Leah, Reincarnated As a Dungeon Core!

(Chpt. 10) Finding a purpose (2)

This chapter is a nice break from everything else, with exposition to where Leah is now. Although it is still a rather unclear place just from this chapter.

I decided to open a discord for no particular reason, it took a few hours to set up in a super barebones matter (had to troubleshoot a few things) so I would appreciate if anyone joined. It's a normal discord with a variety of topics as well as my novel stuff. I might post art in there every once in a while, so I would suggest you to join. Pretty please... Discord

I clumsily opened my eyes to the ever-so-slightly heating bed I was in. The light was going into the room through the skylight. I was feeling good and well-rested, it was nice. 


“Mhmm!” I stretched myself, I felt at peace. I felt, well… I felt nice. My body was feeling relaxed and I no longer felt the headache I had been feeling. Well, I am not one to complain about pain, being honest. 


I kept stretching repeatedly for a few minutes, it felt great and it relaxed my body every time I did it. Although the feeling went away after a while of doing it, I guess the pleasure of it would wear off after a while ⁠— like all things in general. 


“Ah, right. He did say I should take those things…” I unamusingly said as I looked at the box on the table. It was still there.


I groggily stood up from the bed and started to walk towards the table. At that moment something slid through my body and landed on my legs, as I moved my leg it got caught on something. “Eh?” My feet were tangled with the cloth I stole from the skeleton. 


In my laziness I moved my feet frantically on the spot to try to get the thing off my feet, and⁠— “Just get off already!” I protested as I placed more strength on my foot. I lost balance and fell on the ground, making a loud sound that echoed on the wooden floor. 


“Ouch…” The floor was cold, my entire body was cold. How did people live like this? Actually… they didn’t, it was just me... I heard the door click as I was still laying on the ground naked. In a panic I looked, it was the collector staring at me with the same cold eyes, he didn’t even react. 


“What are you doing?”

“I fell…” His cold voice did not even allow me to elaborate, I felt as if I spoke too much there would be consequences. I noticed he had something on his hands, some type of box package.


He entered the room as he avoided to step on me, I was slightly stiff but it did not take me long to get up and cover myself with my cloth; my only possession. In the meantime, he set the box on the table and looked at the other box. 


“Looks like you are doing well.”

“Ah, yes thank you.” 

“I see you’ve been drinking the potions I left.” My eyes went wide when I heard him.


Was that magic liquid a potion?! I mean, it makes sense, but it’s so fantasy! Wait… I am living in a litRPG… I guess it makes sense, huh? It’s like a fever-dream and yet real at the same time. What’s odd is, I killed someone… Shouldn’t I be feeling guilty about it?! I mean, I don’t remember actually seeing him die, well he did. But it did not feel as dramatic as a death…

What I mean is, how come I don’t feel much from seeing his fading expression, even recalling it? All I can recall is the spite I felt towards him for how he treated me, and I was glad to no longer be there. While I didn’t know what to expect from this man named ‘The Collector’ or just ‘Collector’, he already treated me better. 


“Something wrong?” He asked as he noticed my lost expression. 

“Ah no…” I paused. “Well, actually… I could use some clothes…” I said as I fidgeted with my piece of cloth. 


“I see… Well, get ready, your first work-meeting is going to start soon. Don’t forget to drink the vial.” 

“Work-meeting?” I asked him, however, he did not reply and simply left the room.


I sighed and took one of the vials, the top popped with the simple strength of my thumb. It kind of made me feel oddly capable. I drank it without problems. It was rather bitter but it tasted nowhere as bad as I recalled it. I mean, it could be poison, but in all honesty… I felt like I had to trust him this time, he could’ve killed me right then and there...


I saw yet another box on the table, it was the box that he left! My curiosity spiked once again, was it breakfast. I was hoping it was breakfast! I started to salivate simply from recalling the amazing food I had yesterday, I wanted more… I didn’t feel hungry but I still wanted more… 


With enthusiasm I opened the box, it was basically the same box as the last one, except this one was one of those slide-down types. You know, you hold it from the edges and its bottom falls open? The sound it let out was satisfying.


It was slightly heavy but not too much, I couldn’t wait for the food… I started to salivate again from excitement as the box slid down. It hit the desk with a light plop sound, annddd box aside! What’s inside?!


I looked at it with my utmost attention, there were… clothes… I didn’t know why but I instantly lost all excitement, in spite of me asking for them… I sighed and with a defeated look I glanced once again at the contents. Then I saw something wrapped.


