Legacies of Blood

Chapter 5

Upon returning to Royce’s tent, Elaina found a delivery waiting for her: a Zelmescan brigandine and a fresh pair of boots and greaves. A small note was attached with her name written in the immaculate hand of the landgraf herself. Elaina smiled and brought it inside, setting it on the table before changing into something more comfortable for the evening.

She flopped down in one of the chairs by the fireplace and cracked open a book she had read several times already during her recovery. The spellbook, gifted to her by the wizard Blackbarn, had belonged to one of his colleagues in the company who had lost his life just prior to their meeting. He’d had little use for it and given it to her as thanks for helping him survive the encounter with the hydrodaemon that dwelt in the cistern. The book proved to be a wealth of information not just on specific spells but also on magical theory and observations about Willowridge and the surrounding area. The pages were willed with lists of components, reagents, and formulae, complete with diagrams and sketches.

It was with that book that Elaina strengthened her command of magic beyond the spells she used in tandem with her sword. There was also something oddly comforting about going through the worn pages as if she were receiving instruction from a professional tutor in her own private magical academy.

The flap came open, and Royce stepped in, her hair a mess from a long day of work. “Oh, you’re here.”

“Don’t sound so happy to see me,” Elaina laughed, snapping the book shut to shoot her a playful look.

The blonde pulled off her coat and tossed it onto the nearby rack. “I thought you’d be spending the night with Lady Amberdeen. I would have come back sooner if I had known you’d be waiting for me.”

“I haven’t been here long.” Elaina got up from the chair, set the book aside, and gave Royce an unexpectedly passionate kiss, her arms snaking up and over her shoulders of their own free will.

“Mmm,” Royce moaned into the kiss, relaxing readily into Elaina as their lips meant. “I suppose it wasn’t a date, then?”

All Elaina wanted to do was get lost in the warmth of her not-girlfriend for a while, but she decided an explanation was in order. She started from where she had entered the keep, going through everything step by step as Royce continued undressing, not leaving out a single detail. By the time she was done, Royce was brushing her hair out by the mirror in nothing but her black panties. “She left the door open for you, though. So that’s good.”

“Sure, but what about the rest of it,” Elaina asked, crossing her arms over her chest. “I’ve never had one of those episodes hit me so hard before, nor so out of the blue.”

“You do have a heavier presence of lust spirits about you, too,” Royce remarked without turning to face her.

“I do?” Elaina asked quizzically, glancing around as if she might be able to catch a glimpse of them as well. “How can you tell?”

Royce turned, smiling a little as she realized how little she talked about the nature of her magic with Elaina. “Most vishanti have some means of perceiving or interacting with spirits. It’s easier for some than others. Some have it as a natural gift from the goddess, while others have to train. It’s something of a necessity for obtaining hexes and other spiritual boons. Without it, you must rely on a priestess to broker a deal with the spirits on your behalf whenever you want to advance in power.”

“You just see them hanging around everywhere?” Elaina wondered, finding the idea a little unsettling.

“Some do,” Royce responded, shrugging slightly as she set her brush aside. “I don’t. But when there is a dense collection of spirits, sometimes I can’t help but notice, and you have gathered quite the following in just the last day or so.”

Elaina chewed her lip. “What does that mean?”

“Means you need to get laid,” Royce joked, pulling her panties off to reveal the thin tuft of blonde hair just above her pretty pink slit. “It also means you’re going to be more susceptible to things like the cuirizu’s aura and your own tendency to get a little lust-drunk.”

Apprehension turned to anticipation as Elaina drank in every last detail of the witch’s nude body, interrupted only by the golden bands of Imonora that the vishanti wore around her thighs. From what Elaina understood, they assisted her with her magic, but she’d never seen the runes on them glow quite the way they were glowing then.

“I think we should try something a little different,” Royce said in a tantalizingly dusky voice. “Put those spirits you’re attracting to good use, what do you say?”

Elaina couldn’t contain her excitement, nodding emphatically. “Yeah! That sounds perfect.”

“I won’t waste any more time, then,” Royce responded as she lifted both hands to her head to run her fingers through her hair. A whisper of the vishanti language escaped her lips as she called upon the spirits to borrow their power. Or so Elaina thought. As Royce’s body began to change, she realized that the witch was using her unique gift to ‘sync’ with spirits, allowing them to ride her without becoming subservient to their will.

