Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch233- The End! [Final]

Two years had passed since the war, heralding a new era under the auspices of Koushin's innovative leadership. The previous hierarchical structure was dismantled, replaced by a tripartite council system designed to ensure balanced governance and representation. The first of these councils, the Kages, wielded influence over designated regions, their power rooted not in territorial claims but in the responsibility to guide and protect. Kakashi, now the Sixth Hokage, presided over the Fire Land, embodying strength and honor in his new role.

Parallel to the Kages was the second council, comprising civilians distinguished by their intellectual prowess and non-shinobi expertise. They ascended to their positions through academic achievement and the trust they had cultivated among the populace, mirroring the Kages' need for respect and capability.

The third council, unique in its composition and function, operated outside the political sphere, yet held the crucial power of veto over the decisions made by the other two councils. They were also the mediators, stepping in when disagreements arose. This council was not subject to elections; its membership was earned through deeds and virtue. Koushin, alongside Kaguya, led this council, standing as paragons of wisdom and experience. For the time being, they were the sole members, a testament to the council's stringent standards.

Amidst this backdrop of change and progression, the shinobi world found a moment of reprieve and celebration. Naruto and Hinata, two souls intertwined by fate and battle, were uniting in matrimony, a year after the war’s end. The air was filled with joy, laughter, and the sweet scent of flowers as the village came together to celebrate this auspicious union.

Koushin, in the company of his pregnant wife Ino, navigated the festive crowd with a smile, his eyes sparkling with mirth. He exchanged pleasantries, his words laced with his characteristic wit, bringing laughter and lightness to the conversations.

Shikamaru and Temari stood together, their body language speaking volumes of their unspoken bond, while Kakashi and Kaguya, now united in marriage, shared quiet smiles and knowing glances. Shin, Kakashi’s student, looked on in awe, his eyes wide as he took in the splendor of the event.

Sai and Yuyu, wrapped up in each other’s company, stood slightly apart from the crowd, while Shino, ever the observer, watched from the sidelines. Choji and Karui, lost in their own world, shared whispered words and tender glances.

The elder generation was present as well, with Tsunade, Rasa, A, Oonoki, Mei Terumi, heavily pregnant and radiant, alongside a visibly supportive Tobirama. Hashirama and Madara, their longstanding rivalry now transformed into a bromance for the ages, shared jokes and laughter, their boisterous voices rising above the crowd.

Ima and Inoichi Yamanaka, Ino’s parents, looked on proudly, their faces alight with happiness. Shikaku and his wife, pillars of strength for their son Shikamaru, mingled with the guests, their expressions filled with contentment. Hanabi Hyuga, Hinata’s younger sister, her eyes sparkling, navigated the crowd with grace, while Hiashi Hyuga, the father of the bride, bore a stoic expression, his eyes softening every time they landed on Hinata.

Choza and his wife, beaming with pride, watched as Choji shared a laugh with his new bride, while Iruka Sensei, his heart full, looked on like a proud parent. Sakura and Kiba, now united in matrimony, stood close, their hands intertwined, their faces aglow with happiness.

As Koushin weaved through the crowd with Ino by his side, he couldn’t help but notice Kakashi and Kaguya sharing a quiet moment together. He smirked, making his way over with a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Kakashi-sensei! You look absolutely whipped," he chuckled, nudging Kakashi playfully in the ribs.

Kakashi simply rolled his eyes, a small smile playing on his lips as he responded, "Well, when you’re married to someone as incredible as Kaguya, it’s hard not to be."

Koushin laughed heartily at this, wagging a finger at Kakashi, "You see, that's exactly what I'm talking about! But I must say, I did a fantastic job playing cupid, didn't I?" He winked at Kaguya, who simply shook her head, an amused smile on her face.

"You are not bad," she said, though the fondness in her voice was clear.

