Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch212- Temporary Truce


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With a devilish smirk, Koushin then surged forward, his armor's limbs moving with mesmerizing fluidity. In rapid succession, he delivered a barrage of punches and kicks, each exploding with bursts of fire or lightning upon impact. The Susanoo, even with its formidable defenses, struggled to parry and dodge the relentless onslaught.

Madara's Susanoo, though ethereal and grand, found itself on the backfoot as Koushin's relentless assault continued. Each punch from the Thunderfire God Armor exploded with fiery prowess or crackled with untamed lightning, forcing Madara to employ tactics he hadn't intended on revealing so early.

It wasn't that Madara underestimated Koushin. Rather, he believed himself superior enough that the use of his Rinnegan's full abilities could wait. Now, this hubris cost him as he parried and deflected Koushin's barrage.

"Seems I've pushed you far enough," Koushin teased, his voice echoing from within the armor, playful yet with an undertone of seriousness. He lunged forward, the extensions of his armor forming a spiraling RasenShield, electric sparks and flames dancing around its edges.

Madara, eyes narrowing, tapped into another of the Rinnegan’s Paths. His Susanoo shimmered, and its appearance changed slightly, reflecting the mechanical alterations of the Asura Path. Blades, resembling that of an intricate shuriken, emerged from Susanoo's arm, whirling at breakneck speeds.

Koushin blinked, momentarily taken aback by the change. But adapting quickly, he shifted his stance, readying himself for another exchange.

Madara struck, the spinning blades aiming for Koushin's core. The Thunderfire God Armor, however, swiftly executed a RasenShield, swirling around in a tornado of flames and lightning. This vortex repelled the blades, sending them clashing and sparking against the whirlwind's outer rim.

Koushin then lunged forward, his armor's fists ablaze, molding into a new technique: RasenSenbon. Numerous flaming and electrified needles launched at the Susanoo, each one with enough power to pierce its formidable defenses.

Madara, realizing the potential threat, focused his chakra into the Preta Path. The Susanoo absorbed the incoming fiery and electric onslaught, negating its effects. But even as it did, Koushin was preparing another trick. With a quick rotation, he manifested the RasenWhip, a long, blazing lash crackling with lightning. With a swift movement, the whip wrapped around the Susanoo's leg, pulling it off balance.

The Susanoo stumbled, and Madara felt the strain of maintaining his defenses. The situation was slipping from his control, and a hint of frustration crossed his features. Koushin, sensing this, pressed his advantage, focusing his energy into one massive RasenDrill, charging towards the Susanoo with a mix of fire and lightning spiraling in deadly unison.

Madara, in a last-ditch effort, summoned the gates of the Naraka Path. The massive, grim structure appeared behind the Susanoo, its purpose clear—to repair and rejuvenate. But Koushin was too fast, and with a roar, the RasenDrill collided with the Susanoo's chest.

When the radiant glow subsided, a surprise awaited Koushin; the colossal Susanoo stood unscathed, its aura unwavering and its form untainted by the tempest of flames and lightning. Madara’s Preta Path had, yet again, neutralized Koushin’s potent RasenDrill.

A playful snort emitted from Koushin, the vibrations resonating through his Thunderfire God Armor. "Let's see if you can absorb this!" His voice brimmed with anticipation as he called out, "FO KRAH DIIN!" The next instant, a breath imbued with the biting chill of frost expelled from the armor’s maw, engulfing the space between them.

Madara activated the Preta Path in an attempt to assimilate this new offensive, but to his dismay, the frost continued its relentless advance, untouched by his absorption. The icy breath started to ensnare his Susanoo in frost. Madara, bewildered, exclaimed, "What is this!?" After a moment of scrutiny, he proclaimed, "It is not chakra!"

Koushin’s chuckle resounded across the battlefield, laced with a concoction of amusement and resolve. "Let's finish this fight," he declared.

Madara, his pride wounded and his strategy in shambles, worked fervently to regain the upper hand. His Rinnegan buzzed with unrelenting energy, his mind devising tactics, leveraging the multifarious paths available to him, yet the frost’s relentless encroachment unnerved him. It was a dance of dominance and defiance, and Koushin seemed to be leading.

The frost had ensnared Susanoo, and Koushin, wasting no moment, sprang forward, his armor blazing with an intensified fervor. The sky rumbled in sync with his advance, the elements in his armor intertwining, transforming into a vortex of tempestuous energy.

Madara, now shackled by the relentless frost, pivoted to the Deva Path, his Susanoo mustering its remaining might to conjure a massive repulsive force aimed straight at Koushin. The energy collided with the charging Thunderfire God Armor, creating a cascade of explosions. It was a desperate act, an attempt to restore the balance that had tilted in favor of Koushin.

Madara's anger churned like a turbulent sea deep within him. The frustration, the disbelief, and the sheer audacity of the situation gnawed at his Uchiha pride. That chilling frost, a sensation alien to him and his chakra-centric understanding, had ensnared his Susanoo. He was the legendary Madara Uchiha, a force to be reckoned with, and he would not be stymied by mere ice.

"To think ice can stop an Uchiha!" Madara roared, his voice echoing across the battlefield, drawing the attention of all who bore witness to this monumental clash. His Susanoo's hands moved with blinding speed, weaving a series of intricate hand signs. "Fire Release: Great Fire Annihilation!" he declared. Flames, crimson and fierce, erupted from the Susanoo, rushing towards Koushin in a roaring torrent.

Koushin smirked, the expression visible even through the imposing visage of his Thunderfire God Armor. "Don't you dare play with fire in front of me! YOL TOOR SHUL!" he retorted, the words leaving his lips as if challenging the very elements themselves. His armor pulsed, and from it emerged a blazing inferno, colliding head-on with Madara's flame assault.

Koushin, watching the unfolding tableau, felt his lips curve into a sly grin as he studied Naruto's newly manifested strength. "Seems like I will spare your pitiful life this time, old corpse," he declared airily to Madara, his gaze still fixed on the shining figure of Naruto.

With those final words, Koushin turned on his heel to leave the scene. Blue flames erupted around him as he propelled himself away, the vibrant glow of his Thunderfire God Armor waning and finally dissipating, leaving behind a trace of smoky azure luminescence.

Madara, with his teeth gritted, reluctantly shadowed Koushin’s path, his eyes harboring an undefined turmoil. He landed firmly next to Itachi, his stance rigid and his gaze never straying from the intense confrontation between Obito and Naruto. It seemed like a crucial occurrence was transpiring, the air dense with unsaid words and unreleased tensions.

Each move made by Naruto and Obito was laden with significance, the two Susanoo mirroring their wielders’ contrasting auras. The energy, vibrating with the might of their clash, enveloped the battlefield, silencing the murmurs and whispers that hummed in its background.

Itachi, silent as ever, kept his Sharingan focused on the unfolding fight, the whirl of red in his eyes reflecting the violent dance before him. Madara’s presence next to him was acknowledged with a slight nod, but no words were exchanged. They were both drawn to the profound significance of the power struggle unfurling before them, knowing that the outcome might decide the fate of the shinobi world.

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