Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch200- Kakashi & Shin vs Obito


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The battlefield erupted in a frenzy of action. Skirmishes flared and raged in every corner, but for Kakashi and Shin, their world narrowed to one enemy – Obito Uchiha.

Kakashi's eyes met Obito's. A swirling vortex of ruby-red. A chilling sight to behold, but to Kakashi, it was a familiar one. These were the eyes he had once carried in his own socket, a testament to their shared history.

"Kakashi…" Obito drawled, his voice dark and potent, "Let's finish what we started."

His words hung in the air, a declaration of war, and Kakashi responded in kind. "Fine by me, Obito."

Kakashi and Shin moved as one, their movements a mirror image of each other. They brandished their swords, charged with lightning release, painting a radiant dance of destruction. A unique technique of the duo – Raijin's Calligraphy – their deadly strokes rendered in lightning-charged ink.

Obito retaliated, his sharingan flaring as he deflected their coordinated attacks. He maneuvered through their onslaught, his form flickering intangibly, slipping through their blades as if made of smoke.

As their weapons came alive with the crackling energy of Lightning Release, Kakashi and Shin launched themselves at Obito. They moved in a deadly sync, their blades leaving trails of electricity in the air. This was Raijin's Calligraphy, an intricate dance of swift strikes and strategic movements, each step imbued with chakra-infused precision.

As Obito's figure phased through their lightning-infused blades, Kakashi and Shin adjusted their strategy. The battlefield became a high-stakes game of chess, each player studying the other, calculating the risk, weighing the reward.

Yet, Obito was a formidable adversary. He maneuvered through their attacks, a wraith in the chaos, his Sharingan glowing ominously. Suddenly, he vanished, his form turning intangible, allowing their lightning-charged blades to pass harmlessly through him. His laughter echoed eerily, a chilling reminder of the formidable power he held.

"I see you've learned new tricks, Kakashi," he taunted, materializing behind Shin. With a swift motion, he kicked at Shin, who managed to roll away at the last moment. Yet, the smile on Obito's face did not fade.

Obito's taunting laughter echoed around the battlefield, his ghostly figure giving him an unfair advantage. The battlefield had turned into an elaborate game of shadows and illusions, a high-stakes waltz of power and strategy.

As Kakashi moved, Shin followed in an uncanny mirror image, both men clad in matching uniforms. The blank book Shin carried hung loosely at his side, a tribute to the man he was emulating. Yet, this was no time for reading. His focus was squarely on Obito and the intangible threat he posed.

Kakashi's voice cut through the chaos, firm and commanding, "Shin, our opponent's power lies in his duality. His left Sharingan sends us into his own dimension, while his right Sharingan allows him to become intangible and travel in space. We must aim for the left."

Obito's form blurred, his body phasing out of existence, a ghost on the battlefield. His Sharingan gleamed ominously, a blood-red signal of his power. "You're always so observant, Kakashi," he mused, materializing behind Shin with a swift kick that sent him sprawling.

Recovering quickly, Shin grunted in acknowledgment of the hit. "I'll remember that," he shot back, wiping a trickle of blood from his lip.

Taking advantage of Shin's momentary distraction, Kakashi sprung into action, brandishing his sword. The blade came alive with an electric crackle, a luminescent beacon in the melee. He moved with the grace of a seasoned warrior, his movements as precise as calligraphy strokes. This was Raijin's Calligraphy, a deadly dance of swordsmanship, fuinjutsu, and lightning release.

Swinging his sword, Kakashi aimed at Obito, lightning illuminating the battlefield with each stroke. The blade cut through the air, sealing formulas materializing in its wake. It was a deadly waltz of power and strategy, each stroke leaving an indelible mark on the battlefield.

But Obito was no easy opponent. His figure flickered as he moved, existing between realms, his form a spectral shadow. As Kakashi's lightning-imbued blade cut through him, Obito laughed, his form intangible as the blade passed harmlessly through him.

Despite the bleak odds, the air sparked with energy as Kakashi and Shin launched into a counteroffensive. Each movement was a tactical decision, every misstep a potential trap. The battlefield turned into an elaborate dance of power and precision, a deadly waltz that could turn fatal with one wrong move.

Channeling chakra into his blade, Kakashi's sword crackled with electricity, his movements fluid and deadly. With his sword as his pen and lightning as his ink, he etched sealing formulas in the air, aiming each one towards Obito. Yet, each was dodged with a dismissive flicker, a testament to Obito's ghost-like intangibility. The battlefield echoed with the sizzling sound of his strikes, seals etching into the hillsides, hills carving into the ground, each a testament to his futile attempts to land a hit.

Meanwhile, Shin flanked Obito, his movements eerily mirroring Kakashi's. He, too, traced seals in the air, aiming them at Obito. However, like Kakashi's, each one missed their mark, falling harmlessly to the ground. A sense of futility hung in the air, a tangible reminder of their desperate situation.

