Life as a Royal’s Breeding Partner

Chapter 1 – Almost There

"Fuck, this sucks, constant request for the next three weeks. Doesn't Mistress care about how hard it is to walk in those shoes? I will be walking the entire town two inches at a time."

"Shut the fuck up. All you have to do is walk around, perform poetry, maybe dance, and then walk to the next appointment. I'm yet again overdue. I'm still forced to have sex with sadists, and I'm not allowed to use my magic to relieve any of the many different pains I have right now. My passive circulation is all I get." I slowly wobbled my way down to her lower legs to give the overworked girl a massage. "I've got to dance, seduce customers, take customers up to my room that Mistress still demands to be on the fourth floor and give massages out that more often than not need to have a happy ending. Please find someone else to complain to."

"Shit, you're so much better to talk to when you're in the first trimester. I know you have it hard. All the girls know you've got it the most demanding here. Yes, we also know that, unlike you, we are all enjoying our time here a bit. But you don't get to shut down our complaints. We do our best to support you. Show us a little as well."

"If I'm so much better in the first trimester, come complaining again in what better be only a few days, or I'm going to strangle these kids as they come out of me. I've heard she is already selling my womb to the highest bidder. It sounds like the new class has raised my worth yet again." Frustration oozing out with every word.

"Well, I guess that explains why you suck to be around this late in your pregnancies," a relaxed tone coming as the tight muscles in Yuki's calf finally loosened. As the 'high entertainer' of the establishment, she was treated like a queen. A full body massage every night. She was the first to use the bath, and the orphan girls even helped her bathe, wash her hair, and dry it. She is the face of the house. Working in one of the highest-class brothels in the city, she had to look, act, sing, dance, and play perfectly. She isn't even allowed to be seen getting touched. So, yes, I'm being a little mean.

Unlike my class, hers had nothing to do with sex, just performing the arts. The only thing stopping me from strangling Yuki was my beautiful collar. Yes, I am forced to call the beautiful collar the beautiful collar. Yes, it isn't the only reason I don't strangle her. Yuki, the beautiful Kitsune, is one of my only two friends in the hell hole. My temper is short these days. Being constantly pregnant for the past nine years isn't doing my mind any help, and with my last class, I was able to get pregnant twice as much! Mistress was happy to get two pregnancies a year for the past three years, each being at least triplets, and boy does that do a number on everything that is me.

"Sorry, I'm tired. Today I got some sadistic fuck yet again. The client used her magic to force as much milk out as she could; she used whips, chains, and pain for a full two hours. Then, Mistress had the gall to ask me to go out and get a customer during the dancing. Got a couple. They demanded some quite exotic positions from me, and they loved pulling out the largest dildos." Letting my exhaustion out as I finished the last muscle of the day.

We were in the masseuse room. I was the main attraction of the room. Most days, starting a little after lunch, the room opened up, and I would give a customer or two a massage. The massages always had me bent over the table in the end. The table had several enchantments; the comfort rune was the most important for the marble slab. Without it, I would need to use a softer material that would get ruined from the oils and sexual fluids. Another was to keep it heated. Others were to keep it from breaking and stuff like that. The corner of the room had a small bath filled from a small pipe in the ceiling, creating a waterfall to give a calming background noise. The back wall had cabinets to store the oils, soaps, and towels. One on the side also had the toys they would use to torture me.

"I know, Alzi, but you know that collar will pop off in a year. Two more pregnancies and you're finally a free girl." A yawn came from the cute girl. Her tails spread out, showing their total seven feet in length. Nine tails, all obsidian black with natural gold streaks. She was naked, showing her toned abs, large breasts, and clean shave. Golden streaks weren't just isolated to her tail. Her entire body had them racing across, giving her a goddess feel. Her furry ears and small face completed her beautiful look.

"Thanks for sticking around for me. One year, and we leave." Shuffling to her side to give her the best one-arm hug I can manage with my bulging belly. I'm sure this will be my biggest batch, at least 10 in there. I've brought twenty-seven kids into this world through my womb, and I have no idea how many kids I've fathered; my virility makes any birth control method except keeping my cock far from your pussy not work. Luckily, part of the deal with being bred is they have to take the kids. I would never get to leave this place if I had to pay for the childcare for all the kids I've mothered. I wish I could see them growing up and help raise them, but I know I will likely never see them again. "I'll see you tomorrow unless the kids finally decide to leave their useless mother behind."

