Let you condolences to the task force, have you solved the case?

Page 16

Shen Bugang originally had some opinions on Su Mu, but when he saw him today, he couldn't help sighing secretly, this kid is really capable!

Su Mu just smiled lightly. He has all the knowledge of firearms, and he can see that these waste products can be assembled into guns, but they are just pediatrics!

Shen Bugang took out his mobile phone and began to report to Fang Haotian.

And Tan Li immediately began to interrogate the two criminals.

Now that guns have come to Jiangbin City, there must be buyers. If these buyers are not caught, the danger will still exist!

He wants to find out the buyer immediately!

Chapter 22

While Su Mu seized the guns, Fang Haotian, the command center of the Municipal Bureau, and Zheng Kai, the political commissar, were sitting on pins and needles.

All the teams have been in place for hours and have found nothing, nothing has been found.

This made Fang Haotian very anxious. The impact of firearms is too great. If it really flows into Jiangbin City and a major crime occurs, his position as the director will come to an end.

He walked back and forth anxiously with the police pass in his hand, as soon as the police pass made a slight noise, he immediately picked it up and looked at it.

At this time, he received a call from a leader of the municipal government.

The leader was the result of the inquiry, so Fang Haotian had no choice but to tell the truth, but there was no result yet.

When the leader heard this, his tone suddenly became severe. He told Fang Haotian that if the batch of firearms could not be stopped, the municipal party committee and municipal government would deal with the relevant persons seriously.

Fang Haotian had never seen the harsh tone of the leader.

He didn't dare to argue with the leader, so he had to bite the bullet and issue a military order: "Don't worry, leader, I will definitely stop these guns. If I fail, I am willing to resign as the director!"

The leader didn't continue to reprimand, and hung up the phone directly.

Fang Haotian put away the police pass, and said to his subordinates with a cold face: "The leader called and asked us to seize these guns, so we must have something today!"

Zheng Kai and the others frowned when they heard this.

Must have results?Who dares to say that there will be a result in solving the case? !

But when the leader speaks, they dare not not listen, and of course they dare not argue, so they can only continue to strengthen their efforts.

"Cancel the leave of everyone in the city bureau. As long as there is no problem with your health, you can give it to me, and strengthen the investigation and scope!"

Finally, Fang Haotian ordered in a cold voice.

The director of the command center immediately followed Fang Haotian's instructions and was about to notify.

At this time, the phone rang suddenly and quickly, and the director immediately picked up the phone: "This is Jiangbin Municipal Bureau..."

Before he finished speaking, Shen Bugang's voice sounded anxiously: "Director Zhang, is Bureau Fang in the command center? I didn't get through to the police."

Director Zhang said: "Just now, Fang Bureau received a call from the city leader. The line may be busy. Did Teacher Shen find out?"

Director Zhang just asked casually. The other groups had called before, but they were asking when the operation would end.

So he thought that Shen Bu had just called to ask about the end time of the operation.

Unexpectedly, Shen Bugang shouted excitedly: "Director Zhang, tell Fang Ju that we have intercepted a batch of firearms, and now the two criminals are under control, and they are asking for the information of the criminals who bought the firearms!"

Director Zhang couldn't believe his ears when he heard it, and stammered, "Jiao Shen, what did you say? You... repeat it again!"

It's no wonder Director Zhang asked for confirmation again, after all, this operation involved too much, if he got it wrong, it would be bad.

"Director Zhang, I said that we have intercepted a batch of firearms, and the two criminals have been captured..."

Shen Bugang told the story word by word this time.

It was only then that Director Zhang was sure that he had heard correctly. Once he realized that Shen Bugang and others had intercepted the firearm, his voice trembled.

"Shen Jiao, I'll tell Bureau Fang right away, don't hang up the phone!"

When Director Zhang and Shen Bugang were talking, Fang Haotian and others heard something different and surrounded them one after another.

Director Zhang held the phone in both hands, and the excited Fang Haotian said: "Fang Ju, Shen Bugang from Chengnan Office called, and he said they had seized a batch of firearms!"


Fang Haotian hummed and answered the phone calmly.

Everyone saw that although his expression was calm and calm, the hand that answered the phone was visibly shaking.

Zheng Kai and the others looked at each other, how excited they were, their hands were shaking like this!

Rao Fang Haotian lost his composure in excitement, but none of Zheng Kai and others laughed in their hearts. After all, this matter involved too much, and no one could keep calm.

"Is Shen Bugang the instructor? I'm Fang Haotian, please report your actions!"

Fang Haotian listened to Shen Bugang's report on the other end of the phone, his brows tightened and loosened suddenly, as if he was going through an action.

Two minutes later, Fang Haotian said in a deep voice, "I'll be right there!"

With that said, he hung up the phone.

He turned his head to look at Zheng Kai and the others, and said in a deep voice: "Shen Bugang's team has indeed intercepted a batch of firearms, and the number is huge. Let's go to the scene immediately!"

"it is good!"

When everyone heard this, they were all very excited. The action finally paid off, and if they didn't find out, they would have to be suffocated to death.

They immediately followed Fang Hao into the car and went straight to the Hongta bayonet.

In the car, Fang Haotian told Zheng Kai and others how the firearms were seized.

When everyone heard that Su Mu used "waste products" to assemble a submachine gun to see through the criminal's tricks, they couldn't help but exclaim.

Deputy director Zhao Qiang patted his thigh: "I knew this kid was capable at the beginning, but I didn't expect to be so capable!"

Zhao Qiang and Su Mu had cooperated when the three girls were murdered. At that time, Zhao Qiang looked at Su Mu differently.

Now hearing that Su Mu can assemble real guns out of fake waste products, I can't help being excited and admiring!