Leaving the couple with a playful salute, Koushin turned his attention to Shikamaru and Temari, who were standing off to the side, engaged in quiet conversation. As he approached, he couldn't help but tease, "Shikamaru, you really live up to your name, don’t you? 'Lazy Ass' suits you perfectly."

Shikamaru just smirked, not missing a beat as he retorted, "Takes one to know one, 'Smart Ass'."

Temari chuckled, shaking her head at the two of them. "You two never change, do you?"

Koushin flashed her a grin, "Why fix what isn't broken, right?"

Next on his list were Choji and Karui. As he approached, he playfully ruffled Choji's hair, earning a good-natured grumble from him. "What's up, 'Fat Ass'? Enjoying the food, I hope?"

Choji just laughed, patting his stomach contentedly. "You know it. And what about you, 'Smart Ass'? Keeping out of trouble?"

Koushin winked, "I'm always in trouble, you know that."

Moving on, Koushin caught sight of Sai and Yuyu, standing a little apart from the rest of the crowd. With a sly grin, he made his way over, clapping Sai on the back. "Sai, my man, you finally learned how to read the mood! And here I thought it was impossible."

Sai just smiled, his usual stoic expression softening as he glanced at Yuyu. "Well, I had a good teacher."

Yuyu blushed at this, smiling up at Sai as Koushin gave them a knowing look, "I'll leave you two lovebirds alone then."

When he finally made his way back to Ino's side, she looked up at him with a smile, "You really do know how to work a crowd, don’t you?"

Koushin just grinned, wrapping an arm around her shoulders, "It's one of my many talents."

Ino rolled her eyes, but the affection in her gaze was clear. "Just don't forget to save some of that charm for me."

Koushin chuckled, pressing a kiss to her forehead, "Never, Pumpkin. You know you're my number one."

Soon, the bride and groom came into view, capturing everyone’s attention. Naruto, with his bright, infectious energy, had a grin plastered on his face that seemed to light up the entire area. Hinata, radiant and graceful, held onto his arm, her eyes shining with happiness. They made their way through the crowd, greeted by cheers and congratulations.

Koushin stood back, a warm smile on his face as he watched them, feeling a surge of pride. He had grown up with Naruto, their bond as strong as brothers, and seeing him so happy, so content, was a sight to behold.

“Ino, look at them,” he murmured, his voice filled with emotion. “Naruto’s all grown up.”

Ino followed his gaze, smiling fondly at the couple. “He really is. And Hinata looks beautiful.”

“They’re perfect together,” Koushin agreed, his eyes not leaving the couple.

Naruto, spotting Koushin in the crowd, made his way over with Hinata in tow. His face lit up even more, if possible, as he greeted his friend.

“Kou!” he exclaimed, pulling him into a tight hug. “Man, I’m so glad you’re here.”

Koushin laughed, patting Naruto on the back. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world, brother.”

He turned to Hinata, his smile softening. “And you, Hinata. You look absolutely stunning. Still think Naruto doesn't deserve you though.”

Hinata blushed, a small smile on her lips. “Thank you, Koushin.”

Koushin’s laughter filled the air as Naruto sheepishly scratched the back of his head, Hinata giggling softly beside him. “Yeah, yeah, I know I'm punching way above my weight here,” Naruto agreed, grinning nonetheless.

“Well, just remember, if you ever hurt her, you’ll have to answer to me,” Koushin teased, though there was a glint of seriousness in his eyes. Naruto’s expression softened, and he nodded, understanding the depth behind those words.

“Don’t worry, Koushin. I’d never dream of it,” Naruto assured, his hand finding Hinata’s and giving it a gentle squeeze.

“That’s what I like to hear.” Koushin clapped Naruto on the back before turning to Ino. “And how’s my beautiful wife doing? You holding up okay in this crowd?”

“I’m doing just fine, thanks to you,” Ino responded, a warm smile on her face as she rested a hand on her slightly rounded belly.

Koushin beamed down at her, the affection in his eyes unmistakable. “Anything for you, Pumpkin.”

