Laid-back Highschooler In Bleach (With Soul Cube)

Ch17- Awakening Fullbring Abilities

Kai had decided it was time for Orihime and Tatsuki to learn more about their own potential powers. He invited them to join him at an abandoned warehouse, which he used as a secret training ground to practice his abilities. He told them to bring their most prized possessions with them, without explaining why.

Orihime always carried the hairpins Sora had bought for her before he died. They were her most cherished items and held great sentimental value. Tatsuki, her face flushing red with embarrassment, brought a pair of silver-colored boxing gloves that Kai had gifted her when they were just children. The gloves were a symbol of their friendship and Tatsuki's dedication to martial arts.

Upon arriving at the warehouse, the trio ventured inside, the echoes of their footsteps bouncing off the walls of the large, empty space. Sunlight filtered through the cracks in the ceiling, casting an eerie glow on the dusty floor.

Kai turned to face Orihime and Tatsuki, his expression serious. "I brought you both here today because I think it's time for you to learn about your own potential powers and how you might be able to use them. There's a power called Fullbring, and it's something I think you both have the capacity to awaken within yourselves."

Orihime and Tatsuki exchanged curious glances, clearly intrigued by Kai's revelation.

"What exactly is Fullbring?" Orihime asked, her eyes wide with curiosity.

Kai took a deep breath before explaining. "Fullbring is a power possessed by humans who have had contact with the spiritual world. It allows the user to manipulate the souls within objects, essentially granting them unique abilities. The power is usually awakened through strong emotions and is often connected to an object of great personal significance."

Tatsuki raised an eyebrow. "So, that's why you told us to bring our most prized possessions?"

Kai nodded. "Exactly. Your connection to these objects will be key in awakening your Fullbring abilities. Each person's Fullbring is unique and depends on their individual experiences, emotions, and the object they're connected to."

Orihime looked down at her hairpins, her fingers tracing the intricate patterns. "But how do we awaken our Fullbring? Is there a specific method or technique we need to learn?"

Kai smiled reassuringly. "It's not so much about learning a technique as it is about tapping into your emotions and finding a way to channel them through your chosen object. The more you practice and develop your connection, the stronger your Fullbring abilities will become."

Tatsuki clenched her fists, determination shining in her eyes. "Alright, let's do this. We're ready to train and awaken our powers."

Kai nodded in approval, pleased with their enthusiasm. "Great. Let's start by focusing on your chosen objects. Hold them and try to connect with the emotions and memories they evoke. This will help you build a strong foundation for your Fullbring."

Orihime closed her eyes, holding her hairpins tightly in her hand. She thought of Sora and the love and protection he had always offered her. A warm, tingling sensation began to spread through her body, centered on the hairpins in her grip.

Tatsuki, on the other hand, slipped her boxing gloves on, feeling the familiar weight and texture. She thought about Kai, their friendship, and the countless hours they had spent training together. A similar sensation began to course through her veins, originating from the gloves.

Kai watched them carefully, his eyes narrowed in concentration. "Good, I can see you're both connecting with your objects. Now, try to visualize the power within them, and focus on drawing that power out."

Orihime and Tatsuki nodded, their expressions focused as they concentrated on their respective objects. They tried to visualize the power hidden within, but no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't seem to draw it out.

As the hours passed and the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the warehouse floor, the two girls slumped in defeat. They hadn't made any progress in awakening their Fullbring abilities, and the weight of their failure hung heavily on their shoulders.

Kai, noticing their downtrodden expressions, stepped forward and enveloped them in a comforting embrace. He placed a gentle kiss on each of their foreheads, his voice soft and reassuring.

"Don't be too hard on yourselves," he said, his eyes filled with understanding. "Awakening your Fullbring isn't something that can be achieved overnight. It takes time, practice, and patience. Remember, this is just the beginning of your journey. We'll keep training, and I know you'll both succeed eventually."

Orihime and Tatsuki looked up at Kai, their eyes shining with gratitude and renewed determination. They knew he was right – they needed to be patient and trust in the process.

Over the next few days, the trio continued to train at the warehouse, each session bringing them closer to unlocking their Fullbring powers. They focused on deepening their emotional connections to their prized objects and practiced visualizing the power within them.

Kai was always there to guide them, offering advice and encouragement as they struggled to awaken their abilities. He explained the intricacies of Fullbring in more detail, helping them understand how their emotions and experiences shaped their potential powers.

As the days turned into a week, Orihime and Tatsuki began to make progress. One afternoon, as they held their objects and focused on the emotions they evoked, they both felt a sudden surge of power. It was as if a door had been unlocked within them, granting them access to a wellspring of energy they had never known existed.

Orihime's hairpins began to glow with a soft, golden light, while Tatsuki's boxing gloves emitted a silver aura that seemed to pulse with her heartbeat. Their eyes widened in awe and excitement as they finally began to tap into their Fullbring abilities.

Kai, seeing their progress, couldn't help but beam with pride. "You've both done it," he said, his voice filled with admiration. "You've awakened your Fullbring powers. Now, we just need to continue training and refining your abilities."

Orihime and Tatsuki stood in the warehouse, their prized possessions glowing with newfound power. The golden light emanating from Orihime's hairpins seemed to dance around her, while the silver aura pulsing from Tatsuki's boxing gloves reflected the fierce determination in her eyes.

Kai observed them with a proud smile. "Now that you've both awakened your Fullbring powers, it's time to discover what they can do. Remember, your abilities are unique and tied to your emotions and experiences."

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