Let you fight monsters, and you wake up Gatanjie?

Chapter 14 Energy Transmission

Although the powerful claw form of the Ring Arm works wonders against Gatanje'e's tentacles, these tentacles are of no use to Gatanje'e.

Each tentacle was broken under Chen Yu's vigorous attack, but a steady stream of tentacles came from the bottom of the sea.

In the lobby of the Victory Team headquarters, everyone felt relatively relieved when they saw that Ultraman had finally caused a substantial attack on Gatanjie.

As long as you can deal damage, you have a chance to eliminate the opponent!

However, as time passed bit by bit, everyone discovered that the number of Gatanjie's tentacles had not decreased at all. They seemed to be able to be reborn continuously, jumping out again after falling into the seabed.

"This is not the way to go." Zongfang looked solemnly, looking at the battle scene on the screen and said, "Based on Ultraman Tiga's past battles, Ultraman's physical strength is limited. If he cannot fight in a short period of time, Kill Gatanjie, and his strength will be drained by these tentacles.”

"Ultraman's energy should be linked to his physical strength." Ye Rui analyzed, "If the energy remains sufficient, Ultraman's physical strength may be able to be maintained longer."

"It would be great if Tiga was here. It might be easier for the two Ultramen to deal with this guy together." Xincheng sighed and looked at the door of the hall.

After a battle, Chen Yu discovered that there was indeed no time limit on the time he could move after his transformation, or that the time limit was related to his own energy consumption.

Only when the energy is exhausted will the transformation state be forcibly released. Of course, there are also cases where the body is broken up, which is another story.

In a war of attrition with Gatanjie, Chen Yu also felt that the opponent was relying on his tentacles for free, high defense, and wanted to wear him to death.

Now that he knows the other party's intentions, Chen Yu will naturally not be fooled.

Immediately retreating a distance, Chen Yu changed his form and turned into a silver-purple aerial form.

Then the powerful claw mode of the ring arm in his hand also switched to the sky bow mode.

With a swish sound, Chen Yu took off into the air and flew to the sea.

Gatanjie's tentacles suddenly lost their target, and all their attacks failed.

The upside-down head saw Chen Yu in the sky. Gatanjie let out an angry roar, shook his body, and set off huge waves.

However, these waves that were stirred up could not attack Chen Yu at all. After all, no matter how big the waves were, they could not roll up the clouds in the sky.

"It's really difficult to defeat Gatanjie by myself, but it's relatively easy to hold this guy back from releasing the black mist."

In the sky, Chen Yu finally reacted.

The reason why I came to deal with Gatanjie was not to eliminate it alone, but to delay time, prevent it from releasing the black mist, and buy time for Masaki Keigo to make a light energy transmitter.

As for why Chen Yu didn't go straight to deliver energy to Diga, it was because energy was limited.

If he went to deliver energy, the next outcome would be that he and Tiga would both have a red light after releasing a special kill against Gatanjie, but Gatanjie did not suffer any damage due to his own defense.

Eventually he was killed.

Using Masaki Keigo's light energy conveyor to revive Tiga is the best choice.

Floating quietly on the sea, Chen Yu used the sky bow to release small light arrows from time to time to attack Gatanjie's head and harass him.

Although the small light arrows were not painful or itchy on the body, Gatanjie became angry after being shot too many times.

Tentacles were seen emerging from the sea, rushing straight into the sky, and attacking Chen Yu's position.

Although he didn't expect Gatanjie's tentacles to be so long, Chen Yu relied on his aerial speed to easily avoid the attacks of these tentacles.

Everyone in the victory team watching this battle was sweating for Chen Yu. They didn't expect that even if he flew into the sky, Gatanjie could still stretch out his tentacles to attack.

"Ultraman's purple form is extremely fast. According to analysis, flying does not consume much energy for Ultraman. He can use his speed advantage to delay time for us."

Ye Rui spoke up and told the reason why Chen Yu transformed into the air type again.

After hearing this, everyone nodded.

As long as time can be delayed, Masaki Keigo will have more time to make the props for reviving Tiga.

Time passed bit by bit, and although the screen kept showing Chen Yu dodging Gatanjie's attacks, the solemn expressions on everyone's faces never disappeared.

Until the door of the victory team hall opened, Masaki Keigo, who was originally wearing a suit and ties, was now shirtless and covered in sweat.

He panted and said with a smile: "It's been built!"

"Although the Mags power system has not been perfected yet, thanks to Mr. Masaki's efforts, the energy connection has been completed and it is now ready for use!"

Dr. Yatsuo also said with a smile on his face.

But soon, the smile on Masaki Keigo's face gradually disappeared when he noticed the screen in the lobby, and was replaced by a look of confusion.

"Tiga has revived?" This was Masaki Keigo's first reaction, "No, this is not Tiga!"

"That's Chen Yu." Hui Jian explained, "After you went to the laboratory, he went to fight Gatanjie in order to prevent Gatanjie from releasing the black mist."

Chen Yu, you don’t need to guess Masaki Keigo to know that he is the guy who released the Dark Dominator!

After learning that the Ultraman who looked like Tiga on the screen was Chen Yu, Masaki Keigo had a lot to say, but he held it back in a complicated mood.

For example, why Chen Yu is Ultraman, and why Chen Yu didn't turn around and take action when the Kirialodians appeared, but instead released Gatanjie...

Especially the fact that Chen Yu can also become a giant of light makes Masaki Keigo even more angry.

In the laboratory, Masaki Keigo has watched the video of Tiga's first resurrection, and discovered that Tiga was revived by Dagu, a member of the victory team.

There are already two people in front of him who can become giants of light. Why didn't the light choose such an outstanding person?

"Mr. Masaki, are you okay?" Dr. Yatsuo asked Masaki Keigo when he saw that his expression was not right.

"It's okay." Masaki Keigo shook his head, "I just feel that God is a little unfair... Without further ado, let's send light energy to Diga first."

The entire TPC became active after Masaki Keigo's optical energy transmitter was completed.

First, under the escort of various armored vehicles, the light energy transport device was sent to the place where Tiga fell.

Then the members of the victory team held anti-matter wave guns and cleared the nearby black fog.

A transport vehicle carried the light energy transmission device to Tiga's timer, and aimed the light emission port at Tiga's timer.

After clearing the black fog, everyone in the victory team stood next to the light energy transmission device, quietly waiting for the miracle to happen.

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