Leaves of Dawn

6: Inspector Karma

Unaware of the Church’s internal panic over Adelyn's discovery, another figure walked down the street towards the unassuming tea shop. 

Shaking his head and coming to a stop across the street from the shop, Eugene pushed his long hair back as his irritation clawed its way onto his face. As a frontline investigator for the Library of Truth, he was always tasked with the most MUNDANE, BORING, and USELESS tasks.

Crinkling his nose, Eugene’s handsome but sharp features contorted as a slew of embarrassing memories marched across his mind. Closing his dark eyes for a second, Eugene took a long breath and relaxed his shoulders. 

Everyone was always jealous when he told them about his job! They were just falling prey to the same trap he had fallen in! The job was boring as hell! Sure, once a year—maybe once every few months if they were lucky—there’d be an interesting case. 

The rest of the time? He was no different from a health inspector. Sure, he didn’t mind being a health inspector who had combat capability and a fat paycheck, but he had signed up for the glory! No one could deny the allure of catching criminals and solving detective cases with a magnifying glass and genius level intellect!

He was there to sprint through dark alleyways, blazing energy sword in hand! He was there to frequent bars under a fake alias to gather information! He was there to grab damsels in distress with one arm while swinging with a grappling hook!

In this specific case, though, it was even worse! It had been close to a week since Eugene had been assigned to investigate the mysterious power disturbance and... nothing. 

Every lead was dead, it was as if the transport gates had just malfunctioned! Yet, because it was better to have an abundance of “caution” his superiors were making him check EVERY new person or establishment that popped up in the city! 

At least there was a tea shop on the survey list. Eugene had saved it for today to help make the dawn till dusk shift just a little more tolerable. 

“Let’s just get started...” Eugene tapped his foot, muttering to himself as he pulled out a well-worn notepad. 

“There is a building. Wooden. Neat. Seems newly renovated. Two stories. Has windows. Not many customers. No signs of crime. No immediately visible dead bodies.” Eugene noted to himself, taking some rudimentary notes while watching his breath condense then dissipate in the morning chill. 

Walking a little closer as he draped his jacket over his shoulder, Eugene’s eyes widened and seemed to spark back to life as he sensed a pair of deities inside the building. Shoving his notebook into the back pocket of his jet-black pants, Eugene made his way across the street. 

Maybe he could finish the list by noon... 

Stuffing his pen in the same pocket as the notepad, Eugene swung the door open and stepped in halfway before freezing. Feeling his eyes widening and jaw dropping, Eugene steeled his expression as he resisted the urge to slam the door and bolt back to headquarters. 

It... It was Valencia!

One of the Primordial Gods! One of the founders of Marcen’s cliffs! What was she doing in this tea shop?!?!

Putting on a fake calm, Eugene made his way to the counter, sitting in one of the many unoccupied seats. Brain and body fully on autopilot, Eugene just asked if he could have a cup of whatever was already brewed. 

It was still early in the morning, but through a stroke of luck, Eugene wasn’t the first customer and they had a pot of green tea already brewed. 

Clenching his fists to calm himself, Eugene made some idle conversation as his mind raced at a million miles per hour. 

Valencia had disappeared almost two-and-a-half decades ago! 

The only reason Eugene knew of her was because she was part of the “NOTABLE DEITIES” section in the mandatory training program for the Library of Truth. 

So why was she here?! Eugene wanted to curse his luck, slam the counter, and destroy this store! Of course, it’d be a pipe dream to actually destroy it though! He was just a pipsqueak! Sure, one with a moderate amount of influence, but if this really was Valencia, Eugene would be shattered before he even lifted a finger! 

Valencia was one of the premier fighters among the Primordial Gods after all... 

Sipping his tea, Eugene’s internal breakdown was disturbed as the deity sitting across the counter asked, “Hey... customer? Are you sure you’re fine with just this cup of green tea? Cia over there could brew you another pot if you want!” 

“C-Cia?” Eugene stammered, his calm expression falling apart faster than his relationship with his last girlfriend. 

“Yeah! You know... the person right behind me...? The only other person here...?” The deity motioned behind her with a confused murmur. “She has a Valencia name tag...?” 

Trying to prevent himself from hyperventilating and breaking down into uncontrollable sobs, Eugene set the cup down with a shaky breath and even shakier hands. IT WAS HER!! CONFIRMED!!

Eugene began praying. He didn’t even know who he was praying to, but he was praying. He should’ve listened to his mother, he should’ve moved to the countryside and opened a potato farm! 

Why were the fates so cruel to set him up like this? Did they want him to die? What had he done to deserve this?

Was it the breakup? The last breakup wasn’t even his fault! His girlfriend had cheated on him! 

Maybe it was how much money he was making? He had paid all his taxes though! He had even donated to charity as a bonus! 

His karma should’ve been in the positive! He had even spent an hour cleaning his toilet the night before! If that wasn’t saint behavior, what was?!

Feeling sweat pouring down his forehead, Eugene’s hands shook. Taking slow breaths, Eugene stared at his reflection in the tea. His hair was disheveled. It hadn’t even been thirty minutes since his shift started and his button-up was already looking like he just came off a crazy clubbing spree. 

Eugene could feel it. He swore he could feel it, Valencia’s eyes boring two holes into him. With a rush of adrenaline, Eugene downed the cup of tea, slammed some money (and an extra large bonus tip) onto the table for payment and bolted out of the tea shop. 

He needed to get out of that shop—for his own health, sanity, and sanctity of his bowels. He needed to report this to Solomon. 

Eugene didn’t care if the case was solved or not, he was taking the rest of the day off and maybe some more...  

Got my math final tomorrow... not very exciting business T~T i'm so busy tomorrow for no reason, but after that... i'm kinda chilling woot woot, just gonna write college apps all day... and thennn do a ton of writing second semseter hopefully :)

idk... I honestly kind of just wish the whole college process was over T~T not in a bad way but in a this is grinding my soul away way... 
Anyway, thanks for readinggg
Take care reader friends :)

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