Kyouhana: Transmigrated into the Worst Book and Became the Dark Lord’s Bride

The Worst Book Transmigration – 5

The lively market town of Valenluire lay on the edge of a mystical forest and a massive field, surrounded by towering trees draped in vines and shimmering with magical energy.

The streets are bustling with visitors from all corners of the realm – elves with pointed ears and shimmering hair, dwarves with bushy beards and glittering gems, and humans with swords at their sides and determination in their eyes.

The winding cobblestone streets are lined with bustling shops and colorful market stalls, each boasting a wealth of fantastical wares.

The scent of roasting meats and aromatic herbs filled the air, and the sounds of lively music and laughter spilled out from every tavern and inn.

At the heart of Valenluire lies the town square, a vibrant hub of activity and excitement. Kids, much younger than I, ran, laughing as they chased each other.

Performers and street artists dazzled the crowds with their acrobatics, illusions, and fire shows. At the same time, merchants peddled their wares, and residents gathered to catch up on the latest news and gossip.

It was my first time going out, and I never expected how vibrant my environment was. If I were reborn as a commoner like them, I wouldn’t suffer my current distress.

I asked the merchants for directions toward the adventurer’s guild and ended ended up in a monumental building with a crest of a shield and a sword underneath.

When I stepped inside, I rapidly blinked followed by an open stare. My lips parted without me noticing. The well-known trope, the adventurer’s guild, was before me and I couldn’t believe it!

I saw a reception desk where a friendly and pretty receptionist would register new members and assign them ranks. The guild also had a tavern where adventurers could relax, drink, eat, and socialize.

There was a bulletin board where quests were posted and updated. The quests ranged from simple errands to dangerous expeditions, and each had a difficulty level and a reward attached.

I only had one objective in this place: to place a job request. There’s no limit on who can post a request. Even a kid can do so as long as they have money.

I need an adventurer who will lead me out of the city gates inspection. He should be weak so I could escape from his sight as I reach the forest.

The moment I approached the receptionist in the Post section, she spoke. “Good morning! How may I assist you today?”

“I—I was tasked to gather 15 Appomine herbs— as requested by Doctor Farhad!”

“Oh, weren’t you an assistant of the famous doctor? You need not to be scared, my darling. I won’t bite kids,” she joked.

Doctor Farhad is the doctor who treated my wound before, and I heard it from Elara when I asked her about my wound.

I placed a gold coin on the counter. Luckily, I brought my purse. It’s my past life habit to pick up coins I found on the ground, even if it wasn’t mine.

Like how I entered the guild, she blinked followed by an open stare. “Were you informed on what Appomine herbs are, little girl?”

I let silence answer her. Seconds later, I shook my head. Appomine Flower was the only thing I remembered being used in the novel.

I just picked that flower at random. I don’t have anything to do with it. All that matters is that I escape the kingdom without anyone noticing. Won’t she be suspicious of me?

“Appomine herbs were commonly used to make someone sleep, little girl. It seems like a gold coin is huge for that quest. Are you sure this is the right amount?”

“D-Don’t bother... The doctor—said to keep the change,” I stuttered with visible sweating. Who knows that the only flower I knew was this common?

“But, little girl, aren’t you informed about a policy that the adventurer’s guild never accepts tips for accurate auditing? I suggest that you should try lowering the price threshold.”

I nearly slipped my tongue in asking her suggestion. I thought the flower would be rare since it had a well-crafted name.

I never walked out of the castle so I don’t know the current state of the economy. I could only stare at my open pouch and pinch my chin acting like I was thinking. But everything that came to my mind were ideas I was unsure of.

A female adventurer approached me from the back and placed seven silver coins on the counter. She took the coin and put it back in my purse.

“Miss Leila, it was never right to bully kids, you know?” The adventurer said. Her glossy blonde hair fell in loose waves to her shoulders. Her eyes were narrowed and I couldn’t determine her eye color.

She stood her average height with a lean and alluring body. She wore a light and sturdy leather armor adorned with intricate engravings.

“I’m not bullying her, Ellyn. I’m not like you who picks on kids.”

“Take my coin. I’ll negotiate with her midway.”

Miss Leila, the receptionist, took the coin and wrote something on an amber-colored paper with a quill. After a while, she gave me a copy of the print containing the job details.

“Thank you for posting a job request in our guild. Feel free to use our services again soon, “she said.

“Now then, can you tell me why you, a kid from the nine-year-old army, were carrying a bunch of gold in public?” The adventurer Ellyn asked, squinting her forehead at me.

My jaws trembled for which it created a sound every time it collided. I froze, not able to respond to her, but she instead jerked back and walked to the door.

I sighed. Thankfully, no one noticed who I was.

My shaking body followed her trail. I might pass out at any minute. As we went along the way, she repeated her question.

“Can you tell me why you, a kid from the nine-year-old army, were carrying a bunch of gold in public?”

“I—I was—” I stuttered, talking to her nervously for the first time.

“You won’t get anywhere by stuttering. You seem juvenile. Did you have your parent’s consent?”

