Laid-back Highschooler In Bleach (With Soul Cube)

Ch1- Kai the Unwilling Shinigami

This novel primarily focuses on MC's attempts to escape from troublesome events and sex, and while the ages of some characters may differ, I mostly follow the canon. Unlike other novels, the MC will not be in all of the events. His goal in life is to be lazy, and he will do his best to do so.

MC has a family and they will be part of the harem. 

All characters with whom the MC will have sexual encounters are above the legal age, and other characters will not be present during adult scenes.

I may change some of the unexplained or vague parts to fit my novel. Consider yourself warned: this is a fanfiction, not a transcript of the manga.


In the midst of the Thousand-Year Blood War, a battle that had every faction of the Bleach universe fighting for survival, an unexpected event changed everything. Characters who had supposedly died were now alive, fighting alongside their comrades, while enemies stood shoulder to shoulder with one another. It was as if fate itself had been rewritten, with all sides participating in a struggle that defied the natural order of things.

At the peak of this unprecedented conflict, an enigmatic artifact materialized out of nowhere: the Soul Cube. The artifact radiated power, and its appearance immediately caught the attention of all the combatants. Each faction knew that possessing the Soul Cube would grant them a significant advantage, so they fought fiercely to acquire it.

Amidst the chaos, the Soul Cube started to emit an intense light as the representatives from each faction reached out to touch it. In that instant, the Cube exploded, unleashing an immense wave of energy that absorbed the souls of all who were present, including those who had previously been thought dead.

Reality itself began to unravel as the fabric of time and space warped around the Soul Cube. A vortex opened up, transporting the artifact into the past, before the fateful meeting between Ichigo Kurosaki and Rukia Kuchiki. The Soul Cube plummeted through the sky and landed right on the head of a seemingly ordinary high school student named Kai Kurogami.

Kai, a nonchalant and carefree individual, picked up the Soul Cube, briefly examining it with a curious glance. He then casually tossed it into his pocket and promptly forgot about it, oblivious to the artifact's immense power and the extraordinary adventure that awaited him. Little did he know that the Soul Cube had now merged with his soul, forever altering his destiny and setting him on a path that would test the limits of his courage and strength, or his cunning mind to how to avoid them.

A month had passed since that fateful day when the Soul Cube had merged with Kai's soul, and the changes it brought had not gone unnoticed. Kai found himself increasingly haunted by the unsettling reality he now faced. He could see souls and strange monsters roaming the city streets, and what had initially seemed like hallucinations soon proved to be a terrifying new reality. The city was teeming with ghosts and sinister creatures that no one else seemed to notice.

These monstrous beings, adorned with masks and holes in their bodies, struck fear into Kai's heart. He knew better than to mention his sightings to anyone, even his persistent and annoying sister, who seemed to sense that something was bothering him. Kai loved his family dearly and would do anything to protect them, but revealing his experiences with monsters and ghosts would only lead to doubt and ridicule, perhaps even a one-way ticket to an asylum.

One night, Kai awoke in a cold sweat, panting and disoriented. As he looked around, he found himself enveloped in darkness. The room he was in seemed unfamiliar, and a faint sense of dread crept up on him. He could see small, flickering lights of various sizes floating around him, glowing in shades of gray, ice blue, and white. Each light had a core that seemed to represent a different element – one with a fiery core, another with an icy core, and so on.

As Kai carefully navigated his way through the floating lights, he couldn't shake the feeling that they were dangerous. Each one seemed to radiate an invisible pressure, as if they were imbued with a power that was beyond his comprehension. He tried to find an exit, hoping to escape this bizarre and ominous place, but hours of searching yielded no results. Desperation set in, and he knew that he had no other choice but to confront the unknown.

With a deep breath, Kai decided to touch one of the flickering lights – the smallest one, which emitted the least amount of pressure. He reached out, his hand trembling as he made contact with the light.

"I don't know what you are, but I need to get out of here. Please, don't hurt me." Kai muttered to himself.

The moment he touched the light, a surge of energy coursed through his body. His vision blurred, and he felt as if he were being pulled into the core of the light itself. 

As soon as he touched the light, his mind flooded with memories that were not his own. They belonged to a person named Zennosuke Kurumadani. His birth, life, and death all played out in Kai's mind like a movie on fast forward. He saw Zennosuke's training as a Shinigami in Soul Society, his academy years, his battles, and everything that led to his death in the Thousand-Year Blood War.

The sheer amount of information was overwhelming, and Kai felt his mind slipping into endless darkness, on the verge of losing himself. Desperate to hold onto his sense of self, Kai bit down on his tongue, the sharp pain bringing him back to reality.

