Leah, Reincarnated As a Dungeon Core!

(Side S. 3) The monster of Arlesh

It probably has a lot of mistakes and typos. Finished writing this as of 5:50 am Monday. 0 revisions needed... Haha. Just kidding, but I tried really hard on this chapter as well, it's also decently long. I just hope it's readable. I felt a few parts got a bit stale.


Ah, ah… What a strange girl… 


Killing everyone for profit is inhuman. Ha… Look at the dumbass here talking, because I totally didn’t do the same… Adin also totally didn’t do the same. I am not the same person. Ha, of course, you aren’t. I can tell, I can smell it, I can even feel it. Leah, whatever you are suffering from I hope you can overcome it. 


Because I… can’t overcome it. I should’ve seen coming that he was going to die. It was stupid. I failed to stop a girl from walking to her death like a total spineless douche I am. Perhaps she will live, but I could’ve helped her. Who am I lying? Killing is as simple as stabbing someone and watching their eyes lose focus. 


At first it was painful, but now? Now it’s kind of a joke, that’s just how it is. That’s the lame reality that I live, what point is there in lying to oneself. There is no point in lying to others, because at the end of the day you know what you are. The painful reality of a cold blooded killer. Sure I felt bad about it, but it was me or them. It wasn’t even a decision to begin with. 


That’s just how it was. How reality was. 


Even though I told myself all of these lies, I couldn't unfeel it, or unsee it rather. He was now gone. 


I clenched my fist and saw the mansion off in the distance as I hopelessly collapsed on a nearby wall. The middle of the night, no better time to smile and kill. As much as I wanted to worry about Leah, I was feeling… regret. 


So many bad decisions piled up on top of another, until finally… Our little house of cards collapsed. Is this what you wanted? 


What’s this testing bullshit that you insisted so hard on? What’s the point? To test people, yeah you always said that. Always with that ambiguous bullshit. Always the same fucking thing, every single time. Is this what you wanted? 


I awkwardly stomped the ground from my sitting position. 


“Tell me, is this what you wanted? To die and let bygones be bygones?! No matter how much forgiveness you beg for, in the end ⁠it’s meaningless in the eyes of the judge. You always said that… You were supposed to be the judge… Not be the one judged... “ 


What was the point even…


“To kill your coworkers for no particular reason… Other than you just couldn’t trust them… ah, but that girl survived…” Wait a second… “How did she survive?” There is only one answer…


So, that’s what happened... 

“That’s how you decided to die… I wonder how did you lose… Did she appeal to that frozen heart of yours? Perhaps, the world is unfair after all. We never get a choice on anything, not us at least. Simply kill or be killed, that’s how everything worked. I guess the girl chose to kill, and you… died… like a retard…” 


It was dumb… Life was dumb… Sometimes I wonder why I even bother to try to be a nice guy ⁠— in lies and deception it’s more than obvious that I am lying to myself ⁠— someone that has stained their hands cannot be a hero after all. 


Well, I wonder why. Where did she come from? Why was she here? Why did she choose such a path? Did she perhaps not get a choice? It could certainly be that I wouldn’t blame her whatsoever. 


Ah… With this realization I kind of feel dumb… Wonder if she was going to be alright, wondering if she was going to survive. I am sure she would realize that it’s impossible to kill so many people ⁠— that it would be suicidal. 


I didn’t want revenge. She was a nice girl, I don’t blame her for killing him. In the end, this is the path he chose. And unfortunately, we all know that paths have limits. He reached his, perhaps I will reach mine tomorrow. As for the girl, perhaps in a week ⁠— or in a month ⁠— or in years. In the end, it didn’t matter. 


But… Wouldn’t it nice to be a hero? Save the girl. Start a family? Perhaps I am jumping to conclusions, but I can’t help it. So much killing, so much bloodshed, all for survival… We could become freelancers and make a living from that. Those who stained their hands are no longer welcome in the real world. 


Pretty ironic, a reality that is based on these things called ‘titles’, that make you stronger. And yet, the stronger you are the more feared you are ⁠— the more unfair things become. Those who stand at the top are aware of that, and yet they keep on going… It’s amazing. I can’t do it… 


Didn’t Arlesh promise that? A place where everyone is welcome ⁠— to stop discrimination ⁠— to offer a shelter for people like us? That’s how we ended here, a lot of us. A unique town for unique people. But looking at the big picture… It could be said we are refugees. Hiding away from the kingdom. From hundreds of organizations. From the council itself. 


Wouldn’t it be nice to overthrow them? The world has had lots of eras. Starting a new one wouldn’t be so bad… Change is always welcome in this world, it keeps things peaceful ⁠— or so would the prominent figures of the Skybound era would say. In the end, chasing after gods, chasing after world domination, chasing after the grand dungeons… It sounds kind of boring, doesn’t it? 


That’s right. A family doesn’t sound so bad. Somewhere in the countryside, away from conflict. Just farming. I am strong enough to survive in the wild, she probably is… She is pretty too. Beastkin? I don’t particularly care about that. 


