Lemongrass – The Chaotic Life of Meadow Song

Chapter 22: Dinner after Dark

Feathers and I rode on the back of Feng’s cybersteed while Rose chose a wild-looking violet machine. She insisted on driving herself, but she was talked out of it. Where is she even getting the energy from to be combative with our saviors? I for my part felt relieved to finally escape this hellhole but too tired to do anything except hugging my chauffeur from behind. 

Thinking back, only a couple of weeks went by when Feng picked me up near Earth Gate. I was in a similar although not as dire situation. The way he appeared when I needed him the most not once but twice is a bit creepy though. Don’t tell me… he is my prince charming? Nah, no time for that! Gotta focus on what's really important right now: Starting a quiet school life.

Yes, I barely started school and I already walked into one catastrophe after another. I’m aware that my personality was attracting trouble, but I didn’t know that it was this bad. If I told this story to anyone then they would probably complain about the haphazardness of events. Too unrealistic they’d say. Like I chose to lose my left arm, that I was excited to be kidnapped or that I willingly adopted a beast that could destroy the whole city. Well, okay. Looking at the bird who nested in my shirt, save from the wind, I can’t say I picked him up unwillingly. Although it’s not like I searched them out. They followed me! But enough is enough. I want one plain and boring week where nothing crazy happens. Just one!

I saw the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel when we finally reached the exit. We didn’t take the route I got in instead we drove through miles of unfamiliar tunnels. It took quite some time, maybe an hour, until we saw the outside. It was dark. The clock on the cybersteed displayed 5 a.m. I was underground for at least half a day. 

I expected to see the urban lights of the city but only a few street lanterns of a highway were to be seen. The tiles from the underground road shifted to dirt. Did we leave the city? Damn, these tunnels were way too complex. But the guys on the bikes did know their way around these parts. They didn’t stop to get their bearings; they drove right onto the highway. And after a while on the familiar asphalt, I saw the sun rising. The towers and skyscrapers of the near city were outshone by the everyday occurrence of the dawn. 

“Beautiful”, I said out loud. Why didn’t I appreciate mother nature's gifts back at home? I assumed life was easy. I thought death so far away, something future Meadow had to deal with. But it was right beside me all this time. The Grim Reaper visited once before and took my parents. My kidnapper Zoey and her brother found an early grave under the weight of a giant serpent. Death doesn’t discriminate between good and evil it just takes. It doesn’t announce itself but provoking the man in black was never a good idea. And if I stayed stupid I’m next. Mom, I… 

“Did you say something?” Feng shouts interrupted my thoughts. The wind drowned most sounds at the front so he most likely was worried. He reassuringly continued: “Don’t worry! At this speed, we should arrive in approximately half an hour at Zhang San.”

I responded by tightening my grip. The exhausted adrenaline left me relieved but scared. I cried. Not because of anyone or anything but because I pitied myself. I missed my parents. But I felt miserable that I didn't appreciate the life they gifted me. Only the living can walk this earth, feel the wind and enjoy the rising sun. I had to treasure it!  I will become stronger! 

Feng was right. We arrived about thirty minutes later at Zhang San in front of a medium-sized restaurant. On its marquise was the name ‘Dragon Garden’ to be read but a blinking sign on the door spelled out ‘Uncle Hong’s Eatery’. The stern old man who sat silently on his sidecar with closed eyes opened them at arrival. He jumped out and shouted with a booming voice: “Thanks for your work boys! If you are hungry you can come in for a late dinner!”

Feng hushed Hong: “Uncle, it’s very early in the morning you will wake up the whole neighborhood!” Feng’s face showed regret when the old man answered in a higher volume:

“So what? These lazy bums have slept enough. It’s time to work!” 

He then proceeded to roll up his sleeves and walked into his workplace. The guys dismounted their cybersteeds and were jubilant. 

“When was the last time the Wudang met up at Uncle Hong’s place?” Said one of them. Another answered: “Dunno, I think at the time of the Rebellion of Green Hill? So about 100 years ago.” A third voice changed the topic: “Who cares about that? He meant it’s his treat right? I’m broke!”

Feng laughed: “Kevin, you are always broke! Of course, it’s Uncle Hong’s treat! Don’t worry about that. Just stay away from his Mapo Tofu. If you want to stay alive, that is.” 

I dismounted as well with the help of Rose who gave me a hand. My passive regeneration already worked on me. But I still was wobbly. I didn’t think it heals broken bones as fast as I wished.

Feng turned to us: “You two are invited as well.” Feathers protested with a high chirp. “Pardon, you three are welcome to join us.”

“W-Wait!” I stuttered. “Feng! What is going on? How did you find us? Why did you guys even go underground? Are you part of the Wudang? Do you even remember me? And who is that old man? I never saw someone so amazing as him!”

“Wow! Slow down, Meadow! Of course, I remember you! My nostrils won’t ever forget your Eau de cat toilette!” I cringed at the memory and at the joke. He continued: “I can answer your questions but why don’t we do this at a warm meal after you two washed up a bit.”

Rose shrugged: “I won’t say no to a free meal.” Feathers jumped on Rose's shoulder to show his agreement. Since when did mecha beasts eat food?

Anyway, I agreed and we went in. We were greeted by a busy cook preparing food on a counter and a festive mood.

“You won’t find better food in the whole of Heaven’s Gate!”

I've posted a bonus chapter on RoyalRoad to celebrate getting on trending!

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