Kyouhana: Transmigrated into the Worst Book and Became the Dark Lord’s Bride

The Worst Book’s Transmigration – 8

A once unfamiliar ceiling…

A chandelier swings over my head as I stare at the ceiling. The same painting of royalty surrounds every corner of the room. But one thing’s different.

The one sitting beside me and holding my hand is Mom. Frizz scatters her hair with the absence of her makeup on her face. But the royal aura doesn’t fade.

As I slowly opened my blurred eyes, her demise gradually made her eyes dilate.

Her tears mark her infrequently blinking eyes red. Her downturned mouth starts sobbing after looking at me.


Like what Elara does, she pulled my head towards her heart and hugged me as tightly as she could.

“Veniara, can’t you please—do something reckless again?” Mom cried.

The loud pounding of her heart resonates in my mind, like a strong chaotic rhythm repeated over and over. Her tears crawl down my hair.

“Mom… Don’t cry—”

“Why can’t I!? My daughter nearly died! What reaction should I give!?” She screamed, which resonated and echoed throughout the room.

“I—I’m sorry. I’m sorry, Mom! I made you all worried!” I ended up lamenting while recalling the vicious red bloodbath in my memory.

“As long as you’re safe, red cat. Don’t make Mommy worry again. As long as you’re alive…”

“I didn’t mean to. I’m really really sorry. Please forgive me…”

We clung to each other, sobbing uncontrollably. Our tears mingled as we buried our faces in each other's necks, seeking comfort and solace.

We felt the warmth of our bodies, the rhythm of our hearts, the softness of our hair. Mother and daughter, our howl created a melody of sadness.

I did not care about anything else in the world, only the person in my arms. She knew I would never let go because I had been through so much.

My bed absorbed massive amounts of tears. We trembled in thinking about the worst-case scenario. Our resolution lasted for minutes.

Everyone sees Veniara as their precious treasure, and I failed to realize it earlier. If I followed my unplanned actions, I would be no different from a murderer.

Elara and Ellyn made me realize it. If they didn’t fight for me, I wouldn’t be able to see Veniara’s importance to them.

Speaking of Elara…


“Why are you suddenly shouting, red cat?”

“I want to see Elara! Where is she!?”

Instead of an answer, she looked away, facing down. Darkness compiles between her forehead and her bangs. She pressed her lips to hold her words.

Why do I feel bad about what she did? Why did my chest suddenly hurt, like I got stabbed by a knife? Why isn’t she saying anything?

“Hey, Mom, what happened to Elara? She’s safe, right? I knew that she would be alright!”

I smiled forcefully to end the negative aura she was giving, but she didn’t change her expression.

The pain in my heart amplified. My upright smile suddenly turned downward. My world slows down, synchronizing with my current pulse.

“Mom!” I shouted with water surrounding my eyes. “Why aren’t you saying anything!?”

“You should see her.”

In haste, Mom brought me not to her bedroom, but to a huge room where the door carved a medical crest. It’s a symbol that ambulances from Earth used.

As we opened it, I saw countless huge beds, but only one occupied spot. The person who’s lying on the bed is the one who asked me to save Veniara.


Elara looked frail and pale, lying in the hospital bed with tubes and wires attached to her body. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was shallow.

There’s also the doctor who was once in charge of my fever. He greeted me like he already expected me.

“My deepest apologies, your majesty, and the princess. I’m afraid that I can’t grasp the cause of what keeps her from waking up, yet.”

“W—What do you mean?” I stuttered, slowly taking my step to see Elara’s face clearly. “What do you mean you can’t grasp it? Aren’t you the finest doctor in the kingdom?”

“Veniara, calm down,” my Mom advised as she tapped my shoulders.

The longer I see Elara’s pitiful face, the more I lose control of my feelings. I didn’t realize that I’m shouting in disdain.

“It recovered but why!? She should’ve woken up already! She should’ve been fine! She doesn’t have any wounds left! What did you do to her!? It’s not like her to end up like this—”

“CALM DOWN!” The voice of authority resonated through my mind. With a different tone, Mom noticed how I was losing control of myself.

“You’re not the only one worried, red cat. We are too. We’re greatly indebted to what she did.”

“Mom… Elara will wake up, right? She should wake up. She will wake up. She can’t die on me.”