Suddenly, a surge of energy began to surround his soul, as if protecting him. Kai's thoughts turned to his family, and their faces filled his mind, grounding him and giving him the strength to push through the torrent of memories.

His sister, Aiko Kurogami, was three years older than him and worked as a nurse. She was fiercely protective of her younger brother and often worried about his safety. Despite their occasional arguments, she loved Kai deeply and would do anything to support him.

His mother, Emiko Kurogami, was a school teacher and a kind and gentle woman. She supported both her children and encouraged them to pursue their dreams. After the death of her husband, she raised Kai and Aiko on her own and had always been a source of strength and stability for them.

His father, Hiroshi Kurogami, had been a police officer who died in the line of duty when Kai was just a child. Kai had few memories of his father, but he remembered him as a kind and brave man who loved his family deeply. His death had a profound impact on Kai.

As the energy continued to surge around him, the unrelated memories of Zennosuke Kurumadani were deleted from his mind, leaving behind only the crucial bits. The pain in his tongue faded, and he found himself back in his room, sweaty and panting.

Kai's breathing had steadied, but his heart still raced. He stared at the darkness of the room, the light he had touched, the memories of Zennosuke's life still vivid in his mind. He knew now that these lights held the memories of souls, and that he had somehow absorbed some of Zennosuke's memories.

Kai sat on the floor, his heart still pounding. The knowledge he had gained from Zennosuke's memories began to settle, and he realized the ghosts he had been seeing were called Pluses, and the monsters were Hollows. He remembered that Pluses were the souls of deceased humans who had not yet crossed over to the Soul Society. Hollows were once-human spirits that had succumbed to despair and transformed into monstrous, masked creatures that preyed on both Pluses and living souls.

The Soul Society was a completely separate world, hidden from the living realm. It was home to the Shinigami, spiritual beings tasked with guiding Pluses to the afterlife and defending the living world from Hollows. The existence of an afterlife civilization, unknown to Earth, left Kai reeling.

Kai recalled the hierarchical structure of the Soul Society, with its thirteen divisions, each led by a captain. He saw flashes of memories: the Seireitei, where the Shinigami resided; the Rukongai, where souls lived; and the terrifying Central 46, who governed the Soul Society with an iron fist. He felt both awe and fear at the knowledge he now possessed.

"I never thought I'd end up learning about the afterlife like this," Kai whispered to himself, his voice shaking. "But how am I supposed to deal with all of this? What am I supposed to do now?"

As he pondered his new reality, Kai suddenly noticed his body lying lifeless on the bed. Panic surged through him, and he scrambled to his feet, staring at the unmoving figure.

"No, no, no!" He cried out, his voice cracking with terror. "I can't be dead! There has to be a mistake!"

His breathing was ragged, and his hands shook uncontrollably as he stared at his own body. Then, he looked down at himself and realized he was wearing black clothes, very similar to the Shinigami's in Zennosuke's memories. It dawned on him that he had become a Shinigami in some way he didn't yet understand.

"I don't understand how this happened. I can't be a Shinigami. I don't even know how to fight or use any of their powers," Kai muttered to himself, his voice trembling.

Desperate for answers, Kai tried to recall if there was anything in Zennosuke's memories that could help him. As he remembered the tyrannical iron fist of the Soul Society, Kai made a firm decision never to tell anyone about his newfound abilities. He cherished his normal life with his family and had no intention of getting involved in the power struggle between the various factions. He knew that the Shinigami wouldn't appreciate someone meddling in their business, especially someone who had awakened these powers without dying.

Although Zennosuke's memories had provided him with a wealth of information, most of it had been deleted from his mind, leaving only the essential parts about techniques and other knowledge that would help with battling. He couldn't remember the names or personalities of the captains, but he did recall a snippet about the rivalry between the Shinigami and Quincies. It was enough to make him wary of getting involved with the Soul Society.

With his resolve strengthened, Kai focused on returning to his body. It took some time, but eventually, he managed to merge his spirit form with his physical form. As he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was the worried face of his sister, Aiko, hovering above him.

"Kai, are you alright?" Aiko asked, her voice filled with concern. "I heard you scream, and I found you lying on the floor, unconscious."

Kai looked up at his sister, seeing the love and worry in her eyes, and his heart ached. He wanted to tell her everything, but he knew he couldn't. Instead, he forced a smile onto his face and tried to play it off as nothing.

"I'm fine, Aiko," he reassured her, struggling to keep his voice steady. "I just had a bad dream, that's all. Sorry for scaring you."

