Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 55

26 Fate Reunion

The only thing I can think of outside the city is the grassland just outside the city of Dorknes. It is also a memorable place where we drank with Patrick before.

I walk alone, with a dark attribute sword, a cane for all attributes, and full equipment.

When I looked back, I could see the city without walls and the lord’s mansion in the center.

I didn’t want to leave the place where I could see the city, but it seemed that my request would come true. The Duke of Hillrose was alone in a location where he could see the entire city from the outside.

I look at the city behind me without looking at me.

“Hmm … it’s a town with no merit. It’s not a big city or an industry, it’s an ordinary city with no stranger.”

“I really like this.”

“That’s right. You’re essentially a good man, you shouldn’t have an attachment to the city you control.”

The Duke says with a nasty smile. I was scared to see if I was having a lot of trouble because of the guy.

First victory, let’s capture him. You can listen to any number of stories later. You should consider what to do with the Duke later. It is charming that you might hit a little stronger.

I abandon my sword and cane and run straight to the Duke. Hit with your right fist, hit with your left fist, or both?

Looking at the duke who has not been able to respond to my movements, I ponder for the moment.

Immediately before starting the preliminary operation of the punch, the forehead is shocked.

“Oh hurt”

“… I didn’t expect it to hit me suddenly.”

I hold back the painful forehead and crouch involuntarily. It’s like hitting a wall you can’t see, but it’s not my wall that’s damaging me …

“Ah! The church barrier!”

“That’s right, it’s a barrier magic tool that is transmitted to the headquarters of Sanonism. By deploying it smaller than when it is set up in a church, its strength is increased several times, or even tens of times.”

“No way to meet again in such a place …”

“In addition, not only against darkness but also against physical physics … hey, are you listening?”

The Duke of Hillrose is speaking, but never came into my ears.

Finally found! My nemesis! If you think you can never meet again after being stolen, you will appear before me. After all, we are rivals of destiny, and we are the ones who have to be settled.

Turn and kick at the beginning, the barrier is not surprising. Unlike the previous one, you can see the outline of the barrier even faintly. This dimly shining cube is my strong enemy to break. The size is smaller than before, it will be full if five people enter.

“Hehehe, it’s harder than before.”

“Hey, listen, I’m–”

Punch with your right hand with momentum!

There was a bang.

Did you do it? Looking at my hand, my right wrist was bending in an impossible direction. She is shaking with no power.

“A broken wrist, not an arm, is proof that power is running away.

“Hey! Hands! Are you okay? Does it hurt?”

Focus your spirit while healing your wrist with recovery magic. It’s time to fire the whole Yumiera punch.

But my mental unity is disturbed by the voices of third parties. This person has been noisy since a while ago.

“So! Talk! Listen!”

“… what is it? Or who was it? Please go somewhere because it is in the way.”

“Yumiera Dorknes! I guess you came here because I called!”

that? Did I not meet my nemesis again, guided by the world?

He worked hard, dug up his memory and recalled, he was the Duke of Hillrose. It’s been a long time since I thought about him.

“Oh, I remember, Duke of Hillrose. What’s your use?”

“That’s it! I was just talking about it!”

The Duke shouts in desperate forms, breaking words. Is this person such a character?

“Um … oh! I was trying to make a coup.”

“That’s right! I’m right. I’ll get you a little old-fashioned.”

I hate it. I want to resume the battle with the barrier soon.

My passion seemed to have passed, and he started talking a little faster.

“Is it over soon?”

“I understand, please do it quickly.”

“Do you know where to start and how the duke was made? I knew I wasn’t interested. The brother of the king, the first king of the Balshine kingdom, who was called the hero, started the duke.”

I know that much. Don’t lick me who read a book in the library in my spare time during school days.

But the stories that followed were unheard of. The barrier is reduced to about half of my thoughts and I hear it unintentionally.

