Leon Greyrat: The Second Son – Mushoku Tensei OC

Chapter 103 – The Floating Fortress

— Leon Greyrat —

“Look! Rudy, Leon! Look!” Shizuka said, happily jumping around the summoned fruit. “It’s a watermelon! A sign of life! A biological object! Finally, I can move on to the next stage!”

Rudy clapped his hands with a smile. “Congratulations!”

“Y-Yeah… congrats,” I said, clapping as well.

I didn’t really understand what was happening, but Shizuka seemed happy, so that was good.

While I hadn’t been joining nearly as many of her experiments lately, this one was different, as it was a major milestone in her path towards returning home.

But oddly enough… lately, I had felt that she seemed not so worried about failure.

Was she coming to accept being in this world a bit more?

Maybe… but I had a feeling that wasn’t all.

But either way, that didn’t matter right now.

I had been somewhat waiting for this moment, as if I was correct…

“Yes! But… this was extremely difficult,” Shizuka said, calming down from her excitement. “With multi-arrays, while it opens up a whole new dimension of possibility, it also leaves me with just as many questions and complications. Hmm… I guess I’ll have to consult him about this. He did say to come show him and progress as well…”

Rudy tilted his head. “‘Him’? What are you talking about?”

“Ah, right. Actually, you two have been helping me quite a bit, so you can join us as a reward,” she said, looking at us. “So… would you like to meet the legendary Perugius? I know you and your princess have brought him up, Leon, so I’ll extend the offer to your family as well.”

This was the next stage in the plan to get Ariel to the throne, and if Orsted’s hints of advice were to be believed… he was also the next person I could gain as an ally for the fight against Laplace.

Let’s just hope it went well.

— Leon Greyrat —

“Are you sure you’re okay with this?” I said, holding Roxy.

“Yes, it is fine,” she said, shaking her head. “While it is unfortunate to not be able to see such a legendary place, there is nothing we can do about Perugius’ hate of demons. And besides… there needs to be someone to watch the kids, right?”

Yeah… I suppose that was true, but I still felt a little bad.

“Right… and what about Ars?” I asked. “I know we’ve been giving him mashed foods lately, but still…”

“He’s five months old, so he should be fine,” she said, reassuringly patting my cheek. “And if he needs breast milk, I’ll just look for a midwife, or maybe Elinalise. Either way, you should go now. I don’t imagine that a man of such high status would appreciate you keeping him waiting.”

“Urk… fine, you’re right,” I said, kissing her lips. “We’ll be back soon, okay?”

“You can take your time. Just come back by the new year,” she returned with a smile. “And don’t cause any problems.”

“I don’t plan on it,” I returned with a smirk.

And with that, Roxy got back on her horse with the carriage we had used to get here, before heading back to the city where the kids were currently being watched by my parents.

I was a bit worried about leaving her and my children alone like this, but nothing had happened in the past year since officially becoming the Man-God’s enemy, so I think everything would be fine.

And even if something did happen, I had asked Orsted to keep a better watch on my and Rudy’s family’s while we were gone, so I think it would be alright.

“Is everyone now prepared?” the familiar voice asked.

I was quite surprised to see Arumanfi when we went to the location for our transport to the floating fortress, as he was the same spirit of Perugius’ that had attacked us before the Displacement Incident occurred.

Luckily, it seemed that his words from before were true in that he wouldn’t harm us anymore, though Rudy and Eris did bristle a bit when he arrived, having apparently remembered him as well.

“Yes… we’re ready,” I said, looking around at the gathered people.

The ones who would be meeting Perugius would be me, Ariel, Rudy, Shizuka, Sylphy, Eris, and Zanoba.

Luke, of course, had also wanted to go, but considering that one of the main reasons for me going was to secure Perugius’ aid against Laplace for the eventual defeat of the Man-God, Ariel and I decided to keep him away for this instance.

