Kyouhana: Transmigrated into the Worst Book and Became the Dark Lord’s Bride

Maiden’s Independence – 2

Ellyn, Brodveth, and I entered the weapon storeroom first. The storeroom was a treasure trove of fantastical weapons, each one more dazzling than the last.

Some swords glowed with arcane power, axes that crackled with lightning, daggers that dripped with venom, and bows that shot arrows of pure light.

The walls were lined with shelves of gleaming metal and polished wood, and the floor was covered with chests and crates of various shapes and sizes.

The faint hum of magic and the smell of oil and leather fills the air. It was a place of wonder and awe, where any knight could find their perfect weapon.

Brodveth went to check the weapons for usability. He’s also surveying which weapon looks the best for me.

“Little princess, you should consider training with him at night. That man over there is a night owl. He never moves this time of day,” Ellyn said, pointing at Brodveth.

“Then whose that?” I asked, pointing in the same direction.

“He’s a mimic.”

Is she making fun of me? I’m a kid of my physical age, but my mental age already graduated from college. But I’m pretty forgetting that I need to act like a kid.

“You two seem close. Did you have a relationship?”

“We date once.”

“D—Date!?” I squealed, flinching my head back. “Y—y—you d—date?”

“Why are you blushing, little princess? Are you having some dirty thoughts?”

“Like I do!”

“Still, it was the best date I ever had. The sun lights everything between us. I’m laughing at him, and it’s the sweetest thing I did. I felt love for Ronaldo as our blades clashed.”

“Your blade what!? And who is Ronaldo?”

She pulled out a dagger hiding under her maid’s dress. The dagger possesses sharpness that can hurt you just by looking. I felt the dark magic circling it.

“Say ‘hi’ to Ronaldo,” she said while spinning the blade confidently.

“Ronaldo, your owner is crazy.”

I thought the date stuff is serious. Turns out that they’re only fighting under the sun. She really got me there.

Brodveth looks back at us and speaks. “Princess Veniara, the weapons are now ready. Please choose the one with your liking.”

I ain’t materialistic. If I’m going to have an item, I want it durable and usable. I don’t care about the appearance. That’s what being poor thought me.

But all the weapons he showcased are visually appealing. The colors only differ per weapon type. There are swords, daggers, hammers, scythes, and greatswords in there.

“Cavalry Captain, what can you suggest for a small-limbed kid like me?”

“Pardon, Princess Veniara, but you can call me Brodveth instead. As for my recommendation, I suggest that you try to grip each weapon until you feel what’s best for you.”

“You’re being rude to the princess, Cavalry Captain,” Ellyn commented. “She’s just asking for recommendations, not letting you pick for her.”

“Tsk, isn’t it the same,” Brodveth clacked towards Ellyn who was smiling with intent.

“Hey, don’t fight! It’s alright, Brodveth. I’m going to choose the weapon of my choice.”

I tried the first weapon, which is a dagger. It was light like a feather, but my atmosphere suddenly felt heavy.

Dizziness attacks my mind. The sudden loss of air slowly suffocates me. My heart races until I let go of the weapon.

“ARCHIE!” Ellyn screamed as the weapon slowly falls. She rushed to catch it but failed.

“I’m sorry, Archie. I failed to protect you from your stained personality,” Ellyn sobbed as she caries and caress the weapon.

“You— You’re a maniac, aren’t you?” I asked with knitted eyes toward Ellyn.

“You’re a heartless girl! You didn’t care how precious one’s life is!” Ellyn exclaimed it beside her face, like a mother comforting her kid.

“Even in front of the princess, your habits didn’t change,” Brodveth sighed and said.

“Is she like this since then, Brodveth?”

“That part of her has never been cleansed. She names and talks to weapons like they’re her mother. Bringing her here in the storeroom is a wrong move.”

“Hey, that’s rude! Say sorry to my Archie before he gets angry.”

“That weapon isn’t even yours,” Brodveth muttered.

If weapons are precious to Ellyn, then asking her might be the right decision. I don’t want to feel the same terror again.

“Ellyn, can you check first if there’s a weapon suitable for me?”

She stood up. Her negativity vanished. She sermoned me about weapons like a pastor.

“You should have done that first. These weapons lined up here are all rare qualities, unlike those being used by normal knights. You can say there’s an ongoing bias in this choice.