Obito laughed, a chilling sound that echoed across the battlefield. "Is this all you've got, Kakashi?" he taunted, his voice filled with mirth. "You've always been a poor copy of your father. You don't have his natural talent with the blade."

Kakashi's grip tightened around his sword, Obito's words stinging like a wound. His father, Sakumo Hatake, the White Fang of Konoha, a man revered for his unrivaled skills with the blade.

"Perhaps," Kakashi retorted, his voice steady, "but at least I have something you don't - integrity."

Obito's laughter echoed around them, a haunting reminder of the man he once was. "Integrity?" he mocked. "Where did that get your father, Kakashi? And where has it gotten you?"

"Futile!" Obito laughed, his words echoed by the battlefield's eerie silence. But his laughter faded as two swords appeared, one at the front of his face and another at the back of his head.

He tried to phase into his intangible form, but his body would not respond. Panic crept into his eyes as he glanced around and noticed the still shimmering seals that he thought he had dodged. They were all interconnected, forming a web that had ensnared him.

Kakashi and Shin intoned at the same time, their voices cutting through the battlefield's din, "Raijin's Calligraphy: Divine Seal." As the blades moved towards Obito's face, realization dawned on him – they had sealed the space around him, trapping him within their deadly tableau.

Yet, Obito was far from defeated. A moment before the swords reached him, a skeletal form began to wrap around his body, creating a barrier just strong enough to stop the blades an inch away from his face.

"Susanoo." Obito answered their earlier intone, the skeletal form wrapping around him gaining more solidity, the chakra-infused bone and muscle tinged a light shade of blue. "You learned how to lock space, amazing, Kakashi." His voice was dripping with sarcasm. "Is it Koushin's invention?"

Kakashi nodded, an audacious smirk stretched across his face. "He thought it might come in handy against a low-tier villain-imitation. I didn't know he meant you." His words were Koushin's, delivered with a wicked edge.

Obito scoffed, the eerie crimson glow of the Sharingan amplifying the disdain in his gaze. "You and him, you both will die soon enough."

"Perfect Susanoo!" Obito roared. A colossal form solidified around him, light blue chakra taking the shape of a spectral warrior with majestic wings. He held up an ethereal hand, and Kamui Shurikens formed from pure chakra sprouted. "You may have locked the space, but let's see if you can stay in one piece."

Kakashi and Shin launched into action. Each bore a sword in their hand, the chakra emanating from them shifting from white to a deep, electric blue. With a wordless understanding, they separated, hurtling toward the colossal form of the Perfect Susanoo, carving seals into its exterior as they passed.

Simultaneously, the two shinobi swirled around the titan, the slashes of their blades leaving a vibrant network of trails in the air. Every strike was a symbol, and every symbol a fragment of a seal. They worked in concert, each knowing where the other would strike, the order and form of the symbols, and the pattern of the overall seal. Their movements were fluid, flawless, like an intricate dance choreographed to perfection.

Meanwhile, Obito sat at the heart of his Susanoo, smirking at the futility of their efforts. "You cannot touch me here, Kakashi. Not even with your new trick," he taunted, crossing his arms over his chest. His Sharingan, twin crimson orbs with hypnotic black tomoe, flared dangerously as he watched them.

Despite Obito's mocking tone, Kakashi's eyes held a firm, icy resolve. "Let's see about that," he murmured. The jutsu they were casting wasn't intended to breach Susanoo directly. It was something more intricate, an adaptation of the sealing technique that he and Shin had perfected over time.

In the blink of an eye, Kakashi was in front of Susanoo, his blade striking its chakra shell, leaving a radiant seal behind. Simultaneously, Shin mirrored his actions on the other side, perfectly in sync, maintaining the symmetrical harmony of the seal.

As Kakashi and Shin were about to activate the seals, Obito's chuckle echoed within the Susanoo. Suddenly, he dispersed the giant warrior only to resummon it instantly. All the intricate seals Kakashi and Shin had inscribed vanished as though they had never been there.

"It's useless," Obito laughed, his voice rich with mirth. His twin Sharingans glowed ominously as they focused on the duo. Kakashi and Shin stood their ground, grim looks etched onto their faces. The odds seemed stacked against them, but they were far from defeated.

“Shin, we need to change our approach,” Kakashi said, his voice composed. He was the picture of calm, even in the face of defeat. But beneath that calm facade, his mind raced. The Raijin's Calligraphy: Divine Seal had failed. He needed to outsmart Obito.

"It's getting boring to see you hold on to hope," Obito hissed, his voice ringing out in the silence. "Just die." With a wide sweep of his hand, he swung the Kamui Shuriken towards Kakashi and Shin, the destructive chakra blades slicing through the air.

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