Lady of Curses

Chapter 6- Little bit of trouble

''SCREEECH.!'' The pale humanoid figure made another horrible screech with its head tilted back. From Aella's point of view, it looked like the creature was screaming at the sky. 

But the screaming didn't last long. After emptying its lungs, the creature started to look around before its dark empty gaze landed on the injured Aella. Both of their gazes met as they made eye contact with each other. Aella felt cold shivers going down her back and her mind screaming to move as the creature gazed into her soul. 

*Crunch* Hearing the sound Aella's gaze darted down, now looking at the creature's feet. The creature had taken a step in Aella's direction and in the process crushed a piece of wood that it had stepped on. 

Her heart dropped when the creature took another step, then another, then another until it was coming at her in a rhythmic pace. Slowly it gained speed moving faster and faster, while Aella's whole being screened at her to move, to run, to get away from the nightmarish beast. But no matter how much she wanted to run, she couldn't, her body was not listening to her, her limbs hurt from the slightest movement, she didn't have the will to overcome the pain.

She had heard and read how people in dangerous situations gain strength just so that they can survive, but right now Aella didn't feel any such strength, she was left helpless on the ground and all she could do was look at her imminent death. 

By now the creature had shortened the distance between them, so Aella decided to try what she could, she used her ability. ''Curse of weakness.'' Aella looked into the creature's eyes as she muttered those words, and the next moment black smoke came out of her mouth and flew in the creature's direction.

After making contact with the creature the smoke twisted around its body, before dissipating revealing black chains engraved in the creature's body where the smoke was. While the process was happening the creature was still on the move, but when the chains were revealed the creature stumbled and almost fell. 

Confused the creature looked around to see what just happened not finding anything it looked at Aella, who had a small smile on her face, happy that her curse worked and hindered the creature, even if a little bit. The creature didn't take long before it got used to its weakened state, and before long it was ready to continue what it started.

*Tuk* *Crack* *BOOM!* But before it could make a step the creature was interrupted. The only thing Aella saw was the creature getting punched in the head and then seeing its pale body flying through the air and stopping only when it collided with one of the wooden buildings. It was so fast that Aella's mind only now was registering what just happened.

''SCREEEETCHH...!!!'' The creature wasn't happy, it dug itself out of the destroyed building and let out a loud screech while giving its attacker a hateful look.  

''HAHAHA, come!'' On the other hand, the one who punched the creature had a huge grin on its face, ready for the battle that will ensue. Aella took a look at the one who saved her, and she almost instantly recognized who it was. It was the other guard who was patrolling the settlement's gate with Maya. 

The horned guard had taken a battle-ready stance, his fists were coated with a layer of rock, and his skin now had a gray shade to it. *Ssssssiv* But the next moment Aella saw how the horned guard put his hands in front of himself as if guarding himself. ''Ugh...'' Soon after something made contact with the guard's hands making him grunt and slide a few steps back. 

Little confused about what just happened, Aella turned her attention to the creature. It didn't take long for Aella to get her answer, the creature had by now gotten back to its feet, and right now it was standing with its back hunched forward and its mouth split unnaturally wide open, while in between its jaws, there was a ball of compressed air. 

*Sssssssiv* This time Aella saw how the attack looked and how it was made. The transparent sphere flew through the air incredibly fast, until it made contact with the guard. But this time the was no grunt or movement from his side, because he had prepared for the attack this time.

*Ssssssiv* Another attack was launched but it hauled the same results as the last. Seeing this the creature changed its tactics. It closed its mouth and started to sprint in the guard's direction, the creature's goal was to try and engage in melee. Seeing this the guard changed his stance so he could better respond to the attack that was coming.

When the creature got close enough it balled his right fist and made a wide swing, aiming for the guard's head. ''Got you!'' But the wide swing was a mistake, the next moment the creature's attacking hand was caught in mid-swing by the guard. Not giving the creature time to think the guard forcefully pulled the creature's hand to get it closer to himself and with the free hand punched at the creature's gut. 

The force behind the punch was strong enough to send the creature flying. But the creature didn't fly too far before it twisted its own body in the air, landing back on the ground it tried to anchor itself with both its legs and hands, but even then it skidded for some distance before it stopped fully. 

''SCREEEEEEECH...'' The creature made another unbearable screech before it sprinted full speed at the guard. 'If I survive this I hope I don't go deaf.' Aella on the other hand was still lying down almost motionless while her ears suffered from the creature's repetitive screams.

''Heh, don't you learn?'' The horned guard smirked seeing that the creature was trying the same strategy. The creature made a wide swing and the guard, same as the last time, caught it. But the next moment the smirk on the guard's face disappeared because he saw how the creature opened its mouth and got ready to launch one of its spheres point blank at the guard's face. ''Fuck!'' 

The guard's next action was to let go and punch the creature, but he couldn't. At some point, the creature used its free hand to grab the guard's arm that he would have used to punch. And the moment the guard let go of the hand he was holding the creature, it used its now free hand to grab the guard's hand, which was just holding it, reversing their positions. Making it so that the guard had no place to escape. 


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