Laid-back Highschooler In Bleach (With Soul Cube)

Ch149- Fifth Path

With that, he turned to Kukaku, his demeanor shifting instantly as he gave her a playful smirk, “Shall we, m’lady?” He didn’t wait for an answer, scooping her up by the waist as he prepared to leave.

Kukaku, still trying to wrap her head around the unfolding events, couldn’t help but be impressed by Kai’s audacity. She had never seen anyone talk to the Royal Guards in such a manner and live to tell the tale.

The Royal Guards were left in a state of disbelief. Nimaiya, his anger evident, was the first to snap out of it, “That damn brat, does he really think he can just waltz in here, threaten us, and leave?”

Senjumaru, the slender and youthful woman, her voice calm but carrying an underlying edge, added, “He may be arrogant, but he has a point. If he is as powerful as he seems, and he’s willing to face Yhwach alone, we might just have to consider his offer.”

Ichibe raised his hand, silencing them, his eyes contemplative. “We will not be swayed by the words of an outsider. Our duty is to the Soul King and this palace. However, keep an eye on the situation below. If what he says is true, we need to be prepared.”

Back in the material world, Kai set Kukaku down, his eyes scanning the horizon. The situation was escalating quickly, and he knew time was of the essence.

Kukaku, her warrior instincts kicking in, spoke up, “You really think they’ll help?”

Kai just chuckled, his usual lazy grin back on his face, “Who knows? The Royal Guards are a stubborn bunch. But at least we got them thinking.”

The warm glow of paper lanterns danced gently upon the walls, diffusing their soft light through the spacious living area of Kukaku's house. There was a peaceful, almost serene atmosphere in the room, a stark contrast to the recent dramatic confrontation at the Soul King's Palace.

Kukaku, elegant in her movements, set a finely crafted tea set on the low wooden table. She gracefully poured aromatic tea into a cup for Kai, her hand momentarily pausing as the steam curled up and kissed her face. There was a subtle redness on her cheeks, not solely from the steam's warmth. Memories of Kai's audacious embrace while leaving the palace lingered in her mind, causing her heart to race just a bit faster.

Kai, reclining against a cushion, had an amused expression. He seemed to pick up on her flustered demeanor but chose to play it cool, allowing the playful tension between them to build organically. "Do you know the four paths of power?" he finally broke the silence.

Kukaku was momentarily caught off guard by the sudden change of topic. "Shinigami, Quincy, Hollow, and Human," she responded after a brief pause, the knowledge evident in her voice.

Kai's lips turned upward in a gentle smirk, clearly impressed. "Exactly. Spiritual power can manifest as Reiatsu for Shinigami or Reishi for Quincies. Every being harnesses Reiryoku differently. So, which path do you think suits your battle style?"

She took a deep sip of her tea, appreciating its warmth as she mulled over the question. "A blend of Shinigami and Human, perhaps," Kukaku ventured, her eyes introspective.

Kai let out a soft chuckle. "Not entirely wrong. But also, not completely right. While it's true you don’t fit snugly into a defined path," he said, taking a leisurely sip of his tea, "it doesn't mean you're at a disadvantage."

She exhaled deeply, slightly disappointed but not surprised. "I've always felt that. Using Kido feels natural, but I'm not a Shinigami. I've trained in Hakuda, but it doesn’t resonate as strongly with me. So, what should I do? Embrace another path?"

Kai leaned in, his eyes alight with mischief and a hint of pride. "Why not create a new one? Or, in this case, embrace the fifth path I crafted."

Kukaku's eyes widened in disbelief, her tea almost spilling. She wasn't naive. Creating a whole new spiritual path was monumental. "You did what now?" she stammered, the gravity of his words sinking in.

With a smirk, Kai leaned back, the smugness evident. "I carved out a fifth path. I believe it might be precisely what you've been searching for."

Creating a fifth path was an idea that seemed to transcend the very foundations of spiritual power. The four paths were pillars, long-standing and seemingly eternal, created—or so the legends said—by the Soul King himself. They were the four corners of existence, each balancing the universe in its unique way. And yet here was Kai, casually leaning back with an amused twinkle in his eye, claiming to have crafted a fifth.

The disbelief was evident on Kukaku’s face, her normally composed demeanor momentarily disrupted. "You...a fifth path?" she echoed, her voice a mixture of awe and skepticism. The tea in her cup rippled with her shaky grasp, threatening to spill.

"Indeed," Kai replied, his smirk widening just a bit. He was clearly enjoying the moment, basking in the shock his words had provoked.

"But how? The four paths have been in place since...forever. They’re fundamental, unchangeable," Kukaku argued, her brow furrowing in confusion. Her mind raced, trying to grasp the magnitude of what he was suggesting.

Kai chuckled heartily, his laughter carrying a resonance of mystery and assurance. With a graceful wave of his hand, reality seemed to fold upon itself. The room, the tea, the lanterns—all faded away as if they were never there to begin with. In the blink of an eye, Kukaku found herself under a vast expanse of sky, seated next to Kai under a large, sprawling tree. A gentle river flowed beside them, its soft murmurs adding a soothing soundtrack to this unexpected journey.

Kukaku's eyes darted around, taking in the surreal beauty of the place. "Where...?" she began, her voice trailing off as she struggled to find the right words.

Kukaku blinked, taking in the vast grassy plains that stretched out infinitely before her. Trees peppered the landscape, their leaves rustling gently in the breeze, and the gentle hum of a nearby river filled the air with a calming melody. The sight was breathtaking, a stark contrast to the confinements of her living area just moments ago.

They found themselves sitting under the shade of a magnificent tree, its broad branches offering shelter from the mild sun above. The tree stood solitary, yet it seemed to pulse with life, as if it were the heart of this world.

Hikari and Kai, sitting in Kai's Inner World



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