Laid-back Highschooler In Bleach (With Soul Cube)

Ch27- Black Kitty

The four of them lay in silence for a moment, still worried about Ichigo but trying to trust in Kai's words. As they listened to the distant sounds of the battle, they couldn't help but feel a sense of helplessness.

Tatsuki looked at him with puppy eyes, searching for his, "Kai, can't you do anything?"

Kai hesitated before answering, weighing the potential consequences of his actions. "I can go there, but there's not much I can do. Those two are at least Vice-Captain level. I can feel the familiar suppression seal on their bodies, and only Vice-Captain and Captains use them. If they are Vice-Captains, I can still beat them with my tricks, but if it's a Captain, I'll die in vain. The same goes for you. Since they haven't done anything to Ichigo after such a long battle, I think it's because they aren't trying to hurt him, or at least kill him. If I go there, I might force them to use a heavier hand, and that would put even Ichigo in danger."

Hearing Kai's explanation, the girls couldn't help but feel guilty for their insistence. They didn't want to risk Kai, even if it meant giving up on Ichigo. They could also sense that the two Shinigami were indeed strong, possibly stronger than they initially anticipated.

Tatsuki clenched her fists, her eyes downcast. "It's frustrating, you know?" she muttered, her voice barely audible. "We want to help him, but there's nothing we can do."

Chizuru nodded, her usual confident smile gone, replaced by a worried frown. "I hate feeling this powerless," she admitted quietly, her grip on Kai's hand tightening.

Orihime looked at her friends, her eyes filled with determination. "No need to worry, since Kai said it is okay!" she said, her voice strong despite the concern etched on her face.

Kai wrapped his arm around Orihime, pulling her closer. "That's right. Ichigo is strong, don't worry."

Tatsuki sighed, forcing a small smile onto her face. "You're right," she agreed, trying to push her worry aside.

As they lay there, the four of them tried to find comfort in each other's presence, attempting to push aside their fear and concern for their friend. They focused on the sound of their own breathing, trying to calm their racing hearts.

Soon, the girls fell into a light slumber, snuggling close to Kai's body for warmth and comfort. However, Kai didn't sleep. He was too following the battle with his Spiritual Awareness. Although he could feel Urahara's presence close to where Ichigo was fighting, he also felt the shop owner was just watching. Since even Urahara didn't act, there was no need for him.

He lay there, the girls' soft breaths filling the room, a black cat silently entered through the window. Its golden eyes scanned the scene, taking in the sight of the three naked girls and Kai. Upon seeing Tatsuki and Chizuru snuggled up against Kai's sides and Orihime lying on top of him, the cat's nose began to bleed as it observed the intimate scene.

Kai's mind jolted as a memory appeared in his mind. From Zennosuke's memories, he identified the cat as Yoruichi, but he didn't give any hint that he already guessed the cat's identity. He just looked at it and called it closer. When the cat approached, its nose still bleeding, Kai grabbed it to tease her a little.

"Where did you come from?" He asked, but the cat only meowed, looking at the scene in front of her. "What is your name?"

"Are you a girl or a boy?" Kai asked, as he raised the cat to check her gender. "A girl."

He then started to pet her soft ears, carefully placing her near his nakedness to see how much Yoruichi could act.

The black cat didn't react when Kai placed her on his chest, her golden eyes still taking in the scene around her. She meowed softly, her nose still bleeding slightly, and sniffed at Kai's skin. Kai grinned, amused by the cat's apparent comfort with the situation. He gently stroked her ears, causing her to purr contentedly.

The room was quiet, with only the sound of the girls' breathing and the occasional purr from the cat. Kai continued to pet Yoruichi, wondering if she had forgotten why she had come in the first place. He found her presence strangely calming, and before he knew it, both he and the cat had drifted off to sleep, joining the girls in their slumber.

As the sun began to rise, the first rays of light streamed through the window, casting a warm glow over the room. The girls began to stir, their eyes fluttering open as they slowly became aware of their surroundings. Tatsuki, still nestled against Kai's side, was the first to notice the black cat sleeping on his chest.

"Kai," she whispered, nudging him gently. "There's a cat on you."

Kai's eyes opened slowly, and he looked down to see Yoruichi still curled up on his chest. He smiled, remembering their encounter the night before. "Good morning, Yoruichi," he said softly, careful not to startle her.

The cat's eyes opened at the sound of her name, and she looked up at Kai, clearly surprised that he knew her identity. She quickly transformed into her human form, revealing herself as the former 2nd Division Captain of the Gotei 13 and former Commander of the Onmitsukidō, Yoruichi Shihōin. She sat up, her violet eyes locked on Kai's face, her expression a mix of shock and curiosity.

"How did you know who I am?" she asked, her voice steady despite her surprise.

Kai looked at the naked beauty in front of him, completely unfazed by her nakedness, and grinned. "I heard from someone about a specific kitty."

"Hoh, is that so?" Yoruichi matched her shamelessness, not bothered by her or others' nakedness. However, Orihime, Tatsuki, and Chizuru looked embarrassed, jealous, and a variety of other emotions.

Orihime quickly grabbed a nearby blanket and wrapped it around herself, cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "Um, Yoruichi-san, it's nice to meet you, but could you please put some clothes on?" she asked timidly.

Yoruichi chuckled and glanced at the other girls before nodding. "Of course, my apologies." In a flash, she was fully clothed in her usual black, form-fitting outfit. She then looked back at Kai, a playful grin on her face. "So, who told you about me?"

Kai crossed his arms, smirking. "That's a secret. But the question is, what brings you here, Yoruichi?"

Yoruichi looked at Kai and asked, "Why didn't you go and help Ichigo?"

"Why should I?" Kai asked, nonchalant, "You and Urahara were happy to watch from the sidelines when a Captain level enemy was battling with Ichigo."

"You could feel us?" Yoruichi looked shocked, "And how do you know the enemy was captain level?"

"I didn't." Kai smirked, "I only knew they were strong, but you confirmed my suspicions. In any case, Ichigo is not my friend. I don't mind helping him from time to time when I absolutely have to, but if not, I can hardly care."

Yoruichi's eyes narrowed as she studied Kai's face, searching for any hint of deceit. "You're an interesting one, aren't you?" she mused, crossing her arms.

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