Although this sometimes feels ridiculous. Fantasizing about a girl, who looks like a kid no less. Well, she isn’t a kid, I can at least tell that. But, it still feels ridiculous in a sense. 


But that’s fine. The world is ridiculous, it’s fine to be ridiculous. Ah… Isn’t she the new collector leader now? That’d be a problem for leaving the town ⁠— finding a replacement, submitting a request, wait for it to be answered in five “business-days”. So many procedures that the major introduced. 


For the year or so of its existence, the city is amazing. 


I looked up ⁠— I had decided what I was going to do. I was going to be her hero. I decided to follow her here ⁠— at least I had to finish what I started for myself. That’s the least I could do. 


Feeling a bit more optimistic about the situation I stood up from the wet-mossy ground. It was unbefitting of a collector like me to grieve in a corner. I undusted my clothes and started walking back to the mansion gate. The moon was still shining as brightly as ever. 


It hadn’t been long since she entered. So I had success guaranteed on the palm of my hand. 


With a graceful stride I stood before the guard. 


“Who are you?” He coldly asked. And like that, my gracefulness was gone. 

“Em… I was accompanying the hooded girl.” He was pretty cold. 


He thought for a second. “Yes, I remember The Collector, unfortunately for you I still need identification.” 


Identification? Did I have any identification as a collector? I mean, we had area codes and collection codes ⁠— also our clothing. That’s kind of what made us collectors. Although I don’t really have any codes at hand ⁠— they are hard to memorize so they are normally written on paper. 


“I suppose I don’t have an identification.” I said as I checked my pockets just in case. But they were as empty as my determination— nonexistent. 

“Then I cannot let you pass. Seeing you aren’t carrying a weapon I won’t attack you either.” 


Eh. I patted my sheathe — it didn’t have a dagger. Looks like I had forgotten it in my room, well I originally intended to only get water. But I always wear a uniform because sometimes emergencies occur. What a failure ⁠— truly a failure, coming unprepared. 


Although it saved me a fight, so there was that. 


“I guess I’ll just wait outsi⁠— 



A thunderous sound resounded inside the mansion. The guard stiffened a bit. What was that sound? It was akin to an explosion, but… how to put it… A lot more quiet, and yet powerful enough to startle us. What kind of thing could produce such a sound? 


The guard and I looked at the mansion with bewilderment, everything was quiet. The grass and leaves rustled, the cold wind blew, the silver light from the moon was just as dim. The mansion remained quiet. 


“I am going to check what is going on. You stay here or there will be consequences.” I nodded. 


I wasn’t planning on staying for long. Just wait until he goes in and then go in myself. The guard carried a longsword on his back. 


With a short sigh, he gave me a killing gaze before walking down the gravel path towards the mansion. Halfway through he unsheathed the gargantuan sword and approached the door.


Resting the sword on his shoulder with one hand, he slowly opened the door knob. 


“AAAAAH~” An ear piercing scream resounded from inside the mansion, making me stiff again. 


“Just what is goi⁠— “ The guard’s question was cut off by yet another scream. “Looks like it won’t be easy.” He sighed as yet another person screamed. Total massacre inside. Just what was happening?.She shouldn’t be able to do⁠— no, it’s not even that. 


“GHAHHHH⁠— “ Yet another scream of sorrow resounded outside. Such despair, such pain… I’ve heard deaths like that… 


I looked at the mansion, it seemingly grew larger in presence, almost as if it was oppressing me. My legs were shaking. I’ve heard such things before, I’ve been there, I've seen it happen. The extent one has to go to make people go like that. Most deaths are quick and almost painless, but this? This was torture… 


The guard was visibly shaking as well, before finally deftly opening the door and going in. Closing it just as fast in his wake. 






The wind continued blowing, the mansion grew quiet. Everything was back to normal, and yet the uneasiness on my heart continued to grow stronger. The uncertainty of what was going inside. 


I have to do it, I have to go inside. I had to save her. From whatever monster was inside, whatever was happening inside. It’s… It must be a trap, there is no other way. Joey, you have to take a step forward, and save someone for once ⁠— enough running away. Just walk forward! A single step is all it takes. A single step is all it ta⁠— 




The door ruptured ⁠— splinters went flying in all directions. The guard laid there on the ground, as he tried to back off. Looking into the insides of the mansion as he shook. 


“Stay away!” He cried. What was I seeing? What had just happened? My eyes refocused on the door ⁠— it was bathed in blood. The crimson liquid dripped from the walls. The guard squirmed as he tried to get away, but his crawling wasn’t making much distance, completely bloodied and unable to stand ⁠— that’s when I saw it. 


He was missing the entirety of his right leg. What? In such a short time… How did it happen? What⁠— 


“Oi, you can’t be running away like that.” I heard a cold yet playful voice come from inside the mansion. Quiet and slow footsteps resounded on my ears ⁠— the panting and rushed breathing of the guard quickened. 


I had to help him. I had to save him from whatever was trying to kill him. I had to⁠— !


“Come on, you need to struggle a bit more don’t ya think?” The chilly yet playful voice spoke again. “How am I supposed to get titles otherwise?” 


