Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch231- I Killed Your Brother


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Kaguya halted her movements, her piercing eyes fixated on Koushin. A momentary silence took over the battlefield. “Impressive,” she finally said, a slight smirk playing on her lips. “How did you attain such power without consuming the Chakra Fruit?”

Koushin flashed a wry smile, letting out a soft chuckle. “Let's just say I had a bit of assistance. But some secrets are meant to be kept, don't you think?”

Kaguya's eyes narrowed slightly but chose not to press further. Her attention diverted to the peripheries of their current battleground, where her clones were struggling against the onslaught of other formidable teams. A hint of concern flickered in her eyes. “You’ve surrounded yourself with strong allies,” she remarked. “But what if they were to wage a war?”

Still exuding an air of confidence, Koushin’s eyes twinkled mischievously. “I’ve got an army,” he began, pausing for dramatic effect, “and the Hulk.”

Kaguya tilted her head cutely, an expression incongruent with the ferocity of their prior exchange. "Hulk?"

A faint smirk played on Koushin's lips. Instead of responding verbally, he dramatically slapped the ground with an open palm. From the impact point, the earth tremored and cracked, giving way to an enormous form that began to rise.

It was a Flesh Atronach, an entity both grotesque and awe-inspiring. Towering over the combatants, it stood as high as a four-story building, its bulk a testament to the thousands of corpses that fed its creation. Its skin appeared to be a patchwork of mottled, rotting flesh in various shades of decay, pulled tight over thick, sinewy muscles. The cadaverous giant sported multiple mismatched limbs, arms and legs of different sizes fused haphazardly to its torso. Its head was an amalgamation of faces, some human, others not, that melded together in a nightmarish visage. Yet, among the distorted features, two burning eyes stood out, gleaming with a malevolent intelligence.

The appearance of the Atronach sent a palpable wave of discomfort through the field, but Kaguya, while taken aback, didn't falter in her stance. Koushin, always one to relish a grand entrance, glanced over at her, the grin never leaving his face.

"Meet my friend. Not exactly the Hulk, but close enough to make a point," he quipped, the whimsy in his voice juxtaposed against the horrifying sight of the Atronach.

Koushin’s memory raced back to the days of the Oblivion Wars. The numerous corpses left in its aftermath had been given a new purpose under his command. Rather than allow them to go to waste, he had molded them into the very behemoth that now stood beside him. To the untrained eye, the Flesh Atronach was simply an abomination of the fallen, but Koushin saw potential in its raw power and imposing presence. Not to mention, it made quite an impression.

Feeling the weight of Kaguya's gaze on him, he smirked. He had known she wouldn't be swayed by sheer size alone, though it was certainly an impressive spectacle. Her power was rooted in a deep understanding of chakra and its endless possibilities, but he also knew that beneath that calm exterior was a strategist constantly assessing her surroundings and the threats they posed.

Casting a sidelong glance at the Atronach, Koushin called out, "Fleshy!" His voice had an amused lilt, but it was underlined with a clear, commanding tone. The Flesh Atronach’s monstrous visage twisted slightly, the multiple faces almost forming a semblance of focus.

"Punch," Koushin commanded simply.

With a deafening roar, the Atronach obeyed. One of its enormous fists was raised high above its head, casting a looming shadow on the battlefield. And then, with breathtaking speed, it slammed down with all its might.

The impact was cataclysmic. The ground buckled and shifted dramatically, sending shockwaves in all directions. It was as though the very foundation of the continent was being tested. Cracks splintered outward, creating chasms that swallowed anything unfortunate enough to be in their path.

The wind from the impact sent Kaguya's hair flying, but her stance remained firm, her eyes fixed unwaveringly on Koushin. The debris kicked up by the Atronach's strike settled, but the charged tension between the two combatants remained.

Koushin stepped forward, allowing himself a brief chuckle. "Hope you don't mind a little tremor," he quipped, raising an eyebrow teasingly. "But sometimes, a demonstration is in order."

Kaguya's gaze sharpened. "A monster molded from the dead," she observed coolly. "Interesting choice."

Koushin chuckled, warmth evident in his tone. “Well, Kaguya-chan, you’ve witnessed firsthand what we bring to the table. So, what say you?”

For a brief moment, there was silence. Kaguya seemed to contemplate, her eyes drifting over the formidable Shinobi gathered around Koushin. Then, nodding slowly, she replied, “I accept your terms. I'll reside in the lands you allocate, and there will be peace between us.”

