Legend of the Elven Investigator

Chapter 17 The Possessed Ghost

The memory fragments accumulated more and more, and when a certain critical point was reached, there was a bang in the brain.

The torrent of consciousness was surging, and Shinpei only had time to put his hands on the ground, and quickly passed out.

In the chaotic dreamland, Zhenping was floating aimlessly, physically exhausted and mentally sluggish.As the degree of being lost continues to deepen, the sanity is continuously worn down, and the emotion and perception are lost like drowning.

I don't know how long he lingered, and suddenly, a throbbing feeling that went straight to the depths of his heart struck, as if there was a voice that was constantly calling for himself.The muttering like a dream made the body's surface feel cold, and in the endless phantom, a vague voice kept echoing, like the reverberation of an eternal bell.

"Be careful of the temple! Be careful... the temple!"

What is a temple?

Zhen Ping sat up from the bed with a jerk.

He looked around and only remembered that he was at the training ground before he passed out.

Could it be that Haoli brought him back?

Shinpei was sore and weak all over, a strange coldness surrounded the surroundings, and the whole room exuded an ominous atmosphere.

"Huh!" He grabbed Haoli's red and white ball in an instant, and in the next instant, released Haoli to guard him.

The familiar figure of Haoli appeared, and Shinpei took a breath in his heart, but the feeling of palpitations still lingered.

He suddenly looked out the window, at the top of the vast mountain range at the end of his line of sight.

Unidentified explosion fluctuations almost dyed the entire sky red, as if looking directly at the dazzling light of a supernova explosion piercing Zhenping's pupils, tears flowed down from the corners of his eyes uncontrollably.

In the blur, Shinpei vaguely saw the flames rising up step by step like the morning glow, and everything within sight was engulfed by the fire.An even more frightening thing happened. The shape of the Dianyuan Mountains, which towered in sight as if from ancient times, had undergone changes visible to the naked eye—the peaks disappeared from sight like gold mountains and jade pillars.

A shock wave like the Big Bang of the universe exploded from the middle, spreading in space at extremely high speed.At this moment, there is no concept of sound, the so-called great sound and no sound, the whole world has lost all sound in an instant.

Shinpei closed his eyes before the shock wave reached the window.


The expected fatal impact did not come, Shinpei stood up in confusion, and let go of the arm holding his head.

When he opened his eyes again, he was no longer in the elf center. Looking around, all the trees falling in one direction, and the suspicious traces of flesh and blood on the ground, he had already arrived at the mountainside of Dianyuan Mountain.

As if a movie was replayed, the deep golden beam of light was right in front of Zhenping's eyes, collided with something, and then rippling violent shock waves destroyed everything.

This time he didn't dodge, and looked directly at the explosion with his strongest eyesight. The beam of light in his sight seemed to come from the beginning of the sky, and directly hit Tianguan Mountain, the main peak of Dianyuan Mountain.

At the last moment, Shinpei caught a detail: a golden barrier-like object seemed to bounce off the Tianguan mountain peak to block the shock wave.

I lost my vision again, and my eyes were pitch black.

Shinpei woke up again, but this time, he was on the training ground, and he was lying on the ground, as if he was just resting for a while, and Haoli's red and white balls were still firmly placed aside.

"Is it just a dream? Why do I have this dream for no reason? I haven't been to that place?"

Panting like a drowning person, his shirt was drenched in cold sweat, and even his hair was covered with sweat. At this moment, Shinpei was drenched as if he was fished out of the water.

Running through his hair with his hands, Shinpei showed a distressed expression.He couldn't be more clear about what there is in the Tianguan Mountain Temple. The spear pillar of the creation god Arceus stands on the top of Tianguan Mountain.

According to the ancient legend of Sinnoh, Arceus was born from chaos and opened up the whole world on the top of Tianguan mountain.The Dianyuan Mountain Range is the most magnificent mountain range in Sinnoh. The only thing that can be compared with it in the world is the Baiyin Mountain Range that separates Chengdu and Kanto.How could such a sacred mountain be subjected to such a terrifying attack?