Besides, someone needed to take control of the student council and Ariel’s camp in her absence, and he was her second in command.

Anyway, my other wives, Sylphy and Eris, were going as well, both to serve as guards for the princess, but also to be able to experience such a legendary place as the floating fortress.

And as for Zanoba… well, I honestly wasn’t sure why he came, but since Rudy brought him, I assumed it had something to do with the Magic Armour.

“Ah! I wonder what kind of statues reside in such a place!” the man in question said.

Never mind, it must just be his own curiosity.

“But… I do hope that he is still interested in the state of the nation,” Ariel said, holding my hand. “He has long since turned his head from Asura’s state of affairs, after all…”

Seeing her small burst of affection as a challenge, both Sylphy and Eris latched on to my other arm, leaving me completely surrounded.

Well, it wasn’t like I would ever hate it, but I was getting quite the scathing look from Shizuka, so I really wished we could get going already.

But anyway, as for her question…

“It should be fine,” I said, squeezing her hand back. “You have me, and it was that man’s suggestion, after all.”

“Right… I do have you,” she said, smiling sweetly at me as her free hand went to her belly. “Or rather, we do.”

“Uh… right,” I said, a little embarrassed.

Before the atmosphere could get too… odd… Arumanfi then began handing out a set of batons.

“Hold these. Lord Perugius will use teleportation magic to send everyone to the fortress using them, so do not let go,” he advised. “And be sure to be using your bare hands.”

With Arumanfi looking at everyone, ensuring we were following his instructions, he then nodded.

“Well, if everyone is ready, then just wait a moment,” he said, disappearing a moment later with a flash of light.

Just as I thought back then… he was damn fast.

Probably close to the Sword God in pure speed, though he didn’t go that fast when he fought against Ghislaine and I back then.

Perhaps his mind couldn’t keep up with his speed in combat?

That was the most like conclusion.

“Leon! Aren’t you excited?” Eris said, bouncing on her toes as she increased her grip on my arm. “We get to meet that hero! He’s really old, right? Just think of all the adventures he’s been on!”

“Well… yes, but don’t annoy him too much,” I said.

It would be quite unfortunate if my wife’s enthusiasm made it so he rejected supporting Ariel, even if it was cute to see Eris like this.

It was then that I felt a heat course through the baton, and a moment later, the familiar sensation of teleporting occurred, as the sight of a grand castle appeared in front of me a moment later while the rest of the group stood around.

That… was quite something.

“Wow…” Ariel gasped, staring at the beautiful sight. “It’s even larger than the royal palace… and grander too… though I suppose that is to be expected.”

“Yeah…” I voiced.

Feeling Eris release her grip on my arm, I turned around to see her gaping at the sight before her.

Not of the castle, like the rest of us, but rather the sea of clouds spread out beyond the horizon behind the group.

Right… we were pretty high up, after all.

“Leon! Look! Isn’t this amazing!” she cheered, stepping closer to the fence that blocked off the teleportation circle. “I bet I could see the entire city from here!”

“Yes, that is how heights work,” I said, smiling as I stepped closer to her.

But, before I could, I felt my arm get squeezed as Sylphy moved nearer to me, her body trembling slightly.

“Umm… Leon, I… I’m not the greatest with heights…” she said.

Ah, right… she had a fear of heights, most likely from her first experience with teleportation magic sending her high into the air.

She still had the occasional nightmare about it, after all.

Having such a fear didn’t really matter in normal life, as the only heights she would be exposed to were those of the tall buildings of the university, but this was a different case.

“Don’t worry,” I said, hugging her close as I let go of Ariel’s hand. “I’ll hold you until we’re inside, okay?”

She meekly nodded her head in response, tightening her grip on me.


“I am glad that the view of our beloved fortress is pleasant… or at least to most of you.”

Hearing a voice, I turned around to see a woman with shoulder-length blonde hair, with her face hidden by a bird mask.

