Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch210- The Thunderfire God Armor


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The very fabric of reality seemed to waver as Madara unleashed his Genjutsu. Under the influence of the Rinnegan, the battlefield morphed into a turbulent sea. The skies above liquified, churning with dark clouds and spirals of thunder. Phantom Susano'os, birthed from the illusions, rose from all directions, their massive forms echoing the same menacing intent as the original.

The ground beneath was strewn with jagged rocks and remnants of past battles, while the air was thick with the tang of sweat and ozone. Every breath was a challenge, the weight of anticipation pressing down on all who dared to tread on this hallowed battleground.

Koushin's feet, always light and sure, navigated the illusory waters as if skating over them. His purple lightning cloak emanated a brilliant aura that outlined his silhouette, emphasizing his swift, almost ethereal movements. Trails of blue flames painted streaks in the tumultuous sky, each one a testament to his undeterred spirit.

Susanoo lunged, its gargantuan limbs reaching out for Koushin. Each motion was a cataclysm, a testament to the raw power Madara wielded. But Koushin, fueled by his unique energy blend, danced in the air, propelled by bursts of blue fire. His feet never touched the ground; he was a waltz of flames and lightning, his form darting in and out, always inches away from Susanoo's grasp.

"Thunder God!" Koushin's voice rang out as he executed the technique. Purple arcs of electricity enveloped him, further boosting his speed, making him an erratic, unpredictable target. Each dart and weave seemed to defy the laws of physics, his form almost phasing through Susanoo's illusory clones, leaving them clutching at the lingering flames in his wake.

Madara, never one to be outdone, channeled his chakra into Susanoo, which radiated a darker, more intense hue. The ethereal warrior's form became more solidified, its body turning into a near-impenetrable shield. With every motion, it sent shockwaves, destabilizing the air around it.

Yet, even against such odds, Koushin remained unyielding. Drawing from ancient techniques, he formed a series of intricate seals, a testament to his mastery over the art. Sealing Technique: Lightning God Barrier. A vast web of interlocking lightning threads emerged, creating a protective dome around him. Every time Susanoo's massive sword or fists came crashing down, they were repelled, sparks flying in a brilliant display of resistance.

The flash of purple lightning and blue flames encapsulated Koushin, making his form almost ephemeral as he carved through the battlefield, an illustrious dance of vibrant energies. The Lightning God Barrier interwove with dazzling strings of electricity, a symphonic display of celestial defiance against the impending assault of Susanoo.

The air crackled with the smell of burning ozone, a sharp contrast to the earthy scent of the disturbed ground below. Every lightning streak from Koushin resonated with a high-pitched sizzle, harmonizing with the deep roar of Madara's flames. The battlefield became a cacophony of clashing elements, with each combatant trying to drown out the other's anthem.

In the backdrop of the shimmering barrier, Susanoo, its ethereal form steeped in ancient power, charged, the turbulent energy resonating with Madara's untold wrath. It was the echo of unseen battles, the myriad of fights encapsulated in every strike, every lunging movement of the colossal entity. Fire Release: Great Fire Annihilation. From Susanoo's maw erupted a cataclysmic wave of fire, a monstrous expanse of unrelenting flames cascading toward Koushin.

But Koushin, with his speed forged in the heavenly blend of fire and lightning, soared, his form an iridescent streak against the fiery onslaught. His flight, a seemingly playful dance, wove through the waves of fire, a celestial entity untouched by the infernal tempest. Lightning Release: Thunderclap Arrow. From his fingers, arced a series of electrified projectiles, piercing the flaming waves, each striking Susanoo with unrelenting vigor, creating dazzling explosions of energy upon impact.

The battlefield was a canvas, painted with the chaotic dance of fire and lightning. The air hummed with the intertwining energies, every clash a harmonious crescendo, the echoes of their unrelenting dance resonating through the realm. Susanoo, ever the relentless warrior, metamorphosed, its form imbued with the Rinnegan's power, the undying wrath of Madara etched in every fiber of its being.

In response to the unending barrage, Koushin's form waltzed, a nimble shadow against the looming visage of Susanoo. His movement was a haunting symphony, the flames and lightning twining around his form, a shield against the colossal strikes. His seals, ancient and intricate, created barriers of celestial energy, the lightning threads an ever-vigilant guardian against Susanoo's seismic dance.

Every time Koushin evaded, the ground where Susanoo's limbs had been aiming cracked and disintegrated, creating miniature craters. Madara's every strike was not just a display of power but a testament to his determination to land a crushing blow. But Koushin, matching him in skill and tenacity, left trails of scorched earth with his electrified footfalls, turning the battlefield into a patchwork of destruction and rebirth.

The battlefield quaked under the sheer force of their combined energies, each aura a testament to their prowess. As Susanoo readied for another strike, Koushin smirked, feeling a surge of power swelling within him. "Time to bring out the big guns!" The air around him grew denser, charged with an electrifying force. His chakra began to morph, coiling and swirling, reaching out to grasp the elements he commanded. Before the awe-struck eyes of all who watched, Purple Lightning and Blue Fire began to amalgamate, wrapping around him like a second skin.

This was no ordinary armor. The contours were sharp, almost menacing, resembling ancient and mythical armor worn by forgotten heroes. Spikes protruded from the shoulders, and intricate patterns adorned its surface, each glow a dance of blue fire and purple lightning. But this was not mere protection; it was a manifestation of Koushin's power and mastery. The armor seemed alive, pulsating with energy, its fiery gaze matching the intensity in Koushin's eyes. With a grand flourish, this radiant form stood ready. "You have Susanoo? I have Thunderfire God Armor!"

The battlefield, already charged with powerful energies, erupted once more in a dazzling spectacle. With Madara's massive Susanoo on one side, a new colossal figure emerged from the swirling nexus of blue fire and purple lightning — the Thunderfire God Armor.

This was not a spur-of-the-moment creation. The Thunderfire God Armor was the culmination of years of diligent work, research, and refinement. Named in honor of Koushin's title, it was his pride. As Koushin the Thunderfire, he had now, quite literally, embraced his title.

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