Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 52

23 Event suddenly

We left the royal city shortly after that and lived as usual in the territory. There is still no news that the Duke has done something.

That being said, I have a lot of duties as lord. In the case of the pioneer village, the resettlement of residents has been completed, and only the support has been continued and the fields have been plowed. At first I thought I could help, but both Patrick and the villagers stopped.

It’s a sign of our determination to do it ourselves. By no means is it miserable to leave it to me.

Now, in my office, I’m writing my address and signature on the envelope endlessly.

I don’t know what it’s used for, so ask Damon who has pushed the pile of envelopes.

“Hey, what is this an envelope?”

“That’s right … Did you tell me already?”

Damon glimpsed Patrick checking documents in the corner of the office.

Ah, I guess it’s an invitation to a “patrick level 99 congratulations party”. I thought about something because there were names of the frontier and the king.

The celebration of the example is going to be a surprise to the last minute. Don’t realize that he has a good intuition.

I shook my head and continued talking, pretending to be nothing.

“Oh, invitation. What’s the letter inside?”

“I will provide it. This is not a formal one, it is a notice that I will do it around winter. I only ask for the address and signature.”

It is more than six months ago, but there are many busy guests and do I need to be notified in advance? But it’s troublesome to write invitations for everyone. The letter hell came over and I was depressed.

Damon reports party preparations as remembered.

“The dress is coming soon. You have to try it on and then fix it.”

“Is it a white guy?”

“That’s right”

Should I really wear a white dress? It’s a level 99 celebration, but that’s not enough.

And if you’re preparing for a big party like this, but what if Patrick’s level doesn’t catch up? Even if he celebrates reaching level 99, he will be ashamed.

I couldn’t help but I wrote my name on the last envelope and got up fast.

“Damon, please do it later”


“Patrick! Let’s go to the dungeon!”

“… What happened suddenly?”

Five minutes later, at the front door of the mansion, I told him only the meeting and I ran out of my office. He will always be with you if you invite him halfway this way.

Forgive me this time, it’s also for you.

◆ ◆ ◆

Near the bottom of the dark dungeon, one of the landmarks of Dorknes, I was watching Patrick fight from the side.

Patrick said, dealing precisely with the monsters that appeared one after another.

“It’s unusual today, is it your opinion that dungeons are limited to one?”

“Well, sometimes not good, and I’m not disturbing Patrick.”

“It would be easier for Yumiera to participate in the race.”

“Well, that would be less efficient, wouldn’t it pull Patrick’s feet?”

In terms of efficiency, this dungeon is not very good. Since the monsters appearing are mostly dark, they are incompatible with Patrick’s magic of wind and earth.

But no matter how inefficient, dark dungeons come in handy just because they’re close.

There are other dungeon circumvention techniques, such as how many times the demon’s strength can be defeated, but that’s pointless to me. Soon Patrick will no longer need it.

With a sword as the main, magic walks through the dungeon with a step after Patrick, who fights as an aid only.

Well, is this one of the conditions of Yamato Nadeshiko, walking one step after a man?

He shook away from Patrick, avoiding a monster from behind. It feels like the depth of ooze has oozed out now.

Stand up a man and give away experience. Hey, isn’t it perfect?

Patrick, who turned around and defeated the monster I gave away, said with a short breath.

“Isn’t it nice that Yumiera has defeated me now?”

“Look at me, it’s so quiet and modest.”


For some reason he didn’t understand, but I will continue to do my best. Because it’s Yamato Nadeshiko!

Then, for a while, the monster was cut off just fine, and it was time to round it up, so we talked to Patrick.

“Isn’t it over soon?-I will fight on the way home.”

“Well, go home or give it before.”

He puts his sword in a sheath and removes a small black box from his bosom. That ’s… like you saw when you drank it last time?

Patrick opens the box in front of me and shows the contents.

The thing in the box is a ring. Silver ring with transparent gem.

Why a ring? When wondering, he took my left hand and put on the ring. Wow, beautiful.

“Yumiera, let’s get married”

“Eh, yeah.”

What is that?

“I’ll go back.”

Patrick goes on and on. Think alternately between his back and the ring on his ring finger.

Well, is it a proposal-like one right now?

In a hurry and chasing his back, somehow tears began to spill over and hit his back with the same momentum.

Patrick moaned, but stayed, pressing her face against her back and hiding her crying face. My words, as it were, were muffled.

“Hey, what’s the proposal now?”

“That’s right, always take advice that it’s good to be sudden in the street life.”

“Why, why now ?! More, like this, it was better to be romantic!”

“You’re going to mess with that kind of place.”

Well, there is a point. I wanted to argue, but I was half convinced.

But in a more decent place, in a decent sense … As various thoughts ran through my brain, he asked only one question.

“Well, why not get married?”

There is only one answer.

“… I’ll do it.”

Stop crying anymore. He blow his nose in his back and thought so.

There is a resting place just outside the dungeon. I made it many years ago, when I was here.

Sitting side by side with a log that ended up just cutting the surface in an attempt to make it look like a bench.

I was looking at the ring shining on the ring finger while speaking silently.

Suddenly, I am worried about the name.

“Is this a wedding ring?”

“It’s an engagement ring, and those who exchange wedding rings at weddings.”

There are two types. Is it a custom unique to this world? Did you exchange rings at the wedding in the previous world? I don’t understand well.

The jewels on the rings are more transparent than glass balls, and even if you don’t look closely, you won’t even know they exist. I know, this is a diamond.

“Diamond …?”

“No, you said you don’t need a diamond, so we prepared another one in a hurry.”

“… Did you say that?”

“Really … Yumiera …”

Patrick sighs, laughing at help and strokes my head. I deposited my head on his shoulder, as if not to escape.

You have done the bad and selfish. Surely, I just said something, and he knew it … But Patrick tried to answer my request.

Listen to his left ear while listening to his heartbeat in his right ear.

“This is a special magic stone that can put the magic of humans. That was a suspicious merchant? I tried to sell a whistle of a monster call. I bought it from him.”

Oh, that merchant? I can never forget the person who triggered my abuse.

The ability to use the magic of human beings means that in the event of an emergency, magic can be performed using the magic of the ring. That’s very …

“I can’t imagine a situation where Yumiera will run out of magic, but I’m not saying there is no practicality, so I’m glad if you like it.”

“Thank you, Patrick!”

The mood rises to a gift that is too great, and he inadvertently embraces him. He slipped shyly as he pulled sideways. Patrick is ashamed of anything.

“Then, let’s put in the magic.”

After a while, I pour my magic into the ring jewel. Carefully, little by little, little by little so as not to break.

The magic stone that has fully absorbed my dark magic begins to emit a grim black glow. It’s like a curse item that destroys the world.

When we saw the radiance of chaos that aroused human desire, we ceased. What is I with such magical power?

“… Isn’t it better to add Patrick’s magic?-See, it’s a gift from you.”

“… I see.”

With the magic of Patrick’s wind, the gem turned emerald-green. Very nice like his eyes.

Yeah, it’s good because it’s finally beautiful

She was told to get married and answered “yes.” I don’t know when it will be, but I have to start preparing for the wedding. I have to send invitations.

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