As Naruto and Hinata moved on to greet the next set of guests, Koushin’s gaze wandered, landing on Kakashi and Kaguya once more. He noticed the way Kakashi’s hand rested protectively on Kaguya’s waist, the soft smiles they shared, and he couldn’t help but feel a twinge of pride. His matchmaking skills were unparalleled, after all.

He and Ino made their way over, and Koushin wasted no time in diving back into his playful banter. “So, Kakashi-sensei, enjoying the party?”

Kakashi looked up, his visible eye crinkling in amusement. “It’s not bad. Though I could do without the constant teasing from a certain someone.”

“Oh, come on, you love it,” Koushin retorted, earning a chuckle from Kaguya.

“Maybe just a little,” Kakashi admitted, his gaze softening as it fell on his wife.

Koushin caught the look and smirked. “Yeah, I thought so. Just remember, you owe me one.”

Kakashi rolled his eyes but nodded in agreement. “Yeah, yeah, I know. I’m forever in your debt.”

“And don’t you forget it,” Koushin said, wagging a finger at him.

Making his way through the joyous crowd with Ino on his arm, Koushin spotted Tobirama and Mei engaged in a conversation. With a mischievous glint in his eye, he decided it was the perfect time for a bit of teasing. “Tobirama-san, who would’ve thought the stoic Second Hokage would come back from the dead to not only marry the Mizukage but also manage to...,” he glanced at Mei’s pregnant belly with a cheeky grin, “well, you know.” he then added, “I must say, you two are quite the power couple. Who would have thought, the Ice Man melting for our lovely Mizukage?”

obirama raised an eyebrow, not missing a beat. “And who would have thought, Koushin, that you’d settle down and behave yourself?” he shot back, a slight smirk playing on his lips.

Koushin chuckled, “Well, we can’t all be surprising, can we?”

Mei laughed, her eyes twinkling with mirth. “I must say, Koushin, you’ve certainly met your match with Ino.”

“In more ways than one,” Ino added, her tone teasing.

Koushin winked at her, “You know it, Pumpkin.”

Hashirama let out a hearty laugh, overhearing Koushin's playful banter with Tobirama and Mei. "Ah, Koushin, you've always had a way with words!" he exclaimed, clapping him on the back.

Koushin grinned, "It's a gift." He gestured to Madara, who was trying to suppress his own amusement, "What about you, Madara? Care to add your two cents?"

Madara smirked, "Well, seeing Tobirama all flustered is entertainment in itself. Who would've imagined he had a soft side?"

"Easy now," Tobirama warned, though the twinkle in his eyes betrayed his amusement. Mei laughed, wrapping an arm around Tobirama's waist.

"It's all in good fun," she said, sharing a conspiratorial wink with Koushin.

The festive mood was palpable, with colorful lanterns hanging from trees, the scent of delicious food wafting through the air, and the hum of conversations filling the background. It felt like the entire village had turned out to celebrate Naruto and Hinata's union.

Koushin, with Ino by his side, continued weaving through the guests, greeting and joking as he went. His sharp eyes caught sight of Shino, always the observant one, leaning against a tree and watching the festivities. Approaching him, Koushin clapped a hand on his shoulder. "You always did have a knack for blending into the background," he remarked with a teasing grin.

Shino adjusted his sunglasses, a hint of a smirk visible. "Observation is key," he replied in his usual stoic manner.

Koushin chuckled, "True, true. But don’t forget to enjoy the party as well."

Looking into Koushin's stern gaze, Shino nodded, "I will."

With that assurance, Koushin and Ino continued their journey through the celebration, feeling the happiness and joy of the village around them. They saw familiar faces and shared laughs, truly immersing themselves in the celebration.

As the evening went on, the crowd started to gather around a beautifully decorated area in the center of the village. It was time for the wedding ceremony, and everyone was eager to witness the union of Naruto and Hinata.

The ceremony space was adorned with vibrant flowers, their colors reflecting the energy of the village. Lanterns hung above, casting a warm and gentle light on the gathering. In the center stood a small, traditional stage, elegantly decorated, where the ceremony would take place.

