Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 50

21 Great power

It has been a few months since the work started, but the development of the newly pioneered village is ending. For untouched fields, the residents will be plowed. Eventually it will be theirs, and there should be no complaints.

The only problem that needs to be solved when asking residents of the devastated villages to relocate is to convince the neighboring lords.

There are many ways to threaten against the background of armed forces, cry to His Majesty the King, etc., but there are many ways that can be broken in an instant, but I want to make it as comfortable as possible.

The villagers tried to pirate themselves because they were unable to get help even if their lives were distressed by monster damage. I don’t think we can get out strongly if we take care of the lack of management around here.

The village is probably less important, because it only makes it go away. It’s not a bad story for both sides, as they will collect the deficit villages for a few years or a few decades if bad. I think.

It is me and Patrick who go to talk. Whenever I go somewhere for work, he wants to come with him.

Alright, Patrick! It’s not a date!

“I can’t take my eyes off you.”

“Are you nailed me?”

“I don’t know what to do.”

When I thought of a charming girl and a passionate youth, I was talking about a delinquent girl and a probation officer. I don’t want it to be as bad as a prisoner and guard.

I knew before long that the lord I would meet was Viscount Cotnes, a general local nobleman.

Preliminary investigations have revealed that the Viscount is an extremist Onito.

The cotton cultivation that was started several years ago has been successful, and it seems to be a wealthy person for a local Viscount. Do commercial crops make money?

Viscount Cotnes, who sought more power, used the money he had made to approach the Duke and his delightful companions. I don’t understand.

It’s not as bad as going back to the royal capital like my parents, but it’s definitely an ambitious person. The Viscount may ask for something, so the negotiations must be tight.

Patrick and I came to the city that is the center of the Viscount, one smaller than ours. Of course, the date and time of the visit are given in advance. It is impossible for nobles to suddenly rush like a little lady.

“It’s been a long time, Viscount Cotness”

“I have been waiting for you”

Waiting for us was a forty slender uncle, who was so thin that he could be blown away by the wind. Since he only gave a greeting once when he became lord, he felt almost face-to-face.

The Viscount who welcomes me seems to be glad though he only says that he will go there for an important consultation.

The drawing room of the mansion was narrowly lined with paintings and ornamental armor along the walls. I looked around in the over-decorated room and started drinking just a sip of the tea served.

“I came here today–”

“Yes, I know. That rumor was true.”

I thought it was natural that I was providing food to the village without permission. However, he does not seem to be talking about the village. Because I’m glad for some reason.

The Viscount continues with a grin and a fearless smile.

“If Count Dorknes were to belong to the Duke, the plan would be more solid.”

I haven’t changed to a duke. What is your plan? He tries to ask, but is stopped by Patrick’s side.

A strange voice was about to come out. He turns his eyes only on him, but he says without hesitation. Really huh.

“I came to hear about the plan. I couldn’t go to the royal capital for a while because of the circumstances, the letter could be seen by others. I would like to give you the details of the plan.”

“……do not know anything?”

Patrick tried to hear about the Duke’s plans, but seemed suspicious that the Viscount didn’t know anything. Patrick is more bluffing.

“I know the outline. Even just telling me it was hard work in the royal capital.”

“Oh, Patrick’s home is-”

“Yes, I’m from a remote frontier, so it’s natural to be wary.”

“Because Hakurakuhaku hates Remrest, it’s famous.”

Wow, even the name of neighboring country Remrest came out. Absolutely dangerous, I want to return to what I did not hear.

Also, the one who dislikes the extreme Laemrest is not the frontier, but his wife. I don’t care now.

The Viscount takes his guard off and talks with Berbera Patrick was talking well.

“Actually, I don’t know the details. I’ve heard that with the help of neighboring countries, the monarchy will be wiped out, but the support has been refreshed.”

“I see, we’re not the only ones who didn’t tell me.”

“Yes, because the Duke himself is moving.”

In any case, the inexperienced people are just running out of control. I was surprised to hear the story while thinking so. I hear it back.

“Duke Hillrose, who is he?”

“Yes, the Duke was the one who talked to Remrest.”

Duke of Hillrose, the father of Eleanor and Ronald, who told the queen that she didn’t have to be vigilant, didn’t show up for extremist gatherings, and said she asked her daughter with a kind face .

From that information, I thought that the duke was not that bad guy. The conflict between the royal family and the duke was an old composition, and the duke of Hillrose may not have that much ambition.

However, if you believe in the story of Viscount Cotness, the Duke is trying to take control of a virtual enemy and take control of the country. It is an unmistakable coup and can be an irreversible selling act.

Anyway, he should withdraw while misunderstanding that we are the Duke. It’s almost impossible to hear useful information anymore, and when Patrick’s bluff falls off, things get confusing.

So I signal Patrick’s side. Howl, my index finger! Revenge as before!


“is there something wrong?”

“… No, anything. There is another requirement to come here today.”

Patrick, with a strange sound, glances with grudge and urges me to continue. I’m sorry I didn’t intend to do so strongly.

“I talk to me. A few months ago, I was attacked by a bandit in my territory.”

“That would be okay … if you were Earl Dorknes.”

“Yes, we had no injuries, but the bandits were like the cottage lords.”

“… it’s a pity to apologize.”

The Viscount says with a tough face. I wonder what kind of demands will be made as compensation.

If he is in this condition, the negotiations are likely to proceed easily. My only purpose is to allow the migration of villagers.

“They talked to them and found that their villages were devastated and their lives could not go on. Did you know that villages are shady and have low yields?”

“… yes, that’s right! Oh, that village, I’m just asking Roku for help without paying taxes. I’m in trouble with them. What kind of treatment do you want?”


Isn’t that cruel, too? Sometimes, as a lord, you have to see people as numbers. But wouldn’t it be terrible to just treat a village that is badly located and has no stains?

The impatient Viscount continued more quickly.

“Oh, but the fact that I was returning to the Earl-sama has reduced the number. As far as I am grateful …”

Patrick didn’t stop me from standing up. On the contrary, I was calm because I thought it would be stopped.

The first priority here is to pass this request. If you get angry with your emotions, nothing will solve the situation.

“You don’t think if you’re out of productive territories, so give me permission to move them to my territory.”

“Is immigration?”

Seeing me suddenly standing up, Viscount Cotnes is upset with black and white eyes. Let me acknowledge it and go home. I folded all over here.

“The Viscount is not sure how to handle the example village, I want manpower, the interests are in line.

◆ ◆ ◆

Viscount Kotness shook his head in response to my question. It was an immediate answer without asking what my territory would treat me.

On the way home, my goal was achieved, but I couldn’t say anything more. One of the causes was the Viscount’s attitude toward the territory, and one more thing to get caught.

“Hey Patrick, I was the last one, not like negotiating, you were threatening?”

“Well, why not just this time?”

“I got that much power.”

“Yes, it depends on Yumiera whether it can be used correctly.”

The Viscount consistently went bad and drank my request in two replies. It must be due to the power I got.

“Because I am an Earl and he is a Viscount”

The Viscount and Earl differ by only one rank, but the barrier separating the upper and lower nobles is great. Can I use the “power” that I unwillingly obtained, correctly?

Patrick said after a lot of silence.

“No, it doesn’t matter much.”

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