Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch31- Double Date


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So there we were, me and my Pumpkin Ino, along with Naruto and Hinata, double-dating. We were at this super chill barbecue joint, the kind that makes you feel like you're part of the family. Anyway, it was a pretty sweet setup, with the four of us just sitting back and enjoying some good food and even better company.

Naruto was scarfing down ramen like he'd never tasted food before in his life, and Hinata was giggling at him. That guy, I swear, was a bottomless pit. "Fool, slow down!" I teased him. "You're gonna make yourself sick!"

Naruto just grinned, his cheeks stuffed with noodles. "What can I say, Kou? This ramen is just too good!"

"Better than Ichuraku?" I asked with a smirk.

"Take that back!" He exclaimed as he looked at me with sheer disbelief. As if I insulted his religion, welp, in a sense it is true.

Ino rolled her eyes and shook her head, but she couldn't hide the smile that was tugging at her lips. "You guys are ridiculous."

"So, Kou-chan," She then said, looking over at me with a sweet smile while holding back her giggles, "How's your team been doing? I heard you guys had a pretty interesting D-rank mission the other day."

"Oh, you mean the one where we had to catch that rogue chicken?" I laughed. "Yeah, that was a wild ride. You wouldn't believe how fast that thing could run! But, of course, being the amazing ninja I am, I managed to catch it in the end."

Ino snorted. "You mean after it had pecked you at least a dozen times."

I pretended to be offended. "Woman, those pecks were a testament to my dedication. Don't mock a man's battle scars."

Naruto chimed in, still chomping on his ramen. "Haha, you should've seen it! Kou was running all over the place, trying to catch that crazy chicken. It was hilarious!"

"Thanks, Naruto," I said, rolling my eyes. "I appreciate your support."

Ino giggled, her pale cheeks turning a light shade of pink. "Well, at least it sounds like you guys had fun."

Naruto sighed, giving Hinata a playful shove. "Yeah, well, if fun is chasing a chicken around the village, then sure."

"By the way, Ino," I said, giving her a sly grin. "I heard you aced that training exercise the other day. It must be pretty awesome being so amazing all the time."

Ino scoffed, but her cheeks flushed pink with pride. "Well, someone's got to keep you on your toes, Kou."

Hinata giggled, while I nudged Naruto on his side. "Speaking of training, Naruto, tell her how managed to turn your latest sparring session into a full-blown food fight."

Naruto blushed, scratching the back of his head sheepishly. "Yeah, well, it wasn't exactly planned, but it was a lot of fun."

I chuckled and shook my head. "You two are just a disaster waiting to happen, aren't you?"

Naruto grinned, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Hey, you're part of this team too, Koushin. That makes you an honorary member of the disaster squad."

Ino leaned over and whispered in my ear, her warm breath tickling my skin. "I think we should start our own team, Kou. We'll call it 'Team Incredibly Good-Looking and Talented.'"

I laughed and whispered back, "I think that's the best idea I've heard all night, Pumpkin-chan."

I raised my cup of tea in a mock toast. "To Team Incredibly Good-Looking and Talented."

Ino laughed and clinked her cup against mine, the sound echoing through the restaurant. "To our new team."

Naruto and Hinata looked at each other and then at us, "You two are self-conceited dorks" Naruto said with a wise nod.

I grinned at him. "Heh, you are just jealous because you cannot be part of our super duper team."

Ino smirked, winking at Hinata. "It's a secret team, just for us. You guys aren't invited."

Hinata looked a bit disappointed, but then she smiled softly. "I'm sure your team would be wonderful."

"Well, Hinata can qualify for the team, but since Naruto is pulling you down, we have to, sadly, decline your admission to Team Incredibly Good-Looking and Talented. Please try again with a different pairing." I said while looking extremely sad.

"Why do I feel like I am insulted again?" Naruto asked while Hinata was giggling to herself.

Naruto pouted, crossing his arms over his chest. "Who needs your stupid team? We're pretty awesome too, you know."

"We didn't say you weren't, Naruto," Ino said, still smirking. "It's just that Kou and I are on a whole other level."

I nodded in agreement, trying to keep a straight face. "Yeah, you guys are great, but we're just... better."