The crowd fell into a respectful silence as the Hokage, Kakashi, took his place on the stage to officiate the wedding. He looked out at the crowd, his eyes crinkling as he smiled, “We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of two souls who have found their way to each other through trials and battles. Naruto Uzumaki and Hinata Hyuga have chosen to join their lives together, and we, their friends, family, and fellow villagers, are here to witness and celebrate their commitment.”

Naruto and Hinata stepped onto the stage, their hands clasped together, their eyes shining with love and happiness. They wore traditional wedding attire; Naruto in a handsome montsuki kimono adorned with the Uzumaki clan symbol, and Hinata in a beautiful, white shiromuku kimono, representing purity and her transition into Naruto’s clan.

Kakashi continued, “In the presence of your loved ones, I ask you to declare your vows.”

Naruto went first, his voice strong yet filled with emotion, “Hinata, from the moment I met you, my world changed. You saw me when no one else did; you believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself. I vow to stand by your side, to protect you, and to love you, through all the battles and the peaceful times. You are my heart, my soul, and my everything.”

Tears filled Hinata’s eyes as she listened to Naruto’s vows, and when it was her turn to speak, her voice was soft but filled with determination, “Naruto, you have shown me what it means to be brave, to never give up, and to fight for what I believe in. I vow to support you, to lift you up when you are down, and to be your sanctuary. You have my heart, my love, and my eternal devotion.”

The crowd was silent, moved by the sincerity and depth of their vows. Kakashi nodded, his own eyes filled with pride and happiness, “And now, with the power vested in me as the Hokage, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

Naruto and Hinata’s kiss was gentle yet filled with all the pent-up emotions and love they had for each other. The crowd erupted into cheers and applause, throwing flowers onto the stage as the newlyweds embraced.

Koushin looked on, his heart full as he watched his friend finally find his happiness. He felt a gentle squeeze on his hand and turned to see Ino, her eyes filled with tears and a smile on her face.

“They did it,” she whispered, her voice filled with joy.

“They really did,” Koushin agreed, pulling her closer and planting a soft kiss on her forehead.

As the celebration continued into the night, the village was alive with laughter, dancing, and joy. The air was filled with the sounds of happiness, and for the first time in a long time, the shinobi world was at peace.

Naruto and Hinata, now husband and wife, danced and celebrated with their friends and family, their hearts light and their spirits high. They had found their happily ever after, and the entire village rejoiced with them.

After the wedding festivities, Koushin and Naruto found themselves atop the Hokage Mountain, sharing a quiet moment away from the hustle and bustle. The village below was still alive with celebration, but up here, they could enjoy a bit of tranquility.

“To think little troublesome grew up to get married. I feel so proud,” Koushin mused, looking at Naruto with a smirk.

Naruto snorted in response, “I am older than you.”

Koushin chuckled, his tone light, “Only by a few days. I am still your big brother.”

To Koushin’s surprise, Naruto nodded in agreement, “You are.” He wrapped an arm around Koushin’s shoulder, his voice softening, “You were there whenever I was down. You nudged me to make a move on Hinata. You always believed in me. You are the best big brother.”

Koushin scoffed, his smirk returning, “Damn right I am.”

Both of them shared a hearty laugh, basking in the camaraderie. The air was filled with joy, but Koushin’s expression suddenly turned serious. Without warning, he hit Naruto's belly with his five fingers. Naruto doubled over, feeling something strange happening to his body.

“What the hell, Koushin? What did you do?” Naruto gasped out, his eyes wide with surprise.

Koushin looked at Naruto, his tone serious but light, “Naruto, listen to me carefully. I have seen a horrible prediction. Between May and June, if you and Hinata have a baby, it will lead to a horrible future.”

Naruto was taken aback, “Horrible?”