The tint of her skin shifted, becoming less pale and more pink by the light of the magical lanterns around the tend. She became a little taller, owing mostly to the added length of her legs. Her breasts grew a little in size, beading slightly with an unknown lustful nectar. Between Royce’s legs emerged a long, turgid cock, twitching and throbbing in anticipation of what was to come next for it. Strange dark spiritual markings spread all across the witch’s skin, along her arms and legs, along her face and torso, particularly right above the newly formed cock.

“W-wow,” Elaina sputtered, realizing now what Royce had in mind for the evening. Gazing up into her eyes, Elaina found they had a distinctly different look. They held an unearthly ability to see right down into her, having a similar weight and intensity to them that Myanna’s had earlier. Before Elaina knew what was happening, Royce had stripped her of her chemise to fondle her breasts gently.

“You’ve taken cock before, right?” Royce asked, her voice strangely augmented by the magic running through her. It sounded like more than one of her was speaking, each with their voice pitched slightly differently from the other. All of them were enticing.

“Uhm,” Elaina stammered, her throat going a little dry. “One time before, yeah.”

“Good,” Royce replied, easing Elaina back onto the bed before urging her with a hand behind her head to stoop a little lower to meet the throbbing member mouth-first. Elaina did as she was bid without question, opening her mouth slowly to let the swollen head of the magically conjured she-cock into her mouth. As far as she could tell, the warmth and firmness were the same as the real thing, utterly indistinguishable from her own.

Elaina took a moment to adjust, letting her jaw relax as her tongue delicately cradled the length of the shaft as Royce drove deeper. The redhead briefly had an urge to gag as the tip met the back of her throat, but it passed quickly. For several moments, the blonde woman with the spirit riding her moved her hips back and forth in long, slow, smooth strokes.

“That’s it,” Royce whispered, letting out a low, satisfied sigh. “You’ve got a natural talent for this.”

The strange fog of lust had returned for Elaina, but this time, it didn’t interfere with her judgment as none was required. With Royce, she could allow herself to go entirely on instinct or have the witch use her to her heart’s content without worrying about the result. Royce was experienced, knew what she was doing, and had an accurate read of what Elaina liked and wanted. While the act of slowly throat fucking her was entirely new, the witch had somehow intuited that it wasn’t something Elaina would object to. She just knew her that well.

“Fuck,” the witch groaned, her hips moving a little faster without losing any of the smoothness in every stroke. “I should have done this sooner; it’s so good.”

Emboldened by her lover’s praise, Elaina brought one hand up to the base of her cock and slipped a finger into the hot slippery cunt she found there. Just like the redhead, there was no external sack to accompany the cock. The base transitioned seamlessly from the male sex to the female, with a portion of the clitoral hood stretching just a little ways along the underside of the shaft.

“Ooo!” Royce cooed, feeling Elaina’s fingers dive deep into her even as the redhead endeavored to take more of the stiff rod of flesh into her mouth, lapping briefly at the clit with her tongue every time she sank back down onto it. “Don’t stop, just like that.”

Elaina offered a pleased groan in reply, her own cock raging for some attention of its own as the witch’s throat fucking gained additional speed. Elaina’s other hand went around to cup the vishanti’s ass, holding it firmly as the eager cock plunged deep into her throat, again and again. She was careful to keep her throat relaxed lest she end up choking on it before Royce was finished, but the anticipated climax didn’t come. Instead, Royce pulled her throbbing erection from Elaina’s mouth, allowing her to take a much-needed breath in the process.

Looking up at the witch with a slight smirk, Elaina wiped some saliva from the corner of her mouth. Without a word, Royce placed a hand on her chest and pushed her back onto the bed, slipping her panties off expertly with a single fluid motion. The swordmage was laid bare for her now, cock firmly erect and slit glistening with arousal.

Royce parted her legs, climbing onto the bed like a predator on the prowl. Not satisfied to let her first load go down Elaina’s throat, she brought the tip of her slick, swollen glans to the hot, eager slit of the swordmage and sank herself slowly into its cushy embrace. Elaina’s breath hitched, expecting it to hurt, only to find a strange sense of satisfaction followed by a comforting fullness. “O-ohh.”

“Good?” Royce asked, though her meat had not hesitated in its descent into her depths. Elaina nodded, spreading her legs in a wordless invite for the witch to have her way with her. She seldom found herself in such a position, but something about it felt comfortable.

