Leon Greyrat: The Second Son – Mushoku Tensei OC

Chapter 107 – The Great Purge

— Leon Greyrat —

“We made it,” I said, walking inside the banquet hall at Ariel’s side, with Sylphy opposite me.

“We did indeed,” Ariel nodded. “And there were fewer issues than I would have expected.”

Yes… there were. But that only meant that Minister Darius and the First Prince Grabell… they were planning to end things tonight.

After all, with the way things were going, Ariel would be far and ahead the best candidate.

Even in the past week, the news of her return, as well as her pregnancy, had been the talk of the city, with people excited to see the new heir, having all but accepted Ariel as their ruler.

And that was before she made her grand public speech a couple of days ago…

Needless to say, things were going well for us, and bad for the First Prince, which meant that they would have to take drastic measures in order to turn things around.

“Well then,” Ariel said, straightening her back as she put on her practised smile. “I suppose it’s time for my battle to begin.”

And so, with nobles beginning to fill the hall, Ariel began greeting many prominent people, with many of them barely masking their discomfort in seeing the supposed deposed princess in the flesh, her face as vibrant as ever.

I could tell that they were scared.

After all, after her departure, nearly every noble here had sided with the First Prince, having seen him as the only way forward for Asura.

But seeing the charismatic princess, a realization seemed to have dawned on them…

They were wrong.

But still, I wouldn’t fault them for that.

It was something that Ariel had expected, after all.

But that didn’t mean there were some people I was… dissatisfied with, to say the least.

With the banquet being filled with various nobles and ministers, I began to match some faces with the names I had learned over the past week.

While I had mainly guarded Ariel during the wait for the banquet to start, as she wasn’t targeted like we had expected, I had a lot of time to myself to conduct some research, often with the help of Orsted and his seemingly infinite knowledge.

Learning who was good and bad for the future of the kingdom… who would target my family to get ahead in the world of politics… who would corrupt the new Asura we were trying to build… I wanted to know.

And as I had learned… the Asura Kingdom was much more disgusting than I had thought.

The Boreas Greyrat, despite their boisterousness, noble pride, coldhearted trickery, and messed up family traditions… when talking about noble families, they were among the kindest.

Speaking of them, James had made his appearance to the banquet, but other than a short greeting with Ariel, he had drifted off to the side, just as he had agreed after meeting Ariel upon her entrance to the capital.

I would say that I wished Sauros was here… I couldn’t imagine what he would bring with his boisterous personality.

So it was best to have such a wild card left away from such a place.

And speaking of bad nobles, Paul, my father… perhaps, rather than leaving due to hating the strictness and formality of nobility, maybe he just knew he wasn’t horrible enough to fit in with them.

He was a good man, after all… despite his mistakes in his youth.

And while Minister Darius might have been seen as revolting by the rest of the nobility, that was only because his tastes related to tainting noble girls.

If it was just a random villager… well, it was obvious that they didn’t care.

So yes… there was definitely a lot of ‘cleaning’ to do, and Orsted had seemingly already started his own side of things, seeing as the second prince wasn’t present, either being dead or too afraid to attend.

Orsted… he should be nearby, right?

That was good.

I was worried about needing to fight a lot of people, but with him making a lot of moves out in the open, the Man-God would know he was near, and send any resources he could to hold him back.

So with him providing a distraction, the Man-God would likely think that Master was enough to deal with me.


And if not, Orsted would probably stop any other unreasonable foes from coming, such as Water Emperors or North Emperors.

I don’t think I could handle another opponent near the Water God’s level at the same time as her.

“Darling? Is something wrong?” Ariel asked.

“Hm? Nothing, I’m just thinking of the upcoming fight,” I said.

“Ah… yes, that,” she said, her hand reaching over to grab my arm. “I trust you, but… I’m worried.”

“You don’t have to. I can deal with it,” I said.

“That’s why I’m worried,” she said, pinching my arm. “You aren’t just my guard anymore, Leon. You’re much more important to me. I can’t bear to see you hurt… especially because of me.”

I smiled a bit, moving my arm to gently caress her back.

That light blue dress really suited her.

“I’ll probably have to fight my old master, but I’ll survive,” I said.

“Did you not hear me? I said I don’t want you hurt,” she returned.

“That’s… a bit unreasonable, don’t you think?” I said.