“Most weapons aren’t suitable for you, since a kid’s mana is still weak. You should consult an expert here other than a cavalry chicken who’s a pro at feeding horses.

“First to consider is your physique. You should have a clear idea of what your body would look like in the future. If you’ve spent years training for a weapon incompatible with you, it’s the same as death.

“Daggers are for swift people. Other than being a main weapon, it’s considered a backup. They’re sharp and reliable depending on the speed of the delivery of your attack.

“Greatswords is physically incompatible for you. They’re for dumbasses. That same concept goes with bows which are used by lazy archers.

“My most recommended suggestion would be this, Ebony and Ivory.” Ellyn stopped and carried a dual sword in touch of red and blue.

The swords were imbued with elemental power and adorned with intricate runes. The red sword blazed like a fire whilst the blue sword shimmered like a glacier.

The swords were opposites, yet they complemented each other perfectly. They were the twin blades of legend, sought by many but wielded by few.

“Do those swords create fire and ice?” I asked.

“For a kid’s fantasy, that’s absurd,” Ellyn laughed. “Cavalry captain, can you explain what Ebony and Ivory’s ability does?”

“Princess Veniara, those two weapons are one of a kind. The red one lets you control its weight depending on the magic you give it. The blue one changes its flexibility. You can give it a try.”

I took both the weapons and try to feel it. The atmosphere never changed. It’s perfectly compatible with me.

“The red one feels too light, much lighter than the dagger earlier. The blue one feels like it’s going to be bent soon,” I remarked with a slack mouth and glimmering eyes.

“Is that final, little princess? Are you going to adopt Ebony and Ivory?” Ellyn asked.

“If I’m going to be the owner, I’m the one who should name it.”

“Congratulations on choosing your weapon, Princess Veniara,” Brodveth congratulated with a clap that has no energy. Ellyn also cheered me.

“No, I’m not the one who chose these. They’re the ones who chose me. Isn’t that right, Ruby and Sapphire?”

I chose my weapon. But for practice, I used a wooden sword to spar with Brodveth. It was pretty heavy but not I can’t handle it.

I also wore light armor. We’re practicing in the open field, and the other knights don’t notice that I’m a princess.

“Now, little princess, you can do all out on me,” Brodveth said, preparing a stance against me.

“Are you bragging, Brodveth?” I growled. “Don’t underestimate me and come crying to your mama later.”

I saw myself rushing in rage as I pull my sword from my body. Because of the sword’s weight, I lost control of my balance, yet I still attacked.

The moment I swing at him, he stepped half a step back. It repeats until I got tired after a minute. He didn’t even swing his sword or attacked me.

“Hargh—H— Are you mocking me!?” I shouted.

“Little princess, for your first lesson, everything starts from the basics. If you don’t know it, you’ll end up like a fool. Worst, you’re going to die first in battle.”

“Damn, I don’t want that.”

Suddenly, someone grabbed my sword. When I looked at her, Ellyn smirks with a malicious face.

“Cavalry Captain, it’s been two years since our last spar. Would you want to do it with me?”

“For what reason you’re asking for this unimportant request, royal maid substitute?”

“Nothing,” she replied with a smug face. “I want Miss Little Princess here what a real battlefield looks like. As the ally of all kids, I want her to learn everything by experience.”

“Then you should prefer this,” Brodveth said as he throws two wooden daggers towards her.

Ellyn caught it. “It’s too light. I can smell an unfair battle, but that’s what’s more exciting. Little princess, you should go from a distance and enjoy.”

I sat on the bench far from them. Three seconds after that, the battle starts.

The sound of wood clashing against wood fills the air, as the two swordsmen circled each other with fierce determination.

They moved with grace and agility, parrying and striking with skill and precision. Their blades flashed in the sunlight, creating sparks and glints that dazzled the eyes.

They danced a deadly dance, each trying to find an opening in the other's defense. They were evenly matched, and neither would give up easily.

They’re bathing in sweat and determination compared to the other practicing knights. Everyone watched them too.

It was such amazing, spectacular, and otherworldly moves that they traded. My skin tingles for every contact their swords do.

“I want to be strong—like them.”

I muttered and hoped that the future heard me. I had my motivation. I will continue pursuing it. This is the only way I can come out alive for this written fate.

“Before I can show Elara myself, I need to be stronger than anybody else!”

After that day and every day after that, I started my harsh training and never gave up, even though it nearly killed me.

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