Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch220- Koushin’s Sage Mode!


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Shin and Kakashi appeared side-by-side, each focused as their chakra surged around them. Kakashi held his sword, the lightning transforming into vivid arcs of sparks as he wrote. Beside him, Shin's own sword outlined Fuinjutsu seals in the air, glowing softly before surging with power. At the same time, Yuyu activated her Quantum Vibration, becoming a blur as she shot across the field.

With a sweep of his brush, Sai expanded his Reality Canvas. Drawings sprung to life from the scroll, fusing with genjutsu and forming a surreal, disorienting backdrop that sapped the enemy's focus. Choji roared, his form swelling and chakra rippling out from him like shockwaves as he activated Yang Release: Titan's Touch. Shikamaru melted into his own shadow, reappearing behind enemy lines, a puppeteer with tendrils of darkness.

Ino formed a telepathic link with Tsunade, A, Oonoki, Rasa, and Mei, synchronizing their movements.

Madara, now a Ten Tail Jinchuriki but under Itachi's control, sent wooden spikes erupting from the ground. Hashirama's reanimated form tried to seize the advantage, producing enormous wooden hands that reached for Koushin and Naruto. Tobirama, his eyes cold under the influence of Itachi's genjutsu, unleashed torrents of water, aiming to drown the reinforcements.

Koushin's gaze turned serious as he called out, "Let's do it, Naruto!" The latter nodded, "Kou, let's go!"

As the air around them shifted, a tangible change came over both warriors. Naruto's form morphed into a colossal entity with nine resplendent tails, golden phoenix-like wings unfurling from its back. The armor that encased him was a fusion of tomoes and ancient Tengu symbols, the overlapping elements signifying an elegant yet deadly power. The Susanoo's visage took on a fox-like quality, its elongated ears and snout almost giving it an air of regality.

Beside him, Koushin underwent his own stunning transformation. His blonde hair turned a mystical silver, flowing as if touched by the winds of a different realm. His eyes became swirling vortexes of color, a kaleidoscope that seemed to hold within them the secrets of Skyrim's arcane arts. Glyphs and runes, mirroring Elder Scrolls' arcane symbols, etched themselves onto his fair skin, glowing softly. Around him, an ethereal aura shimmered, its colors reminiscent of Skyrim's Northern Lights, dancing and shifting as if reacting to an unheard melody.

Kakashi felt a surge of electricity flow through his veins, unlike anything he'd ever felt before. It was as if the lightning itself had become a willing partner in his command, awaiting his instruction with sentient anticipation. As he clenched his fist, the bolts of electricity intertwined with his Raikiri, bursting into a new, more devastating form. The elemental energy didn't just listen; it complied.

Beside him, Sai’s brush danced across his scroll as if possessed. In a flurry of ink, mythical creatures erupted from the paper. With a thought, the ink hardened, turning his dragon constructs into impenetrable fortresses. Then, as he willed it, they softened, becoming tendrils that snaked around and entrapped the wooden spikes Madara had summoned.

Shin, sharing Kakashi’s newfound dominion over lightning, conjured chains of crackling energy that ensnared Tobirama’s water torrents. He redirected them, turning the streams into conduits for his own electric assault.

Ino closed her eyes, her psychic abilities intensifying. A telepathic wave radiated from her, not merely touching minds but melding with them. Tsunade, A, Oonoki, Rasa, and Mei moved in perfect sync, as though they shared a single consciousness. Attacks were coordinated without uttering a word, dodges and counterattacks executed with an eerie, unified fluidity.

Hinata’s fists were more than just a physical force now; they were frigid blasts of debilitating frost. Each point of contact not only shut down chakra flow but left behind an encroaching ice, hindering movement. Her eyes, now enhanced, could see the thermal fluctuations in her opponents, allowing her to anticipate attacks before they were launched.

Yuyu, practically a wraith on the battlefield, manipulated her surroundings at will. One moment she was solid, blocking a wooden hand from Hashirama; the next, she was a blur, phasing through obstacles as she positioned herself for a strike.

Shino’s bugs had become something otherworldly. Like tiny celestial bodies, they drew in chakra at an accelerated rate, draining Hashirama and Madara's constructs to a husk in moments. And then, at Shino's command, they burst, releasing the absorbed energy in tiny, devastating explosions.

Choji’s form bulged and contracted like a living mountain. One moment he was an impenetrable wall of stone, blocking an onslaught of wooden tendrils; the next, he was a rubbery mass, absorbing and deflecting Tobirama’s Water Dragon Bullet.

Shikamaru was barely visible, yet his presence was palpable in every corner of the battleground. Shadows deepened unnaturally, creeping into the minds of Hashirama and Tobirama, sowing discord and disarray.

Temari’s fan swirled with a lethal dance. With a single swipe, she carved through the wooden constructs Hashirama had summoned. Another brought a mini-tornado to life, whirling around and disorienting Tobirama, who struggled to maintain his water-based jutsus amidst the gale.

Tsunade’s palms glowed a soft golden hue. She was no longer just a healer but a rejuvenator. As her hands touched wounded allies, not only did their physical injuries mend, but their chakra stores also filled, fatigue washed away as if it never existed.

Naruto and Koushin, now fused avatars of their respective worlds, stood united. The fox-like Susanoo and ethereal aura of the Elder Scrolls' arcane magic melded into one. They glanced at each other for a brief moment, nodding, as if confirming an unspoken pact.

In the maelstrom of battle, the actions of the shinobi seemed to intertwine seamlessly, as if guided by an invisible hand. Kakashi's Raikiri, transformed into a helix of pure energy, cut through the air with devastating precision, severing Madara's wooden tendrils. As they fell, Sai's ink dragons wound around Hashirama's fists, draining chakra before erupting in a brilliant display of colors.

Almost as if on cue, Temari's fan swung open, her tornadoes obliterating Tobirama’s water formations. The winds fanned Shino's bugs towards Hashirama's wooden figures, twinkling like stars before detonating into explosive energy. Hashirama's constructs were left as chakra-depleted husks, vulnerable to Shikamaru's tendrils of darkness which ensnared and pulled them into a shadowy void.

With a wry grin, Sai glanced at Temari. "Guess the pen and wind work well together," he remarked, smirking as he caught her eye. The battlefield darkened further as if recognizing Shikamaru's newfound control over his shadowy techniques.

Tobirama countered with another wave of water jets, only to have them vaporized by Temari's wind and shattered into mist by Shin's lightning-charged chains, which then became electrified projectiles hurtling back at him. "Let's see if you can swim through this," Shin proclaimed, eyes flashing with electric intensity.

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