She simply smirked in return.

“You are marrying a greedy princess, no? You should expect this level of unreasonableness,” she said.

Haa… right.


Hearing a voice, I turned around to see a middle-aged man with brown hair and a short moustache.

This… this was Pilemon Notos Greyrat, no? Luke’s father and Paul’s brother.

“You call yourself a Greyrat… don’t think you can take back the Notos family, son of Paul,” he said, narrowing his eyes in anger.

Well, I wasn’t exactly Paul’s son, but sure.

“I don’t plan to,” I said, stepping aside with my arm still held by Ariel. “After all… there’s a much more important position for me to take, don’t you agree?”

His eyes widened as he realized what I implied, and with Ariel holding me so closely… well, it was only obvious.

But why did he seem so surprised and confused?

Didn’t Luke tell him what was going on?


Maybe he knew but didn’t believe it, but was now forced to face the reality of everything.

“I-I see… and welcome home, Princess Ariel,” he said, bowing to her.

“Ah, Pilemon, it’s been too long,” Ariel said, her smile faker than usual. “And home, huh? I’m… not sure if that is exactly true.”

“Excuse me?” Pilemon said, confused.

“It’s nothing,” she said, shaking her head. “Anyway… it seems that everyone has arrived… so I think it’s time I made my move.”

Separating from me, she turned to march towards the centre of the room, her posture firm yet graceful, captivating me in a trance as she turned her head back slightly.

“So watch me, darling. Watch your lover cement herself as the Queen of Asura,” she said.

“Uhh… yes, I will,” I said, a bit stunned.

Wow… that was the princess for you.

Even Pilemon was speechless, simply gawking as Ariel walked away.

Now… how would Minister Darius respond to this?

Looking over at the disgusting man, I saw that his fat face was twisted into a scowl that he wasn’t even attempting to mask.

Yeah, he was not happy.

But his bodyguard… he didn’t even look that strong. Someone that could easily be dealt with by Sylphy.

Huh… he must have a lot of trust in the Water God. And the Man-God too, I suppose.

“May I please have everyone’s attention?” Ariel said as she stood at the end of the room, with Luke, Sylphy, Ghislaine, and the rest of her attendants standing beside us.

Despite not shouting, and barely raising her voice over a regular volume, her words had been transmitted through the entire hall, causing everyone to turn their attention towards her.

Well, my sound magic probably helped, but it was still impressive.

And with this… the stage was set.

“As many of you know, we are gathered here today to discuss the future of our kingdom in the wake of my father’s seemingly incurable illness. Today will be a turning point in our nation’s direction, dictated by whoever is chosen to lead us through this forthcoming time,” she said clearly. “I will make my point clear. I, Ariel Anemoi Asura, will create a nation free of corruption and our current state of political games and deceit. Instead, I will create a land of development and prosperity. From commoner to high noble, I will create a kingdom that one will be happy to live in, and one where they can live in freely without worry of retaliation due to personal greed.”

Wow… I did not think she would be so brazen, considering her changes would be detrimental to most of the people here, but that was just like her.

And to not even mention the support of Perugius… I guess she wanted to do this on her own.

“I may be weak individually, but I will lead everyone towards a better future. That, I promise,” she said, extending her hand as an indescribable pressure emanated from her. “So, I ask you all now… who will join me?”

Silence was what answered her before the first noble stepped forward, that being James Boreas Greyrat, his eyes firm with resolve.

And then, another… and another.

And after a minute of waiting, the room was clearly divided into two sides, the separation being made between the factions of the two possible rulers of the kingdom.

And from the tense atmosphere… it would be decided right now.

But from the look of things, it seemed as if the answer had already been decided as to who the next ruler would be.

“Father… you…” Luke said, his eyebrows knit in frustration as he looked at his father, who had not shifted from his position near Darius, much like most of the nobles gathered here today.

Pilemon, however, simply shook his head, a saddened expression on his face as he looked at his son.

Well… I guess he had made his choice.

“It seems that you have lost, even though you acted so brazenly. But I applaud your effort. It’s simply a difference in experience,” Darius said, stepping forward with the First Prince at his side. “So? After coming from so far and stopping your studies… what will you do now?”

While his tone was seemingly friendly, it didn’t take an expert of reading people to know it was fake.