The tension in the air eased almost instantly. Koushin’s light-hearted demeanor restored, he said, “Fantastic. That wasn’t so hard now, was it?”

As he spoke, Kaguya's clones, who had been spread across the battlefield, disappeared into thin air. Simultaneously, the Shinobi, some visibly exhausted from the intense battle, began to regroup near Koushin. Among them, Ino intertwining her fingers with his.

Others approached too, drawing Koushin's attention. Shikamaru and Temari stepped forward side by side, with Kakashi and Shin trailing not too far behind. Yuyu, with Sai, was followed closely by the insect master, Shino. Choji ambled forward, noticeably winded, while the legendary Sannin, Tsunade, moved with the grace that belied her years. The Kage – Rasa, A, Oonoki, and Mei Terumi – stood in a loose formation, each displaying various levels of fatigue. Tobirama stood near Mei. Hashirama and Madara stood close.

Naruto, his face showing a mix of exhaustion and relief, stepped forward next to Koushin. "So, is it over?"

Koushin offered a nod, the weight of the situation evident in his eyes. "Well, only one thing left." He cast a significant glance at Itachi, who stood apart, a mere shadow of his former self. The power of the Ten Tails that had once resided within him had been drained away, leaving him visibly weakened. Koushin's gaze then shifted to Kaguya, "Kaguya-chan, I'll deal with Itachi. You handle your own son."

Without a word, Kaguya willed it, and Black Zetsu began to melt away, his form disintegrating into the earth from which he came.

Koushin began to approach Itachi, each step deliberate. The once formidable Uchiha was now feeble, his Sharingan unable to offer any protection against Koushin's might. As he drew closer, the once-piercing eyes of Itachi now showed a hint of resignation.

Naruto whispered to Hinata, who stood beside him, "I can't believe he's going to do it." She nodded in agreement, gripping his hand for comfort.

Shikamaru observed the scene pensively. Temari, sensing his unease, whispered, "It has to be done." Shikamaru merely sighed, running a hand through his ponytail.

As Koushin drew nearer to Itachi, the electric tension in the air was palpable. Everyone waited with bated breath, unsure of what was to come.

Koushin's measured strides conveyed his control over the situation. He approached Itachi, who seemed a mere wisp of the Uchiha prodigy he once was. Without the Ten Tails' power, the once-feared shinobi was defenseless and trapped in his own frailty.

Coming up to Itachi, Koushin crouched beside him, his back shielding the two of them from the prying eyes of the others. He leaned in, his voice barely more than a whisper, cold and deliberate, "I killed Sasuke. Took those precious eyes of his, too. They're mine now."

Itachi's eyes  expanded with shock. The sheer weight of the revelation momentarily bringing back a fire that had been extinguished. His face twisted in pain and rage, an instinctual need to lash out and protect what was left of his legacy. But his body betrayed him. He was paralyzed, incapable of movement, a puppet with its strings severed.

No one, aside from Koushin, had heard the whispered confession. But the contorted anguish on Itachi's face spoke volumes, raising questions in the minds of onlookers. Naruto exchanged a confused glance with Hinata, both unsure of what had transpired between Koushin and Itachi. Shikamaru's eyes squinted slightly, always the strategist, trying to deduce what could have caused such a reaction.

In the next second, Koushin's hand delved into his inventory, drawing forth a blade that glistened malevolently. "This blade," Koushin murmured, its cold, sharp edge hovering near Itachi's chest, "was what I used on Sasuke. It traps souls."

The revelation was a cruel twist of the knife even before the blade found its mark. Itachi's face contorted further, trapped between anguish and rage, but Koushin's grip on him was unyielding. Without another word, he drove the blade into Itachi's heart. As he did, he leaned in, whispering with a hint of bitterness, "So long, Itachi. You were always a fool, and now you die like one."

As the blade was pulled free, Itachi's lifeless body crumpled to the ground, the last vestiges of the Ten Tails' power fading away like wisps of smoke.

The entire battlefield had been holding its collective breath. Even without knowing the exact words exchanged, the tension was palpable. A stunned silence reigned.

Walking back to the center of the battlefield, Koushin's heavy boots left a distinct mark on the ashen ground. Ino's gaze met his, and without a word, she moved towards him, her face mirroring the exhaustion and the weight of the day's battle. He wrapped his arms around her, and she leaned into his embrace, her fingers tracing the singed edge of his sleeve.

The other shinobi, scattered and in various stages of exhaustion, watched the exchange in silent respect. Some bore the marks of intense fighting; others looked dazed, still processing the monumental event that had just unfolded.

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