Though, the most distinguishing feature was absolutely the wings across her back, signifying her as one of the skyfolk, a race I had yet to see in all my time in this world.

“I extend my heartfelt welcome to you all. I am the first of Lord Perugius’ servants, Sylvaril of the Void. I will be the one guiding you around our floating fortress, Chaos Breaker,” she said.

“And I am Ariel Anemoi Asura, the second princess of the Asura Kingdom,” Ariel said, stepping forward as she performed a practised curtsy. “It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, and I offer you and Lord Perugius my gratitude for allowing us to visit such a beautiful place.”

With that as the start, everyone else introduced themselves as well, with Zanoba and Sylphy conducting themselves with grace befitting nobility, while Rudy and I were polite enough, considering our commoner background.

Even Eris was able to introduce herself with some politeness, thanks to her time as Ariel’s guard and manners ingrained into her during her childhood.

So annoying as they were, Eris was now mature enough to use manners without throwing a fit.

Though, of course, for her, the best course of action was always to keep quiet and let Ariel deal with the talking, so she kept her greeting curt.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you all,” Sylvaril said. “And Lady Nanahoshi… it has been a while.”

“It has, Miss Sylvaril,” Shizuka responded. “I’ve gained some understandings in my work with a lot of help from these people, so thank you for letting them come.”

“Think nothing of it. It is what Lord Perugius promised,” Sylvaril said, shaking her head. “Now, follow me, everyone. It would not be right to keep Lord Perugius waiting.”

We then continued down the path towards the castle, with me staying extremely close to Ariel along the way and keeping my Demon eye active as I watched for any activity.

I wasn’t thinking that Sylvaril or Arumanfi would attack me, but rather, I was watching for any diseased rat that would make its appearance, the hypothesis as to how Roxy was eventually killed from Oldeus’ diary at the forefront of my mind.

With that disease, it was only able to take root in a pregnant woman and was otherwise harmless to people, so I wasn’t worried about everyone else, having checked that Sylphy and Eris weren’t pregnant beforehand.

But as for Ariel…

“Darling? Is there something wrong?” Ariel asked.

“No, just… let me stay by your side for our time here,” I said, grabbing her hands. “I’m not letting you out of my sight.”

“O-Oh? Well… if that’s what you wish…” she said, blushing a bit.

She must have forgotten my warning from before and had come to her own conclusions for my affection… but that wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, so I decided to not correct her.

As we passed under an archway, with Zanoba rambling about the impressiveness of the sculptures, the group momentarily paused as particles began falling from Rudy’s body, as well as Sylphy’s, though to a lesser extent.

Wait… those two…

“The Laplace factor?” I murmured. “Is this a side effect of a spell to combat Laplace? I know that Lord Perugius was his enemy…”

“And he still is,” Sylvaril answered, turning to face me. “To know such a thing… it seems you are more knowledgeable than I thought. Tell me… have you ever heard of the term ‘Man-God’?”

My eyes narrowed slightly.

This question… Perugius shouldn’t be an apostle, nor should he be a direct enemy of that being, so why was she asking this?

Wait… Orsted did mention that he wouldn’t be able to help with Perugius, and they were both old beings of the Dragon race… so were they related somehow?

He did mention that they weren’t on the best of terms, but if they had a history… perhaps this was a way to stop Orsted and his allies?

“Yes. Though I’m not a follower of that being,” I answered.

“Hmm… then, do you feel an uncontrollable desire to kill when you hear such a name?” she asked.

Ah, so this definitely was about Orsted.

Or maybe it was about Laplace? I know Orsted said he focused his hate on humans once he split into the Demon God that Perugius knew, but maybe he felt some anger hearing that name as well.

“No. That being is my enemy, but not to that extent,” I said. “Rest assured, we are not enemies of Lord Perugius.”

I thought it was best to keep my desire to end Laplace alongside him to myself until we met in person.