And as for how Ariel would respond to that fake tone…

“I will take the throne,” she said, stepping to the side to grab my hand. “With the people at my side, and my family as well… I will ensure my dream comes true. If not for my sake, or for the sake of the nation, then at least for those that have fallen for placing their faith in me. I will not betray their trust.”

It wasn’t simply pride or arrogance that allowed her to say something so outrageous, rather, it was simply something she viewed as the truth.

An obvious result of her unwavering determination.

And that belief and pure will… it was conveyed clearly through the room.

“Tch. You just don’t know when to quit. Creating such a mess for the sake of the dead’s trust… Even if the others overlooked you, I always knew you were dangerous. And you as well, you adopted mutt,” Darius said, looking at me with a snarl before he suddenly broke into a calm. “Well, it was a good thing that ‘he’ took extra measures.”

I didn’t even have a moment to wonder what ‘extra measures’ he was talking about, for as soon as he finished his words, the door to the hall opened, revealing an old woman.

One that I knew quite well, with her granddaughter at her side.

Shit… if Isolte was here, that wouldn’t be good.

Last Eris checked, Isolte was only a bit below her in terms of strength, which still put her squarely in the King rank of battle prowess.

If I had to fight both of them at once… that would be bad.

With the Water God’s entrance, the room was engulfed in a tense silence.

“Hmm… well, I suppose there’s not much left to do now,” she said, slowly drawing her sword. “Ariel Anemoi Asura, I am here to stop you from inciting a coup. Anyone who intervenes in this punishment will be met with my blade.”

A nonsense charge, considering that this banquet was a way to decide the new ruler, but that didn’t matter when it was the leader of one of the Three Great Styles saying those words.

Besides… the truth could be easily fabricated with Ariel’s death.

Not that I would let that happen.

With everyone moving to the sides of the room, I slowly walked forward to intercept, my steps echoing across the room as my former master stared at me with a smirk.

“I guess I should have expected this. After all… that’s yours, isn’t it?” she said, motioning towards Ariel, or more specifically, her stomach.

“Yes… it is,” I said, drawing my blade. “But I would have stopped you anyway.”

“Hmm, yeah, I guess so,” she said, smiling. “He did say to expect you, after all.”

Haa… so that all but confirmed it.

“Why… why are you on his side?” I asked, looking towards Darius. “Was it the Man-God?”

Seeing recognition flash across her face at the mention of the being, I already knew that I would need to kill her.

She was an apostle.

“Well… that is a part of it, but really… it’s because I love him,” she said. “Or, at least, I did in the past. That being simply reminded me of some things.”

“What? Why? Why do you love someone like him?” I asked. “And aren’t you a little old for his tastes?”

She chuckled. “Haha! Harsh, but true. Yes… I suppose you are right, but matters of the heart aren’t that easy to quell. He used to be a good man, and I was a stupid little girl, but even then… I promised to pay him back with my protection, and I plan to keep that promise.”

I narrowed my eyes. “Well… I promised to kill him, and to make Ariel queen.”

Our promises intersected.

“Did you now? Ah, then I suppose this is simply a clash of fates,” she said as her voice turned serious. “I, Reida Reia, promise that the Water God School will not be your enemy after this. Instead, this is me as a swordswoman issuing this duel.”

Well… I guess that was quite useful.

“And Granddaughter… stay out of this,” she said, turning to Isolte, who simply nodded.

Thank Millis.

With that, she looked back to me, and with my Demon eye, I saw that touki was beginning to fill her blade while radiating off of her body and into the surroundings.

We would fight, and one of us would die.

That was the only conclusion to this standstill.

My mind went back to that destroyed diary, thinking of how Ariel and Sylphy met their end… two important and beautiful women I couldn’t dream of living without anymore had died because of this idiotic and corrupt game of politics, born out of this idiotic and corrupt nation. 

And she, the Water God, had likely been a cause of their deaths.

If I wasn’t here… she would kill Ariel, my lover, and everyone that was allied to her, including my beloved Sylphy.

Knowing that, bloodlust began to release from my body naturally, only exasperated as I put some effort into it.

“Oh?” she said, surprised.

With my pressure as the spark, it was then that the knights from the enemy faction began to move while Sylphy stood in front of Ariel, as a shadow raced from the back of the room.


