Laid-back Highschooler In Bleach (With Soul Cube)

Ch10- Boost Tatsuki!

Hey, readers! I wanted to give a quick shout out to my newest Patreon supporters.Alexander  just joined the squad, and I couldn't be more stoked to have this support. Your contributions mean the world to me, and I appreciate every single one of you who helps make my writing dreams a reality. So let's give it up for Alexander and all of the awesome folks who keep this train moving. Thank you for your support, and happy reading!

The following day, Orihime approached Kai in the classroom with a shy look and an unsure expression on her face. She seemed like she wanted to say something, but couldn't find the right words. Kai noticed her discomfort and decided to gently coax her into sharing her thoughts.

"Hey, Hime-chan, is everything alright? You seem a little... off today," Kai asked with concern, trying to read her expression.

Orihime hesitated, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink. "Um, well... It's just that... Can we talk about it during lunch, on the rooftop?"

Kai nodded, a warm smile spreading across his face. "Of course, Hime-chan. I'll see you there."

When lunchtime arrived, they made their way to the rooftop, their usual spot for quiet conversations and peaceful moments. Orihime had brought one of her unique homemade lunches, and they sat down to eat while enjoying the gentle breeze.

As they began eating, Kai couldn't help but chuckle at the strange combination of ingredients that Orihime had put together. "Hime-chan, what is this?" he asked, pointing at the unusual dish in front of him.

Orihime giggled, a touch of pride in her voice. "It's my special creation! I call it 'Strawberry and Wasabi Surprise'. I thought the combination of sweet and spicy would be interesting. What do you think?"

Kai hesitantly took a bite, his eyes widening as the unusual flavors danced on his tongue. "It's... different, Hime-chan. But it's not bad. It's actually kind of fun to eat," he said with a smile, trying to be supportive of her culinary experiments.

Orihime beamed, her eyes sparkling with happiness. "I'm glad you like it, Kai!"

After a few more bites, Kai decided it was time to address the issue that had been weighing on Orihime's mind. "So, Hime-chan, what did you want to talk about?"

Orihime's expression grew serious as she fidgeted with her hands, her earlier shyness returning. "Well, it's about Tatsuki..."

Kai tilted his head, curious about where this conversation was going. "What about her?"

Orihime took a deep breath, finally finding the courage to voice her concern. "You see, Tatsuki has been feeling really self-conscious about her looks lately. And now that I... well, now that I have you as my boyfriend, she doesn't feel good about herself. As a good friend, I want to help her, and I thought... maybe you could help her too?"

Kai looked at Orihime, a little surprised by her request. "How do you think I can help her, Hime-chan?"

Orihime blushed, her voice soft and hesitant. "Well, I was thinking... maybe you could talk to her? You know, help boost her confidence a little? I think it would mean a lot to her if someone like you, who's handsome and kind, showed her some attention."

Kai considered her request, touched by her concern for her friend. "Alright, Hime-chan. I'll see what I can do. I can't promise anything, but I'll try to help Tatsuki feel better about herself."

Orihime's face lit up, her eyes shimmering with gratitude. "Thank you so much, Kai. You're the best."

Kai looked into Orihime's eyes, his expression gentle but serious. "Hime-chan, before we go ahead with this, there's something you need to understand. The heart is a tender thing, and love can be fickle. I'm willing to help Tatsuki, but we need to be careful. This could potentially spiral into something else. What would you do if that happened?"

Orihime's eyes widened, the thought of such a possibility clearly having not crossed her mind before. She bit her lip, deep in thought. "I... I don't know, Kai. I just want to help her feel better about herself, but I don't want to risk our friendship or our relationship. What should I do?"

Kai reached out, gently taking her hand in his. "I'm not saying we shouldn't try to help her, but we need to be prepared for any consequences that might arise. If we can't follow it through, we might end up hurting Tatsuki even more. So, we have to ask ourselves if it's better not to start at all."

Orihime looked down, her brow furrowed in contemplation. She remained silent for a few moments before finally looking up at Kai, determination shining in her eyes. "I want to give it a try, Kai. I believe that we can help Tatsuki without causing any harm. At worst, I'll have my best friend and my boyfriend with me all the time. That doesn't sound so bad, right?"

Kai couldn't help but smile at her optimism, his heart swelling with affection for the kind-hearted girl before him. "Alright, Hime-chan. We'll give it a try. But we'll take it one step at a time, and if things start to get complicated, we'll stop and figure out the best course of action. Deal?"

Orihime nodded enthusiastically, her face glowing with excitement. "Deal!"

Over the next few days, Kai made an effort to engage Tatsuki in conversation whenever they were together.

Kai's first attempt to engage Tatsuki in conversation happened at school, as they all gathered in the courtyard. He approached her cautiously, knowing her tomboyish nature might make it difficult for her to accept compliments easily.

"Hey, Tatsuki, you did really well in the relay race today," Kai said, trying to sound casual.

Tatsuki looked at him, a bit surprised. "Oh, thanks, but it's nothing special. I've always been good at sports."

Kai continued, "Well, you have a natural talent. It's really impressive."

Tatsuki shrugged, clearly uncomfortable with the praise. "Anyone can be good at sports if they practice enough. Anyway, I need to grab my things from the locker room. See you later," she said, quickly walking away.

The next day, Kai decided to try a different approach, focusing on Tatsuki's academic achievements.

"Hey, Tatsuki, I heard you aced the physics test. That's amazing," he told her, his tone genuine.

Tatsuki glanced at him, her expression guarded. "It was just a test. No big deal."

"But still," Kai persisted, "it's a difficult subject, and you did great. You should be proud."

Tatsuki frowned, not used to this kind of attention. "I don't need compliments to know I did well. I just study hard, that's all." With that, she hurried off to class, leaving Kai feeling a little frustrated.

A few days later, during lunch, Kai noticed Tatsuki's outfit – a combination of a stylish blouse and a pair of jeans that showed off her athletic figure. He decided to compliment her on her fashion sense.

"Nice outfit, Tatsuki. It really suits you," Kai said, hoping this would be the conversation that would boost her confidence.

Tatsuki glanced down at herself, then back at Kai, her cheeks turning slightly red. "This? It's just something I threw on this morning. It's not like I put any effort into it."

Kai smiled reassuringly. "Well, you have a great sense of style, even if you don't think you do."

Tatsuki shrugged, visibly uneasy. "Thanks, but I'm not really into fashion. I just wear what's comfortable." She stood up abruptly, making an excuse about having to study for an upcoming exam, and left the room.

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