Laid-back Highschooler In Bleach (With Soul Cube)

Ch14- Almost Killing Ichigo

A Big Shout Out to my latest Patron! Darius! Thanks for supporting me in my writing, I couldn't have done it without any of you! 

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Kai, Tatsuki, and Orihime were in the classroom, gathering their things as they prepared to head up to the roof to eat their lunches. As they stood up, a girl named Chizuru approached Orihime excitedly. Chizuru was a thin teenager with short red hair and purple eyes, her bangs parted on both sides of her face. She wore red-framed glasses and was dressed in her uniform. She had a busty body that drew attention from both boys and girls alike.

"Hime! Let's eat together!" she yelled, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. Orihime shyly pointed at Kai and Tatsuki, but that only made Chizuru swoon and exclaim, "Cuuuute!" She wrapped her arms around Orihime in a tight hug, causing Orihime to blush furiously.

Chizuru looked deeply into Orihime's eyes and said, "You know, it's no wonder you're the girl who captured my heart, Hime-chan. Your beauty, your kindness, your… well, everything about you is just so enchanting."

Orihime squirmed uncomfortably in Chizuru's embrace, unsure of how to respond. Tatsuki and Kai exchanged concerned glances, sensing that Orihime was feeling overwhelmed.

Chizuru, oblivious to Orihime's discomfort, continued to flirt unabashedly. "I mean, just look at those gorgeous eyes, those luscious lips, that adorable little smile… I could stare at you all day, Hime-chan."

As Chizuru's flirting intensified, Kai decided to step in. He moved in front of Chizuru, his hands gently holding hers, separating hers from Orihime, as he looked into her eyes with a warm smile. "You shouldn't touch my girlfriend like that, Chizuru. You're going to make me jealous," he said playfully.

Chizuru's eyes widened, and she blinked in surprise. "Oh! I'm sorry, Kai-kun! I didn't mean to make you jealous," she stammered, immediately releasing her hold on Orihime.

Kai nodded graciously, his smile not faltering. "It's okay, Chizuru. I know you didn't mean any harm. But you should know that Orihime is special to me, and I don't like seeing her uncomfortable."

Chizuru glanced at Orihime, who was now standing beside Tatsuki, her cheeks still flushed from the unwanted attention. "I understand, Kai-kun. I promise I'll be more careful in the future."

Kai patted her on the shoulder reassuringly. "Thanks, Chizuru. I appreciate it."

With the situation diffused, Kai, Tatsuki, and Orihime made their way to the roof. As they settled down to eat their lunches, the atmosphere was light and carefree, as if the awkward encounter with Chizuru had never occurred.

Tatsuki leaned over to Orihime, a concerned frown on her face. "Are you okay, Hime-chan? You seemed really uncomfortable back there."

Orihime smiled reassuringly, brushing off the incident. "I'm fine, Tatsuki-chan. It's just… sometimes, Chizuru can be a bit overwhelming, you know?"

Tatsuki nodded, understanding all too well. "Yeah, she can be a handful. But don't worry, Hime-chan. We've got your back."

Kai chimed in, his eyes filled with warmth and affection. "That's right, Hime-chan. We'll always be here to protect you, no matter what."

Orihime hesitated for a moment, then glanced at Chizuru, who was watching them with a mix of curiosity and longing. "Chizuru, would you like to join us on the roof?" she asked, her voice gentle.

Chizuru's face lit up, and she eagerly accepted the invitation. "I'd love to, Hime-chan! Thank you so much!"

As they gathered their belongings and prepared to leave, a sudden commotion drew their attention to the window. There, to their shock and surprise, was Ichigo Kurosaki, perched on the windowsill as if it was the most natural thing in the world. The entire class stared at him in disbelief, as their classroom was on the third floor.

Tatsuki was the first to find her voice. "Ichigo, what are you doing up here? How did you even get here?"

Ichigo looked at them with glee, clearly pleased to be the center of attention. "How? Of course, I jumped!" he exclaimed, grinning widely.

The class murmured amongst themselves, skeptical of his claim. Some suggested that he must have come from the next classroom or used some other trick to get there. However, Kai couldn't shake the feeling that something was off about Ichigo. His behavior was unusual, and there was a strange energy about him.

As he watched Ichigo closely, Kai suddenly remembered something. Soul Society had pills that allowed Shinigami to temporarily replace their souls with artificial ones, which acted like the original until the Shinigami could return to their bodies. The soul inside Ichigo's body wasn't his own; there was obviously a problem with the temporary soul, as it was acting very differently from the real Ichigo.

Before Kai could intervene, Ichigo leaped from the windowsill and landed right beside Orihime. "Sooo big!" he shouted, his eyes fixed on her bosom. As he reached out to touch her shoulder, a foot suddenly appeared in front of his face, sending him flying back across the classroom. He collided with the wall with a resounding thud.

Kai, his foot still in the air, looked at Ichigo with bloodlust seeping from his every pore. Tatsuki, sensing the danger, quickly ran to the others and ushered them to leave the classroom. Orihime grabbed Chizuru's hand, and together they hurried out. In no time at all, only Ichigo and Kai stood in the classroom. Kai knew that it wasn't Ichigo inside the body, which gave him even more reason not to hold back.