Out of the corner of my eye, I saw as Ghislaine intercepted the strike of Wii Taa, marking the start of the battle.

I flared mana into my Demon eye while simultaneously flowing touki into my blade, watching as my opponent’s touki flooded into her sword and the surrounding area, taking control of everything in her vicinity.

That touki control… it was something inhuman.

But I was often called a monster as well.

With touki coating my body and sword, I then added mana into the mix, creating a defence as strong as the Dragon God, while my sword became sharper than the finest of blades.

Yes… Master… you, who stand in front of Ariel’s path to the throne, are a threat to my family.

And threats are meant to be dealt with.

I then released my touki outside my body, forming a cloud that clashed with her own, the two of us standing still as we battled in the use of pure touki control and technique rather than swords, despite us both being swordsmen.

“Hmm… you’ve grown,” she said, nodding her head approvingly.

“Yes… I have,” I returned.

While we had only ‘battled’ for a little more than a moment, I had instinctively realized the difference in our abilities.

In terms of control and technique, she was still superior.

But with my touki concentration and speed… I was more powerful.

Well, I suppose it was time to begin this in earnest.

I then crouched before leaping forward, exploding the touki around my legs for an instantaneous burst of speed as I cycled my remaining touki through my body, reforming my defence.

As my sword flowed outward, cutting along the touki I had already spread into the room, I was quickly met with the Water God’s sword, our blades clashing as I felt her touki cycle through her sword.

Shit! That enhancing counter move!

Narrowing my eyes, I concentrated on the touki surrounding us, or at least the touki under my control, and focusing on the energy, I formed two blades as I sent them forth towards her neck, mimicking the technique that ended the Peacock Blade.

Of course, removing a Divine-rank swordswoman from the world would never be that easy, and as such, they were blocked. Reduced to nothingness as her touki swirled into a complex net around her.

What… this woman really was strong.

If Orsted’s strongest trait was his experience and knowledge, while the Sword God’s was his speed, Master… her strength was in control.

But I suppose that was only natural for the Water God.

Our blades scraped against each other before I was suddenly flung back, launched by the force of her counter that had thankfully been muted quite a bit by my touki.

Unfortunately, even if I had trained to gain Orsted’s defensive touki and mana to coat my body, I was still unable to put it into any offensive use.

I would need to grow stronger in the future, and for now, I needed to find a way out of this momentary deadlock.

“Heh… yeah, you’re really damn strong now, aren’t you Leon. And just like I told you in the past…” she said, looking over to Ariel, who was watching on in worry, and Sylphy, who was finishing off the last of her attackers. “…You seem to have found a reason to use that strength.”

Yes… I had found quite the amazing reason in my family.

But more importantly… something felt off.

I narrowed my eyes as I raised my sword, getting control over my touki as I felt an instinctual danger surround me.

“Fighting so valiantly… and past me, there are stronger monsters out there, so I suppose it’s only correct that I do this,” she said. “Behold my greatest creation. The so-called sixth Sacred Art of the Water God style… Deprivation Sword Kingdom.”

I widened my eyes at the sight before me.

The room… or at least the area surrounding the two of us… it was flooded with her touki.

But it wasn’t the simple cloud like before, waiting in wait to be used in a technique.

No… this was like a cage.

Raising my pinky, I felt a flash of pain as I watched the digit fly through the air, my mana instinctively flooding my hand to heal the injury.


I had only moved a finger… and she didn’t even move her sword to counter me before it was removed…

Heh… really, how ridiculous.

But… I had already known that.

Orsted had warned me about this move, after all.

This ‘Deprivation Sword Kingdom’.

He had also told me how it works, melding two of the Water God style’s Sacred Arts into one…

Well, what if I did the same thing, but went a bit further?

The Sword God’s cycling technique… the North God style’s way of moving touki through the body… Orsted’s mana and touki combination…

Putting all those aspects together, along with my magic…

Well, I suppose this would be the marking of a new realm for me.

The first Divine-ranked technique of the Elemental God style.

Beating Master with my own original sword… I was surely able to call my style that now without sounding arrogant.

With my touki flooding the room, enhanced by mana as it froze the Water God’s touki with superior strength, I jumped forward, reaching the Water God unperturbed in less than an instant as I struck my blade into her chest.