Koushin nodded gravely, “So horrible. You will have a ridiculous haircut. Then you will have an emo son that will ruin everything. Since I will be godfather of your children, and I know I would hate that brat, I cannot let it happen.”

Naruto, though confused, found himself nodding along, “That makes sense.”

Koushin sighed in relief, glad that Naruto was on the same page, “I blocked your swimmers so you cannot conceive a child until June. Trust me, this is for the betterment of the world.”

Naruto, still processing everything, finally broke into a grin, “Leave it to you to think about the future of the world.”

Koushin winked, “Someone has to keep you in check.”

They shared another laugh, the seriousness of the situation dissolving into the night. Despite the unexpected turn of events, they were glad to have each other’s back, just like always.

7 years later. In the Uzumaki Household.

Koushin was seated comfortably on the plush couch, the warm and lively atmosphere of the room wrapping around him like a snug blanket. On his lap, two little girls were nestled securely, their bright eyes sparkling with innocent joy. To his right, Himawari Uzumaki, the five-year-old daughter of Naruto and Hinata, was animatedly chatting away, her voice a sweet melody in the air. On his left, his own little gem, Hana, mirrored Himawari's enthusiasm, her wild blonde locks bouncing as she talked, a testament to her father's genes.

Across from them, Hinata and Ino were deep in conversation, their laughter and chitchat filling the room with a sense of warmth and camaraderie. The two women shared a bond that had only grown stronger over the years, and it was evident in their easy smiles and the way they seemed to understand each other without needing words.

On another couch, the gaming console was the center of attention for Naruto, Kouren, and Hiro. Naruto, with a controller in hand, was completely engrossed in the game, his competitive nature shining through as he played against his son, Kouren, who was seven years old. Hiro, Koushin's nine-year-old son, was cheering on his cousin, his violet eyes sparkling with excitement. The boys' laughter and playful banter created a lively atmosphere, and it was clear that the joy of the moment was infectious.

Koushin looked around, his heart full as he took in the sight of his family and friends, all gathered together in one place. He felt a gentle tug on his sleeve and turned his attention back to the girls on his lap.

"Uncle Koushin, can you tell us a story?" Himawari asked, her big, curious eyes looking up at him with anticipation.

"Yeah, a funny one!" Hana chimed in, her excitement evident in her bright eyes and eager smile.

Koushin chuckled, ruffling their hair affectionately. "A funny one, huh? Alright, let me think..."

Koushin grinned, his eyes twinkling with mischief as he looked down at the two eager little faces in front of him. "Alright, listen closely, because this is a story of two very... unique young lads."

His voice took on a whimsical tone, drawing the children in with his animated storytelling. "Once upon a time, in a small village just like ours, there were two boys. They were the best of friends, and oh boy, they were a handful."

He chuckled, remembering the days of mischief and laughter. "One was loud, energetic, and had a heart as big as the world, while the other was witty, clever, and always had a trick up his sleeve."

The girls were completely captivated, their eyes wide with curiosity. "What did they do, Uncle Koushin?" Himawari asked, her voice filled with excitement.

Koushin laughed, "Well, they were quite the pranksters. And one day, the ball of energy came up with a prank to punish the evil matron of the orphange."

He paused, glancing over at Hinata and Ino, who were trying their best to keep their laughter in check, knowing all too well where this story was headed.

Koushin settled himself, ready to spin the tale with all the dramatics and humor he could muster. "So, these two little rascals, let's call them ‘Loudmouth’ and ‘Sly’, had a plan. Loudmouth was always full of energy, running around and causing mayhem wherever he went. Sly, on the other hand, was the brains of the operation. He was clever, always coming up with elaborate plans for their pranks."

Himawari and Hana were hanging on to every word, their eyes gleaming with curiosity and delight. "Now, there was this matron at the orphanage. Oh, she was strict! She never smiled, and she had a rule for everything. Loudmouth and Sly, they couldn't stand her. So, they decided it was time to teach her a lesson."