I nodded.

“Aren’t you informed yet? Strange monsters lurk in the nearby forest. It’s common for kids not to approach it.”

I nodded.

“What’s wrong with you? Are you saving word count by pretending to be deaf? Or are you a hardcore musician practicing headbangs? If you won’t talk, I won’t talk too.”


“Why what?”

“Why did you help me?”

I wouldn’t even consider her helping me. She only approached me after she saw the gold coin I was holding. Her voice, her mysteriousness, everything on her looked suspicious.

“Don’t fret, my dear. I’m the guardian of children. I helped kids who were in trouble. You, my fellow, were also in need of my help too, right?”

Oh, really? She told me straightforwardly that she was a pedophile. I couldn’t determine which of what she was saying was true. My trust in her fell after it reached halfway.

She was more of a model than an adventurer. Her limbs were slim like what Elara had. But I wouldn’t expect some rando to have the same skill as the court maid. She should probably be weak as I expected.

“By the way, I’m Ellyn. And your name?”

“Vena.” Even if I cut my name, no one would notice since the details about the royal family siblings were kept hidden.

As we got to the city gates, Ellyn presented her guild card to the guards. They nearly agreed to let us pass, but one of them rubbernecked at me.

I avoided his uncomfortable stare, but it didn’t stop him. Does he know me? Did he notice my face? Will he stop me if he knew I’m the princess?

“Castor, you’re making my client uncomfortable,” Ellyn commented.

Castor, the guard, leaned back and hitched. “Hic! Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hol’up, buddy. Ish that shor client? Sheesh, she looksh young. Wait a minute, I knew ya crimshon hair from shomewhere... But, honeshtly, it’s my first time sheeing her. Hic!”

“Stop drinking and touch some grass, old virgin. This mere angel is no subject to your dreadful terminus of procreation.”

“H-Hey, Ellyn, you’re my besht friend, you know that? I don’t know why you’re sho mean to me. I’m just trying to pay her a complim-m-ment. Sheesh.”

“Let us pass.”

“Hiccup! Shou can go, buddzy. But lemme warn ya, thoshe guards over there don’t know what they’re talkin’ about. You should totally go deeper into the foresht and explore! Who cares about those so-called “monsters”? They’re probably just big ol’ teddy bears!” Castor laughed.

As the guards let us pass, we continued our journey.

The gentle breeze collided with my face as we walked towards our destination. The sun was setting behind the horizon, painting the sky with orange, pink, and purple palettes.

The air was filled with crickets and birds, creating a soothing melody. This cold breeze wasn’t present inside the city walls.

I stopped and closed my eyes, breathing in the fresh scent of the earth. I smiled and thanked the universe for this moment of beauty and grace.

“Do you enjoy the air, little girl?”

“It’s not—” I stuttered with my reddened face that turned away from her.

“Why are you so wary of me? Do you think I’m a suspicious person? I wouldn’t care less about your gold, but if someone saw it, they may take advantage of you.”

“R—Really?” I looked back at her with my sparkling eyes. I thought she was mere suspicious but she was just a pedophile.

“I’m the guardian of children, remember that. One time, Brenda asked me for a commission to find a lilac with her. The moment she got it, she seemed happy.”

“Who’s Brenda?”

“A kid in your age. I called them the nine-year-old army. Brenda was a sweet innocent girl who fell in love with one of her friends. Don’t you know her?”

I shook my head.

“I couldn’t remember seeing you once within the city. Perhaps, did you migrate here in Valenluire with your family?”

“I’m with Dr. Farhad.”

“The quest told me. And what dark plans do you intend to use the Appomine Flower? Do you want to draw censored things in nobles’ faces?”

She was sharp. She intended to find loopholes within my plan. I just wish that she wouldn’t notice me escaping before I do it.

I stared away with my eyes half open. “Who knows?”

She covered her mouth and giggled. “You had a good sense of humor within you, little girl. We might get along well.”

“I didn’t say anything funny.”

“A joke doesn’t come out only from words. Your face tells me that you’re admitting it.”

“I—I had a pride not to do anything shameful!” I squealed with my flushed face full of emotion.

“You’re more open now.” When she noticed my face, she smiled. “You should be honest in what you really feel. Holding it would only make you explode until you couldn’t.”

Why am I talking like this again? I thought I only opened myself to Elara. Why am I sensitive now to some suspicious-looking stranger?

I’ve been overconfident about my plan, not thinking what the tip of my tongue threw out. Except for my family, no one felt comfortable when I talk to them.

What’s happening to me?

When we reached the forest, the trees swayed gently in the breeze, whispering secrets to each other. Even though the birds sang their melodies, strange noises echoed.

The air thickened with a musty smell of decay and dampness, and a chill ran through the spine of anyone who ventured into the forest.

“Don’t try to kid around, kid. Starting now, stay close to me,” Ellyn commanded with a severe stare.

But my intention was far different from what she expected. This place is the perfect place to experiment with my theory.

I will pull the real Veniara back into this world...

And go back to my family.

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