Like most sword battles, the ending was abrupt and swift, especially when using the speed of the Sword God style.

An unceremonious end to what would be told as a great battle. That was how swordsmanship worked, especially when dealing with such dangerous techniques.

“Haha… that… was splendid,” she said, some blood leaking from her mouth. “That is quite the technique, Leon… the perfect counter to the Water God style…”

Yes… it was quite simple, but that’s where it’s power lied.

Orsted had said that the Water God’s control over the surrounding touki was something difficult to defend against, so I had thought… how about I remove that control?

Flooding the surroundings with strong mana and simply holding it there, making it so that no other techniques could be used… as Master said, it was the perfect counter to the Water God style once it reached the realm that she had.

“Well done… my student,” she said, gasping her words as I removed my blade from her chest, her corpse dropping to the ground.

I had won.

Like that, the Water God Reida Reia was no more, and another apostle of the Man-God met their end.

Turning my head to the side, I watched as Ghislaine’s sword sliced through Wii Taa’s neck, sending his head flying through the air as his body dropped to the ground.

So she had won as well… and from the bodies surrounding Sylphy, it seemed that my wife had no trouble in cleaning up the rabble.

With the room embraced in a stunned silence, Ariel then slowly walked over to Wii Taa’s body, hesitantly reaching into his pocket as she brought out a metal insignia.

Ah… wait, that was not just any insignia, but rather the coat of arms of the Notos Greyrat family…


I guess Luke wasn’t able to convince his father. That was… unfortunate.

Not only for Ariel and Luke, but more so for the man himself.

After all, as my wife had said upon our arrival at the capital, she would not tolerate any betrayal.

“Leon, my darling,” Ariel spoke, her voice even and cold. “…Clear them out.”

I smirked.

My request from earlier this morning… I guess she made her decision to accept.

“Yes, my princess,” I returned.

Standing upright, I tightened my grip on my sword as I slowly began walking towards the group of nobles that had backed up against the wall.

My research over the past week, using both information that Ariel had gathered and what Orsted knew of the world… now was the time for judgment.

My family becoming the royal family of Asura… I was still a bit worried, but I would at least ensure that those around us were good and just… or at the very least not horrible people.

I didn’t want my children growing up with such disgusting things, manipulated to fight amongst themselves, like Ariel and her brother were forced to. Even worse if those corrupt nobles tried to turn their fangs towards my beloved people.

So… of course… I needed to clear them out, just like Ariel had requested me to.

My eyes narrowed at the first man, known for keeping child sex slaves, similar to Darius, but instead of turning his gaze towards noble girls, he instead targeted the little girls of his fiefdom.

Sometimes, he would keep them as maids after having his first taste, other times he would let them go back to their families, but most often than not… he would simply kill them.

That was unacceptable.

Perhaps in the old Asura Kingdom, others would turn a blind eye, but for the nation that Ariel and I wanted… that would not be permitted.

And so, with my sword lashing out, the man’s head toppled to the ground, along with a spray of blood that coated the ground.

One down.

Ignoring the screams of the nobles at the sudden decapitation, I turned my gaze to the next one.

A baron… it was quite a low title, but with how prosperous the mine in the city he controlled was, he was quite influential.

It was a shame that he decided to assassinate a six-year-old for being too talented, viewing it as an insult against his family.

Needless to say, his head also fell to the ground a moment later.

With my touki slowly filling the room, I started my purge in earnest.

Abandoning a village to monsters to take the land for themselves… conspiring with bandits to make a new, more profitable trade route by killing merchants and people that used the usual one… kidnapping women and children for ransom… killing simply for the sake of amusement…

There were many, and with their crimes in my mind, I cut down noble after noble, until finally, there were no more of the guilty left to kill.

Well… almost no more.

There were still two players that needed to be cut down, as well as the First Prince, who would be left to Ariel’s plans as he trembled off to the side, as if attempting to hide from me.

“Minister Darius…” I said, looking at the man who was shaking in fear. “You’re an apostle, right? Well then… tell the Man-God that he shouldn’t have made me his enemy. And as for you… well, you simply lost. But rest assured, even without you being Ariel’s enemy, I would have still killed you.”

There was nothing left that needed to be said.

I could shout at him for ruining the lives of innocent children and aiming for my family, but that would be useless.

