Lament of a Noble Born

Update – Rewrite in Progress

So sorry for the radio silence thing that was going on for a while, first some things to clarify:

The story is not dead, I am (as the chapter title notes) in the process of rewriting Lament of a Noble Born. Why? Because when I look back at what I've written, I just felt like I had hit a brick wall and realized that I could have done a lot better then I have done. It's somewhat hard to explain, but as a writer sometimes you reach a point in your work where you start kicking yourself and saying "damn, wish I had written that better". Doubly so for me, since this was the first story I've ever seriously written. Technically I had one fanfiction I fiddled around with about Naruto from back in Middle School (over a decade ago) but that's something entirely different from the current situation.

So, for the past few weeks (months), I've been rewriting and posting an rewritten version of this story to my account on Questionable Question. As for why it wasn't brought here sooner? A mixture of procrastination and indecisiveness on my part. Indecisive in the sense that I am unsure how to go about reposting the chapters. The easiest way would be to just delete the old chapters and post the new ones since certain events start to change in the rewritten version.  

It's still be the same story, Syllia, and all that, but just written with the benefit of hindsight and some actual writing experience under my belt. 

Another reason why it took so long to get this out was because I may have stupidly stretched myself thin over numerous stories (8 to be exact) and may have been doing the writer equivalent of a tying to balanced a bunch of spinning plates on sticks. The end result is a bit of burnout. 

I'm pretty sure I'll bring over one of the stories I've been working on (a Fate Series fanfic about an isekaid homunculus) so be on the look out for that. As for the others? I'll probably put them on some long term hiatus. Learned the hard way what happens when you overextend yourself.

So yeah, this was just an update to let everyone know that no, the story is not dead, and yes, to start expecting more stuff in the indeterminate future. New prologue and chapter 1 should be out shortly (this evening I mean). So just be aware of that.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.