Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch222- Dara-Chan!


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The very earth seemed to shiver, not in response to the titanic forces present, but to the encroaching shadow slinking its way behind Madara. Black Zetsu—Madara's supposed will incarnate—manifested beside the Uchiha, exuding a dark aura of servitude.

Hashirama's eyes twitched, narrowing at the figure of Black Zetsu. The creeping malevolence it embodied was evident to all, a parasite clinging to its host. Its coal-black form stood contrasted starkly against the sunlit battlefield, its presence almost as if mocking the natural world.

Madara, still locked in a cold glare with Hashirama, seemed to sense the presence behind him. He didn't even need to turn; his smirk widened ever so slightly. "Perfect timing," he uttered lowly.

Koushin's gaze shifted from Madara to the dark entity and back. With an almost playful tilt to his head, his voice, rich with a blend of curiosity and wit, broke the tension. He entertained the idea of sowing further discords, then nodded.

"Say, Madara," Koushin began, the flames and lightning of his armor flickering mischievously. "You really believe that fucking ugly thing is just your will come to life?"

Madara's eyes shot to Koushin, a ripple of surprise and irritation marring his stoic expression. Hashirama, however, let out a brief, stifled chuckle, clearly entertained by Koushin's audaciousness.

Black Zetsu shifted, almost imperceptibly. The silent tension in the air was palpable, with Koushin's words seemingly hanging, waiting for a response. But Madara merely turned his gaze back to Black Zetsu, not dignifying Koushin with an answer.

Koushin chuckled, the sound oddly musical amid the battle-worn tension of the scene. "Don't be like that, Dara-chan."

Madara's chakra erupted like a volcanic geyser, an inferno of fury enveloping him. Hashirama, despite the dire circumstances, hit the ground, clutching his stomach in a fit of uncontrollable laughter. Even Tobirama, ever the stoic Senju, allowed a smirk to tug at his lips.

Koushin's gaze was playful, yet razor-sharp as he added, "Let me tell you something: that thing you call 'your will' is the Sage of Six Paths' brother. He's using you to resurrect his mother."

As the weight of Koushin's revelation descended, Black Zetsu moved with swift and deadly intent. Yet, before he could reach his target, brilliant glyphs of lightning materialized in the air around him, creating an intricate barrier. They pulsed with intense energy, holding Zetsu firmly in place.

With a sly smile, Koushin murmured, "Raijin's Calligraphy."

Black Zetsu's eyes, pits of eternal darkness, widened in palpable shock. This was new territory for him—a barrier he couldn't immediately bypass. The seals might not hold him indefinitely, but for the moment, they stifled his treacherous advance. Most crucially, they ensured he couldn't silence Koushin's revelatory proclamations.

The battlefield pulsed with tension. Each shinobi's stance betrayed their heightened alertness, their muscles coiled like springs, ready for the chaos that was bound to ensue.

Madara, already a tempest of emotion, seemed to spiral further. His hands clenched into fists, the ground beneath him fracturing from the sheer force of his chakra. But amid that storm of anger, there was a hint of something else—doubt.

Hashirama managed to compose himself, rising to his feet. His laughter had died down, replaced by a grim seriousness. "You see, Madara? There's always more to the story," he said, locking eyes with his erstwhile friend.

Madara's eyes seethed with a mix of confusion, disbelief, and fury as they landed on Koushin. Every line on his face seemed etched with greater depth, making his emotions appear as deep ravines. "Don't play games with me, boy!" he growled, the danger in his voice clear.

Koushin raised a hand to his mouth, feigning a thoughtful expression. "So cute," he mused aloud, much to Madara's growing irritation. Drawing himself up to his full height, his armor shimmering with an ethereal glow, Koushin continued, "You guys have no idea what you're playing with."

He then gestured to Naruto, who stepped forward, his expression grave. "Explain it, Naruto," Koushin instructed.

Naruto cleared his throat, his eyes scanning the faces of everyone present before he began. "I once met an old Sage Tengu named Konoha-tengu," he recalled, his voice tinged with reverence for the sage. "He revealed that the Ten Tails we've come to fear is nothing but a cosmic parasite that feeds on the world it takes root in. It arrived on a meteor, embedding itself in our soil, and from there, it began siphoning natural energy, gradually decimating the planet. Before the Chakra Tree's arrival, our world was teeming with an abundance of Natural Energy."

He paused, letting the information sink in. "There are beings in the universe that recognize the power of the fruits borne by this tree. They travel through the vastness of space, seeking these fruits to attain unparalleled might. One such being was Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, the mother of the Sage of the Six Paths and, as Koushin put it that black, ugly creature."

Upon hearing this revelation, a palpable hush descended over the battlefield. It was as if time had frozen in that singular moment, with everyone caught in the gravitational pull of the knowledge they'd just been imbued with. All eyes were on Naruto, then shifted to Koushin.

Except Tobirama. His usually stern face remained impassive, but his eyes were wary. It was evident that this wasn’t news to him. He already heard it from Koushin before.

Taking over from where Naruto left off, Koushin began with a contemplative tone, "Kaguya had two children, products of her union with someone from this very world. We all know the first, the revered Sage of Six Paths. The other has chosen a life of solitude and guardianship on the Moon, dedicating his existence to watching over the sealed body of their mother."

The chilling reminder of the formidable Kaguya being sealed, not defeated, sent a shiver down many spines. Koushin continued, "Sealed, yes, because that enigmatic woman used Chakra not for benevolence, but to bind and control the people of our world. It took her very own sons, defying her corrupted vision, to seal her away. But her cunning ensured she had one more card to play."

Koushin's gaze settled on Black Zetsu, still struggling against the arcane barrier. "She crafted a third progeny, birthed from her desires and malice. A being meant for one purpose only—to free her. To achieve this, he needed the might of the Ten Tails. And poor Madara," he said with a teasing sigh, "got caught in this grand play, believing himself to be the puppeteer, unaware he was just another stringed marionette."

Hashirama's eyes shimmered with a combination of anger, sadness, and perhaps a hint of vindication. But Madara's reaction was the most visceral. His entire body trembled, fury and disbelief warring in his gaze. He looked like a cornered beast, the weight of the truths presented to him threatening to crush his indomitable spirit.

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