“The first duke thought, how can he protect the kingdom that his brother had created. Put his whole kingdom first, not his own house. My ancestors’ ideas passed on to the duke family. I’ve been. ”

He claims to be kingdom first, but he said that the duke had long begun confronting the royal family. He says with a suspicious face because the story is inconsistent.

“Yes, we’ve been confronting the royal family for generations, because of the kingdom.”

“I do not understand the meaning”

“The kingdom has a variety of nobles. In the beginning, of course, there have been many noble families in the long history. Of course, some are trying to turn to the royal family. There’s no danger of not being there. ”

There are nobles who don’t really like the royal family. Those who have fallen from such a mainstream group belong to the duke’s family and are called extremists from the surroundings. ?

“Such, then you …”

“Okay, we’ve been manipulating those who have revenge against the royal family. Sometimes we’ve been reluctant to do anything fancy, and sometimes we’ve dragged the nobles of the royal sect to eliminate their dissatisfaction.”

If so, shouldn’t we just be able to withstand the uproar of Prince Edwin this time? If it isn’t time to move now, let’s advise that you should be quiet because you will be crushed by the Royal Family as it is.

But the Duke planned his own coup, leading the way.

He continues to laugh sadly.

“That’s just the limit. There’s too much pus in this country. It’s time to put together unnecessary things in one place and throw them away. I decided to clean up before and after the Demon King’s uproar, so I sent Ronald to him. ”

He is going to be executed. Take all the nobles who are rebellious to the royal family.

“How can you do that?”

“Such a thing?”

“How can I sacrifice myself so much for His Majesty?”

“No, I don’t care about him. It’s a country, I love the Balshine kingdom. I don’t care about the sweet royal family who knew the role of the Duke and tried to stop him.”

He used to be happy, as he once complained to His Majesty that he was a best friend.

He has been lying and deepening the confrontation with the royal family, and he is still lying.

I understand his purpose. Clean up the kingdom with the extremist aristocrats.

But hasn’t it had anything to do with me?

“I understand your purpose. Then why me?”

“Two reasons are to let others know that my rebellious intentions are genuine. Ronald’s plan, which he now had, was to secure his security in the barriers. You have to secure it and let the monsters attack the royal capital, because doing so involves danger. I wanted to demonstrate in a land with the least danger. ”

“It’s annoying …”

“I tried to pull Yumiera Dorknes into my camp, but I was rejected and made a monster attack on the territory of Dorknes, also acting as a royal city exercise …”

Oh, the coup plan was not at Ronald’s place, but at my house. I missed the timing to say it.

I may be more concerned. He says he will hit certain places with monsters, but only the Demon King can do that. Mankind should not have the skill of manipulating demons.

“Isn’t it feasible to make monsters attack you?”

“Hmm, you can’t direct the demon in a specific direction, but you can call it to a specific location … it’s about time.”

Duke Hillrose said, at exactly that moment, a familiar sound from the city behind me.

A whistle of a monster call that was taken care of a long time ago when the level was raised extremely. The sound of the whistle multiplied many times sounds.

The Duke proudly said.

“Did you know? I prepared a feast of the demon call, one of the very rare oversized ones.”

“Ah! That’s me! I’m the one I was trying to buy! Give it on, I’ll pay you any money!”

“After a while, demons gather in that city. At that time, you are–”

“Are your subordinates blew? Where are you? Oh, aren’t you planning to abandon it and withdraw? If you pick it up, it’s mine, right?”

“Talk! Listen!”

Talk? There is no story that is more important than the oversized flute of the monster!

I was sorry that I couldn’t get it. And I was doing that embarrassing thing.

“… I’m sorry, I’m upset.”

I regained calmness, remembering the spoiled incident. The Duke sighs big and says.

“Oh, you’re somewhere strange”

That’s all told Patrick. Not to mention now.

So, a whistle for a monster call?

“I’m coming.”

“Yes, a horde of demons rushes in.”

“Not there”

Come is my eyecatcher. Until now, be prepared to explain that I am not the culprit.

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