Ichigo, dazed from the impact, rubbed his head and looked up at Kai, confusion etched on his face. "What was that for?" he asked, his voice weak.

Kai glared at him, his voice cold and unforgiving. "You know why. You're not Ichigo. You're just a replacement soul that's gone haywire."

Ichigo frowned, feigning ignorance. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

Kai's eyes narrowed as he prepared to attack, hoping to force the pill containing the temporary soul out of Ichigo's body. "Don't play dumb with me. I know what you are, and I'm not going to let you hurt my friends."

With that, Kai lunged forward, his fist aimed at Ichigo's face. Ichigo barely managed to dodge the blow, stumbling back against the wall.

"You're fast, but I'm not going down that easily," Ichigo taunted, a smirk forming on his face.

Kai smirked, his confidence unwavering. "Is that so? Let's see how you handle this," he said, as he suddenly accelerated to an incredible speed, appearing right in front of Ichigo. The temporary soul was caught off guard by Kai's sudden burst of speed, a technique he had been practicing as part of his Fullbringer training.

Ichigo barely had time to react before Kai's fist connected with his face, sending him crashing into the wall once more. Kai relentlessly continued his assault, his movements swift and precise as he struck Ichigo with a barrage of punches and kicks.

Ichigo struggled to defend himself against Kai's relentless attacks, growing more and more desperate as he realized the extent of his opponent's abilities. "What are you? How can you move like that?" he gasped, his eyes wide with fear and confusion.

Kai grinned, enjoying the opportunity to demonstrate his newfound skills. "You're in over your head, buddy. You should have just stayed inside the pill and let Ichigo handle things."

As the battle continued, Kai could see that Ichigo was growing weaker and more exhausted. Despite the temporary soul's desperate attempts to fight back, it was clear that he was no match for Kai's overwhelming power and skill.

Feeling that he had sufficiently punished the imposter, Kai decided it was time to end the fight. He swiftly moved behind Ichigo and delivered a powerful punch to his stomach, causing him to cough violently and expel the pill containing the temporary soul from his mouth.

Kai deftly caught the pill between his fingers, examining it with a mixture of disgust and fascination. "So this is the little troublemaker," he mused, tossing the pill in the air and catching it with a grin.

Ichigo's body fell to the ground, soulless and limp. Kai sat on it with a huff, crossing his arms as he waited for the real Ichigo to arrive. The classroom was eerily quiet, the sounds of the fight now a distant memory.

Five minutes later, Ichigo and Rukia appeared in the doorway, their eyes wide with shock as they took in the scene before them. Rukia, a petite Shinigami with short, black hair, looked at Kai with a mix of terror and respect. "K-Kai-sama," she stammered, bowing deeply. "W-what happened here?"

Kai's expression was stern as he held up the pill containing the rogue temporary soul. "This little troublemaker was causing problems," he explained, his voice dripping with irritation. "The soul you put in Ichigo's body went haywire, and I had to step in and deal with it."

Ichigo's eyes widened, and he glanced down at his own lifeless body, which was still sprawled on the floor beneath Kai. "I… I didn't know. I'm sorry," he said, his voice tinged with guilt.

Kai sighed, his anger starting to subside. "I know it's not entirely your fault, Ichigo, but you need to be more careful. You can't just trust any old pill that you get your hands on. If something like this happens again, you might not find your body in one piece."

Rukia, still bowing respectfully, chimed in. "Kai-sama, I apologize for my carelessness. I should have made sure that the pill was safe before giving it to Ichigo."

Kai looked at her, his gaze softening slightly. "It's alright, Rukia. Just make sure it doesn't happen again."

Rukia nodded, her face flushed with embarrassment. "Yes, Kai-sama. I promise I will be more vigilant in the future."

Ichigo, still feeling guilty, spoke up again. "I'm really sorry about all this, Kai. If there's anything I can do to make it up to you, just let me know."

Kai considered Ichigo's offer for a moment, then shook his head. "No, it's fine. Just be more careful from now on. That's all I ask."

Ichigo nodded, his face solemn. "I will. Thank you, Kai."

Kai stood up, releasing Ichigo's body from beneath him. He handed the pill to Rukia, who took it with trembling hands. "I trust you'll dispose of this properly," he said, his tone warning her not to make any more mistakes.

Rukia swallowed hard, her hands clutching the pill tightly. "Yes, Kai-sama. I will."

With that, Kai turned and walked towards the door, leaving Ichigo and Rukia alone in the classroom. As he reached the doorway, he paused and looked back at them. "I'm serious, you two. Be more careful. I don't want to have to deal with any more situations like this."

Ichigo and Rukia both nodded, their expressions grave. "We understand, Kai," Ichigo said, his voice firm with determination. "We won't let this happen again."

Kai gave them one last nod, then left the room, his footsteps echoing in the silence. Ichigo and Rukia exchanged a worried glance, the weight of their mistake still heavy on their shoulders.

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