Laid-back Highschooler In Bleach (With Soul Cube)

Ch57- Kage Bunshin?

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Calling all readers, prepare to witness the rise of the incredible Andiyah, our newest patron extraordinaire! With a heart filled with support and a wallet brimming with generosity, Andiyah has joined our ranks to embark on this literary adventure. Let us unite in applause and appreciation for Andiyah, the true champion!


The mirror-like surface of the staff shone brilliantly for a moment before shimmering into existence were several copies of Kai, each appearing as solid and real as the original. Their presence spread across the park, filling the space around Yami, who stood frozen, staring at the sudden appearances.

"Wh-what is this?" Yami growled, looking around at the illusionary Kais.

Kai, the real one, shrugged nonchalantly. "Just a little trick of mine. Nothing to get worked up over."

Yami's rage flared up, his form growing even larger. His eyes darted around the park, trying to locate the real Kai among the illusions. "This won't save you, shinigami!" He roared, charging at one of the illusions.

But as his fist connected, the illusionary Kai merely shimmered and disappeared, leaving Yami to stumble through empty air. He roared in frustration, turning to attack another illusion only for it to fade just as quickly.

The real Kai watched from a safe distance, the smirk on his face growing wider with each failed attack. His eyes, still glowing eerily from beneath his mask, reflected the spectacle before him.

But Yami wasn't done. "I'll destroy all of you!" He yelled, launching a barrage of Bala at the illusions. One by one, the illusions disappeared as the energy attacks struck them, each fading away with a flash of light.

Yami's rage had him growing larger and larger, his form towering above the park. His spiritual energy spiked, threatening to explode. But the real Kai stood unfazed, his grip on his staff unyielding.

Finally, after destroying all the illusions, Yami turned to Kai, the real one, his eyes filled with a fiery rage. With a growl, he charged at him, fists clenched, ready for a final attack.

Kai merely raised his staff, the mirror's surface reflecting Yami's charging form. A brilliant flash of light filled the park as Yami's attack connected with the mirror, and with a resounding boom, the energy was flung back at him. Yami was thrown back, crashing into a tree with a grunt.

As Yami roared in pain and frustration, two more figures emerged from the edge of the park. Ichigo and Sado, both appearing ready for battle. Ichigo's twin blades glinted in the sunlight, a manifestation of his true Zanpakuto spirit. Sado, on the other hand, held his arms forward, displaying the full force of his Fullbring abilities.

The duo didn't waste any time. Ichigo leaped forward, his form a blur, and with one swift stroke, cut off one of Yami's arms. The Arrancar's bellow echoed through the park, his remaining arm clutching the stump where his other arm had been.

Kai watched with a blank expression as Ichigo and Sado made their way towards him. He didn't react as they stopped just behind him, their gazes focused on the injured Yami.

"Do you need help, Kai?" Ichigo asked, his voice carrying a hint of concern.

Kai's gaze flickered to Ichigo for a moment before returning to Yami. "You two..." he began, his voice steady, "Take care of the unconscious civilians. Get them to safety."

Ichigo seemed taken aback, his eyes widening slightly. "But-"

"No 'buts', Kurosaki," Kai cut him off, his tone firm. "I can handle this."

Ichigo exchanged a glance with Sado before nodding. "Alright," he agreed reluctantly, sheathing his twin blades.

As the duo turned away, Kai turned his attention back to Yami. The Arrancar was slowly regaining his footing, his face twisted with rage. His missing arm seemed to fuel his anger, causing him to grow even larger.

Kai sighed, a hint of exhaustion in his voice. "This is really dragging on..." he mumbled, raising his staff once again. His grip on it tightened as Yami charged towards him, his remaining fist raised for an attack.

The mirror-like surface of his staff reflected Yami's furious charge, and with a swift motion, Kai deflected the incoming attack. The force of the attack sent Yami flying back, crashing into several trees before finally stopping.

Kai watched the dust settle, his staff resting against his shoulder. His gaze flickered over to Ichigo and Sado, who were busy evacuating the unconscious civilians. Despite his listless tone earlier, Kai couldn't help but appreciate their help. But there was no time for sentiments, not yet.

Yami pushed himself off the ground, a low growl escaping him. His remaining arm clutched his injured side, a grimace on his face. He stared at Kai, his eyes burning with uncontained rage.

"I'll kill you, shinigami!" He roared, his spiritual energy flaring up again.

"I'll kill you, shinigami!" Yami roared, his spiritual energy flaring up again.

But Ulquiorra's voice stopped him, "Stop, Yami!"

The rage in Yami's eyes didn't dim, his focus singularly on Kai. He growled, ignoring Ulquiorra's command, "Why should I? He-"

Ulquiorra cut him off, his voice firm, "Kisuke Urahara and Yoruichi Shihōin are close by too."

With his words, two familiar figures stepped out from the shadows. Kisuke Urahara, hat perched casually atop his head and cane in hand, smirked with a typical laid-back attitude. Yoruichi Shihōin, her golden eyes twinkling with amusement, sauntered over to Kai.

Yami gritted his teeth, casting a wary glance at the newcomers. He had grown too large and too angry, and his energy was fizzling out. His gaze swung back to Ulquiorra, who stood silently, already pulling out a Garganta portal.

Yoruichi, in the meantime, slinked over to Kai, pressing against his back like a comfortable cat. She tilted her head to peer up at him, a teasing smile playing on her lips. "You could have called for backup, Kai," she chided gently.

Kai's gaze flickered down to her before he shrugged. "Too much effort," he replied, sounding thoroughly unbothered.

A small chuckle escaped Yoruichi, her hand patting his back reassuringly. "You're always looking for the easiest way out, aren't you?"

"That's one way to put it," Kai agreed, a hint of amusement coloring his tone.

Meanwhile, Ulquiorra had successfully opened the Garganta, a swirling void waiting for them. He turned to Yami, his gaze hard, "We're leaving."

Yami snarled, a look of defiance crossing his face. But a sharp glance from Ulquiorra seemed to quell him. Reluctantly, Yami started moving towards the portal.


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