The vishanti’s movements came in long, silky strokes, retreating almost entirely on the backstroke before plunging flawlessly back to the hilt. Each motion rocked Elaina gently, her breasts moving in delicate circles with the rhythm Royce had set for them.

“I could get used to this,” Elaina sighed blissfully as one of her hands wandered to her breast to begin massaging and tugging at it. “You move so wonderfully inside me. It feels incredible.”

Royce’s eyes remained fixed on her, flashing with satisfaction and an unbridled lust she’d not seen in her before. She supposed that with a spirit of lust itself infusing her being, everything would become more intense. Suddenly emboldened to play to the spirit’s nature, Elaina leaned her head forward to speak. “Harder.”

The witch required no more coaxing than that, her pace shifting instantly to become more punishing. Each powerful thrust threatened to cleave her in two, even as she was brought to new heights of bliss. She reached out, holding her legs open to give Royce all the space and leverage she needed. In turn, the witch spared a hand to grab hold of Elaina’s lonely, swinging cock, jerking it in time with every savage thrust inside of her. The redhead’s eyes began to lose focus as they rolled back into her head, drowning in the palpable lust that tasted sweet on her lips. Something powerful was bubbling up inside her, a strangely ineffable sensation she knew had to be an orgasm but was different from one she’d ever had before.

“Cum for me, baby,” Royce hissed, her hips slamming forward in a vigorous timpani of slick slapping flesh. “Cum on my cock.”

“Y-yes!” Elaina replied, knowing that she could only manage a single word as she spilled back into freefall through the fog of lust that now engulfed her. There was a simultaneous clench and release as her insides gripped and tightened in a desperate bid to milk the woman inside her while her cock loosed a thick spurt of cloudy white jizz made thicker by nearly a full day of unaddressed arousal. “AHN!”

She was distantly aware of it spattering on her chest, glazing her breasts with her seed, but it was overshadowed by the sudden swelling within that gave way to a spreading warmth. Royce let out a long, low groan that bordered on bestial as the heat of her seed spread through Elaina. It was more than a physical sensation; there was something magical about it. She could feel her body responding in a way that was all too eager for more, with a fullness of desire that transcended the physical limitations typically imposed by a refractory period. Even as the last of her orgasm pooled on her abdomen and in her navel, she knew Royce wasn’t done with her.

“Fuck,” the witch gasped. A thin, clean sheet of sweat had formed on her chest, causing the erect pink nipples to glisten in the lantern light.

Elaina’s body began to relax, coming down from the euphoric high of simultaneous orgasm between both her sexes. Royce pulled her hand free of the hot flesh of Elaina’s cock, licking her fingers clean of the redhead’s spunk in a pointedly raunchy way to put on a show for the swordmage. “You have a subtly sweet flavor to you. Did you know?”

“You’ve mentioned it once or twice,” Elaina giggled. She knew it had something to do with her fae ancestry, but that was about it. She didn’t know if it meant anything or if it was simply a quirk of her anatomy like the mutation itself.

Without warning, the witch pulled herself from inside Elaina, causing her to jump slightly at the sudden change. She hardly had a moment to adjust when Royce repositioned herself above the redhead, aligning her still-hard cock with her own pussy, and sank onto it in a single confident motion.

“Ughn!” Elaina grunted, feeling the woman’s slick, firm warmth devour her to the hilt in an instant.

“I want it inside me,” Royce whispered, running her hand along Elaina’s slippery spunk-glazed tits. “Do you have more for me, baby?”

Elaina nodded enthusiastically. She didn’t know for sure, but every fiber of her being was screaming for more. Once again, Royce set the pace for them as she took the lead. This time, despite being on the bottom, Elaina took less of a passive role. Learning from the witch’s previous performance, she took hold of the errant cock slapping gently against her belly with every bounce and lavished it with sensual strokes. She’d seen to herself enough times to know exactly how to handle such a thing, letting her grip tighten as she came up to the tip and slackened once more as she descended to the base.

“O-Oh, shit!” Royce gasped, her brows furrowing helplessly as Elaina furious beat her she-cock.

“You like that?” Elaina teased as she tightened her grip. Tiny beads of something sweet formed on the witch’s nipples, occasionally flinging themselves free of the bouncing breasts to land on Elaina’s face. She wasn’t sure if it was milk, but if a spirit of lust tried to cast a wide net on fetishes, it stood to reason that it was.