Sylvaril, hearing my answer, stared at me for a moment before looking over to Rudy and Sylphy, my hand readying to defend them in case of any hostilities before she suddenly turned around.

“Very well. Then, let us continue,” she said, walking toward the castle.

The atmosphere had turned slightly tense, but thankfully, nothing had gone wrong.

With us continuing down the various corridors, the strained atmosphere eventually lifted as Zanoba once again gushed about the various arts and decors, with Sylvaril, and even Ariel, answering the many questions that he had.

But then, our trip within the castle came to an end, as we found ourselves standing in front of a large, ornate door, with dragons painted on either side.

“This is the audience chamber,” Sylvaril informed us. “While Lord Perugius is very tolerant, I suggest you mind your manners.”

“W-Wait! Shouldn’t we change into more formal clothing?” Ariel asked.

As she had said, we were currently still in our travel clothes that we used to get here from Sharia.

Not exactly attire fit for a king.

“There is no need. Lord Perugius isn’t one to care about one’s manner of dress. In fact, he quite detests the suffocating formality of nobility,” Sylvaril said. “If you wish for a positive reception, I advise that you remain as is.”

Ariel frowned a bit before looking at me.

“All… all right,” she said, her eyes seeming worried.

“I think you should follow her advice,” I said. “You’re beautiful enough as is, no? And that suffocating formality is something you wish to change.”

Ariel seemed to gain a bit of confidence at that as she straightened her back.

“Yes… you are correct, darling,” she said, nodding to Sylvaril. “Then, if you please.”

“Of course,” she nodded.

And with that, the doors swung wide open, revealing a man sitting atop a throne, exuding a commanding presence despite his relaxed and disinterested posture.

This was quite the aura… it wasn’t like the type of pressure that Eris and I had with our bloodlust, but rather the charismatic type of aura that Ariel seemed to possess.

So this was Perugius… with his silver hair and piercing yellow eyes, I could definitely see the resemblance to Orsted.

Maybe that was a trait all the dragonfolk shared?

But either way… the hall was massive, bigger than anything I had seen before, with eleven other figures lined on either side of the red carpet we were walking down, likely the other eleven familiars from the legend of the Armoured Dragon King Perugius.

Now that I was older and stronger, I could recognize that Arumanfi wasn’t quite at the Emperor rank just yet, likely only a bit stronger than Ghislaine due to his speed.

I could easily deal with him.

But if there were twelve fighters on his level, each with their own unique strengths and abilities… well, I guess I would have to watch my mouth.

“Please stop there,” Sylvaril said, causing our group to pause.

As Sylvaril walked past us towards her master, I noticed that Perugius was looking at me intently, his narrowed eyes boring into my soul.

Ah… maybe I should have kept quiet about the Man-God stuff after all.

But it would have needed to be said anyway for my eventual request, and from what Sylvaril said, Perugius seemed like someone who would appreciate honesty.

Perugius’ gaze then shifted over to Rudy, and then to Shizuka, before he finally broke the silence.

“I am the Armoured Dragon King, Perugius Dola,” he said. “And it seems you have returned, Nanahoshi.”

“Just as promised,” she said, lowering her head.

The rest of the group followed suit, with Ariel bowing her head while Sylphy got to her knees, as I followed Ariel’s actions, pushing Eris’ head down alongside me.

“I assume this means you have found a way to summon things from your world?” Perugius asked.

“Yes… though my current level of understanding is still lacking,” she said.

“It is the progress and pursuit of knowledge that interests us dragonfolk, not the achievements itself,” he said with a pleased tone.

Shizuka then briefly described why she had come here, in how she had been using multi-layered formulas and needed some aid in perfecting them and how she wanted Perugius to teach her summoning magic, which was something he had apparently agreed to before.

Well, considering the teleportation that got us here, as well as those familiars, there was unlikely to be a better teacher in the world for summoning magic.

