Laid-back Highschooler In Bleach (With Soul Cube)

Ch145- Me!

The walls of the meeting chamber reverberated with the presence of captains from various divisions, their haoris fluttering softly as they engaged in hushed conversations. But all chatter ceased when the room's doors slid open to reveal Kai. He walked in, exuding an air of casual ownership, as if every inch of Soul Society belonged to him.

Settling in the centermost chair, he addressed Commander Captain Kyoraku without preamble, "So? Any development?"

Kyoraku, his iconic straw hat tilting slightly forward, cast a measured glance at Kai. "Developing a Bankai is a time-consuming process, and you're asking us to evolve them. How can you expect results in such a short span?"

Kai lazily stretched his arms, emitting a low sigh. "If that's the case, I'll drag you all to the Mirror Dimension to hasten your training. It's the only way you'll ever be prepared."

Several captains bristled at the blunt statement. Their pride stung, their faces painted with varying shades of indignation. However, not a single one of them could counter his claim, for deep down, they recognized the truth in his words.

As their eyes locked onto Kai, seeking any sign of insincerity, his gaze shifted to Ichigo. The orange-haired Substitute Shinigami looked a touch baffled by the sudden attention. "Ichigo, once your training in the Mirror Dimension concludes, I'm sending you to Hueco Mundo. Urahara-san will accompany you."

Ichigo, baffled, retorted, “Why? What’s in Hueco Mundo?”

Kai leaned back, explaining, “Yhwach has his eyes on you. He’s got this list—six names of the most dangerous in Soul Society. You’re on it. You and Urahara are bait.”

Byakuya, his voice laced with concern, interjected, “Isn’t that splitting our forces?”

Kai shook his head, a smirk playing on his lips, “No worries, I’ll bring them back in no time. We’re just fishing.”

Kyoraku, now with a smirk of his own, asked, “So, who else is on this list of his?”

Kai chuckled, “Sorry to disappoint, but you’re not on it, Kyoraku-san.” His eyes danced with amusement as he scanned the captains.

Kai swept his gaze over the captains assembled before him, his eyes twinkling with a mischievous glint. "Second on the list is Kenpachi," he began, pausing for effect. "Fighting Strength: His monstrous physical strength and capabilities, as well as his fighting skill."

He didn’t need to elaborate; everyone in the room was more than familiar with Kenpachi’s love for battle and his unrivaled strength.

"Third is Ichibē Hyōsube," Kai continued, his tone taking on a more solemn note. The room fell into a hush, the name resonating with an air of mystery and power. "Wisdom: His ability to think and act strategically using his vast knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense, and insight. Most of you don't know him, and for now, no need to."

There were nods of agreement, a few exchanged glances, but everyone’s attention quickly refocused on Kai as he moved on. "Fourth is Sōsuke Aizen. Reiatsu: His monstrously powerful Reiatsu, capable of disintegrating other beings. Well, with the Hogyoku removed, he is not as dangerous."

There was a murmur of agreement, the atmosphere tense as memories of Aizen's betrayal and the subsequent battle lingered in the air.

It was Toshiro who broke the silence, his voice steady but an undercurrent of curiosity running through it. "Who is the sixth?" he asked, locking eyes with Kai.

Kai looked at him, his expression one of amusement as he let out a snort. "Who else? I, Kai, the unknown."

The room fell into a tense silence, the weight of his words settling heavily in the air. Kai’s eyes scanned the room, taking in the varying expressions of disbelief, realization, and in some cases, begrudging acceptance.

"So, the bait strategy makes sense," Ukitake finally spoke up, his voice calm but carrying a hint of concern. "But we need to be prepared for any scenario."

Kai nodded, his demeanor becoming serious. "Exactly. That’s why we’re utilizing the Mirror Dimension. It’s unpredictable, it's advantageous, and most importantly, it's under my control."

Hitsugaya, his eyebrows furrowed in thought, spoke up again. "But what about after the bait? What’s the plan?"

Kai raised his hands dramatically, and his voice took on a theatrical tone as he acted out an imaginary battle for Hitsugaya. "Bam bum, pam pam, bad guys die, good guys win," he said, making explosion sounds and sweeping his arms around as if he were swatting away invisible enemies.