“Fuck yes!” Royce groaned, her hips working at a feverish pace, continuously impaling herself on Elaina. “Don’t stop, I’m gonna cum!”

No further instruction had been needed for the swordmage. She had no intention of stopping as she relished the bit of power she had over the blonde beneath her. They would exhaust one another ahead of the vault raid the following morning if she wasn't careful. “Do it. I want you to cover me in it.”

The vishanti’s eyes rolled into the back of her head as her whole body quaked with orgasmic tremors. Her hips bucked wildly, squeezing the life out of Elaina’s cock while loosing thick ropes of lady-jizz through the air to land heavily on the redhead’s tits. Without thinking, Elaina opened her mouth, letting her tongue hang out in the hopes of catching some on her tongue, and was immediately rewarded for her effort. She made a show of swallowing it for the witch, experiencing a peculiar tingling sensation down her throat when she did. Royce’s thighs trembled, and her body went weak, gasping and groaning as her orgasm seemed to stretch on and on. Finally, the blonde collapsed atop Elaina, their mingling seed smearing between them and smothering the witch’s heaving chest.

“Vida’s cunt,” Royce gasped, moving her hips from side to side. “That was absolutely---!”

Reaching out with one hand, Elaina pulled the blonde into a hungry, open-mouthed kiss, resuming a powerful thrusting of her hips from below. She hadn’t finished her second round, but she was close enough that it wouldn’t take much. Royce grunted and moaned, captured by the swordmage’s powerful grip as she drove herself up into her with alarming alacrity. It only took a few seconds, a few powerful pumps more, before Elaina felt the familiar release of heat as she filled Royce with another salvo of semen.

“Ohhhh,” Elaina groaned sloppily against Royce’s face, her cock tensing and relaxing several times in quick succession as she emptied herself of everything she possibly could. “Gods...”

The two breathed heavily against one another wordlessly for quite some time, savoring the afterglow and the strangely alluring smell of sex that permeated the air around them. Both would need to bathe again soon, but neither was particularly motivated to leave the other. “Please tell me there’ll be a lot more of that now that I’m fully recovered.”

“That and more,” Royce promised, slowly sitting up and stretching like a cat with her hands over her head. The strange appearance she’d taken on by allowing a spirit to ride her hadn’t detracted from her beauty, and Elaina simply stared up at her in complete awe of it. “I’d just do this all night with you if I could.”

“I know,” Elaina mumbled dejectedly. “But we’re going to need as much rest as we can get for tomorrow morning. I don’t expect the guardian of the vault is going to be a pushover.”

Royce shook her head, slowly pulling herself off Elaina to kneel beside her on the bed. “No, but that’s while I’ll be there. A little extra magical might to keep you covered.”

“Thank you,” Elaina responded, clearly relieved. “I managed to get a little practice in earlier, but Kitch was going easy on me. In a real fight, I’m likely to be a little rusty.”

“I’m sure you’ll be fine,” Royce chuckled, her eyes tracing the curves of Elaina’s body as she turned onto her side to look for the panties that had been discarded somewhere on the floor. She decided she could wash up at the basin for the night and worry about a deeper clean later.

“What’re you doing?” Royce asked curiously, peering over Elaina’s shoulder. There was a small poke of the conjured cock against the plush cheek of the swordmage’s ass.

Elaina glanced back at her with a wry smirk. “Looking for the underwear you peeled off me and cast into the wind, is that alright.”

“It can wait,” Royce whispered, pulling Elaina against her as the miraculously hard cock pressed firmly into the cleft of her backside. The witch adjusted her hips to align herself with the swordmage’s tight pucker. “I haven’t had a chance to fuck your ass yet.”

“Royce!” Elaina laughed, pushing the woman away from her. “We need to get to sleep! How are you still hard?”

The witch shrugged impishly. “So long as I’m synced to the spirit, I take on much of its nature. Exhaustion and restraint aren’t in the purview of a spirit of lust.”

Snatching the discarded underwear off the floor, Elaina looked at Royce with mock indignation. “It’s. Time. To. Sleep.”

Rolling her eyes, the witch muttered something in the vishanti tongue and melted back into her true form. Elaina felt a pang of regret at ending their playtime so soon, but there would be plenty of time once the job was done. “Don’t pout.”

“Alright, alright,” Royce grumbled, springing out of bed to search for her underwear and a washcloth. “But you owe me!”

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