Laid-back Highschooler In Bleach (With Soul Cube)

Ch24- Angry Kai

Shout out to newest Patron, time to give your best clap! Derek! Thank you! This novels are written by your help!

The next day, Kai sat on the roof of the school, surrounded by his girlfriends. Orihime and Tatsuki hugged his sides, Chizuru massaged his shoulders, and Michiru sat nearby, still unsure if she should be part of his harem. They were all talking and laughing, the terrifying events of the previous day now a distant memory. As Kai had predicted, the Soul Society used some sort of damage control spell, and people in the town believed there had been an earthquake alarm. Kai's family didn't find it alarming for him to take them to school in worry and hurry. Only those with spiritual awareness remembered what had happened.

As they chatted casually and flirted with each other, Ichigo and Rukia appeared on the roof. Ichigo looked angry, while Rukia tried to calm him down. "Kai-sama, sorry to disturb you," Rukia began politely, "but Ichigo wants to talk to you about something."

"I don't need his permission," Ichigo huffed, walking closer. "Why did you tell Karin about me?"

"Why shouldn't I?" Kai asked, his tone nonchalant.

Ichigo clenched his fists, his anger growing. "She's my sister! You have no right to involve her in this dangerous world!"

Kai raised an eyebrow, unfazed by Ichigo's anger. "She already had spiritual awareness, Ichigo. I didn't 'involve' her. I merely informed her about your situation. She has a right to know, don't you think?"

"I don't know if you are aware, but when I saved her life from the hands of a hollow that caused trouble in the city because you and your friend wanted to compete on who has a bigger dick, she saw me and was curious. Oh, let's not forget the fact that hollow was after her due to her spiritual power, allowing her to see them in the first place. And you are blaming me?" Kai's voice dripped with sarcasm, his annoyance clear as he recounted the events of that day.

Ichigo's face flushed with embarrassment and anger as he recalled the reckless actions he and Ishida Uryuu had taken. His fists tightened further, but the guilt in his eyes was evident.

Orihime and Tatsuki exchanged worried glances, sensing the tension between the two young men. Chizuru and Michiru looked on with concern, not fully understanding the situation but aware that something was amiss.

Rukia, trying to mediate the situation, stepped in. "Ichigo, Kai-sama has a point. Karin was already involved in this world, whether you knew it or not. It's not fair to blame him for telling her the truth."

Ichigo's jaw clenched, but he couldn't find any counterarguments. He knew Rukia was right, but admitting it was difficult. He sighed, frustration evident in his voice. "Fine, you're right. But that doesn't change the fact that this world is dangerous. I just want to protect her."

Kai's expression softened, understanding Ichigo's concerns. "I get it, Ichigo. You're her big brother, and you want to keep her safe. But wouldn't it be better for her to know the truth and be prepared, rather than being kept in the dark and potentially getting hurt?"

Ichigo's shoulders slumped, his anger dissipating as he realized the wisdom in Kai's words. "Yeah, I guess you're right," he mumbled, his voice barely audible.

Rukia placed a comforting hand on Ichigo's shoulder, offering him a reassuring smile. "It's hard to accept, but sometimes the people we care about are stronger than we give them credit for."

Orihime chimed in, her voice full of empathy. "It's true, Ichigo. We can't always protect the ones we love from everything, but at least if they know what's going on, they can make informed decisions."

Tatsuki nodded in agreement. "Besides, having a support system is important. You can't do everything on your own, Ichigo."

As the group continued to discuss the matter, Ichigo eventually came to accept that Kai had acted in Karin's best interest. He apologized for his outburst, and the tension between the two young men dissipated.

In the next second, a heavy spiritual pressure descended on Ichigo, forcing him to kneel on the ground. Kai looked at him with a wild grin and said, "Now that we're clear on that, let's talk about the other issue. Don't, for a single second, assume that I will forget or forgive you and Ishida for causing what happened yesterday. You risked my friends and family for a little misunderstanding between the two of you, and I will ask you for an explanation."

Ichigo's eyes widened in shock as he struggled to breathe under the immense pressure. Sweat beaded on his forehead, and his heart pounded in his chest. He managed to choke out, "I... I'm sorry, Kai. It wasn't... it wasn't supposed to go that far."

Kai's expression darkened. "But it did, Ichigo. It did go that far, and you both have a responsibility to make it right. You're both incredibly lucky that no one was seriously hurt, but that doesn't excuse your recklessness."

Rukia, her eyes filled with concern, stepped forward. "Kai-sama, please. I understand your anger, but this isn't the time or place for this conversation. We should all calm down and discuss this rationally."

Orihime bit her lip, her hands wringing together nervously. "I agree with Rukia. We're all still shaken from yesterday, and we don't want to make things worse."

Tatsuki, her arms crossed over her chest, nodded. "Fighting amongst ourselves won't solve anything. We need to work together if we want to prevent something like this from happening again."

In the next second, the pressure vanished as if it hadn't been there at all. Kai's smile turned into a warm one, and he said, "It can wait, though. For now, leave me with my girlfriends."

Ichigo, finally able to breathe normally again, looked at Kai, his eyes filled with a mixture of gratitude and lingering resentment. He knew Kai was right, and he would need to face the consequences of his actions eventually. But for now, he was grateful for the reprieve.

Kai turned his attention back to his girlfriends, who had been watching the exchange with bated breath. Orihime let out a sigh of relief and leaned into Kai's side, her eyes filled with affection. "Thank you, Kai. I know that was difficult for you."

Kai smiled at her, his eyes softening. "It's alright, Orihime. I just want everyone to be safe and happy. I'm not doing this out of anger or spite, but because I genuinely care."

Tatsuki, her expression serious, looked at Kai. "We know, Kai. And we appreciate it. But please, promise us that you won't let your anger get the best of you. We don't want to lose you, either."

Kai nodded solemnly, placing a hand over his heart. "I promise. I'll do my best to keep my emotions in check and handle things in a mature and responsible manner."

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