“That method… it seems that you have stumbled upon something interesting,” he said, stroking his chin. “Very well. I shall teach you, just as I agreed. Now… you’ve brought some people with you… who are they?”

His piercing glare centred on me and my brother.

“Well… they’ve helped me in my research in one way or another, so I would like if you treated them kindly,” Shizuka said.

Perugius narrowed his eyes. “Hmm… but you… you caused some trouble for me to summon. What a disgusting mana capacity… it reminds me of him.”

Rudy, who had been pointed out by Perugius’ harsh gaze, lifted his head in surprise.

“Ah! Well… I apologize for any problems. I have been told my mana pool is quite large,” he said. “Oh! And I’m Rudeus Greyrat, pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

“Mmm… and you are aware of the Laplace factor, yes?” Perugius hummed. “Just don’t use that disgusting magic in my halls.”

“I-I wouldn’t dream of it,” Rudy replied.

“Good… now, I assume that your detestably large mana pool was of help to Nanahoshi, so I shall reward you in turn,” he said. “What is it that you desire? Power? Money?”

“No, none of those things,” he shook his head. “Instead, I hope that I can join in a few of Nanahoshi’s lessons, if you wouldn't mind. I wish to learn how to summon a guardian to defend my family.”

Perugius nodded his head. “That is an easy thing to grant. In fact, with your mana, much of the problems related to summoning strong spirits will be meaningless.”

He then looked over to Zanoba. 

“And you?” he asked.

“Ah! I am Zanoba Shirone! Third prince of the Shirone Kingdom!” Zanoba replied.

“I see… and do you wish for anything?” Perugius asked.

“Well… not necessarily… I was just hoping you could give me some information regarding this,” he said, pulling out a notebook from his pocket.

As he began to converse with the Armoured Dragon King, I then looked over at Ariel, who was by my side, her eyes showing a hint of nervousness.

That nervousness was imperceptible to the average person, as she had long since learned how to hide her true emotions, but after being with her for so long, I had learned how to spot her true self.

But that nervousness… I should give her some advice.

This Perugius… he wasn’t like the people Ariel was used to dealing with, hence, she shouldn’t treat him as such.

“Ariel… be honest,” I said. “He isn’t one to enjoy veiled hints, unlike the regular nobility.”

“I see… but would it not be impertinent?” she asked. 

“Considering Rudy asked for free lessons without an issue, it should be okay,” I said. “And if not… well, perhaps the conversation will go smoother after I talk to him about my plan.”

“Hmm… I suppose I will trust your words,” she said. “It is unlike me to be so worried about my strengths… perhaps it is the pregnancy?”

“I think it is because he can match your charisma,” I said, my eyes darting to see that no one was looking before pecking her cheek. “Like me.”

“Ah… yes, I suppose you left me in a state of nervousness like this as well, though for different reasons,” she said, looking up at Perugius with a newfound determination in her eyes. “But just like I conquered your heart, I shall win this battle.”

That’s my girl.

“I see… you truly are a fellow lover of the arts. Feel free to peruse my collection,” Perugius said, closing his conversation with Zanoba.

“Ah! Are you sure, Lord Perugius? I can only imagine what wonders lay within these walls!” he said.

“Why yes, they are indeed wonders, but wonders of the arts are meant to be seen, no? Or at least by those with an appreciative eye,” Perugius returned with a smile.

Huh… I guess those two got along better than I would have thought.

Who knew such a man would be so in tune with art?

“So… is there anyone else who wishes for something?” he asked.

Giving my hand one last squeeze, Ariel then stepped forward.

“Indeed. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Ariel Anemoi Asura, the second princess of the Asura Kingdom,” she said, performing a small curtsy. “It is an honour to be in your presence.”

Perugius’ previously cheerful demeanour shifted. “Is that so? Ariel Anemoi Asura, you say?”

“Yes. I hope that we can be better acquainted, Lord Perugius,” my lover said.

