Leveling Up in Life

8: The Calm Before the Storm

Titus drifted into the silence of the night; his mind heavy with the darkness that the dying light created around him. As he was about to jump back into his designs for the apartment, a sudden clear ring interrupted the silence. His phone lit up with a notification, drawing his attention.

“Trial Phase: Relic Hunt Begins” the message read. He felt a jolt of electricity shoot through him as he read the rest:

[Players have been selected to participate in the Relic Hunt's trial phase. A 24-hour countdown has commenced. This is no longer just a game, failure could prove fatal.]

Titus's heart raced, the words echoing ominously in his mind. This wasn’t just a playful distraction anymore; it felt serious, even threatening. The implications twisted in his stomach, the excitement from earlier replaced by a heavy knot of anxiety. What did failure mean? Would it affect his job, his living situation? Or worse, would it impact him personally?


The seconds slipped by like grains of sand, each one amplifying the pressure he felt building within. He got up and started pacing the room, combing his fingers through his hair as he attempted to sort out this startling change in his world.

His mind raced with possibilities. He had barely adjusted to the changes in his life brought on by the Lifeline System. Now, he faced a trial that promised to test his resolve and skill. What if he wasn’t ready? He had barely scraped through the last quests; this felt like stepping into a gladiator's arena.

His eyes shifted, as he looked towards the Memento Coin on the windowsill, reflecting the dying light of the sun. It had represented hope, strength, and the past he was resolved to leave behind. But now, it felt like a taunt. Would he be able to find that strength during a time of testing? The thought sent a shiver down his spine.

He looked down at the map on his phone, that glistening interface of possibilities. Would he have to venture out? What if he didn’t know where to go or what to do? The usual noise of the city outside seemed far away, like the world had taken a step back and left him alone in his mounting fear.

Titus clenched his fists, grounding himself in the moment. The weight of the situation pressed down on him, but he had come this far. He had taken steps to change his life. Perhaps this whole shebang was another chance, a very scary one.

A sudden notification flashed across Titus's vision, filling his mind with the familiar metallic voice of the system:

[System Update: Version 1.1 Released.]
[Enhanced interface capabilities unlocked. Players can now access the Lifeline System without external devices. The new internal HUD is active, allowing direct interaction with quests, skills, and inventory through mental commands. A trial phase for this feature will be initiated during the upcoming Trials of the Relic. Adjustments will be made based on player performance and feedback. Good luck, player.]

As the message faded, Titus felt a surge of excitement and unease. The game was changing.

Titus stood still in the middle of his living room, feeling the familiar buzz of anticipation ripple through him. He concentrated, and BAM, a menu appeared right in front of his eyes, colorful and lively. No longer reliant on his phone, the Lifeline System floated in his field of vision, a colorful array of options and notifications pulsing gently.


[Status Screen: Titus Warden]

Level: 5

Title: N/A

Current Quest: Relic Hunt – Trial 1(23:56:34)

Health: 121/121

Stamina: 60/60

Mana: 16/16

XP: 65/400


Coins: 150

1 × Memento Coin


Worn Hoodie: A faded, comfortable hoodie that Titus frequently wears. The fabric is soft from years of wear, but it's resilient enough for daily use.

Simple T-Shirt: A plain cotton T-shirt, faded but comfortable.

Casual Jeans: A standard pair of denim jeans, rugged but with wear and tear showing along the edges.

Basic Sneakers: A pair of everyday sneakers with worn soles, perfect for running quick errands.


Concentration: This skill improves mental clarity and efficiency, leading to better performance in high-pressure or detailed tasks.

Observation Lv1: Allows user to notice more subtle details in his environment, enhancing his awareness of surroundings

Drink Crafting Lv1: Gives user the knowledge to create basic beverages, from simple energy drinks to low-tier potions. It focuses on creating drinks that can restore stamina or provide temporary buffs.

The interface reacted perfectly to his thoughts, easily moving from one menu to another. It interested him, unlike the tedious activities that filled most his days. He clicked on different tabs skills, equipment, inventory, all arm's reach away. It felt like stepping into a video game, where he could shape his narrative and abilities with the power of his mind.

But as excitement surged, a chill crept in. The boundaries of his reality began to blur. This machine had become so ingrained in the tissue of his life that it had altered his perception of the world, an omnipresent specter. The clear lines of his new apartment paled in comparison to the colorful interface that commanded his attention.

Titus hesitated, glancing from the dangling menus to the window. The city breathed around outside of me, but it seemed so far away now. The thrill of engagement with the system came at a price; he could no longer separate his existence from its mechanics. Every choice he made now felt like a transaction in a game rather than a decision grounded in reality.

His chest felt uncomfortable as he switched back and forth between the stats. He recalled moments from his day, conversations with coworkers, the scent of coffee brewing, laughter shared over meals. Those were the fibers of which his life had been made of, but there he was, subjected to an interface that needed his focus, which controlled the way that he saw everything.

Titus got a twinge of longing for life before the system. Would he have been able to get to this point by himself? Would those times still be so enjoyable or would they just be steps on a ladder of progress. It had promised change, but as he drifted the menus, he could not escape the feeling of uneasiness that followed him like a shadow.

Titus's focus shifted back to the glowing interface, where a new notification flashed into view.

[New Player Detected: Alyssa]

[Status Screen: Alyssa Bennet]

Level: 7

Title: ???

Current Quest: ???

Health: ???

Stamina: ???

Mana: ???

XP: ???


