Leaves of Dawn

15: Flash Mob Style Sudden Popularity

Oh how Astrid wished she could heal herself. 

Healing others? Easy as pie. 

Healing herself, though? A more complicated story. She could heal herself, but anything beyond some basic surface-level skincare would always inflict more damage than it’d repair. 

So... now? 

Astrid was coughing her lungs up and couldn’t do anything about it. Nausea? Lightheaded-ness? Dizziness? It felt like she had them all... 

Slumped onto the counter, Astrid took careful breaths as she buried her head into her arms. She wasn’t even sure how it had started, but whatever was causing this current bout of unwellness had socked her in the stomach—and more. 

“How are you feeling? Please let me know if there’s anything I can do for you...” Valencia offered as she rubbed Astrid’s back. “I’ll be tending to all the customers, but just call out to me whenever, okay?” 

Forcing an “mhm” out of her throat, Astrid poked her head out from her arms to take a look around the room. She wanted to help Valencia so much her stomach hurt more

There were four parties in the store. Which, for a morning, was four more than usual! 

Astrid, in the middle of another battle against her body, had spent some time listening in on their conversations. 

The first party was a party of three. Made up of two old people and one younger lady, they were sitting in the corner. From what she had gathered, the two old people were Solomon and Joanna, while the younger lady was Estelle. Estelle, Astrid had to say, had some impeccable style as well. Her straight black hair was accentuated by streetwear and a lackadaisical smile. 

Then, three of the largest tables in the center were filled with three different parties all with very different dressing styles. 

One table was full of people wearing only robes of crimson or some color on the grayscale. Astrid, in all honesty, thought this might have been a table of cult worshippers until she saw Aelius and Luna sitting at the head of the table. 

Well, it was still possible the table was full of cult worshippers, but Aelius and Luna didn’t give off those vibes... 

Of course, if they did end up being cult worshippers, Astrid wouldn’t judge! 

... Probably. 

Her parents hadn’t set the bar very high after all... 

Another table was full of people in suits. Yet, that table was dead-silent. 

The table full of stone-faced executives was solemn like they had just gotten news of their company crashing through the ground and—somehow—into their childhood homes. Casimir was sitting at this table, but without any conversation, there wasn’t much else Astrid gathered. 

The last table seemed to just be a party table. Everyone wore either formal party outfits or military outfits. 

A bit of a weird contrast, but it... worked? 

Mn... no, it didn’t work. 

In isolation, Astrid couldn’t help but admit everyone was dressed to the nines. Impeccable. Gorgeous. The likes. But together? It just clashed. 

Everyone was having a good time, though, so Astrid didn’t care too much. Morgana was partying it up with a few others, including a very muscular man named Lysander. 

Grinning a bit at the stark contrast between Morgana and Casimir’s tables, Astrid felt another sudden wave of nausea wash over her again. Forcing herself to take slow breaths, Astrid closed her eyes once more and buried her face back into her arms.


Valencia, working away in the nearby kitchen, was using all ten of her teapots at once. With her short hair tied back, Valencia had been running around all morning as crowds of people—as opposed to the usual trickle—flooded into the store. 

It had all started when a group from the Church of Eternity had shown up being led by Aelius and Luna. The two had shown up with full bouquets of flowers and all their subordinates in tow. Then, they bowed down and gifted the flowers to Valencia—all while begging for forgiveness. 

With Astrid upstairs at the time, Valencia counted her lucky stars and thanked them for giving her one less thing to explain. 

Then, with a long sigh and loud facepalm, Valencia just took the flowers and put them in a few spare vases before waving them off. 

As someone just a little more specialized in the way of physical rather than verbal communication, Valencia had no idea how to deal with the situation. She shuddered at the mere memory of them kneeling down and begging for forgiveness... 

Her lucky stars didn’t help her for long though as soon after Astrid came downstairs, people from the Library of Truth, Federation of Obsidian, and Cerulean Dynasty also showed up—one after another. 

Why had EVERYONE shown up? Weren’t all these factions enemies? Warring states almost? Ones hellbent on wrecking each other? Why were they now all sitting at adjacent tables sipping tea like several high school friend groups, indifferent to each other once school was out?

Sure, the Library of Truth, run by Solomon, was neutral, so Valencia understood why they were fine. But the other three?

Just... how? What? Why? Hello? Could they leave? Did she not punch them hard enough last time? 

“Anyway... What was next?” Valencia looked over her notebook, speaking to herself to banish her train of thought. 

With a small timer ringing, Valencia looked up to see a fair few teapots done brewing. 

Flicking her finger up, Valencia floated them over to their respective tables without a second thought. Sure, the purple glow drew a few interested and—more than a few—fearful glances, but if her powers made life easier, Valencia was going to keep using them. 

Serving the last few teapots with her specialty—mid-air delivery—Valencia pulled one of the high chairs back. 

“I’m beat...”

Letting out a weary sigh, Valencia rubbed her hand against Astrid as the hustle and bustle from the other tables gave them a little privacy. 

“Are you doing okay, love?” Valencia whispered as she used her other hand to brush back Astrid’s hair. Catching a couple strands near Astrid’s eyes and mouth, Valencia brushed them back behind Astrid’s ear. 

Getting a yawn and a gentle head movement in reply, Valencia leaned down, planting a small kiss on Astrid’s forehead. “Dear, I can’t tell for the life of me whether that was a yes or no. Sleepy, though? I can carry you back to your bed.” 

With Astrid giving a definite nod this time, Valencia laughed, hoisting her up in a princess carry before climbing the stairs. 

Freezing halfway up the stairs as Astrid nuzzled up against the base of her neck, planted a kiss, and murmured a quiet “Thank you, Cia...”  Valencia’s heart skipped a beat as a faint blush climbed her cheeks. 

“O-Of course,” Valencia’s voice wavered. Surprised at her own voice’s shakiness, Valencia cleared her throat and fixed her expression while continuing up the stairs. “Just sleep well, okay? I can handle everything downstairs.” 

Taking some time to tuck Astrid in bed, Valencia drew the blinds before making a trip back down to the kitchen on the first floor. Pouring a glass of water for Astrid, Valencia returned, placing it onto Astrid’s nightstand. 

With her mind occupied with worry, however, Valencia was unaware of the sudden bustle exploding downstairs. After all, even if they were having fun talking, everyone had been watching Valencia out of the corner of their eyes.

I don't have that much to say today... my weekend was pretty busy, but honestly now that college apps are over, it was more relaxing? I spent like 6 hours working on a biotech project requisition form and it was like... nice to get into

Also been reading the one punch man manga and like... T~T i can't with fubuki... T~T my heart-

Anyway thanks for reading~!!
Take care reader friends~!! <3<3

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