might, ice creeping up on the charred ground, leaving behind a layer of glittering frost.

"Yuki, to me!" Hinata commanded, her voice cutting through the roar of the clash.

In an instant, Yuki was at her side, their energies mingling, amplifying their icy might. Their forms shrouded in a swirling mist of frost, they charged forth, a formidable duo against the might of the Four-Tailed Beast. Their joined chakra flared, forming a blizzard that churned around them, enveloping Roshi in a deadly winter's grip.

Simultaneously, they hurled a barrage of ice needles at Roshi, their attacks aiming for his chakra points to disrupt his transformation. Roshi roared, a wave of heat emanating from him, evaporating the icy onslaught. But the constant switching between extreme heat and cold was starting to take a toll on the Jinchuriki. His movements slowed, his concentration waned.

Feeling the ebb in Roshi's energy, Hinata pressed on. Drawing from her deep reserves of natural energy, she amplified her speed, her form becoming a blur amidst the frosty battleground. She lunged forward, her palms glowing with icy chakra, each strike targeting Roshi's tenketsu with her Gentle Fist technique.

Roshi, barely keeping up with her relentless assault, tried to counter. His body surged with molten energy, countering Hinata's frosty blows. The air sizzled, steam clouding their vision as the two opposing elements met.

Despite his efforts, Roshi was losing ground. His defenses waned, his attacks growing weaker. Yet, in a desperate attempt, he retaliated with a powerful Genjutsu. His chakra swelled, reaching out to ensnare Hinata's mind.

But Hinata was prepared. Her enhanced senses, a gift of her Snow Fox Sage Mode, sensed the foreign chakra before it could take hold. Releasing a pulse of her own chakra, she disrupted Roshi's Genjutsu, shattering his illusion before it could form.

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