"You aren't useless; you'll see once that stupid collar is gone." A smile creeps onto her face.

"You always say that, but I feel like I only know how to complain and give birth." With a sigh, I tell her goodnight.

"Goodnight, love; try to relax and find some joy in the lives you're working so hard to bring into the world." sneaking out the door of the small room.

"I'm not finding joy in being a breeding bitch." I mumble, slowly organizing the various oils and toys I used that day. The orphans will clean, but I have to put everything away. Luckily, Yuki doesn't like using too many oils, so I only have a few bottles to store before I can walk out the door.

I walk up the narrow stairs. Some moans can be heard from the rooms I pass. The rooms are mostly soundproof, but some girls are absolute screamers. Mine is perfectly soundproof due to the sadistic shit they can do to me. I've been here long enough that the sounds hardly registered in my mind. Up four flights of stairs, I finally reach my floor. I turn to walk through the hallway lined with doors, my room the farthest from the back stairs, closest to the main stairs. The hallway is decorated simply, with red carpet, miniature portraits along the wall of patrons who have spent the most in the brothel, and a few notable girls who have called this floor home. I finally reach my room. The orphans had cleaned the milk, blood, and other fluids spilled in service to my customers earlier. I remove my robe and turn to the mirror to see how big I've gotten.

My belly manages to be the most impressive feature. Not long curved horns, ass lengthen hair, or eight-foot tail that all have constantly change streaks of colors. I've never been able to figure out why, but my skin is the only part of my body that doesn't constantly change colors. My tail and wings even give off a glow. I let my wings expand some. I don't have enough room to let them fully be free, given that my wingspan is about 20 feet. Covered in scales, they also have swirling colors.

My breasts are large and full of milk, sagging just a bit. The pair alone would be enough to hurt my back and add on a near-constant belly. It is only through magic that my back hasn't been destroyed by now. My tail does help balance out the weight they give, but only barely. I try to hold my hands around my belly, but my hands aren't even close to touching. About two inches of space between my middle fingers. "I better give birth soon, or even my iron womb will burst like this." I am complaining to myself about the same complaint I've had for the past two weeks. "I'll be right one of these times." I chuckle, folding my wings and slipping into my bed. I give a silent prayer, hoping to give birth tomorrow.

The response to my prayers came when Sharp pain came across my stomach. "Of course, why let me sleep and be ready to push all of you out? No, it is much better to make sure your mother is sleep-deprived when doing this. Little shits." I slowly get out of bed; I don't bother with any clothing, move out the back door, and descend the stairs. Luckily, the contractions are far enough apart that I can get down the stairs with some effort. The pain is familiar to me, so walking through it, while not easy, is possible. I've got probably an hour before the kids truly start to come. Fifteen minutes later, I finally got to the midwife on the first floor. Most brothels don't have one, but with the frequency of my pregnancies and how much Mistress sells my womb for, she didn't have an option. The cost of the midwife was probably a tenth of how much gold each pregnancy earned her. Then, I added that I do it twice a year. Well, you have a simple investment. Plus, she is a healer and not just a midwife.

Pushing open the door to her room, I shouted, "Kids seem to want out now, Kelly." The contractions were speeding up much faster than I had predicted.

"Ok," she says, wiping the sleep from her face, "Not letting me have the joy of stripping you, I see. You know that takes off a lot from my price."

"Shut up. The one thing my class doesn't do is make the pain less for these. Please, just start helping."

"Yes, yes. Don't worry; we've done this enough times." Finally, getting out of bed and helping me get to the small table I've used too many times now. Lucky with my height, I'm able to quickly get part of my ass onto the side of the table. Kelly helps me get my legs up and forces me into position, the pain starting to take over. No matter how many times I've done this, the pain when the kids start coming out is something I can never get used to. "You are dilated enough for them now, so work with me here. Steady breaths, push with me here, and we'll get through this."

"I know, I know. Why can't the pain be lower? My vagina should be used to the abuse now. FFFUUUUUUUCCCCKKK." A strong contraction surprises me.

"Good job, keep it up. I see a kid now." The pain was going. All of the kids seemed to want out at the same time. Every muscle strained to try to help. It took everything I had to keep breathing through it.

"One more push for the first kid. With me now, push. Perfect, a healthy girl. A few deep breaths, and we start on the next." No relief was to be found; the kids wanted out now. They must have realized the due date was a while ago.