Naruto's pout deepened, but then he suddenly grinned. "Alright, you two. If you think you're so amazing, why don't we have a little competition to see who the real power couple is?"

Ino raised an eyebrow, glancing at the blonde. "Hoh, seems like you grew a pair, huh Naruto? What kind of competition?"

Naruto rubbed his hands together, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "How about a race? First one to the top of the Hokage Monument wins."

I smirked, accepting the challenge. "You're on, Naruto. But don't come crying to us when you lose."

Hinata blushed, looking a bit nervous. "Um, maybe we shouldn't be too competitive. We're all friends, after all."

Ino chuckled, placing a reassuring hand on Hinata's shoulder. "Don't worry, Hinata. It's all in good fun. Besides, we'll go easy on you."

A tick appeared on Hinata's head. 'Here I am, acting all shy and considerate, and they get more and more arrogant!'

With our challenge set, we finished our meal and paid the bill. The four of us headed to the Hokage Monument, the excitement of the race fueling our steps.

"Alright," Naruto announced, standing at the base of the monument. "On your mark, get set…"

Ino squeezed my hand, giving me a determined look. "Let's show them what Team Incredibly Good-Looking and Talented is made of."

I winked at her, feeling my heart race with excitement. "You got it, Pumpkin-chan."

"Let's make it interesting, Naruto." I smirked, as I looked at them.

"I don't like that look." All three said at the same time. I leaned forward, as I reached back with my arms, "Your ride is here, m'lady. Hop on."

"I like it!" Naruto shouted and looked at Hinata, while the latter looked super embarrassed. Ino giggled, and hopped on my back, while putting her head on my shoulder, smirking at Naruto and Hinata.

After much convincing, Hinata too parked behind Naruto, and we were ready!

"GO!" Naruto shouted, and the race was on.

The four of us took off, each couple racing to reach the top of the Hokage Monument first. Naruto and Hinata seemed to move as one, while Ino and I relied on our teamwork to try and outrun them.

Ino leaned in close to my ear, her breath hot on my skin. "You better not slow us down, Kou."

I grinned, my legs pumping as I carried us both up the rocky face of the monument. "Don't worry, Ino. I've got this under control."

As we climbed higher, the view of the village below became more and more breathtaking. The setting sun bathed everything in a warm, golden light, making the moment feel even more magical.

Ino glanced over at Naruto and Hinata, who were neck and neck with us. "Come on, Kou, we can't let them beat us!"

I smirked, feeling a surge of adrenaline as I pushed myself to go faster. "Just hold on tight, Pumpkin-chan. We're going to show them what we're made of!"

Naruto looked back at us, grinning as he egged us on. "You guys are going to have to do better than that if you want to beat us!"

Hinata, who had been silent for most of the race, suddenly piped up, her voice filled with determination. "You may be talented, but we have something special too. Don't underestimate us!"

Ino laughed, her voice ringing out like bells. "Oh, don't worry, Hinata. We know you guys are a force to be reckoned with. But we're just a little bit better."

As we neared the top of the monument, our playful banter continued, each of us trying to psych the others out while still keeping our focus on the race.

Naruto huffed, trying to catch his breath. "You guys sure are confident. But can you handle this?"

With a burst of speed, Naruto and Hinata pulled ahead, their determination evident in their movements. Ino and I exchanged a glance, our competitive spirits igniting.

"Time to kick it up a notch, Kou," Ino whispered, her blue eyes sparkling with excitement.

I nodded, feeling a surge of energy course through me. "Hold on, Ino. We're going in for the win."

With a burst of chakra, we shot forward, quickly closing the gap between us and Naruto and Hinata. The race was intense, our laughter and playful taunts filling the air as we climbed higher and higher.

In the end, it was too close to call – we reached the top of the Hokage Monument at the same time, all four of us panting and laughing from the exhilarating race.

Naruto grinned, giving me a friendly punch on the shoulder. "Not bad, Kou. You guys really gave us a run for our money."

"Yeah, well, we're all pretty amazing, aren't we?" I chuckled, “You guys are not bad, I admit.”

Ino slid off my back, wrapping her arms around me as we looked out at the breathtaking view. "I'd say we're all winners here."

Hinata smiled, leaning into Naruto's side. "I agree. That was so much fun."

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