Ladybird’s Yanderes

Chapter 15: Two Afterschool Encounters, Two Distant Hearts

Emma was in her classroom after school. The bell had just rang and she was sitting at her desk grading papers. “So you actually showed up” she said as she looked up from the papers in front of her. There was a girl standing in the doorway with a scowl on her face. Anna entered the room and stood directly in front of Emma’s desk. “What did you want to talk about?” she asked, not bothering to hide the malice in her voice. 

Emma sported a frown as she asked the girl, “why are you protecting Lady? After bullying him for so long, why did you stop?” Anna scoffed and replied. “Why do you care Ms. Sierra? I can do what I want.” Emma thought to herself for a minute before replying, “I want to adopt him. I want him” 

“Is that why you were playing house with him this weekend?” Anna asked. Emma’s heart stopped as she realized that Anna had seen her bring a student to her house. “You must be mistaken” Emma said as she tried to dismiss her. Anna didn’t let up though. “I followed you from the store to your house. I have pictures. Losing your job would be the least of your worries if I showed these pictures to the school board.”

Emma gulped as she realized how dangerous this young student was. “There's no need for you to do that right” Emma tried to argue. “we both want the same thing don’t we?” “Yes, but we both can't have it.” Anna responded. The two looked at each other for several seconds before Anna turned to leave. As she stood in the doorway, Emma called out to her. “If you really have changed, then it might be best to let him know, to apologize to him.”

 The girl turned and looked at Emma with tears in her eyes. “I know, but I don’t know if he would forgive me. I don’t know if I can forgive myself.” Anna left the room and Emma sat at her desk alone, wondering if either of them truly had the right to be with Lady.


Noel had just received a text message from Lady who wasn’t feeling well and wouldn’t be able to come into work. She sent him a text wishing him well before setting her phone on the counter. Noel knew that most of the bookstores customers stopped by in the evening including the male customers. She would have to close the bookstore early today due to Lady’s absence. 

As she approached the door to lock it and flipped the open sign over to closed, the door swung open and a young blonde girl walked in followed closely by a tall dark haired woman wearing a suit. “Sorry but we’re closed” Noel apologized but the two disregarded her and entered the bookstore. The blonde haired girl flashed a smile and the woman in the suit presented Noel with a business card. It was a plain white card that featured the logo of the Harbor shipping corporation alongside the name Rachael Harbor. 

“Are you the daughter of the founder and CEO of the Harbor corporation?” Noel asked dumbfounded as she wondered why such a rich patron would enter her shop. “Yes,” The girl replied “but I’d prefer if you referred to me as the future head of the company.” Noel nodded and addressed her as such. “What can I do for you today, Miss Harbor?” she asked as she tried to hide her nervousness. “You’re the employer of Lady Whitman, correct?” the girl asked.

Noel nodded cautiously wondering how this rich young girl knew Lady. The girls smile twisted into a sinister grin. “In that case, Is he aware of the bugs you’ve installed on his computer? The ones that allow you to remotely access everything from the screen to the webcam.” Noel’s eyes lit up with fear as she stuttered. “H.. h..  how do you know that?” 

“286.7 hours” she responded. “That’s the amount of time that the program allowing you to access his webcam has been active. What’s more, you even have a similar program installed on his phone don’t you.” Noel’s mind raced as she wondered why this girl knew all that. 

As if reading her mind, the girl continued by saying. “I had a similar idea earlier this week and yet, when I asked my people to dig up what they could about him, they found something interesting.  A digital ghost. A specter that seemed to follow him online, to watch every action of his from the shadows. They found you.

Noel gritted her teeth as she silently listened, unable to refute the girls words. “What do you want from me?” Noel asked. The girl's sadistic grin slowly faded and shifted back into the amicable smile she had entered the store with. “Are you hiring by chance?”


The pink haired girl who streamed under the username of NekoGirl was sitting in her room, naked as the day she was born. She had been relaxing in her room after ending her stream when she heard a knock at the door. At first she ignored it, there was nobody that knew she was living here aside from her parents who were overseas and current guardian who rarely visited. As the knocking continued to increase in frequency and volume, the girl threw on an oversized shirt and pair of pants before heading down. She looked through the peephole only to find a man dressed like a police officer standing outside. 

