Leon Greyrat: The Second Son – Mushoku Tensei OC

Chapter 93 – Wedding Ceremony

— Leon Greyrat —

A few days had passed since Eris returned home, and in that time, she had settled in quite easily, with the only large difference being the added portion to our meals.

A strong swordswoman like her needed a large meal, after all, especially with her boundless stamina.

Yeah… boundless stamina… recently, I had been reminded just how boundless that stamina was… but anyway!

It was nice to be back with her again, and I had found someone to join me in morning training, which often devolved into some erotic activities afterwards once we washed off in the bath… but I wasn’t complaining.

Far from it.

Anyway, just like I had promised, I quickly got everything prepared for our marriage ceremony.

It wasn’t anything big. Only a small party at our house with our family and close friends where I would be able to show off my three beautiful ladies and ensure that the world knew they were mine.

Honestly… I knew that this ceremony wasn’t really needed, considering how we already lived together and were more than comfortable, but I wanted to do it anyway.

After all, with so many people in our lives all doing different things, it was good to get together for a day, even if it was a rare occasion.

Plus… I wanted to truly call all three of them my wives, without any room for doubt.

Anyway… the day after Eris arrived in Sharia, I was pleased to see that she had gone to meet her parents, the three of them sharing a heartwarming meeting while I was busy with Ariel.

Eris was a… little sad about her grandfather staying back, as well as how Ghislaine had left for her homeland, but considering that Big Sis would be returning in about half a year by now, and we would eventually be invading the Asura Kingdom where Sauros was, it was only a matter of time before we met them both.


“Err, while this isn’t a marriage seen under the Millis Church, I do believe there are still some passages that can be said here,” Cliff said, adjusting his collar as he looked between the four of us with a difficult expression.

Considering that none of us were followers of the Millis religion, not to mention how I quite hated the Millis Church, I didn’t ask Cliff to proctor our marriage… but still, he insisted.

Well, it was a nice gesture from him, and I’ve known him long enough to know that I didn’t have to worry about him trying to push his religion onto us.

After all, he was much too focused on trying to free Lina from her curse to worry about spreading his faith.

So, I accepted.

“Ahem! So… Sylphiette, Roxy Migurdia, and Eris… Greyrat… do you three swear to take the name Greyrat and love Leon Greyrat, and only him, so long as you both live?” he said.

Well… Eris already bore the last name of ‘Greyrat’, but I think everyone understood what Cliff meant.

“I do,” Sylphy spoke resolutely.

“That’s obvious,” Eris said, nodding.

“Y-Yeah… I swear,” Roxy added, averting her eyes from me.

The three of them were clad in the dresses that I had gotten them back in Begaritt, giving me a very intoxicating sight that would surely be seared into my memory from today onward.

Especially with the way Eris’ breasts pushed against the fabric… the way Sylphy’s dress tightly wrapped around her due to her enlarged belly, defining her figure… how Roxy had decided to give me the precious view of her hair done up in a bun… it was all very tantalizing indeed.

And hearing such a thing from three beautiful ladies that had cemented themselves in my heart… well, while I still was concerned with anything Millis-inspired, for a small ceremony like this, I suppose that religion did have its good sides.

Plus, Mama seemed awfully happy about seeing such a thing, and it was quite a romantic scene that my sisters were both beaming at… so I think I made the right choice here.

“And you, Leon Greyrat… do you promise to love Sylphiette, Roxy, and Eris Greyrat, and only her- ah, them, so long as you all live?” he said, having turned to me.

It seems he got lost in the usual script a bit, not that I could blame him.

Right, now it was my turn.

But just saying ‘I do’?

Well… these three definitely deserved more than that.

“I swear,” I said, my eyes meeting each of theirs. “For now and always… I’ll make everything they dream of come true.”

It seems my added words had an effect, as the three of their cheeks lit up in a blush.

What a nice sight.

But Eris… well, her eyes turned a bit dangerous as well.

I mean, I already expected something like that, but I thought our activities from last night would have calmed down some of her horniness.

I guess she truly was a Greyrat, huh?

“Then… the groom may now place the necklace on his brides,” Cliff said.

There was no Necklace of Millis, which was the usual tradition, for obvious reasons, but to commemorate our marriage, I decided to get all three of them a necklace with gems of their natural colours, them being blue, red, and green.

This would be able to act as a replacement for our rings, changing us from being ‘promised’ to ‘married’.

Of course, I doubted they would do such a thing, but Eris might find it useful as her ring might get in the way of wielding a sword.

So, following Cliff’s words, I placed the necklace on each of them, letting my hands brush their hair behind their necks as I did so.

“And now, the brides may give their grooms a promissory kiss,” Cliff said, bowing his head.

Yes… there was this part of the ceremony too, based on the life of Saint Millis, or rather, what he and his partner did before he left to fight some battle.

Bowing my head, I felt Sylphy come up to peck my forehead, and bowing a little lower, I felt Roxy do the same.