“Excuse me, your majesty, but—” The doctor said, raising his hand.

“Can’t you just shut up first, you insolent man!?” I shouted back, interrupting his words. “I can’t handle your bad news anymore—”

“Veniara!” Mom shouted with her deep tone.

“I—I’m sorry, Mom.”

“Continue, Dr. Fharhad, but you must give us good news.”

“As commanded, your majesty. The royal maid’s condition is complex. From what I can tell, she can wake up after six months,” the doctor said.

“Six months? You just told it in a hunch?” I asked, figuring out if he was a quack.

“That’s what the apparatuses tell. It might be sooner or later depending on her will to live. But I can’t assure you that she’s destined to wake up.”

“What do you mean?”

“There are also chances that she’ll end up sleeping forever. I’m not saying this to hurt your feelings, princess. I’m a doctor, and I know my limitations well. I ain’t like God—”

Because of what he said, I approached him. This sudden unannounced movement made his shoulders tighten. But he didn’t expect what I said.

“Knowing that she’ll soon wake up is already enough— No, it’s too much.”

I kneeled in front of him, which made everyone flinch.

“I humbly ask for forgiveness for delivering my frustrations in such a rude manner. I’m very sorry. I know that what I’m doing isn’t enough for an apology.”

“D—Don’t be like that, princess! Please, stand up. I should be at fault for inserting myself into your conversation. You don’t need to apologize.”

In the end, things went straight clear. Elara’s will to live is strong like her fighting spirit, so I’m confident about her awakening.

But she recovered yesterday. She should've been fine even with some mysterious power that possessed my hand. Don’t tell me it’s all a dream.

There’s only one way to verify. As I stood up, I asked Mom.

“Where is Ellyn, Mom? She’s probably in this castle because of saving me, right?”

“So, she really did save you.”

“What do you mean? Of course, she does. Wait—did you doubt her because of what happened to Elara?”

“She’s imprisoned at the Sinned Chambers right now. Your dad is also currently there.”

Sinned Chambers is the place where the prisoners awaiting death lie. Most high-profile prisoners captured there took the kingdom’s interest.

Slave traders wanted criminals, and illegal bandits to gather here. If they’re a group, they compile themselves in a room or two like sardines in a can.

When I visited the place today, from what I can remember in Veniara’s memory their numbers multiplied.

This dungeon was a dark and dismal place. Where the only sounds were the clanking of chains and the moans of the prisoners.

The air was thick with the stench of rotting flesh and blood, and the walls covered with mold and slime. Prisoners scream at us with harsh vulgar words as we pass onto them.

We ignored the unbreathable noise until we reached a room filled with arguments. Voices of two men and one woman bounced in my ears.

I rushed towards the cell, but I never expected what I saw. It was gruesome how you’re punished for doing something right.

Chains captured Ellyn’s hands which left her hanging in the air. She’s in her underwear, and I can brightly see the fresh wound from being whipped.

Her wound from yesterday’s attack wasn’t sealed yet. I can hear her continuous deep breaths from the distance. Seeing it makes me hiss in pain too.

Other than her, my Dad and the captain of the knights are there too. He’s the last person I saw before I lost consciousness.

“Ellyn!” I shouted, which raised her head, showing me how she held the pain she felt. Her eyes are still narrow as ever.

“Oh, my little princess. I didn’t expect you’d visit sooner. I should’ve cleaned my appearance first.”

“Dad, what are you doing!?” I shouted with rage. “What are you doing!? Why are you punishing her!? She saved me!”

“Wait— Did I perceive the scene wrong?” The tall knight in armor asked.

He is a towering figure with a muscular build, standing at 6'4" tall. He has short, dark brown hair that is often hidden under his helmet.

His piercing blue eyes filled with determination and intensity. Brodveth with a longsword by his side. Wearing his armor, adorned with the emblem of the cavalry knights.

“That’s what I’m repeatedly saying, over and over, Captain Brodveth,” Ellyn said.

“So, this is all a huge misunderstanding!?” Dad asked as if he acted like he was really shocked. His pupils dilated, and he flinched back more than 45 degrees angle.

Since I’m the prime witness of everything, I clarified my verdict.

“Ellyn protected me together with Elara from the bears.”

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