Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch203- Koushin Arrives


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The Kages halted their attacks, dumbstruck by the overwhelming odds. Their resolve wavered; the difference in power was too vast, too insurmountable.

Yet before they could regroup, Madara, not missing a beat, waved his hand dismissively. From the ground, branches shot up, twisting and turning, ensnaring the Kage. They struggled, their futile efforts only making the entanglement worse.

"Just be crushed, like the bugs you are," Madara intoned, his voice echoing ominously through the battlefield.

As he raised his hand, so did his Susanoo, ready to cleave the immobilized Kage. Its gargantuan sword, an ethereal construct of pure chakra, descended towards them.

The Kage could only watch as their doom loomed, their struggle against the branches proving fruitless. Despair clouded their hearts; their world had narrowed down to the sight of the falling sword and the descending meteors.

Tsunade gritted her teeth, defiance burning in her eyes. "Even if we're to be crushed, I won't give him the satisfaction of defeating us!" With a surge of strength, she tore through the binding branches, her hand glowing with concentrated chakra.

A glance towards her comrades, and her heart clenched. Oonoki was motionless in the sky, his energy drained from trying to lighten the first meteor. Mei was gasping for breath, her efforts to escape the wood branches futile. A and Rasa were also caught, their struggles becoming weaker.

The battlefield was shrouded in a tense silence, the Kage held immobile by the cruel branches of Madara's wood release. Despair hung heavily in the air, their last ditch efforts seemingly in vain against the overwhelming onslaught of Madara's power.

At that instant, a pulse echoed through the battlefield as a brilliant beam of vibrant purple light tore through the atmosphere. It stretched from the horizon to the meteors in a split second, illuminating the grim battlefield. The light was mesmerizing, its speed too rapid for the naked eye to follow, its path elegantly twirling around the massive meteorites.

The beam danced and weaved through the air with an almost graceful lethality. It twirled around the two monstrous rocks, intertwining with itself, tracing an intricate lace of light around the objects. It spiraled along various circumferences with each revolution, a display of radiant energy so beautifully synchronized it could have been a piece of celestial art.

Almost as abruptly as it had appeared, the beam curved sharply, darting towards the looming Susanoo. The sword that had been mere moments from crushing the immobilized Kage was intercepted by the dazzling purple beam. There was a moment of silence as the chakra-made weapon clashed with the light, then the sound of a resounding crack filled the air.

Just as the Susanoo's sword met the purple beam, the two meteors simultaneously exploded into a cascade of rubble. Each piece was no larger than a fist, crumbling under the sheer force of the beam's destructive power. The scattered debris showered down like a meteor shower, harmless pebbles compared to the prior impending doom.

An overwhelming sense of relief swept across the Kage as the binding branches suddenly lost their strength. Their eyes turned to the source of the purple light, and their hearts clenched in hope. They watched in awe as a blond teenager emerged from the dazzling light, his violet eyes glowing with an intensity matching the beam he'd summoned.

He held the Susanoo's sword with one bare hand, halting its destructive path effortlessly. He stood before Madara's monstrous figure, his back turned to the Kage, his gaze unyielding. Despite their vast size difference, the teenager's presence commanded the battlefield, matching Madara's oppressive aura.

A smirk danced on the boy's lips, the teasing tilt of his mouth entirely too confident for a scene of such devastation. Yet, in that quiet confidence, there was a steadfast determination, an unwavering will that echoed through the battlefield.

Even Madara, high on the forehead of the Susanoo, couldn't help but still at the sight. The smug smile on his face faded, replaced by a thin line of surprise. "So you've come, Koushin," he said, his voice echoing through the battlefield. It was a simple statement, but the acknowledgment it held was enough to send a ripple through the silent witnesses.

At the edge of the horizon, a looming shadow stirred, its monstrous form growing with each passing second. The ominous figure seemed to stretch the bounds of reality as it broke through the distance, revealing its full glory against the backdrop of a battle-ridden sky. This was no ordinary creature — it was a dragon, a behemoth of legends and myths, its entire being exuding raw power and majesty.