He looked at the screen with his mouth open, stomach doing backflips in disbelief. How could she not have mentioned it, if she also had the lifeline system. They had exchanged pleasantries, shared a moment of connection, but this felt like a hidden layer he hadn’t anticipated. He had felt bare, like she had known something he hadn't, her life making his seem insignificant.

His heart raced as he examined the details. Alyssa had clearly been navigating this world far longer than he had, racking up skills and experience points while he had only just begun. The implications hung heavy in the air. Could he trust her? Was she just a neighbor, or was she up to something he hadn't thought of.

A wave of suspicion crept in, making him uneasy. He had felt a spark of camaraderie with her, but now that warmth felt tainted by the revelation of her hidden life. What else had she kept from him? Were they friends or enemies in this unknown game.

Titus's jaw tightened and a frown carved itself into his face. The system had left doors open, yet it felt as if it had closed in the walls on him. His interactions with Alyssa now carried weight, a tension that hadn’t existed before. The once simple neighborly connection transformed into a complicated web of possibilities and uncertainties.

He recalled their brief encounter, her guarded demeanor, the way she had laughed but never fully let him in. What secrets lay behind her eyes? Was she working her own issues in the Lifeline System? The thought felt heavy, a leaden weight in his chest, pulling him down into a pool of doubt.

Titus took a deep breath and turned his attention back to the interface. The blinking of the menu selections served as a blatant reminder of the path on which he had just begun. Yet now, he faced a choice beyond quests and skills, how to approach Alyssa. Should he confront her, demand answers, or tread lightly, trying to gauge her intentions? The uncertainty gnawed at him, twisting his thoughts in a direction he hadn’t anticipated.

Titus walked back and forth across his living room, the muffled sound of his footsteps combining with the white noise of the city outside. He flipped through the Lifeline System's tabs, his eyes skimming over the different stats that made up who he was. Health, stamina, and, of course, his skills glowed brightly, a beacon of his potential in this new world.

But he curiously thought how he compared to Alyssa. If she had discovered some powers that would allow the trial to be her playground? The thought made his stomach twist. If she was an experienced one then he was sorely lacking, a noob in a world of experienced gamers.

He thought of the Observation skill, and a weak hope grew inside of him. This skill could offer him a significant advantage. The ability to notice small details, to pick up on subtle cues, maybe it would help him read the situation, gauge Alyssa’s intentions, and understand her better. He could use that experience to get through the upcoming trial, but would it be sufficient?

Titus’s thoughts spiraled. Would Alyssa's experience mean she’d be a powerful ally or a dangerous opponent? Her laughter from their previous encounter echoed in his mind, a bittersweet reminder of the brief connection they had shared. Could she be trusted, or was she merely biding her time, ready to capitalize on his inexperience?

He shook his head, frustration simmering beneath the surface. He could confront her, demand to know what she was hiding, but the thought sent a chill down his spine. What if she turned out to be more than he could handle? What if her revelations shattered the fragile bond they had begun to forge?

With every moment ticking away before the trial began, the pressure mounted. He felt the weight of expectation bearing down on him. He wanted to prove himself, to rise above the uncertainties that had plagued his life for so long. However, the game just became personal with Alyssa's large shadow over him.

His resolve wavered, and doubt seeped into his thoughts. Was he ready to face her? Would he take the risk of finding something that would completely contradict everything he had always wished for? The choice haunted him like a ghost, mocking him as he thought about it and balanced the possibility of loss against the gain.

Titus lay in his new bed, the sheets cool against his skin, yet rest eluded him. The ticking clock echoed through the stillness of the room, each tick amplifying his mounting anxiety. The countdown to the trial had begun, and with every passing minute, the reality of his situation pressed down harder on his chest. His thoughts spun around the Lifeline System, the upcoming trial, and what Alyssa's appearance meant.

Pictures ran through his mind, pieces of strategy and apprehension, the contradiction of a frenzied ballet. He envisioned the relic hunt, a series of dungeons filled with shadows, symbols etched into ancient walls, and the echo of footsteps that seemed to beckon him deeper into the unknown. Then right in the middle of all of this, Alyssa emerges, a shadow in the corners of his mind. Her face was unreadable, her eyes burning with a fierceness that attracted and frightened him.

He fell into a fitful sleep and shards of dreams started stitching themselves together. The air thickened with a sense of foreboding as he found himself navigating a dark, labyrinthine dungeon. Cold stone walls loomed around him, and flickering torches cast erratic shadows that danced like ghosts. He stumbled along narrow passages with the air filled with the smell of damp earth and faint voices in the distance. Every corner he took pulled him further into the shadows, almost as if he could make out the sound of something or someone following him.

Then an icon appeared on the wall, shining with an other worldly light. It pulsed, drawing him closer, but just as he reached out, the scene shifted. Out of the shadows came Alyssa with her face shining in an ominous light.

“Are you ready for this?” she asked, her voice echoing in the cavernous space, laced with challenge and something deeper, something that felt almost like concern.

But before he could answer, the world around him distorted, the symbol melting into a mass of shadows. Panic surged through him, and he spun around, searching for a way out. The walls began to close in, constricting his breath. Every beat of his heart pounded like a drum in his ears cancelling out the murmurs of his doubt that raged inside of him.

Titus jolted awake, his heart racing. The remnants of the dream lingered like smoke, leaving him unsettled and disoriented. He sat up, the shadows of the room creeping closer as the reality of the trial loomed, a dark specter hanging over him, waiting to be confronted.


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