One footstep at a time, I saw a robbed figure slowly approaching. Feeble and short limbs ⁠— thin like a doll ⁠— blood dripping from its skin.


Was that? No, that couldn’t be true. No way would Leah be like that. Blood dripping from her hands, a mouth full of blood, carrying a sword on one hand and two daggers in the other; maces dangling from her waist and a polearm on her back. 


That wasn’t Leah. Whatever that person was… it wasn’t human. I could almost see ominous smoke coming from her mouth at this point⁠— her very presence was terrifying. All of the hair in my body was spiking up, my muscles were twitching, and my heart was exploding. 


The guard struggled as he backed off, slowly bleeding out. 


“Huh… Looks like there is a visitor…” The figure looked up to see me, under the shadow of the cloak I could see the glint of icy cold light on her eyes. That was Leah. I… had to bring her back from whatever she was going through. 


“Leah you are not like this!” I said under my shaky breath. 

“Huh, what are you talking about? I am normally like this ⁠— a cold-blooded animal that does nothing but kill in order to achieve their mission. Just like your brother, will you fall under my trap as well?” She bit her lip for some reason, even though her voice was chilly. 


“I… I don’t know what you are talking about just, stop killing the people inside!” 

She tilted her head. “How am I supposed to gain titles otherwise. Look.” She raised her hand holding two daggers. With a single swing, I saw a flash of light. 


“Gugh…” The guard grunted from the sudden dagger on his chest. 


What had happened? She threw it? She threw the dagger?! So fast? I couldn’t even see it…


“See?” She smiled. “Ding! Throwmaster. Isn’t that wonderful? Just a unique way of doing things to achieve certain things… That’s what it boils down to.” 

“You aren’t like this…” Was I witnessing the birth of a monster? 

“Ha? Still saying the same?” She sighed. “I will spare you, but do not interfere.” She gave me her back and started walking back into the mansion. Back where the screams initially started. 


This… It couldn’t be like this. She couldn’t be like this… It wasn’t going to end up like this… I couldn’t allow it! 


Without even thinking I was running towards her, before I even realized it I was behind her. Touching her shoulder. Even though I didn’t think of it, or realize it… It still felt like the right thing. 


“What is it that you want?” 

“Just… come back, and forget about things… Forget about killing or being cold blooded…” I… I… “Let us go… away from this city…” Why did I insist? I didn’t know. “Go to the countryside… together. Start a family… Touch the light on the other side of the tunnel for once…” This is what I wanted. 


She stood there frozen, seemingly thinking about it. 


“Just… consider it… We can finally have peace, we can make our own choices, we can⁠— !” 

“I don’t think so…” 




She turned around and looked at me. 


“Do you know why I am doing this?” I…”I thought so, let me teach you a lesson.” She took a step towards me, making me take a step backwards and fall down. 


Now at her mercy she looked down on me. 


“Walk the wrong path and be the hero in your own story or die. That’s how it is.” Her voice sent chills down my spine. “So stay away before I have to slay you as well.” 

“Just consider…” 


She turned around ⁠— she was going back to killing. I couldn’t allow it. I couldn’t! 


Overextending my hand, I managed to hold her wrist as I pitifully fell forwards on the ground. 


“Hard to let go huh…” Her wrist was shaking. “Fine you win.” She dropped the weapons on her hands and turned back to me. 


“You know, I never wanted to do this to begin with. But I guess this leaves me no choice.” 

“Glad you thought about it…” Although I didn’t understand what she meant by: choice. 


She took a step forward towards me and kindly smiled as she perched over me. It was finally done. Both of her hands slowly drifted towards her back. 


What was she doing?! She smiled once again. 


“Die.” Before I realized it she was already swinging the polearm on her back towards my neck. I had fallen for her trap… Just like my brother… 


I was done for. Bracing myself for the pain, I closed my eyes and placed my hands in front of me. And yet, I waited a second… Two seconds… And the impact never came. I slowly opened my eyes. I saw the silvery blade in front of my eyes steadily waiting. 


Leah was breathing heavily. Did she decide to change? 


“Thank you for⁠— 

“Don’t misunderstand…” Her voice still made me uncomfortable. “I was simply thinking about what could get me some titles. Polearm kill, amputation… Dagger kill… sword?” She smiled. “Not like it matters.” 


She brandished her weapon one more time and swung. 

* * * 


“Fuck… What was that…” My heart was about to explode. 


Somehow, or in some way, I made it out. How did it happen? First, she swung then… it got stuck on the floor next to me by pure dumb luck… And I… ran like never before… All it happened in a flash. I couldn’t do it, I couldn’t stand it, I couldn’t fathom it. She was no innocent girl. She was a cold-blooded murderer. 


One that waited for the perfect chance to strike. One that could kill you with its gaze. One that could… kill about anything without remorse. How did I even make it out? She was a threat to everyone. Not just me. To everyone. 


I… had to tell… I had to tell the guards… That’s right… I heard it before, the eighty guards of Arlesh — they will be legendary ⁠— the mayor said it! They must be strong! 

Well I wonder how I managed expectations? What about tension? Hearing feedback about this would be nice.

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