Laid-back Highschooler In Bleach (With Soul Cube)

Ch53- For Bankai

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Hikari tilted her head, studying him with a stern gaze as she leaned on her staff, the orb on it glinting in tandem with her radiant appearance. "Kai," she began, her tone carrying an undertone of reproach, "You can't avoid conflict forever."

Kai sighed, running a hand through his hair as he met her gaze. "Can't I just have a day off?" He grumbled, flopping down on the grass beneath the tree.

Hikari didn't respond immediately. Instead, she allowed her gaze to drift away, looking out over the tranquil landscape of their Inner World. When she did speak, her voice was softer, but still held an edge of determination. "Every choice you make has consequences, Kai. You can't always run from them."

A moment of silence hung between them as Kai mulled over her words, his gaze downcast. He had never been one for confrontation or responsibility. It was one of the reasons he had adopted such a laid-back attitude, but that didn't mean he was oblivious to the gravity of their situation.

Finally, he looked back up at Hikari, a hint of resolve flickering in his eyes. "I know," he admitted, a rare moment of seriousness for him. "But that doesn't mean I need to invite trouble."

Hikari's lips quirked into a small smile at his reply, a quiet sigh escaping her. "Of course you don't," she agreed, stepping closer to sit beside him. "But when trouble comes knocking, you can't just turn your back. You're stronger than you let on, Kai."

Kai could only offer a non-committal hum in response, reclining against the trunk of the tree as he stared up at the clear blue sky. His hand traced over the hum of his staff, lost in the depth of his thoughts.

In the distance, Orihime and Tatsuki were still waiting, their faces etched with concern. Yet, they said nothing, understanding that Kai was in a world of his own.

Eventually, Kai stood up, brushing the grass off his clothes. He offered Hikari a small smile, his eyes reflecting a rare spark of determination. "I guess we'll see how it goes," he conceded, acknowledging the wisdom in her words.

Hikari watched as Kai rose to his feet, her eyes lingering on his figure. After a moment, she too rose, her staff firmly grasped in her hand as she moved to stand before him.

"You need to work harder, Kai," she urged, her gaze piercing as she met his eyes. "You're so close to achieving Bankai."

Kai flinched at her words, an uncomfortable grimace crossing his face. "Hard work isn't really my thing, Hikari," he countered, his voice laced with a hint of his habitual laziness.

She sighed, stepping closer to him. Her hand reached up, gently brushing against his cheek, the warmth of her touch soothing yet firm. "I know you, Kai," she said softly. "You act weak, useless, and unambitious to avoid exerting yourself, to avoid confrontation."

Her eyes held a determined glint, the unspoken assertion hanging heavily between them. "But you're not. You're far from it."

Kai, despite his initial resistance, found himself caught in her gaze. Her words, though stern, held a note of faith in him that was hard to ignore. She knew him in a way no one else did, understood his strengths and weaknesses, and was challenging him to step beyond his comfort zone.

"I know you have the potential, the strength," she continued, her hand dropping from his cheek, instead gripping his own hand firmly. "And I believe in you, Kai. But you need to believe in yourself."

Hikari's determination seemed to light up the entire Inner World around them, her radiance mirroring her resolve. Kai could only stare at her, her words seeping in, challenging his own beliefs about himself.

"Alright, alright," he relented finally, a rare seriousness marking his tone. "I'll... try harder. For Bankai."

A smile broke out on Hikari's face, a genuine expression of happiness and relief. "That's all I ask, Kai," she replied, her voice soft and reassuring. "Your own belief in yourself is the first step."

As she spoke, the Inner World around them seemed to brighten, a subtle testament to Hikari's satisfaction. Kai found himself smiling too, a small chuckle escaping him.

"Well, if I have to do it," he started, his voice shifting back to its usual laid-back tone, "I might as well get it over with."

With that, he began to fade from the Inner World, Hikari's encouraging words echoing in his mind as he returned to the real world, ready to face whatever awaited him.

Next day, dressed in a casual tee, he sat in the living room, one leg crossed over the other, his head thrown back on the couch with an air of nonchalance. His mother, Emiko, shuffled around in the kitchen, preparing for their planned picnic outing, while his elder sister, Aiko, was engaged in a quiet conversation with his girlfriends - Orihime Inoue, Tatsuki Arisawa, Chizuru Honshō, and Michiru Ogawa.

A strange sense of normalcy hung in the air, a stark contrast to the grave situation that Kai was consciously avoiding. But his nonchalance wasn’t from lack of empathy for Rukia Kuchiki. It was a self-imposed ignorance to shield his own helplessness, his inability to make a difference.

“Hey, Aiko,” he called out, his gaze shifting towards his sister, who was still engrossed in conversation. “Why don’t you help Mom with the preparations?”

Aiko blinked, pulling away from the group to face him. Her eyes narrowed slightly, picking up on his underlying intention to distract her. “Why don’t you help, lazy bones?” she retorted, a hint of playful scorn lacing her tone.

“I would, sis,” Kai replied, a wide grin spreading across his face, “but I fear my culinary skills might lead to a disaster.”

His comment drew a few laughs, breaking the monotony of the afternoon. Yet, beneath the jesting remark, he could see Aiko’s eyes reflecting a hint of discontent, an emotion he was well familiar with.


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