Leah, Reincarnated As a Dungeon Core!

(Chpt. 22) Going down the rabbit hole (2)

Chapter is very short, sorry could not bring myself to make it longer. I can only hold so much baggage until it affects my writing... Tl;dr, hella sleep-deprived, stressed from things, and unsure about my author note chapter. Now, don't get me wrong, I like the message it gave, but that thing was just an emotional dumpster fire as writing it was concerned. I cried a lot. And I am in no condition to simply keep smiling and pretend I didn't do anything.

As I exited the door I saw the man shuffling below the desk, he was looking for something inside a box. 


“Ah, here it is. Your reward, or thank you gift from me, as well as apology gift…” He handed me a master board. “It’s an EXR type, isn’t it great?” I nodded, it was everything I needed. Although I still felt bad for Rin. But why was I getting something so expensive for free? All things considered, I had no idea how much 290 Rwyd was... 


“Ah right, I forgot. Here.” He also gave me a board like the one from the vendor on the first floor. 

“Why?” I asked with confusion. Didn't this thing have an inspection function or something like that?


“Well. Considering all the things my slave did to you it’s surprising she didn’t get killed.” Ah… It was always as a master making up for their slave… Doesn’t this mean she is going to face consequences?! 


I looked at him directly at the eyes, his smile flinched for a second. I didn’t even need my passive-ability to tell me this was bad! 


“Hey…” What was his name?

“Ah, right. I am Trade House Owner 1. TDH1 for short.” What… Wait... Did I hear that right? 

“Girl Collector…” Yeah, I suppose I had to pretend to be in this stupid society. Even if I had no idea how the sorting went...

“I see…” We both looked at each other awkwardly. “This name stuff from the town major is stupid isn’t it?” I nodded in agreement. 


“I was wondering about your slave. I want to buy her!” That’s how righteous slave owners did it right? I had to pretend. 

“That sounds great, but you see. This wolf-kin is smarter than average, otherwise, I wouldn’t have gone through so much hassle to make her work here.” So I guess he never planned on taking her life. “But if you insist, two-thousand Rwyd would do. 2000, you heard me, right?” 


That… was… like… nine-times my current wage!  But if it was that then... it was achievable...

“Understood.” I at least had to get out of here, it was a promise. But now I was curious, and I also had to keep pretending. “How did you get such a useful slave? It makes me jealous… I know collectors don’t normally have slaves. But it intrigues me.” I simply spoke from an assumption, actually not having an idea about anything. I had to know more about Rin. Even if I sounded like scum while inquiring...


“Yeah, collectors with slaves are rare nowadays.” That’s not what… “As far as Rie, well, she used to be pretty savage. Even in denial about being a wolf-kin, but you know, with animals you just have to teach them who is the leader of the pack! Their place in the food chain if you know what I am saying.” He was suddenly making joyful small-talk with me. 


I felt rage boil inside me, although all I could do was monotonously grasp my hand. 


“Well, I bought her about two years ago, her previous owner was tired of her. Luckily for me, I am pretty good at taming, so it only took some discipline. First comes being kind, then crushing their hopes and dreams! Although, it was the usual method for doing things, so I cannot credit myself for that one…” I… 

“When you get a slave you get their backstory, where they were sourced from, their previous owners, etcetera. Slaves cannot be trusted, and sometimes the dealers themselves cannot be trusted. Last thing you want is to buy something broken, right?” Stop it… “Well, wolf-kins are popular for their eroticism, although I heard that Rie was… All I heard was that one of her owners lost their thing…" He made a scissor with his index and middle finger. "Well, I don’t expect a girl like you to understand.” He shrugged. 


“I…” What the fuck do you even say to that?! Should I even say anything!? This was beyond trash ⁠— disgusting, absolute filth! Why, why, what caused things like that? What could lead to such a path? Things are confusing. 


“Anyway to cut things short; she was pretty useless. So I bought her and quickly realized her potential. She got pretty close to dying, but she is there, and look at how strong she is⁠— ” 


“Stop it!” I said with rage.

“Eeeeeh… What?” His voice sounded fed up. Did I…  Oh no...“Ahh ah, don’t tell me you are that jealous?!” He started laughing. “Ah, girl. I see you like aiming for the stars, I’ll tell you what... 1300 Rwyd just for you!” 


Somehow, or in some way… I was saved, although… how did I end up haggling the price of a person’s life… I wasn’t going to ever let Rin know about this, that was certain. As I pondered about things, I saw him frown as he stared at me. 


“What? Is 1300 not enough for you? Huh?” He asked with a menacing tone, I was slightly confused, but I kept my composure. 

“Ah, it’s more than perfect. I was just so shocked that you were willing to help me out so much!” I had to at least act, the last thing I wanted was to throw myself into the fray, yet again. 


“That’s what I like to hear! Although as you know nothing is free.” Ah… so it was basically a scam… “I need you to collect some money for me.” Sigh… 

“I am still in the apprenticeship process…” What a total lie, I don’t even think Collectors had something like that…


“Is that so? Well, take this to The Collector of your branch.” Wa.

“There is more than one?” I paused as soon as I finished my question... How did it go? Curiosity killed the cat?

“Hmm, well. Every collector branch head has the same name but they are all numbered.” Eh… But this one was just the collector. “The first one doesn’t have a number though…" I saw veins form in his forehead. "Man… It’s unfair! Why do I get a number but he doesn’t! I am number one, you get me?! I AM NUMBER ONE!” He stomped the ground with annoyance and looked at me with predatory eyes, as if he wanted to prove something, and yet... there was no hostility for me. 


I guess that answered my question of why the Collector doesn't have a number. Sigh. This person had more than one or two screws loose. I wanted to leave...


“Well anyway. Take it to the branch head.” He gave me an envelope. I clumsily took it and pocketed it along with the boards. Thankfully all of the boards were small, could fit in my pocket albeit it was akin to carrying rocks in terms of weight. 


I stood there with confusion. Was this all, no more talking no more anything? Simply the — take this to your boss! Kind of treatment? 


“Do you still need something?”

“Ah no…” Was that the end of the conversation? Sigh… Leah, don’t question it. It was that kind of treatment after all. At least not everything was bad. 

“Well, then what are we waiting for Mrs. Collector? Take it to the branch head and you… will be rewarded…” His voice was oddly eerie, but it simply was an obstacle. An obstacle in the way to save Rin. 


Hearing this and that, I wasn’t the only one that had bad experiences… Based on the little I knew, she has had it worse… Which is why I wanted to save her. I wanted her to never experience that again. I didn’t want it either..


And so…


* * * 


“What is this?” The collector questioned as I threw the envelope on the table. 

“I don’t know, got it from the umm… Trade House Owner 1? Or was it TH1?” I tilted my head as I recalled. Weird names. 


“Hmm… I see…” The collector set the envelope aside. “Now my question is, how do you get it from him… out of all people…” Eh…

“I… Well… I said a few things, and he offered me a discount on something and told me it wasn’t free, and to fulfill this…”

“So a nominated request, huh?” He sighed. “Well, I suppose you were going to need to deal with such a thing, so might as well be now.” Eh? “Go back to your room, it starts tomorrow. Brace yourself, his requests are on the extreme side of the spectrum." What was that warning?

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