In a sense, there really are gods on Tianguan Mountain.

"Wait, isn't that the Dianyuan Mountain now?" Shinpei suddenly realized that the mountain range that appeared in the dream was not necessarily the Dianyuan Mountain in the current timeline.

The story of Dianyuanshan's history does not appear in the DP anime, but in the DP game, the protagonist Little Red Riding Hood can reach the top of Tianguan Mountain, and when the protagonist arrives, only the toppled stone pillars are left.

Could it be the attack he suffered at that time?

But who has such courage and ability?

Shinpei compared the exhibition games of the kings in the league competitions that he had seen on TV. There is a huge gap between the two.

Maybe it's not human... After thinking about it, Shinpei felt terrified, and the reason for this was beyond the reach of an outsider like him.

"Wait, the temperature in this room is wrong!" Shinpei slightly touched the truth, an unusual chill came to his heart, and even the hairs on his back stood on end.

"Haoli, use Sense, there is something in this room!" Hearing the order, Hao Li used Sense without hesitation, and two flashlight-like lights shot out from his pupils and shone on the bed.

"Jie Jie~~"

Sure enough, Shinpei's guess was not wrong, there was this third creature in this room!

Under Haoli's detection and detection, an elf with fangs exuding purple-black gas, surrounded by a black sphere in the center, forcibly forced out from the shadow behind Zhenping.

It's the gas spirit, ghosts!
"This ghost... Strange, why can't I read its information?" Facing the ghost, Zhenping's back was already soaked.The failure of his perception ability at this moment made him extremely nervous.

As a representative elf of the ghost system, Guisi's image in front of the world is nothing but weird and difficult. Its body is mainly composed of highly poisonous poisonous gas. According to the illustrated book, the strong toxin contained in it is enough to poison an elephant in five seconds!
Gengar, the ultimate evolutionary form of Guisi, can enter the dimensional space where the shadow is, and its special aura can lower the temperature in the room by five degrees Celsius.

How could this ghost have the ability of Geng Gui?Unlike Geng Gui, Guisi's body is still gas rather than a shadow energy body, so theoretically it cannot enter the shadow, and this elf did.

Browsing through today's encounters in his brain very quickly, this ghost can sneak into his shadow without anyone noticing, only at that time!
Time for an encounter with Fist Stone and Sonic Bat!
"It seems that you also rushed out of the black gold coal mine at that time. What do you want to do?" Shinpei shouted lowly. If the ghost had evil intentions, the poisonous gas on it would be enough to kill him a thousand times while he was sleeping, but it didn't.

"Gluck cluck~"

Guisi's big mouth that almost reached the back of his neck suddenly grinned and let out a strange cry that made the back of his neck chill.The weird, horrifying feeling made his skin crawl all over, and Shinpei even recalled the cold feeling when he was alone in the room with the lights off when he was a child, watching the Grudge.

Seeing Zhenpei pretending to be calm, Guisi seemed to smile even more happily. The core sphere hidden in the purple-black gasli suddenly swirled in the air, and got close to Zhenpei as if looking at a treasure.

Guisi moved from Zhenping's front to the side of his right ear in a very lively manner, then from the side of the right ear to the back and then circled back.

"Jie Jie~~"

"What the hell are you trying to say? Huh?"

"Jie Jie~~~"

Shinpei's special sense has been of great help several times in just a few days. Whether it is predicting the attack in the gymnasium battle, or sensing the deadly threat of the supersonic bat in the encounter battle, Shinpei himself has not realized that he has relied on this mysterious and mysterious feeling.

Distortion, hatred, jealousy, absurdity, malice... Just feeling it at close range, there is an uncontrollable sense of depression that fills my heart. This mass contains almost all the negative emotions of human beings, or it itself is a collection of these emotions.

"What the hell are you?"

Close your eyes, put your mind to rest, and try your best to perceive the mood swings of Gui Si in front of you.At least find out what this guy wants to do and whether there is any malice.

