Laid-back Highschooler In Bleach (With Soul Cube)

Ch62- Orihime’s Houseguests

Check out my new novels! "Reincarnated as A's Heir!" (Naruto-Haku), "Reincarnated As Shiba Clan's Heir!" (Bleach-Gin), and "Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City" (Meruem-HxH). Come on people! I need your help! Add them to your library!

Matsumoto tilted her head, her gaze flickering from one girl to another. All four girls were being affectionate with Kai, with no sign of jealousy or conflict. She found it curious. She wondered who among them was Kai's girlfriend, and why she wasn't making a fuss about him showing the same kind of affection to the other girls. Little did she know, all four of them were his girlfriends, and they had a mutual understanding about their relationship.

"Well," Kai started, his voice drawing everyone's attention. He had a relaxed smile on his face, albeit a bit strained around the edges. "I'd like to say I'm not the type that runs away from a fight, but... I am."

The girls snickered at his honesty, even Rukia couldn't help but chuckle. The room felt a bit lighter, despite the looming danger.

"But," Kai continued, his face hardening, "if Aizen brings his war to my city, to the people I care about, then running away isn't an option."

His gaze traveled to each of his girlfriends, their eyes filled with worry, fear, and a dash of pride. "I'll fight back."

"That's very noble of you," Hitsugaya said, his tone carrying a hint of appreciation. "We'll need all the help we can get."

"Well, if that is all, we are leaving." Kai declared, rising from his slouched position. His eyes glanced over Hitsugaya and his companions, a vague sense of disdain in his gaze. His words hung heavy in the silent room, a clear dismissal of the Shinigami in his midst.

Suddenly, Renji broke the quietude, scratching his head awkwardly. "This is embarrassing, but is there anywhere we can stay?" he asked, his gaze darting between Kai and Ichigo. The question was valid, considering the sudden reveal of Aizen's menacing threat.

Kai offered them a lopsided grin, shrugging his shoulders. "Kurosaki would show you ample hospitality, I presume," he retorted, his tone oozing nonchalance. His dismissive attitude was both amusing and exasperating.

"Hey, Kai. That's too much. I can't house all of them," Ichigo protested, running a hand through his unruly orange hair. He shot Kai a frustrated look, earning a lazy shrug in return.

Rukia, with her ever-practical approach, chimed in. "How about Orihime's house? She lives alone, right?"

Kai's eyes widened at Rukia's suggestion, and he shot her an incredulous look. "No way in hell am I letting these weirdos into my girlfriend's house," he countered, crossing his arms defiantly.

Hitsugaya's eyes narrowed slightly at Kai's blunt refusal. "No offense, right?" he asked, a hint of challenge in his voice.

"Oh, all offenses intended," Kai shot back, maintaining his dismissive stance. His eyes, however, gleamed with a wicked delight at ruffling the feathers of the distinguished Shinigami.

Matsumoto, who had been silently observing the interaction, finally decided to join the conversation. A playful smirk tugged at her lips as she turned her gaze towards Kai. "How about me and Rukia, then?" she suggested, giving Rukia a side glance.

Kai studied her for a moment before shrugging. "Well, then you should ask the owner," he responded, pointing a thumb in Orihime's direction. His face then broke into a grin, "But you should know we're an adult couple... Quintet? What is a relationship with five people? So, you'll be living at her place at your own risk."

Upon hearing his words, the girls – Orihime, Tatsuki, Chizuru, and Machiru – blushed furiously. They each reached over, pinching Kai's arm in unison. His resulting yelps of protest brought about a chorus of laughter from the rest of the room. Despite the gravity of the situation they were facing, they couldn't help but lighten the mood, if only for a moment.

The sight of the girlfriends interacting with Kai stirred a sense of curiosity within Matsumoto. The lack of jealousy or conflict between them was intriguing, to say the least. Little did she know, the girls were completely aware of their unconventional relationship with Kai, and had a mutual understanding about it.

Despite his initial protest, Kai finally gave in with a sigh. He turned to Orihime, awaiting her decision. "So, what will it be, Hime?" he asked, his voice softer now. "Are you okay with Rukia and Onee-san over there staying at your place?"

Orihime, still nestled under Kai's arm, beamed at his query, nodding energetically. "Of course they can stay! I would love to have you, Rukia-chan, Matsumoto-san!" She exclaimed, her voice tinged with excitement.

Rukia blinked at the overly enthusiastic response, looking slightly taken aback. Matsumoto, on the other hand, sported a smug grin, crossing her arms in a triumphant gesture. "That settles it, then. Rukia and I will stay with Orihime," she stated, relishing the stupefied look on Ichigo's face.

Pulling away from the girls, Kai rose to his feet, stretching lazily. "Alright, ladies. Let's get going," he said, the casualness of his tone masking his underlying determination.

Tatsuki was the first to stand, shooting Kai an apprehensive glance as she crossed her arms. "I still don't like it," she grumbled, her stubbornness as unwavering as ever.

Chizuru and Machiru followed suit, albeit reluctantly, their apprehension still evident. However, they trusted Kai enough to know he would not put himself in harm's way without a good reason.

With a final wave to the shocked group of Shinigami, Kai began to usher the girls towards the door, the sounds of their laughter punctuating the otherwise somber atmosphere. Rukia and Matsumoto trailed behind them, their gazes lingering on the retreating figures.

Suddenly, Kai halted his steps, glancing back at the remaining Shinigami. "By the way, Ichigo," he called, a mischievous glint in his eyes, "I would suggest you be the gracious host and accommodate the remaining guests. It's only polite."

Ichigo's face fell at the remark. "Hey, wait a minute, Kai..." he started to protest, but the door had already shut, leaving him alone with Hitsugaya, Renji, and the remaining Soul Reapers.

Sighing in resignation, Ichigo turned to his unwanted guests, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "I guess you guys can stay at my place," he muttered, his voice filled with resignation. The collective sigh of relief that filled the room was enough to make him wish he had been quicker to object.


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