Koushin leaned in closer, lowering his voice for effect, "They knew that the matron loved her hot baths at the end of the day. So, Loudmouth got this brilliant idea. He decided to heat the water a little bit more than usual, just enough to make her jump. Sly, being the more sensible of the two, was a bit hesitant, but he decided to go along with it."

The room was filled with laughter and eager whispers as the girls anticipated what was about to happen next. Hinata and Ino exchanged knowing glances, trying to suppress their laughter.

Koushin continued, his eyes twinkling with mischief, "So, they snuck into the boiler room, and Loudmouth pulled out this jar of frog oil. Now, frog oil, when mixed with fire, can create quite a bit of heat. He thought a little bit would do the trick. But as you can imagine, things didn't go as planned."

The girls were on the edge of their seats now, completely absorbed in the story. "What happened, Daddy? What happened?" Hana asked, her eyes wide with excitement.

Koushin chuckled, "Well, when Loudmouth poured the frog oil into the furnace, it created a huge explosion! The hot water went everywhere, and the matron, oh the poor matron, she got the shock of her life!"

He paused for dramatic effect, watching as the girls erupted into fits of giggles. "The whole orphanage was in chaos! There was water and steam everywhere, and the matron was absolutely furious."

He looked over at Naruto, who was trying his best to look innocent while wiping away sweat from his forehead. Koushin couldn't help but wink at him before turning back to the girls.

"Sly, being the clever one, managed to stay out of trouble. But Loudmouth, oh he wasn’t so lucky. The matron knew it was him, she always knew. And that day, she had enough. She told him, 'Young man, you are out of here!'"

Himawari and Hana gasped, their eyes filled with shock. "She kicked him out?" Himawari asked, her voice laced with disbelief.

Koushin nodded solemnly, "Yes, she did. But you know what? It turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to him. Because after that day, Loudmouth found a new home, a new family, and he grew up to be a great, great man."

Hinata and Ino were now openly laughing, their eyes filled with tears of amusement as they watched Naruto’s squirming under Koushin’s storytelling.

Koushin ruffled the girls' hair, his voice gentle, "And Sly, he learned a valuable lesson that day. He learned that sometimes, pranks can go too far, and you have to be ready to face the consequences."

He looked at the girls, his eyes filled with warmth, "And that, my little listeners, is the story of Loudmouth and Sly."

Himawari and Hana burst into laughter, their giggles filling the room. "That was a great story, Daddy! Tell us another one!" Hana exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with delight.

Koushin mused, "Another one, you say?" He then thought of the myriad of stories they had created in their life. "Have I ever told you how your Uncle Kakashi was trapped in a Water Prison that Naruto, Hinata, and I, as Genins, had to free him from?"

The girls shook their heads, their eyes gleaming with anticipation.

"Ah, that was an adventure," Koushin began, settling back into the plush couch, making himself comfortable. "You see, back when we were young and inexperienced, our team was on a mission in the Land of Waves. It was supposed to be a simple escort mission, but it quickly turned into something more complicated."

He chuckled, "But then again, when were our missions ever simple?"

Himawari and Hana giggled at that, eager for another tale.

"We were escorting a bridge builder named Tazuna back to his village. It was important because the bridge he was building would connect the Land of Waves to the mainland and break the monopoly of a corrupt businessman. Little did we know that this businessman had hired one of the most dangerous shinobi out there to take Tazuna out."

Koushin paused for a moment, gauging the girls' reactions. They were hanging on his every word, completely engrossed in the story. "That shinobi was none other than Zabuza Momochi, the Demon of the Hidden Mist."

The room seemed to darken at the mention of the name, and even Naruto, who had momentarily paused his game, looked over, remembering their dangerous encounter.

Koushin continued, "During one of our confrontations with Zabuza, he managed to trap Kakashi in a jutsu known as the Water Prison. It was a deadly technique where the victim is trapped inside a large sphere of water, unable to move or breathe."

Hana's eyes widened in fear, "Was Uncle Kakashi okay?"