The dragon's scales, a color reminiscent of weathered stone and the ancient earth, glowed faintly under the sunlight. Its eyes, old and wise, were twin stars in the dusky twilight, radiating an intensity that seemed to hold the secrets of eons. Its wings, vast and robust, spread out wide, casting an enormous shadow across the battlefield. This was Paarthurnax, the timeless one, the elder wyrm who carried the weight of the world in his draconic form.

As it emerged, Paarthurnax tilted its enormous head back and released a roar that reverberated through the heavens, a sound that held the essence of pure, unbridled power. The earth shook, the wind stilled, and the battlefield held its collective breath at the sound.

Koushin, standing atop the Susanoo's broken sword, seemed unfazed. A moment later, he vanished in a flash of light, reappearing instantly at the head of the dragon. His posture was relaxed, a stark contrast to the tense atmosphere. Sitting beside him was a blond woman, her cerulean eyes brimming with pride and admiration. Her beauty was a beacon amidst the devastation, her spirit shining brighter than the chaos around them.

Koushin turned his gaze to Madara, a smirk tugging at his lips. His voice carried across the battlefield, strong and unwavering. "Madara, only Hashirama is your equal, you said?" The implication was clear — Koushin was challenging the claim.

A low chuckle resonated from Madara, an echo of amusement rippling through the battlefield. "Let's dance then, Koushin!" The challenge was accepted, the stage set for an epic clash of titanic proportions.

Koushin grinned back, a twinkle of mischief gleaming in his violet eyes. His gaze drifted to the woman beside him, Ino. "Sorry, I only dance with women, and the only woman for me is my pumpkin." The playful banter, so oddly placed in the midst of impending battle, seemed to lighten the air for a brief moment.

"Ino, Paarthurnax, help Lady Tsunade and the others. Let me deal with this old corpse," Koushin directed, a teasing edge lining his words. He vaulted from the massive dragon's head, his form transforming into a dazzling beam of purple light. The playful cadence of his voice cut through the tense silence, a reminder of his unwavering confidence and unique charm.

"Come then, brat! Show me the source of your arrogance!" Madara's challenge echoed across the battlefield, a tumultuous growl against the flashing beam. The battlefield vibrated as Koushin's light form collided with the Perfect Susanoo, the impact sending the giant ethereal warrior flying away, dust and debris clouding the scene.

His purple form traced an arc in the sky, following the Susanoo as it retreated. His gaze flickered briefly to Kakashi, who was under imminent threat from Obito's Susanoo. However, a familiar blonde figure — Naruto — was already on the move towards Kakashi, prompting Koushin to refocus his attention on Madara.

As he neared Madara, his purple light began to coalesce, reshaping into his human form. His feet hit the ground, leaving an imprint in the dirt. His smirk remained intact, his violet eyes reflecting the sun's rays as he stared up at the tumbling Susanoo.

"Madara, you do have a flair for the dramatic," Koushin observed, crossing his arms over his chest. "But that doesn't change the fact that your theatrics are as outdated as your fashion sense."

He deftly sidestepped a swing of the Susanoo's chakra blade, his form nothing more than a blur. He was not a man to stay idle during a fight. The battle was his stage, and he was the main attraction.

Madara's eyes flared, a growl of irritation rumbling from his throat. "Impudent child!" he spat, his Susanoo surging towards Koushin. "I'll crush you!"

Koushin only chuckled at his threat, spinning on his heel to face Madara. His eyes were twinkling with mischief, the grin on his face growing wider. "I've been called worse," he retorted, "But tell me, how does it feel to be outclassed by a 'child'?"

Madara didn't get a chance to answer as Koushin launched himself at the Susanoo, his form blurring into the purple beam once again. The collision rattled the battlefield, the Susanoo staggering under the blow.

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