Lady of Curses

Chapter 26-A witch?

After receiving the vial and her knife June put them away and then left the room. She offered Aella to come with her, but the dark lady decided to stay here until June was done with the party meeting. 

Aella mostly stayed in the room to think a few things over, plus from what she understood, that meeting won't be anything crucial, just money splitting and maybe a talk about the future moves of the party.

As for her own future Aella wasn't too sure. First was the 15-day limit, some days had passed and she still hasn't decided if she wanted to be a servant citizen, and if she didn't want to be one, does she find a sustainable income or just move somewhere else, because as far as she knew that wasn't the only settlement in Safury realm, but she had no idea how far was the next one. 

Plus if she doesn't find sustainable income in time she will need to drain her mana from her growth pool. 

''Fuuuu...'' Breathing out a sigh, Aella let her thoughts calm down, she had time before those 15 days are up, and there was no point in stressing herself out as it wouldn't help her. 

After calming down she decided on her next action. One of her hands was closed in a knuckle all this time, there she was holding her two goblin cores, so she used this time to absorb them. It didn't take long before she fully absorbed them. These cores didn't give Aella much so she didn't feel comparable changes, but progress was progress. 

Aella didn't know what to do with the now empty monster cores, so she just opened the chest that was at the end of this bed and threw them in the chest, leaving it up to June to decide what she wanted to do with them.

After she dumped her used cores, Aella closed the chest and sat back down on the bed. Now she just had to wait for June and then they can go shopping. 


''Let's go?'' Aella heard how the room's door opened and June asking her if she was ready. 

No saying anything Aella gave a nod as she stood up and walked towards the elf. Grefured too stood up and walked towards the elf. 

After all of them got out of the room, June locked the door and went down, with Aella and Grefured following right behind her. 

While they were walking through the first floor to get to the exit Aella took a better look at the lady that was at the counter. Right now she wasn't busy so she was ready presumably a newspaper. The lady looked kind of plain with her brown short hair and brown eyes, but what got Aella's interest was the two bear-like ears that were atop the lady's head. 

Seeing those ears Aella guessed that the lady was a bear beastkin, which would kind of explain the inn's name. At one point the beastkin felt Aella's gaze. She looked up and her eyes locked with Aella's dark eyes, but it didn't last long as the beastkin just gave Aella a smile and then returned to reading her paper. 

The smile left Aella a little confused but she soon forgot about it because she stepped out of the inn. The inn wasn't in the most active part of the town so there weren't a lot of people the moment they stepped out of the inn but there were still plenty of them. 

While Aella took a little while to look around, June didn't and just started walking in one direction. Seeing this Aella had no choice but to follow. 

''So do you have anything in mind about what kind of clothes you want?'' While walking June asked Aella if she had any specific clothes she wanted.

''Not anything specific, just pants, shirt, and boots.'' Aella turned her attention away from the town's activities and turned it to June as she continued. ''And some undergarments would be nice.'' 

''Okay, perfect then we should be able to get everything at Cassy's.'' 

''Who is Cassy?'' By the sound of it, June had already someplace in mind where Aella could get her clothes. 

''She's someone I know.'' Without turning her blue eyes from the road June continued. ''She is someone I met a few years back when I needed some clothes. It was pretty late and most shops that dealt with clothes were closed, so I was ready to give up, but then I stumbled on Cassy's shop, and from that time I just go buy my clothes from her, and over the years we have become friends.'' Aella just nodded while June told her story.

The walk wasn't too long and it didn't take long before they arrived. The shop was a wooden building, that had a dark feel to it, the wood it was built from was ash grey in color, and the roof looked like a dark purple crocked cone, but it didn't look damaged but as if it was purposely made like that. In the center of the building stood dark brown doors with a sign hanging above them that read <Bats silk>.

The windows were too dark so Aella couldn't see anything inside, and then there was a round window located on the roof. This style of house for some reason left Aella a little bit sceptical.

''Is your friend a dark wizard or maybe a witch?'' June was standing and just waiting for Aelle to finish her inspection of the house, but when she heard Aella's question she looked at her with confusion.

''No, she's just a tailor.'' June turned her eyes away from Aella and pointed them at the building. ''But I won't deny that she has a peculiar-looking house.'' 

''Peculiar indeed.'' Without saying much Aella just nodded and indicated that she was ready to go, so June took the lead as they entered the building.


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