Aiko looked unconvinced, but she didn't press the issue. Instead, she helped him up from the floor, her grip on him firm yet gentle.

"Alright," she said hesitantly, "but if you ever need to talk about anything, you know I'm here for you, right?"

Kai nodded, trying to hide the pain in his eyes. "I know, Aiko. Thanks."

The next day, Kai did his best to maintain his normal life. He went to school, hung out with his friends, and did everything he could to avoid thinking about his newfound powers.

It wasn't until he saw the orange-haired kid that the memories resurfaced in his mind. The name appeared immediately: Kurosaki Ichigo. Kai knew that this person was trouble; danger seemed to follow him everywhere. Though the memories he had absorbed weren't much, he knew that Ichigo was involved in some dangerous situations.

He then saw another orange-haired girl, and his decision was made. Inoue Orihime was his childhood friend, and in Zennosuke's memories, he saw her injured due to Ichigo. He didn't know the context or whose fault it was, but he wanted to protect his friend. To do so, he needed to prevent Orihime from getting close to Ichigo. Fortunately, the high school had started only a few months ago, and their relationship wasn't that close yet.

Kai approached Orihime during lunch break, his heart was like a calm lake. "Hey, Orihime," he said, trying to sound casual. "Mind if I sit with you?"

Orihime looked up from her lunch, her eyes sparkling with warmth. "Oh, hi Kai! Of course, you can sit with me. It's been a while since we last talked. How have you been?"

Kai took a seat across from her and forced a smile. "I've been okay, just busy with school and stuff. How about you?"

She smiled back at him, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "Same here. High school is a lot more challenging than I thought it would be."

He and Orihime used to hang out all the time, especially after her brother died, but ever since high school started, he had kept his distance from her. She had grown more beautiful, and he didn't want to draw attention. Before he started to see the ghosts or monsters, his goal in life was to live the most normal life, without any drama or surprises. That was why he kept his distance from the orange beauty with the body of a goddess. Now it was different. Although he still wanted to keep the normalcy, he had to try to protect his friend. If nothing happened and Orihime was fine, he would still keep his distance, but the situation forced his hand.

Kai leaned back in his chair, "Yeah, high school is definitely a challenge. But hey, at least we're in this together, right?"

Orihime smiled and nodded. If she was surprised to see Kai talking to her again after a few months since high school started, she didn't show it on her face, "Yeah, it's nice to have a friend like you around."

Kai let out a small chuckle, attempting to keep the conversation flowing. "Hey, do you remember that time we tried to make our own candy and ended up turning the kitchen into a disaster zone?"

They spent the rest of their lunch break reminiscing about the old days and laughing about their shared memories. It was a nice change of pace for Kai, who had been struggling to adjust to his new reality. As they chatted, he couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over him; maybe everything would be alright, after all.

"Hey, I've been experimenting with some new recipes lately," Orihime said, her eyes lighting up with excitement. "Would you like to try some?"

Kai hesitated for a moment, remembering the many times he had witnessed Orihime's unusual culinary creations, but he didn't want to offend her. He decided to take one for the team and agreed, "Sure, why not? I'm always up for trying new things."

Orihime beamed at him, pulling out a small container from her bag. She opened it, revealing a strange-looking mixture. It was a vibrant green color and had an odd, gelatinous texture. Kai couldn't help but feel a slight sense of dread, but he put on a brave face and took a small bite.

The taste was... interesting, to say the least. It was a bizarre combination of sweet and savory flavors, with a hint of spice that left his tongue tingling. Kai did his best to keep a straight face as he swallowed the concoction, hoping Orihime wouldn't notice his discomfort.

"It's... unique," Kai managed to say, trying to sound positive. "What's in it?"

Orihime excitedly listed off the ingredients, which included a mix of vegetables, fruits, and spices that Kai had never imagined would be combined. He nodded along, trying to feign enthusiasm, but inwardly he was reeling from the odd mixture of flavors.

As the lunch break neared its end, Kai decided to extend an invitation to Orihime. "Hey, my mom and sister have been asking about you lately. They really miss you. Would you like to come over for dinner sometime? I'm sure they'd love to see you."

Orihime's eyes widened in surprise, but she quickly recovered and smiled warmly. "I'd love to, Kai. It's been a long time since we've had a proper catch-up. Just let me know when, and I'll be there."

Kai agreed, and they exchanged contact information to arrange the details. As they parted ways, Kai couldn't help but feel a mixture of relief and anxiety. He had succeeded in reconnecting with Orihime, but he knew that he couldn't let his guard down. The danger surrounding Ichigo was still very real, and he had to do everything in his power to keep his friend safe.

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