Zheng Kai said: "Su Mu? Is it the Su Mu of the Chengnan Police Department who solved three major cases once he joined the police?"

During this period of time, Zheng Kai has been studying in other places, and he heard some people talking about it when he came back, so he has some impressions.

"It's him!" Fang Haotian nodded.

Zheng Kai couldn't help being surprised and said: "This is a talent, Fang Ju, it seems that we have picked up a treasure!"

All the leaders nodded, but Fang Ju looked at the front with deep eyes: "Let's see again, whether a comrade can be cultivated depends not only on ability!"

Of course everyone understands Fang Haotian's meaning, this depends on the overall quality!

While speaking, a group of people arrived at the scene. Fang Hao got out of the car and saw two criminals handcuffed in the police car.

Shen Bugang and Tan Li are interrogating.

And there were several policemen standing beside the car, including the tall and handsome Su Mu.

Fang Haotian strode over and shook hands with Su Mu first. He had met Su Mu before, so he knew him.

After shaking hands, Fang Haotian patted Su Mu on the shoulder again: "Thank you!"

Although he only said three words, Fang Haotian's admiration for Su Mu was clear at a glance.

This made everyone envious. Fang Haotian was usually known for his sternness, and he had never seen such admiration for a person!

Zheng Kai also shook hands with Su Mu, and said with a smile: "It was indeed wrong to ask you to do personnel affairs at the beginning, and almost buried a detective!"

Su Mu was initially assigned to the political office, but later, because he solved a major case, Xiao Yang cherished other talents and immediately reported to Fang Haotian, thus digging into the Chengnan Office.

Zheng Kai, the political commissar, knew all about it.

"The political commissar is overrated, it's all the result of the cooperation of colleagues!"

Su Mu smiled modestly.

When he said this, the colleagues next to him were very happy.

Zheng Kai took a deep look at Su Mu in surprise, admiring it in his heart.

In fact, Su Mu didn't mean to pass the credit to other people by doing this. He knew that after solving the case, Fang Haotian and Zheng Kai would definitely know the truth through multiple channels.

That being the case, why not praise your colleagues and let the leader know that you are not arrogant, wouldn't it kill two birds with one stone!

Sure enough, Su Mu got the effect he wanted, Zheng Kai admired himself, and his colleagues thanked him!

After Fang Haotian arrived at the scene, he immediately interrogated the two criminals who sold guns in person.

He is an old criminal policeman, and he is skilled in interrogation.

Because the director personally interrogated, the pressure on the two criminals increased sharply, and they were defeated after a while, and both spit out.

According to the confessions of the two, their firearms were all made by themselves. Although the power is not as powerful as the real guns, they are also extremely lethal.

This time they will sell the finished firearms to a man named Ah Chun in Jiangbin City.

However, they had never met Ah Chun, and they had been in contact by phone. Before coming, they had made good contact with Ah Chun, and the two parties were trading at Jiangse Hotel.

The specific location of the transaction is Room 3021 on the third floor of Jiangse Hotel.

Once Fang Haotian made the criminal spit, he didn't send troops from other places.

He said to Shen Bugang, Tan Li and others: "You follow me to arrest people!"

With the specific location of the criminal's transaction, there is no need to hide it, and the guns intercepted here may already be known by Ah Chun.

So at this time, soldiers are expensive and fast!

Su Mu's group and the people brought by Fang Haotian joined together and went straight to Jiangse Hotel in Jiangbin City.


Jiangse Hotel is located on the bustling Tongjiang Avenue in Jiangbin City, surrounded by crowded merchants.

After discussing with the others, Haotian above the car initially drew up an arrest plan.

Tan Li disguised himself as the two arrested criminal companions, and went to check the room first, while Shen Bugang and others prepared on the periphery.

Once received Tan Li's signal, immediately rushed in to arrest people.

In order to avoid the temporary betrayal of the two criminals, Fang Haotian personally analyzed the pros and cons and asked them to cooperate with the police.

The two criminals also understood that the only way out was to cooperate with the police, so they agreed on the spot.

After Tan Li changed into casual clothes and changed his appearance, he walked into Jiangse Hotel with the two criminals.

After they entered, Su Mu followed Shen Bugang and others in casual clothes, entered the hotel lobby without showing any trace, and prepared to arrest them.

Time passed slowly, and while everyone was waiting anxiously, Tan Li left and returned with the two criminals.

"what happened?"

Shen Bugang realized that the situation might have changed, otherwise Tan Li would not have come out so directly.

After Tan Li went downstairs, he winked at Shen Bugang, and both of them left Jiangse Hotel in a tacit understanding.

As soon as he went out of the gate, seeing that no one was paying attention, Shen Bugang immediately asked.

Sure enough, Tan Li gave a wry smile: "There is no one in the room, the building has already been empty, and we called each other's mobile phone, but no one answered!"

Action failed? !

Everyone's heart is tight.

Chapter 23 Director's Attitude, Deputy Director's Thoughts

Once everyone realized that the operation had failed, they were all shocked.

If this operation fails, it is hard to guarantee that Ah Chun will not buy firearms through other channels, and the social danger is still huge.

When Fang Haotian and others heard that there was no one in the room, their brows were also furrowed.

"Have all the teams withdraw to the meeting room of the Municipal Bureau, and we will study the next arrest plan."

Fang Haotian ordered.

The director of the command center immediately asked someone to call and asked all the teams to temporarily withdraw to the city bureau.

In this operation, although Ah Chun, who bought the firearms, was not captured, the firearms were seized. Even if Ah Chun buys again, there will always be a time lag in between.

As long as you catch Ah Chun within this time difference, it's not too late!

So the most important thing right now is to catch Ah Chun as soon as possible.

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