It was a long birth; I didn't have any complications, really, just a lot of kids. Thirty-two hours in total for eleven kids. The buyer sure got their gold worth this time. I don't get to name the kids. Sometimes, I don't even get to breastfeed them, especially when it is a long birth like this one, giving the parents plenty of time to come and take them away from me.

Waking up from my slumber, I quickly went in after the last kid came out. My nipples didn't hurt, so it seemed the parents picked their kids up quickly this time.

"Morning, sleepy. I wish you could see the faces of the parents when they found out how many kids they were taking with them today. Lucky for them, it was a big family, so they had plenty of nipples to go around for all the kids," Yuki says.

"I see. I still feel like I could sleep for a year. How long was I asleep?" I struggle out a response.

"A full 8 hours. Wonder how long it has been since you've done that."

"Great, enough rest time for Mistress to force me back to work. Wonder what the next family will be like." Choking back tears. Each time, my body made it clear how sad it was to lose the kids it worked so hard to create. The prospect of doing it all again so soon certainly didn't help. "I hope they are a low virility group."

"Don't think about that. Here, flip over, and I'll help you relax for once."

"Thanks." Flipping over, hoping she had improved from the last time she tried to give me a massage.

"Don't you dare touch her; you know the rules, and this isn't a private place," Mistress states, walking through the doorway. "Ten kids, you are truly a cash cow for me. I've already lined up the next one; Kelly will start doing the checks tonight. You'll just have extended hours as a masseuse. Yuki, you must stop getting close to the slave; it hurts your value."

"Mistress, you don't own me; I work for you, yes, but I can leave anytime, and you don't have anyone to replace me. If I want to be friends with Alzi, I will be. You know you can't and will never have someone as skilled as I am. I know you're lying about the price drop; everyone is always complaining about my price," Yuki responds, holding her annoyance from getting too thick in her voice. She can get away with some disobedience but must have reason to stick around for a year.

"You need to be getting ready, Yuki. You don't have much time, and the appointment is across the district."

"Fine," as she begrudgingly leaves the room.

"Alzi, good job. Your deal is almost up; the last few days will be the hardest, but you must work hard to make it worth the effort I spent on you."

"You've made the money back tenfold. I've been working hard for the last decade. If that is all you wanted, you don't need to say anything."

"I'm mainly here to check on you. I know it isn't easy for you, but I am happy with the work. I just need you to finish strong, and I'll be happy to keep you around as a dancer and masseuse full-time. Think about it: you haven't built many useful skills, and I would be happy to help."

"I'll consider it. You could make living here more pleasant if you want me to stay that bad."

"It is pleasant living here. I don't think you understand how much worse I could make it. So think about that: you'll have the night off but must make a few massage appointments. Don't worry; you won't be able to do more than oral for them."

"Thanks, Mistress"

"It's much better. Rest until then. Tomorrow, you start up full duties." Mistress walks out, long golden hair flowing behind her. Kelly soon replaces her.
"Hi, sorry for taking control of your room. I'll be out shortly."

"Don't worry about what you went through in that delivery. I'm surprised I'm able to get in here this fast. Your body is truly made for this; getting to full term with that many kids would kill most girls. Remember to come by if you have any pain; I am more than just a midwife."

"I know. Thanks for all the help. I'd be dead without you."

"I'm happy to help. When you get out of here, please think about bringing me with you. I doubt Mistress will keep me around without your significant pregnancies, and I always enjoy your company."

"I'm not sure what I'm going to do when I'm free, but if I get the chance, I'll be happy to have you around."

"Ok, be careful."

"I will, bye."

Walking out the door, I start my journey back to my room. Kelly isn't wrong; the other girls rarely get pregnant, men and herms are rare, and the birth control they take is nearly perfect. On the rare chance they get pregnant, I usually help them and Kelly during their delivery. That is how I know my classes don't lower the pain. The one difference is that I never have any complications; one girl had to have quite a look of cutting to get the child out of her. It took three months for her to heal completely. Mistress was not happy about that.

The girl is in so much debt from all the missed work that she will be around for half a decade longer than her original contract. I would love to help her out. Mai is a sweet girl, tiny at four feet ten inches. The only big thing about her is her tail, seven feet long. She gives out the cutest little purrs if you scratch behind her ears correctly. Unfortunately, being a slave, I earn no money; all I can do is offer her a massage here and there. I rarely get free time between my help with Yuki and being the masseuse, but I spend almost all of it with her since I get plenty of time with Yuki at night. Unfortunately, I'm too tired to go with her now; I only have a few hours of rest before being ready for customers.

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