He was already dead, after all, evidenced by the sword stabbed through his head.

No last words, no grand speech.

With one movement from my sword, Darius Silva, the corrupt Minister and apostle of the Man-God, was no more.

After all, I doubt there was anything useful that he had to say.

And then… there was the last one.

The betrayer.

“W-Wait! Leon… please, my father is an important noble of the kingdom!” Luke shouted, walking up to me.

“And a noble title that you can succeed,” I returned.

Ariel had decided to forgive Pilemon Notos Greyrat’s past betrayal, as it was certainly possible for Darius to threaten him where there was no one else on his side in the capital, especially after the news of her death had been spread.

But once she was revealed to be alive… instead of turning to his original master, the one he had promised to dedicate himself to, he decided to stay with Darius, even with his son trying to convince him otherwise.

He had made his bed, and now, he would lie in it… for eternity.

“W-Wait! I-I promise to serve Princess Ariel just as it should be!” the moustached man said, scuttling back as I approached.

And not only that… aside from Darius, he was the most dangerous to Ariel’s cause.

He was extremely ambitious, so if we decided to depose him from his place as the head of the Notos family and spare his life, he would surely use any means possible to crawl back up the political ladder.

And then there was his hatred of my family thanks to Paul and the threat my brothers and sisters were to him… well, it was better to not leave things open.

“Leon! Listen! I-I will stop-”

Luke’s words were cut off as I slashed outward, his sword that was about to be drawn to defend his father shattering into shards of metal as the wave of touki continued, slicing through Pilemon’s neck a moment later.

And so, like that, my soon-to-be wife’s enemies were all destroyed, marking an end to the purge of corrupt nobility, the floor stained red from the blood as the scent of copper hovered in the room like a sickening haze.

As if on queue, which it probably was due to one of his familiars checking in on us, Perugius chose that moment to arrive, a flash of light from the end of the hall lighting up the room as he stepped forth.

“Hmph. Quite a violent affair,” he said, surveying the room. “However… that doesn’t make it any less satisfying.”

He was smiling.

Creepy… I guess he really hated the Asuran nobility, huh?

Well, at least that was one thing we agreed upon.

“Then… for those gathered here, listen well. With my title of ‘King’, I, Perugius Dola, the Armoured Dragon King and one of the seven great heroes, place my faith in Ariel Anemoi Asura to lead this kingdom to new heights,” he stated, his words reverberating throughout the hall. “Now… I believe that I deserve some accommodations, no?”

While Perugius began to talk to Ariel and Sylphy, I walked past the despondent Luke, deciding to ignore him as I went over to Isolte.

I felt bad for the guy. I truly did.

After all, I had a father too.

But… well, I had already accepted I was selfish, so for the sake of my family’s safety, I would do anything, even if it hurt others.

Perhaps I could have offered some words of comfort or apology, but… I didn’t think he would appreciate that very much, considering it was me who ended him.

Besides, there was a woman heading his way. 

The woman being one Tristina Purplehorse, if my memory serves me right.

I guess Luke made a friend during his week at his father’s.

Or perhaps… a bit more than a friend.

This was Luke we were talking about, after all.

“Isolte… I’m sorry it had to be this way,” I said to the girl who was kneeled next to the Water God’s corpse.

“No… it’s alright. Grandmother had already told me to expect this when coming here,” she said, looking up at me with a strained smile. “But still… to think you could beat her… I suppose Eris’ praises weren’t empty.”


At this point, I could call myself an Elemental God, right?

Yeah… that sounded pretty good.

But more importantly…

“Did she… teach you the arts?” I asked. 

“Yes, though I still have a long way to go before mastering them,” she said, turning back to her grandmother. “But she did leave me as her successor to the Water God style… though I am unsure if I fit that position just yet.”

“Good… well, if you need help… you can spar if you would like. Though I suppose there are other Water Emperors to help you,” I said.

“Mmm… I appreciate that,” she said with some tears in her eyes.

This… was a bit of an awkward situation.

Averting my eyes, I noticed that the rest of the nobles were kneeling in reverence as Ariel and Perugius talked, seemingly swearing allegiance to the one who would be their new queen while also respecting the great hero of the past.

Well… at least now… everything was finished.

Yeah… that was good.

I was damn tired from all the stress.

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