Koushin nodded, trying to ease her concern, "Of course. You super Daddy was there! Naruto, always the one for flashy moves, created shadow clones to distract Zabuza, while Hinata and I tried to find a way to break the water prison."

Naruto grinned from his spot, clearly proud of his younger self's achievements.

Hinata, overhearing the story, added, "It was one of the most intense moments of our lives. But together, we managed to free Kakashi-sensei."

Koushin then smirked, casting a playful glance at the children, "From now on, if you see your Uncle Kakashi, make sure to call him Uncle Goldfish. He has quite fond memories of that day."

Ino and Hinata, who had been sipping their tea, suddenly choked, coughing uncontrollably as laughter threatened to burst forth. Naruto, on the other hand, threw his head back and laughed out loud, his eyes crinkling at the corners. The room was instantly filled with a light-hearted atmosphere as the story took a comical turn.

“Why Uncle Goldfish?” Himawari managed to ask between her giggles, her curiosity piqued.

Koushin leaned in, his voice lowering as if he was about to share a great secret, "Well, you see, after we freed Kakashi from the Water Prison, he was gasping for air like a goldfish out of water. It was such a sight, your uncle, one of the most formidable shinobi, panting and coughing just like a little fish."

Himawari and Hana burst into laughter, their imaginations running wild with the image of Kakashi as a goldfish. Koushin winked at them, pleased with their reaction.

“Daddy, you’re so funny!” Hana exclaimed, her laughter echoing in the room.

Koushin chuckled, ruffling her hair affectionately, “Well, I do my best.”

Naruto, finally recovering from his laughter, chimed in, “You should have seen Kakashi’s face when he realized we’d freed him. He was trying so hard to be his usual cool self, but he was breathing so hard he couldn’t even speak.”

The children giggled, imagining their stoic uncle in such a state. Koushin nodded in agreement, his eyes sparkling with amusement.

“That’s right. And after that, he tried to pretend like nothing happened, but we all knew,” he added, sharing a knowing glance with Naruto.

“Yeah, and he was so grateful, though he’d never admit it,” Naruto said, his tone filled with nostalgia.

Koushin then turned his attention towards the boys, who had been unusually silent throughout the storytelling session. His eyes twinkling with mischief, he noted, “Why so quiet over there? Ah, you beat Naruto’s character while he was distracted, didn’t you? Naruto, they’ve looted you 20 times already!”

Naruto’s eyes widened in mock horror as he looked at the game screen, “What? You little rascals!” He couldn’t help but laugh, though, as Hiro and Kouren tried to stifle their giggles, their faces turning red from the effort.

Hiro, with a sly grin that matched Koushin’s own, finally spoke up, “Well, Uncle Naruto, you always said we should seize every opportunity.” The room erupted in laughter again, with Koushin nodding approvingly at his son.

“That’s my boy,” he said, ruffling Hiro’s hair. “Always thinking on his feet.”

Ino, sitting across from Koushin, couldn’t help but join in, “Looks like you’ve got some competition, Naruto. These boys are learning from the best.”

Naruto, still laughing, shot back, “Oh, they are, are they? Well, just remember, kiddos, I’ve got years of pranking experience on you both. You’ve got to wake up pretty early in the morning to pull one over on me.”

Hana, not wanting to be left out, chimed in with a giggle, “Daddy’s the best prankster!”

Koushin, pleased with the compliment, winked at her and said, “You got that right, princess.”

The room was filled with warmth and laughter, the children’s giggles mixing with the adults’ chuckles. It was a scene of pure family bliss, everyone enjoying each other’s company.

And just like that, years went by. No enemies from outer space. No new stupid eyes popping out like they are mushrooms and no making Naruto weak just for the sake of the plot. The village of Konoha found itself in a rare era of peace and prosperity, with its inhabitants living their lives to the fullest, surrounded by love, laughter, and the warmth of family.


Thank you all for the support! I hope you enjoyed this. I sure did!

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