“Tch.” Perugius frowned. “I already know who you are. You lost in that filthy battle for the crown, but you refuse to give up, deciding to drag along everyone you can. A foolish girl.”

Well… I did want to protest against him, but I was of the same mind when I first met her, so I couldn’t be too upset.

“That… is a harsh way of looking at it, but not necessarily wrong,” she said, clenching her fists. “A filthy battle… that is true.”

“Hmph. At least you have enough awareness to know that,” he said. “So? I assume you came here with the hope of me lending you my strength?”

Ariel was about to respond before sending a glance my way, a small conversation happening between our eyes as I nodded at her.

She trusted in me… that was very nice to know.

“Yes,” she said, turning back to face him. “That is my purpose in coming here. To gain your support for my ascension to the throne.”

I had seen quite a few muted expressions from Perugius’ face thus far, from amusement to confusion to displeasure, but this was the first time I had seen him act surprised, even if you could barely tell.

And… if I wasn’t mistaken… there was the slightest hint of admiration there as well.

“Hoh?” he huffed, his expression quickly cooling back down to one of indifference. “That is quite arrogant, girl. Why should one such as I give my support for such a lost, foolish cause. A foolish cause that you have already failed at once before.”

Ariel’s back straightened, her hands slightly trembling as I slowly approached, standing by her side as I kept my head bowed.

“I’m here to protect you, so speak your mind,” I said under my breath. “Do not worry if it’s arrogant.”

Luckily, my reassurance was enough to strengthen her resolve.

“If it was the me of the past, I would agree that it is a foolish endeavour,” she said, her voice conveying that same charisma that had compelled me to support her. “But I am not her. I am Ariel Anemoi Asura, a soon-to-be mother, and the future queen of Asura. I will make the kingdom a better place without any underhanded battles so that my child shall live happily, and I ask for your cooperation in doing so, Lord Perugius Dola.”

With my princess holding her head high, I smiled to myself.

Yeah… that was my Ariel.

Though, despite me being impressed, it seemed that Perugius’ familiars thought differently, as they all began to release bloodlust as their gazes bore down on her, causing my hand to grip my sword as I narrowed my eyes.

I suppose she was a bit arrogant there… not that I minded.

Twelve King-rank fighters… well, Eris could probably handle three by herself, Sylphy could probably stay alive, and Rudy should be able to get out of harms way before helping with magic, so it wasn’t impossible…

“Stand down,” Perugius said, putting an end to the tense atmosphere.

Looking down at Ariel, Perugius’ lips slowly twitched up in slight satisfaction.

“Hmm… I see you are not like the other nobles,” he said thoughtfully. “But still… that does not mean I see your cause as one worth my time. But since you have somewhat impressed me with your honesty and bravery, I shall permit you to stay here. Convince me that you are worth any effort… if you can.”

With a… not outright denial, which was better than the worst possibility, Ariel nodded appreciatively before slinking back to the rest of the group.

“And? What about you?” Perugius said, looking at me, who had not walked back. “You’re the one who knew of Laplace and the Man-God… are you here with something to do with that being?”

He knew what I knew? But I didn’t see Sylvaril leave to tell him… ah, maybe he had some other way of knowing?

Or perhaps Syvaril could speak telepathically… well, I suppose it didn’t matter now.

“If you mean Orsted, then that is not entirely the case,” I said, shaking my head.

His eyes narrowed. “Speak clearly, human. You are strong, but not strong enough to frustrate me with such confidence.”

“Well… first, allow me to introduce myself. I am Leon Greyrat, husband to three of the most beautiful women in the world, two of which are behind me, and the future husband to the future queen of Asura,” I said, raising my head to look at him. “And as for what I want… well, I would like to request you to join me.”

“Join you? Join you in what?” Perugius asked.

Well… here goes nothing.

“I would like you, Perugius Dola, to join me in putting an end to a foe which I am sure that you detest,” I said clearly. “I want your help in defeating Laplace.”

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