Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch227- Let’s Test Each Other


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Tobirama shifted his gaze subtly, his eyes darting to Mei Terumi for just a moment, her figure standing firm and determined amidst the group of shinobi. As quickly as he looked, he pulled his eyes back to his brother, Hashirama, who was still in his Edo Tensei form. The glint in Hashirama's eyes told Tobirama that his elder brother had caught the fleeting glance.

"Ani-chan," Tobirama began, his voice low and grounded, "I will help here."

Hashirama's grin, so familiar and yet so teasing, spread across his features. "I see you've found something… or someone interesting here," he quipped, raising an eyebrow playfully at Tobirama, clearly hinting at Mei.

Tobirama, although usually stoic, let a faint blush color his cheeks, but he ignored the comment, opting to steer the conversation elsewhere. "Focus, brother. This isn't the time."

Hashirama chuckled softly, then nodded, turning his attention to Naruto. "I will assist this youngster," he said, pointing at the blonde-haired shinobi with genuine interest. "He seems fun."

Naruto, overhearing the comment, blinked in surprise. "Thanks... I think?" He replied, slightly bemused.

Tobirama let out a soft chuckle at the interaction, but it was Koushin's voice that broke the momentary lapse in tension. "While I appreciate the familial bonding," he said, voice dripping with irony, "we do have three Kaguyas waiting, remember?"

A light-hearted laugh rippled through the shinobi, with Ino squeezing Koushin's hand gently, a small, thankful smile playing on her lips.

At this time, a ripple of energy changed the battlefield. One second, it was normal, in the next, something fundamentally shifted. Koushin noticed it as soon as it happened, his eyebrows furrowing subtly at the odd sensation coursing through the air, an odd tingle that was both familiar and foreign. Naruto, too, felt it, his stance altering just slightly as he attempted to comprehend the shift.

Koushin turned sharply, his gaze landing on Hashirama. With an underlying sharpness in his voice, he muttered, "Fucking old man, meddling in my business."

Hashirama's Edo Tensei form flickered, and then, where an ethereal, otherworldly figure once stood, now stood a man of flesh and blood, truly resurrected. On his palm, a sun mark glimmered softly, emanating a gentle warmth. On the other side of the battlefield, Madara, standing in his formidable Ten Tails form, had his eyes wide open, surprise flickering through them briefly. A moon mark, almost lost amid the stark, gruesome design of his transformed state, shimmered on his palm.

Koushin’s eyes flicked between the two resurrected legends, a quiet comprehension dawning in his eyes. His tone was surprisingly level when he spoke, “Hashirama-san…”

Hashirama met Koushin’s eyes, his expression serene, yet a subtle playfulness lingered in his gaze. He shook his head gently, assuring the younger man, "Don't worry. I talked to him and told him I have no intention to follow his plans. He told me he's just giving it, just in case."

Koushin nodded slightly, his hand unconsciously squeezing Ino’s a bit tighter. He turned his gaze to Madara, who simply shrugged, a weariness seeping into his voice as he admitted, "I can hardly care at this point. I am tired of this shit."

Koushin chuckled inwardly, thinking about the beating he had once given Madara. The effects of it seemed to have had a lasting impact. The unexpected move by the Sage of the Six Paths to transfer the sun and moon marks to Hashirama and Madara, the previous reincarnations of Asura and Indra, was an intriguing twist. He had always assumed that Sasuke's death would prompt a change in plans. However, Koushin felt relieved realizing that these legendary figures had no intention to seal Kaguya, and it appeared that a peaceful resolution was on the horizon.

Kaguya, with her acute senses, picked up on the change in the atmosphere quicker than most. Observing Koushin's interactions with Hashirama, she sighed softly and a genuine smile graced her face. Her trust in Koushin seemed well-placed.

Koushin glanced at Madara, his voice laced with amusement, "You sound like someone who's had one too many punches to the face. Finally learning the virtues of a peaceful life?"

Madara rolled his eyes, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Oh, you have such a way with words, brat. But yes, maybe I'm just tired of the same old dance."

Hashirama chuckled, clapping Madara on the back, "It's about time you saw the light."

Madara snorted, "Please, like you're one to talk."

Separating from the others, Koushin and Ino found themselves perched on Paathurnax's head, directing the dragon toward an isolated part of the desert, well away from their friends. The main Kaguya followed suit, gracefully floating in the sky, her white robes billowing around her.

The vast expanse of the desert stretched endlessly in all directions, the shifting sands reflecting the dying light of the setting sun. Paathurnax landed, allowing Koushin and Ino to dismount. As their feet touched the ground, the dragon gave a soft, rumbling growl, lowering his head slightly as if readying himself.

Kaguya landed effortlessly a few feet away, her posture relaxed, almost nonchalant. Still, her eyes betrayed her curiosity. "So, Koushin," she began, her voice a soft, almost melodic whisper, "you've brought me here to display your strength. I hope you won't disappoint."

Koushin smirked. "Oh, I don't intend to. But let's keep it light, shall we? No need for any serious theatrics."

Kaguya's lips quirked up in an amused smile, her pearl eyes shimmering with mirth. "Very well. I appreciate the sentiment."

Ino, feeling the tension between them, tried to ease the atmosphere. "You two sound like you're about to break into a dance-off rather than a showdown."

Koushin laughed, the sound echoing across the vast dunes. "Wouldn't that be something? Kaguya and I, breakdancing under the stars."

Well, the ancient matriarch of chakra had no clue what "breakdancing" meant. Koushin's joke might've flown right over her head, but her response was immediate and poised. Though her stance radiated calm, it was evident that she was ready for what lay ahead. Kaguya’s intentions had always revolved around the protection of the world, albeit her methods might've been questionable. Here and now, if Koushin was indeed as formidable as he portrayed, she was ready to trust in his leadership.

She knew this world was not safe, and although her view of peace was admittedly corrupted, she did it to protect the world. If Koushin proved strong enough, she would let go off of her previous plans and follow Koushin's arrangements, but for that, Koushin had to prove strong enough. She started with a simple yet effective move, as she raised her hand in the air, a giant meteor started to descend onto the world. Looking up, Koushin chuckled, "No bloodshed right? Well, if that thing hit us, there will be no blood indeed."

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