And then, turning over to Eris, I felt her hand go under my chin instead, tilting my face upward.

“Fuck that,” she said before capturing my lips with her own, pulling me closer as my hands unconsciously went down to her waist.

Oh, wait. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go.

Quickly pulling away before I ended up groping her in front of our family, I was met with the sight of Eris’ face set in a self-satisfied grin as both Roxy and Sylphy looked on in a mix of exasperation and jealously.

…It was meant to be an innocent kiss on the forehead, but it seemed Eris wasn’t satisfied with such a thing.

Not that I minded, of course.

“Uhh… G-God in heaven, hear my plea! Grant these four the gift of everlasting love and happiness!” Cliff said, quickly moving on from the display.

And with that, the small ceremony was concluded, and I officially became the husband of the three women I would now call my wives, signified by the gathered group’s applause.

“Eris Greyrat… Roxy Greyrat… and Sylphiette Greyrat…” I said, pulling all three of them closer to me. “That sounds quite nice.”

“Y-Yeah… it does,” Roxy said, burying her face in my chest.

“Mmm… I know nothing has really changed, but it makes my heart beat a little faster now that I know it’s official,” Sylphy murmured. “Sylphiette Greyrat… fufufu!”

Well, at least she seemed happy.

And as for Eris…

“Hey,” she said, narrowing her eyes at me. “You won’t be so busy now, right? I want to start contributing to the family in earnest now.”

I already know what she meant, and those words filled me with a mix of anticipation and fear.

After all, if last night wasn’t earnestly contributing… what did that even look like?

I had a feeling that I would soon find out.

— Leon Greyrat —

A few weeks had passed since I officially became a married man, and with the first week of the tenth month passing by, it meant only one thing…

“Happy birthday!”

The birthday of my two sisters, of course.

Their tenth birthday, to be more specific.

This was the usual age where children would begin to branch out into their chosen profession by either going to school or apprenticing under a craftsman.

Of course, that didn’t really matter with these two since they were both in school, and Aisha already had a job under Ariel, but it was still an important date to celebrate nonetheless.

Hence, the little party that we had put together.

Since our house was so large, we decided to hold it here, with our whole family gathering along with some of Norn’s friends, three of them being from the university, along with Nico from the orphanage.

Those two… well, like Clara and I had agreed before, we wouldn’t push anything, but that didn’t mean I wouldn’t tease her relentlessly if I saw anything happen.

It was a brother’s duty, after all.

And of course, I would also punish Nico if he decided to hurt her, but with Norn now training with me three times a week in my advanced swordsmanship class, I knew that she didn’t need any help.

As for Aisha, she… didn’t really have many friends, but she was quite close with Ariel, so that would suffice for now.

“So? What’d you get them?” Eris asked, walking over to stand beside me.

“Just something small,” I said, shrugging as I placed an arm across her shoulder.

“Small?” she asked, raising an eyebrow in question.

“Yeah,” I sighed. “They both came up to me a week ago and told me not to get anything big, or they would be mad.”

According to Mama, my original idea constituted as ‘too big’, so I had to settle with getting them each a new coat instead.

At least they looked cute in them, and from their happy smiles, they were happy, so I think that I had chosen quite well.

“What about you?” I asked.

“Hm? I got Norn some new boots that would be good for fighting in, and a new bra for Aisha,” she said before tilting her head in confusion. “Though I still don’t know why she asked for my opinion…”

“Oh… I see,” I said.

I guess Aisha was getting to that age, after all.

Well, my sisters had my mothers and my wives to go to for womanly matters, so there was no need for me to worry or think about those things.

Feeling Eris begin to restlessly tap her foot against the floor, I pulled her closer to me, wrapping my arms around her midsection as I rested my head on her shoulder.

“Just trust me… okay?” I said, squeezing her a bit.

“F-Fine… but I hate not training,” she said, crossing her arms. “I’ve been away for so long just to get stronger, so it feels… wrong, to stop now.”

“You won’t get any weaker, I promise,” I said. “Well… if all goes well, you will for a while… but afterwards, you’ll be right back into top form.”

“…Really?” she asked, her voice leaking some vulnerability.

“Really. So just trust me, okay?” I said, kissing her cheek.

She just huffed in response, leaning back into my chest a bit more.

Eris seemed really eager to have a baby, so much so that she had taken me to bed every night to milk me for all I was worth.

I liked it, of course, but that wasn’t the problem here.

We would do it every night, and every morning, Eris would wake up with me to do morning training, but not before asking me to check if she was pregnant.

But despite our efforts… she still hadn’t had any luck.

Not for the past month.

So, having asked Lilia, Mama, Lina, and a few of my fellow teachers, I learned that her intense physical activities every single day from training could be the issue.

Thus, I asked her to stop it for a bit.

Hopefully she would get pregnant soon, because my Eris really hated not training, and she was quick to show her irritation and frustration.

My gaze then drifted over to Sylphy, who was currently talking animatedly with Mama, Lilia, and Roxy as she rubbed her hand against her even larger belly.