She quickly opened the door and asked him “Can I help you officer?” He looked at her dumbfounded before composing himself. “Miss Maria Sanchez, we have reports that you haven't been attending school this past week.” Maria suddenly waved her hand dismissively. “Oh I’m actually being homeschooled, there must be some sort of error in the system.” The police officer frowned as she spoke and responded, “Miss Sanchez, we contacted your parents and they informed us that they were overseas on a business trip and were not aware that you had missed class.”

 Maria grew frustrated realizing that she was trapped. The officer continued, “If you don’t begin attending classes, you’ll be forced to pay truancy fines and an officer will arrive here to escort you to school in the morning. I’m sure neither you nor your parents would appreciate that." After he had finished reprimanding her, the officer informed her that she would be expected in her school’s office tomorrow morning and a counselor would speak with her. After he left, Maria headed upstairs and tore off her clothes. She laid on her bed and looked at the pair of headphones with cat ears that were sitting on her chair's headrest.

She had started streaming last spring around when her freshman year ended. As she grew more popular online, she fell in love with streaming and began devoting most of her time to it. As the next school year approached, her parents had been called away for business and she had been left to her own devices provided her aunt visited one a week to check up on her. She was so focused on streaming that she had outright skipped the first week of school. 

As she laid there, she realized that her online friend LadyKiller only streamed at night and wondered if he was currently a student. She also wondered how she would fare in school considering she hated wearing clothes and as ashamed as she was to admit it, was a hardcore exhibitionist. Even the talk with the officer earlier had gotten her excited as she wondered if he could tell that she wasn’t wearing a bra or panties. 

She grew excited as she imagined the other students looking at her while she walked through the halls, unaware of her deviant behavior. School might not be so bad she thought as she dug her backpack out of the closet. She began preparing her things as she sent a text message to her friend Lily

Maria: I got busted for skipping lol, maybe we’ll have classes together again

Curriously, Her friend Lily who often responded quickly didn't reply that night. Maybe she's tired from track practice or something Maria thought to herself as she continued packing her things


Several hours later, that same hand that Lady had shaken was now being used by Lily to rub the wet spot over her panties as she laid in her bed. Her hand was moving furiously between her thighs as she buried her face in a white hoodie. “I’m sorry” she muttered to herself as she stroked the fabric that covered her moist slit. Despite having touched herself while sniffing clothing before, this was the first time she had done it with one specific person in mind. Lily hadn’t realized it before but over the years, the numerous different scents had all blended together in her head into the generic smell of men. 

Some boys certainly had stronger smells or more arousing smells but none of them were distinctly different. Until she smelled his scent. His smell was different from any other mans. It was fainter but it was no less potent. It smelled weaker than anything else she could remember, no, it smelled wounded. It ignited her senses like that of a predator. She wanted to devour whatever was creating this alluring scent. 

She stopped rubbing herself and pulled down her panties which, despite her tomboy appearance, were pink and frilly. She repositioned a finger above her wet slit before slowly easing it in. A loud moan escaped her lips muffled only by the hoodie pressed up against her face. The hoodie that was soaked in his scent. She hated herself for doing this but she had already done everything she could to hold herself back after school. It was inevitable that this buildup of lust would be released at home. Her pleasure crescendoed as she screamed out a single name. “LADY!” 

He was the only person who had accepted her, who wasn’t disgusted with her and yet she had violated him in her mind. Imagined herself stealing his innocence as she mastrubated while smelling his hoodie. Lily was disgusted with herself and yet she had never felt so happy. Having told someone her secret and having them accept her had lifted a weight off her shoulders that she had been used to living with for years. What’s more, the person she could now confide in and call a friend had such a delicious and unique odor. 

As she came down from her state of prolonged bliss, Lily imagined his face one last time. She was happy that she could now call him her friend but it wasn’t enough. She liked him, for more than just his scent. Lily wanted to fall in love like a normal girl, to go on dates and eventually, give somebody her first time. She wanted to do this all with Lady. It was the first time she had felt that way about a boy. The first time that something other than a boy's smell had made her feel warm and fuzzy. She wondered if she would be able to have a normal relationship with him as she drifted off to sleep, still clutching his hoodie tightly in her arms.

Last chapter for a while. I'm working on a character sheet type thing that will hopefully go live later today or tomorrow before I leave for my trip.


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