"Jie Jie..."

"It's really a magical existence. The emotions contained in the body are so complicated that it's hard to fathom. If a normal life contained so many negative emotions, I'm afraid it would have fallen into a desperate situation of insanity. This is a ghost-type elf, a special elf that feeds on emotions." Zhenping kept a distance from Guisi with some fear. If he guessed correctly, the deep dream that was more terrifying than a nightmare just now was the masterpiece of Guisi.

Nightmares still have intense emotions, but the dreams created by Guisi are nothingness with nothing.If he hadn't suddenly discovered that the situation was wrong, he might have sunk here forever.

Very powerful dream-making talent, this ghost is unusual.

In addition, what makes Zhenping most curious is the dream in the dream created by Guisi, which shows the image of the Dianyuan Mountain Range.Obviously, that is a memory that Guisi deliberately expressed, a memory about the secrets of Dianyuan Mountain.

Could this ghost be an old monster that survived from that ancient time?

Why did Ghost tell himself this?

Shinpei shook his head in disbelief, denying the conjecture in his heart.Combined with his knowledge of the world view and memory, even elves with a very special life form like ghosts would never have such a long lifespan.The reason why ghosts can create such dreams is probably unknown.

Guisi didn't know the complicated thoughts in Zhenping's heart, it was just curious and hungry for the emotional fluctuations emanating from the human being in front of him.As an elf living in the depths of the coal mine, it is not that Guisi has never seen humans, but the smell of those humans in uniform who only know how to dig black stones is so boring.

If their emotions are weak soup, but the emotions contained in the human beings in front of them are sweet honey. After eating part of his emotions, Gui Si stagnated in the air contentedly, slowly digesting this sumptuous meal.

One person and two elves fell into a strange stalemate in the room.

Gui Si didn't seem to care about the strange sight at all, but when the distance between Zhenping and it exceeded a certain limit, he urged his gas body to follow up again, without making a sound and unable to see his intention.

"Is it because of me? I didn't expect that I also have the personal charm that makes the elves bow down." Shinpei thought a little flatteredly, if he realized that Ghost Stone was just looking for a fixed meal ticket, or because Shinpei's emotions tasted so delicious, I don't know how he would feel.

In desperation, Shinpei took out a spare red and white ball from the backpack on his back.

"Since it's not clear, why not become my partner first?"

Although the ghost in front of him is full of many mysteries that cannot be explained, but Shinpei is moved.Guisi and its evolutionary form Gengar are excellent combat power, excellent attribute combination and characteristics, plus almost no wasted attribute value distribution, if not considering its harsh and elusive personality and unknown influence on the trainer, it is almost the perfect partner in the mind of every trainer.

Almost capable of playing the position of special attacker in any team, he is an all-around player who can adapt to all needs like a panacea.This is exactly what Zhenping desperately needs right now!
On the one hand, there are potential dangers, and on the other hand, the possibility of gaining a general. Shinpei just hesitated for a moment, and the balance in his heart has already tipped towards the latter.

Guisi's pure black pupils seemed to absorb all the light, and it was as dark as a black hole, but Shinpei could read a different kind of emotion from it.

"To ridicule or ignore?" Thanks to the bad character of the ghost group, Shinpei couldn't read any information.

"Go to the elf ball!" Throwing the enlarged red and white ball in his hand vigorously, the elf ball emits a unique red light and traps the gaseous ghost into it.


Seeing the Pokéball swaying non-stop on the ground, Shinpei's heart also shook violently.The magical prop of the elf ball is the key link between the contact and the elves, and it is also one of the symbols of this world.The vast majority of people rely on this prop to subdue elves and embark on the road of trainers.

After shaking it three times, the button in the center of the elf ball finally fell, and the whole ball lay quietly on the wooden floor of the elf center.

Shinpei let out a long sigh of relief, then grinned at the corners of his mouth, and picked up the red and white ball with ghosts in it with ecstasy as if he had won 500 million.

"Take it, Guisi!"

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