Yeah… and that would be happening soon too, huh?

It had been nine months since she got pregnant, so I wonder… soon enough, would I be seeing a little Laws, or a little Anna?

I was excited to find out.

— Leon Greyrat —

“One last push, Sylphy!” Roxy encouraged from the side.

“G-Got it!” she shouted in response, tightening her grip on my hand as she bit down on the cloth with a muffled scream.

And then… I heard the familiar, comforting sound.

“Aangh!” my new youngest child wailed.

“Well done, Sylphy,” Lilia said, washing off the baby as she looked over to me. “Leon? I need you to cut the umbilical cord.”

Nodding my head, I slowly unclasped Sylphy’s hand before sliding down the bed next to Lilia as Roxy took over the healing.

“It seems you attract girls in more than one way, Leon,” Lilia teased, handing the still-wailing bundle of joy over to me. “The nights are getting colder, so be sure to keep her warm.”

It was a girl… my little girl… a second one…

Looking down at the baby in my arms, I cut and cauterized the cord with ease as I pulled her to my chest.

She had a cute, pudgy face, just like most babies did, with little elf ears and a head of short, patchy brown hair.

I felt the heat of emotion rise within me once again, the exact same feeling I felt when I first held Aria in my arms.

Good… as I thought, this feeling would always be special.

I mean, how could it not be?

These were the first breaths, the first cries, and the first time I was able to hold and see my precious daughter.

If that wasn’t something special, then nothing could be.

“Welcome to the world, Anna,” I said, wiping her down with a wet cloth Mama had passed to me.

Doing as Lilia had said, I cuddled her closer to my chest, keeping her warm as I slid back up the bed to sit next to Sylphy, who had calmed her breathing as she looked over at our baby.

“She… has brown hair… like my mother…” she said between laboured breaths, her lips curling into a soft smile as her hand gently drifted over Anna’s head. “Thank god…”

She was worried about the green hair still, huh?

I… suppose it was a good thing.

Not because I cared about my child having green hair, of course, but rather the feelings of guilt I knew that Sylphy would carry should that ever happen.

There was also the discrimination that might occur, but… well, they would have to be some very stupid people to bully my child for their hair colour.

“It… really is small, huh?” Eris said, leaning over my shoulder to look at the new member of the family. 

“She is,” I agreed. “But just think… Anna here can become a magician, a swordswoman, a merchant, a doctor… she can grow to do any of those things, and we’ll be here to watch and help every step of the way.”

And wasn’t that the most amazing thing in the world?

Eris nodded her head as her finger extended to gently poke Anna’s soft cheek.

“Yeah… I’ll be sure to help,” she said in amazement. “I’ll make her the strongest swordswoman in the world.”

That’s my Eris.

“O-Only if she wants, right?” Sylphy asked, looking over at Eris with a worried grin.

“…Maybe,” Eris answered. “Anyway, to do such a thing… that was quite amazing, Sylphy.”

“Ah, thank you, Eris,” she said. “But you’ll be doing the same thing soon, right?”

“Yeah… I will,” Eris answered.

With Roxy sliding next to Sylphy, I handed Anna over to her mother as I took over Roxy’s work, resuming healing any pains and aches I could as the four of us sat on the bed.

Well, the five of us now.

“Well… congratulations, you all,” Mama said, stretching her arms as she began to yawn. “Huam! Anyway… I’ve already told Roxy everything that you have to watch out for, so I think we’ll leave you guys to it.”

“Yeah… thanks, Mama,” I said. “And tell Father thanks for watching over Aria.”

“Oh, that idiot was more than happy to finally act as a respectable grandpa,” she said, fondly shaking her head.

Right… Paul was like that.

With the birth taking a quite a while and going long into the night, unlike with Aria, the whole family hadn’t gathered for the occasion. 

Instead, it was only Mama, Lilia, and Lina who had come over to help, with Lina leaving partway through due to exhaustion, as she was currently well into her pregnancy.

“Indeed,” Lilia agreed as she finished cleaning herself off. “But at least he is much better than before. Now, as Zenny had said, we’ll leave you four to celebrate together. Be ready for everyone to come visit tomorrow, though.”

“Yes… thank you, Zenith and Lilia, for helping me,” Sylphy said, smiling at the two. “And thank grandmother too.”

“Think nothing of it,” Lilia replied.

“Yeah, we’re family, right?” Mama said, leaning down to kiss Sylphy’s forehead. “So just call me ‘mother’, alright?”

“G-Got it,” Sylphy returned.

And with that, our family of five became six, as Anna Greyrat came into the world.

I wonder what she would grow up to become, who she would come to love, and what her personality would be… and I was more than excited to see it all happen.

And looking down at her pudgy little face, so full of innocence and childish charm, I once again promised myself to protect this beautiful daughter of mine against anything that dared tried to hurt her.

Orsted… our meeting couldn’t come sooner.

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