Lady of Curses

Chapter 3-Setlement

The closer Aella got to the wall the faster her steps got. She wanted to get there faster and see what's behind the wooden wall. As she got closer she got a better look of the wall. Aella could see some towers on the wall evenly spread out, made out of the same material. It was quite fascinating for her, although the wall was bare, except for the towers, its size on itself was impressive. But this sight somewhat confirms that this world was in a medieval setting, although Aella wasn't 100% sure because all she had to go by is this wall. 

While making her way to this wall, she saw someone peek out of one of the tower windows. They looked at her before they vanished from Aella's sight, back into the tower. That little interaction made Aella stop in her tracks for a moment before she again started to move her legs. The closer she got the more nervous she became, plus she just discovered that this place wasn't just some abandoned wall. 

Knowing that there are people there, made her more nervous than before. She started to think about how should she greet them, or even will she be able to understand them, how big of a language barrier is there between them and herself. Or what will she do if they aren't friendly but want to kill her, yes she put up a bravado, but she didn't want to die if possible.

While Aella was overthinking and making up multiple scenarios she arrived near the wooden wall. She saw that there was no entrance on this side, so she started to turn slightly left and see if she could find some way to get inside, or if that didn't work out Aella would try to call someone and see if they respond.

Lucky for her, she won't need to strain her vocal cords, as it didn't take long before she found giant wooden gates with towers on each side. Looking up as she got closer Aella saw the two towers manned by someone. One of them was someone that looked like a human if you don't count the brown-green horn that was growing from his forehead. But the second one looked a little stranger, they still looked similar to a human but they had hair made out of green leaves, their skin had a light green tint to it, and they had three eyes. And right now both guards, Aella presumed, were looking straight at her. 

''Please state your name and reason for visiting.'' The starting contest between Aella and the two guards ended when one of them asked for her name. 

Looking back at the horned one who asked Aella answered, ''Aella, I'm lost and this place happened to be the first civilized place I found.'' After hearing her answer the two started talking between themselves, but if Aella wanted to hear what they were saying she would need to concentrate a little bit.

But Aella wasn't interested in their conversation as she had other things in mind, mostly about the fact she could understand them and they could understand her, knowing this Aella was a little relieved that there was no language barrier between them.

''What are your abilities?'' A feminine voice brought Aella back to reality, and looking up she could tell that it was the three-eyed guard talking this time. 

The question confused her, as she had no idea about what abilities they were talking about, so she decided to ask. ''What abilities?'' And as soon as the question left her lips, both of the guards faces lit up.

The next moment Aella saw how the guards jumped from their towers, but only one of them succeeded because the one with a horn got stopped in his tracks when multiple green vines wrapped around his limbs and chest, and he was stuck in place. On the other hand, his companion jumped out of the tower and landed right next to Aella. 

''I win.'' Before Aella could process what just happened she felt an arm on her shoulder and the guard's voice sounding their victory, and as her vision was still up looking at the towers, she could see the vines that were entangling one of the guards retreat and let him free.

''That's cheating, you used an ability!'' The now free, horned, guard could be heard from his tower as he sounded his objections about his partner's tactics.

''When did ability using become cheating? I still remember the last time, when you punched me and sent me flying. I needed to go see a healer because you cracked my ribs!'' Hearing these two conversation made two things clear for Aella. One was that this wasn't the first time they had done something like this. And second, the abilities they asked her before were probably something magical from this world. 

*Thum*''So what are you planning to do with the newbie?'' While Aella was still stuck in her mind, she saw how the horned guard jumped down, and with impressive sound landed next to her and the other guard.

Now that both of them were right next to her, Aella could take a closer look at them. First, she took a better look at the horned guard. He had an impressive muscular physique, he wasn't wearing anything on top, so Aella took a good look at his dark upper body that was bursting with muscles. His brown eyes still looking at his partner. 

The other guard on the other hand was more lithe, Aella couldn't take such a good look at her physique as she did with the horned guard as this one was wearing some kind of armor made out of wood and vines. But even with all that armor, Aella could tell that the guard was in top form. The guard's green eyes were looking straight at Aella. She was looking up and down at Aella only briefly stopping her gaze to take a better look at Aella's stick she was holding, which by comparison was pathetic when looking at the guard's sword that was fastened to her hip. 

But while Aella was just standing there and looking at them, not knowing what to do the guards continued their conversation. ''Well by the looks of it, she's newly awakened, so I will take her around the settlement and tell her about the basics.'' 

''Fine, I'm going back to my post.'' Getting an answer to his question the muscular guard was ready to return to the tower. 

''Here.'' Helping him, the guard's partner made some vines sprout from the wood making a ladder so that it would be easier for him to get back up. Seeing this he just nodded his head and climbed back up, leaving Aella and the three-eyed guard alone.

''So Aella nice to meet you, I'm Maya one of the protectors of this settlement.'' Maya introduced herself with a smile to Aella. ''I know you're probably confused about your situation, but fret no I will explain it to you. But before we move on, do you need some clothes or do you prefer how you're now?''  

Hering the question about clothes Aella was reminded that she was completely naked. ''Yes something to cover myself would be preferred.'' Aella wasn't keen on walking around naked, so she asked for something that could cover her body. 

''Okay.'' Hearing that Aella wanted some cover for her naked body, Maya stretched out her hand and the next moment multiple green vines came out of the ground and started to form something around Maya's hand. It didn't take long before the creation was finished. It was a large cape with a hood completely made out of vines, and Maya was holding the cloth by its hood offering it to Aella.

Seeing this Aella took the cape and put it over herself, pulling the hood over her black hair. ''Thank you.''

''No problem. Now then let's go.'' After checking one last time if the cape was comfortable for Aella, Maya turned her three green eyes in the direction of the gate and started walking to them, with Aella following right behind her.


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