Hitsugaya's face turned a shade of red, his pride wounded as he was treated like a child in front of his peers. His lips pressed into a thin line, and though he looked ready to spit fire, he remained silent, his eyes blazing with a mixture of fury and determination.

Kai’s demeanor shifted in an instant, his playful act dropping as he locked eyes with the young captain. "This is war, not a chess game. You barely know anything about the enemy. Get stronger, don’t let your Bankai be stolen. That is all."

His words hung in the air, heavy with implication and a stark reminder of the gravity of their situation. The captains, their earlier indignation forgotten, now wore expressions of grim determination, fully aware of the stakes at hand.

"So, what are we supposed to do until then? Just sit around and wait?" Renji challenged, his usual impulsive nature bubbling to the surface as he couldn't hold back his frustration any longer.

Kai shot him a lazy glance, "Train, get stronger, and be ready to fight at a moment's notice. You think this is a game?"

Kai then said, "If we all agreed, let's go to Mirror Dimension. We train hard, and make you stronger. Don't worry about Soul Society. For now, they can't enter here."

The room momentarily held its breath, the captains absorbing the weight of his words. Kai’s proposition hung in the air, and for a moment, there was silence.

Finally, Soi Fon, ever the pragmatic one, broke the silence. "And what of our duties here? Soul Society cannot be left unprotected."

Kai waved a dismissive hand, "I've got that covered. I'll leave a part of my power here, creating a barrier. It'll hold until we get back. No one will even notice we're gone."

Sajin Komamura  cracked his knuckles, a determined smile spreading across his face. "Sounds good to me. When do we leave?"

Kai looked around the room, his eyes lazily scanning the faces of the captains. "Now. We’re wasting time."

Without waiting for a response, he stood up, his presence commanding the room. With a flick of his wrist, a glowing portal appeared beside him.

Ichigo, still trying to wrap his head around the sudden turn of events, couldn’t help but voice his thoughts. "Just like that? We’re just going?"

Kai shot him a lazy grin, "Got a better idea?"

Ichigo opened his mouth to respond, but no words came out. He closed his mouth, his expression a mix of frustration and resignation.

"Good," Kai said, his tone final. "Let’s go."

One by one, the captains stood up, their expressions determined as they stepped through the portal, disappearing from the room.

The Mirror Dimension opened up to them like an expansive dreamscape. As the captains stepped through the portal, they found themselves standing on a vast grassy plain, stretching endlessly in all directions. Their feet crunched softly against the green blades, and a gentle breeze played with the strands of their hair. It was a stark contrast to the structured and built environment of the Soul Society.

Ichigo looked around, trying to take it all in. “This is… incredible,” he murmured.

Ukitake, standing beside him, nodded in agreement. "It feels... peaceful."

Kai, lounging under the shade of a lone tree, raised an eyebrow at their reactions. "First time here, huh? It's always interesting watching people's reactions."

Soi Fon cautiously approached the edge of the river, watching as the clear water sparkled under the light of the sky. She bent down, her fingers brushing the cool liquid. “It feels so... real,” she whispered, clearly taken aback.

Shunsui Kyoraku, always one to enjoy a relaxing atmosphere, stretched out on the grass, his iconic straw hat pulled down to cover his eyes. "Now, this is my kind of training ground," he mused with a chuckle.

Nearby, Mayuri Kurotsuchi was already examining the surroundings with scientific interest. "Fascinating," he murmured, scribbling down notes. "A dimension with its own unique ecosystem. There’s much to be studied here."

Kai, smirking at their various reactions, beckoned them closer. "Glad you're enjoying yourselves, but let’s not forget why we're here."

The atmosphere tensed slightly as they were reminded of their mission. Kai, sensing the mood, sat up, stretching his arms. "Alright, let’s get down to business. The Mirror Dimension isn’t just for show. It'll push you to your limits, adapt to your training needs, and even play tricks on your mind. It's unpredictable."

Byakuya raised an eyebrow, his usual stoic demeanor tinged with curiosity as he posed the question, “Who are we fighting against?”

Kai simply grinned, a devilish sparkle in his eyes as he confidently declared, “Me.”


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