“I wonder what could it be?” It was wrapped in something like cardboard paper, I think it was cardboard paper, maybe it was something else. It was also warm.


“Could it be?!” I tore the paper apart in a rush, the contents were kind of soft. Maybe just maybe… After removing parts of the paper I was getting closer to the core, until I finally folded one more part and saw it. It was that same delicious bread from before. Calling to me with its fragrant aroma.


“YES!” I shouted in excitement and triumph. “Thanks for the f⁠—“

“KEEP IT DOWN GIRL!” I heard a protest directed at me from the other room along with the wall being hit, I kind of took a step back due to the hostility, maybe I simply wasn’t alone… After shying away for a few seconds I finally recovered my motivation to eat. 


“Thanks for the food…” A mutter later I was already munching on the bread. All I got was bread, but I was still happy. Back in the nursing home, all I would get was soft foods and it got to the point in which I could only drink liquids… Ha... Don’t think about one. 


The bread was still buttery and nice to eat. But one question came to my mind. If he just sees me as an object, then… Why would he give me nice food? I mean, maybe all the food is this nice?


I continued to think as I looked at the roof, the room was pretty nice, it was empty and dull sure. But if you had told me a slave lived here I would’ve laughed, while I had no true idea about the living conditions of slaves. At least based on history books it was a lot worse, well, at least the idea I got based on what I read during that time. The walls seemed to be made out of some kind of sandstone, oddly fancy.


I finished eating the bread and looked at the clothes. They were black, was I part of a mafia now? No, that would be impossible. I am pretty weak and useless myself, why would he use me for such things? Wait… what is he going to use me for?!

I turned pale as my mind thought about all the atrocities that could happen…


Knock, knock.


“Are you done yet, it’s time.”

“Eh, no… wait a second!” I cried in panic.


I grabbed the clothes and started putting them on, some shorts that looked very girlish, and a top that let my belly exposed. Was everything I was told true? In defeat I put on the black boots that came along inside the box, they seemed to be made of some kind of fluffy material and were plenty comfortable. Maybe it wasn't so bad. 


I noticed something was left. It was like another piece of cloth. I picked it up and it was like a long blanket or something. It didn’t take me long to realize it was a cloak.


As I admired the cloak I heard the door knock once again. It was time to go, to somewhere I definitely wasn't looking forward to it, just thinking of the possibilities sent chills down my back. 


I put on the cloak and then reminisced about the piece of cloth I stole from the skeleton, I was going to miss it… I reconsidered for a second and took it along with me, putting it around my neck like a scarf. 


“How long is she going to take?” Someone asked from the door, it wasn’t the same stone-cold voice as always. 

“Coming…” I awkwardly said as I opened the door, the hall had a lot of people and The Collector was also there. 


He was looking at me with a death stare, I awkwardly waved at him and he rolled his eyes. I guess I was forgiven for now. 


He turned to look at the crowd of eight people or so, including me. We were like some type of mafia group, everyone was wearing a cloak and stuff, except I was like one of me’s shorter than everyone else. I probably looked like a kid⁠— I guess I was a kid.


“Today, we resume work after a week-long break.” He absentmindedly said as everyone in the room sighed. “And, I’d like to introduce your new work partner, Leah.” He gestured me to come, I was in a state of shock. I never told him my name, was it due to the blood? 


I approached him with stiffness. Luckily I only received glances of curiosity, I wondered why. Was it due to the cloak? 


“Well, boss. Don’t leave us waiting, what part of the job will she be doing?”

“She will be collecting…” Ehh… How specific. I heard the entirety of the room let out a rather disgruntled sound.


“Boss, we cannot protect… that thing!” 

“Yeah, this is unfair! Just because you want to increase the workforce doesn’t mean you can just pick up a random kid and make them fight to their death!” Ehh…


I looked at him. “If I am going to die, why not do it right now?” The collector sighed and turned to the crowd. I guess my question annoyed him, the crowd also had visible panic on their faces hearing my question. Maybe they weren't slaves?


“She is going to help collect, not collect. She is special after all…” After those eerie words, no one said a thing and instead looked at me in awe. What was happening?! I don't want to know...

I hope it was readable, this chapter did not get as much editing time as the other ones. The start with nice, good, great words was on purpose, sorry if it read awkward -- it's meant to read awkward -- anyway. Did I say I opened a discord for all the readers to join? I probably did, I am kind of forgetful. Discord.

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